Jumlah total SKS hingga kelulusan

63 12. Menganal isa permasal ahan t eknik sipil minimal dal am 4 bidang spesial isasi yait u st rukt ur, sum- 12. ber daya air, t ransport asi, geot eknik, manaj emen konst ruksi dan t eknik penyehat an ASCE 14 Mendeinisikan point-point penting terkait spesialisasi lanjutan di bidang teknik sipil struktur, 13. sumber daya air, t ransport asi, geot eknik dan manaj emen konst ruksi. ASCE 15 Menerapkan komposisi dan t at a bahasa yang benar dal am komunikasi verbal dan t ert ul is, 14. mengut ip dengan t at a cara yang benar dan menggunakan st andar gambar yang t epat dal am menyaj ikan gambar t eknik ASCE 16 Menj el askan dan mendiskusikan konsep dan proses yang t erl ibat di dal am bisnis, administ rasi 15. publ ik dan kebij akan publ ik. ASCE 17 and 18 Menyel esaikan permasal ahan t eknik sipil dengan mempert imbangkan kont eks l okal dan gl obal 16. ASCE 19 Menerapkan prinsip l eadership dal am mengarahkan kerj a dari grup yang homogen ASCE 20 17. Menj el askan sikap sport if dal am prakt ek t eknik sipil yang prof essional ASCE 22 18. Menunj ukkan kemampuan mampu bel aj ar sepanj ang hayat ASCE 23 19. Menganalisa situasi yang sarat dengan konlik profesional dan kepentingan tertentu dan 20. mampu menent ukan sikap yang t epat ASCE 24 Memil iki int egrit as, mampu berpikir krit is, kreat if , dan inovat if sert a memil iki keingint ahuan 21. int el ekt ual unt uk memecahkan masal ah pada t ingkat individual dan kel ompok UI-a Mampu memberikan al t ernat if pemecahan masal ah t erhadap beragam masal ah yang t imbul di 22. Lingkungan masyarakat , bangsa dan negara UI-b Mampu mengidentiikasi ragam upaya wirausaha yang bercirikan inovasi dan kemandirian yang 23. berl andaskan et ika 13 Komposisi Mata Aj ar No. Jenis Mata Aj ar SKS Persentase i Mata Aj ar Universitas 18 13 ii Mata Aj ar Dasar Teknik 25 17 iii Mata Aj ar Keahlian 45 31 iv Mata Aj ar Pilihan 45 31 v Kerj a Praktek, Seminar, Skripsi, Proyek 11 8 Total 144 100

