Background Wahyu Nugroho A.S C9307090


A. Background

Tourism in Indonesia is increasing now. The government legitimates tourism as development aspect for second foreign exchange after gasoline. As one of tourism aspects, hotel is one of the important factors which give many benefits for tourism. Hotel is one of tourism industry which provides accommodation service, food service, beverage service and others for public. It’s a comfort place to take a rest for visitors who want to stay overnight or more. Hotel management has to give priority to the guest in service. Good service and complete facilities will keep hotel reputation and good image. Good service is an important component of hotel to give customer satisfaction. Good service needs hospitality, politeness, discipline, responsibility and professionalism. If the guests get good service from the hotel management, automatically the guest will be loyal customer. Good service to the customers will influence to customer satisfaction and hotel development. Hotel has departments having responsibilities to give good service and customer satisfaction. Some departments are Front Office Department, Food and Beverage Department, Engineering Department, House Keeping Department, Marketing Department, Accounting Department, Security Department, Human Resource Department and Purchasing Department. 1 commit to user Food and Beverage is one of hotel’s departments which have duties in producing and serving food and beverage to the guest. Food and beverage department is one of hotel income sources. This department is always wished to increase the product quality. Bar is one of the outlets which support this department. Bar is a place providing service of alcoholic or non alcoholic beverage. The guests call public bar. For getting the high income in selling drinks, bar is wished to give priority in service, to provide comfort place, and to provide non formal service for guests. Music room, popularly called musro, is one of public bar of food and beverage department in The Sunan Hotel Solo. It provides beverages alcoholic or non alcoholic, snacks, and live music or disk jockey DJ entertainment. Musro has crews which are good organized. Musro’s crews are bar manager, bar supervisor, bartender, and waiterwaitress. In facing competition, whole crews in Musro start from top leader until staff must always be cooperative for increasing good service and customer satisfaction. Bartender is a man who knows all beverages alcoholic or non alcoholic, is competent to mix some beverage items and understands the methods to serve. A bartender has special duties and responsibilities. Based on his SOP standard operating procedure, he has to work professionally and be responsible in his job in preparing, in operating and in closing. In keeping reputation, Musro bartenders should be able to increase their ability, their capability, their performance and their product. Therefore, a good bartender is very important in commit to user Musro of The Sunan Hotel Solo as the only one convention revenue and entertainment hotel in Solo. By considering the importance of a good bartender in Musro The Sunan Hotel Solo, I write a final project entitled “THE IMPORTANCE OF A GOOD BARTENDER AT MUSRO OF THE SUNAN HOTEL SOLO ”.

B. Objectives