Definition of Discussion Generic Structure of Discussion Text

8 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional G 3. Membahas kosa kata baru terkait materi bacaan. Kegiatan inti 1. Peserta membaca teks dan mengidentifikasi Generic structure dan Lexico Grammatical Features teks Discussion. 2. Peserta menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi bacaan. Sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran, pertanyaan bacaan meliputi: ƒ gambaran umum teks ƒ informasi tertentu ƒ tujuan komunikatif ƒ informasi rinci ƒ coherence dan cohesiveness Pada kegiatan ini, fasilitator dapat menggunakan berbagai teknik dan media atau alat peraga yang dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami teks. Misalnya: gambar peristiwa, video pendek. 3. Peserta membuat paragraf berbentuk discussion dengan cara mengurutkan paragraf acak. Kegiatan Akhir 1. Peserta merangkum apa yang telah dipelajari. 2. Peserta membuat daftar kemungkinan pendapat yang pro dan kontra terhadap suatu topik. 3. Peserta membuat teks sederhana discussion. Aktifitas Pembelajaran 2 Silakan Anda cermati contoh teks discussion di bawah ini kemudian kerjakan latihannya. 1. Tuliskan bagian-bagian paragraf di bawah ini sesuai generic structure- dalam teks Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional G 9 Text Generic Structure Twitter is an online social networking service and micro blogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as tweets. Some people believe that Twitter can be used to gather people and their enthusiasm for the event together. All participants in the conversation were able identify one another on some level from recognizing tweets an athlete or celebrity wrote to pinpointing which fansfollowers get the opportunity to discuss in real-time. However, some others think that newsmessaging taken-in by participants in the discussion can be unverifiedfalse. Rumors can develop and spread quicker as well. Events can escalate quickly with many fans jumping on the bandwagon, for better or worse. Fans and followers may lose some of the excitement in watching or learning about the real-time event due to hearing event news. In conclusion, Twitter has good and bad points. Having and learning how we want to present ourselves, our brands, and participation in conversations locally, nationally, and internationally is still a process we are discovering. Whether that’s a positive thing is for you to decide. .................. .................. .................. .................. 2. Analisislah bacaan di atas. Carilah katafrasakalimat yang menunjukkan: • generic participant • material processes • relational process • mental process • additive, • contrastive • causal connection • modalities • adverbial of manner