14. Jumlah total SKS hingga kelulusan

144 SKS Career Prospect Buil der • Innovat or • Communicat or • Leader • Environment al St ewards • P R O G R A M S A R J A N A JEJARING KOMPETENSI 10. Menunjukkan C3 kemampuan belajar sepanjang hayat ASCE-23. 22. Mendisain C5sistem, proses dan komponen infrastruktur teknik Sipil yang yang realistis yang mempertimbang faktor ekonomi, lingkungan , sosial, etik, kesehatan, keselamatan , constructability dan sustainability ASCE-9. 20. Menganalisis C4 hasil eksperimen dan mengevaluasi keakuratan hasil berdasarkan data material dan kondisi tes dalam lebih dari satu area teknik sipil ASCE-7. 21. Menganalisis C4 permasalahan teknik sipil minimal dalam 4 bidang spesialisasi : struktur , sumber daya air, transportasi , geoteknik, manajemen konstruksi dan teknik lingkungan ASCE-14 19. Menganalisis C4 berbagai problem mekanika pada benda padat dan fluida ASCE-6. 17. Menformulasikan C3 masalah - masalah mendasar di bidang teknik sipil dan menyelesaikannya dengan menerapkan teknik dan metode yang cocok. ASCE-8 UI-c. 18. Mengaplikasikan C3 ilmu material untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan di bidang teknik sipil ASCE-5. 11. Menganalisis C4 situasi yang sarat dengan konflik profesional dan kepentingan tertentu dan menentukan sikap yang tepat berdasarkan professionalisme etika Profesi ASCE-24. 14. Menjelaskan C3 pengaruh sejarah dan isu-isu kontemporer dalam memecahkan masalah teknik sipil dalam konteks ekonomi, lingkungan dan masyarakat ASCE- 11. 15. Menerapkan C3 prinsip-prinsip keberlanjutan sustainability dalam disain ASCE-10. 16. Menyelesaikan C3 permasalahan teknik sipil dengan mempertimbangkan konteks lokal dan global ASCE-19 12. Menjelaskan C2 konsep dan proses yang terlibat di dalam bisnis, administrasi publik dan kebijakan publik ASCE 17 18. 9. Menerapkan C3 prinsip leadership dalam mengarahkan kerja dari grup yang homogen ASCE-20. 8. Menjelaskan C2 sikap sportif dalam praktek teknik sipil yang professional ASCE-22. Profil Lulusan : Sarjana Teknik yang mampu merancang-bangun infrastruktur teknik sipil yang berwawasan lingkungan dan memiliki etika profesional. 13.Mengembangkan C3 solusi untuk permasalahan manajemen proyek ASCE-13 23. Mendefinisikan C1 point- point penting terkait spesialisasi lanjutan di bidang teknik sipil struktur, sumber daya air, transportasi, geoteknik dan manajemen konstruksi ASCE-15. 4. Menerapkan komposisi dan tata bahasa yang benar dalam komunikasi verbal dan tertulis, mengutip dengan tata cara yang benar dan menggunakan standar gambar yang tepat dalam menyajikan gambar teknik ASCE 16 UI-d. 7.Mengaplikasikan C3 ilmu sains fisika dan kimia untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan di bidang teknik ASCE-2. 5. Mengaplikasikan C3 ilmu matematika untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan di bidang teknik ASCE-6. 6. Menerapkan C3 prinsip-prinsip statistik dan probabilitas dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang memuat faktor ketidakpastian ASCE-12 4. Mampu menggunakan bahasa lisan dan tulisan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik untuk kegiatan akademik maupun non akademik UI-d ASCE 16. 2. Mampu memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah terhadap beragam masalah yang timbul di Lingkungan masyarakat , bangsa dan negara UI-b; ASCE 3 4 Mampu memanfaatkan teknologi informasi komunikasi UI-c ASCE 8 1. Memiliki integritas, mampu berpikir kritis, kreatif, dan inovatif serta memiliki keingintahuan intelektual untuk memecahkan masalah pada tingkat individual dan kelompok UI-a ASCE-21 3. Mampu mengidentifikasi ragam upaya wirausaha yang bercirikan inovasi dan kemandirian yang berlandaskan etika UI-e 6 5 JEJARING MATA AJAR Mata Ajaran Teknik Sipil AMDAL Audit Lingkungan Sistem Transportasi Peranc. Struktur Jalan MPKT B Bahasa Inggris Fisika Dasar I 3+1 Kalkulus Kimia MPKT A Agama Olah Raga Seni Aljabar Linier Fisika Dasar II Kalkulus Lanjut Statistik Probabilistik Pengantar Sist. Rek. Sipil Statik Mekanika Fluida Properties Material 2+1 Konstruksi Bangunan Ekonomi Teknik Ilmu Ukur Tanah Mek.Benda Padat Dasar Mekanika Tanah Sist. Rekayasa Sipil Kimia Lanjut Lingkungan Berkelanjutan 2 Dinamik Manajemen Konstruksi Perancangan Struktur Beton 1 Mekanika Tanah Peranc. Infr. Keairan 1 Peranc. Pengolahan Limbah Padat Terpadu Pengangkatan Tanah Mekanik Alat Berat Rekayasa Pondasi Peranc.Struktur Beton 2 Kapita Selekta K3LL Perancangan Struktur baja 1 Peranc. Geometric Jalan Peranc. Infr. Keairan 2 Analisa Struktur Etika Aspek Hukum Konstruksi 1. Analisa Struktur dg Metode Matrik 2. Teknik Transportasi 3. Permasalahan Lingkungan pada Isu Global 4. Teknik Sungai 5. Hidrolika 6. Ma Lintas Departemen 7.Ma pada jenjang S2 Proyek Kerja Praktek Seminar Skripsi 1. Peranc. Str. Kayu 2. Peranc. Struktur Baja 2 3. Metode Konstruksi dalam Geoteknik 4. Pencehgahan Pencemaran 5. Pengelolaan Limpasan Hujan 6. Ma Lintas Departemen 7.Ma pada jenjang S2 Technical Design Elective Core PILIHAN Nature Engineering Sciences Electives Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Mata Ajaran Dasar Teknik Mata Ajaran Dasar Universitas Teknik Sipil Teknik Sipil Mata Ajaran Teknik Sipil PROGRAM SARJANA Pavement Design Int egrat ed Charact er Building Course B Physics I 3+1 Calculus Basic Chemist ry Int egrat ed Charact er Building Course A Religion Sport Art Linear Algebra Physics II Advanced. Calculus St at ist ic Probabilist ic Int rod. t o Civil Engineering Syst em St at ics Fluid Mechanics Mat erial Propert ies 2+1 Building Const ruct ion Engineering Economics Surveying 2+1 Solid Mechanics Basic Soil Mechnics Civil Engineering Syst em Advanced Chemist ry Sust ainable Built Environment Const ruct ion Management Concret e St ruct . Design 1 Soil Mechanics Wat er Engineering 1 Design of Int egrat ed Solid Wast e Process Foundat ion Engineering Healt h, Saf et y Environment St eel St ruct ural Design 1 Road Geomet ric Design Wat er Engineering 2 St ruct ural Analysis 1. Transport at ion Engineering 2. EIA, Environment al Audit ISO 3. Global Issue of Environment al Problem 4. River Engineering 5. Hydraulics 6. Transport at ion Syst em 7. Courses f rom ot her Depart ment 6. Courses at Mast er Program Int ernship Seminar Final Proj ect 1. Et hics Const ruct ion Law 2. Concret e St ruct ural Design 2 3. St eel St ruct ural Design 2 4. Const ruct ion Met hods in Geot echnic 5. Pollut ion Prevent ion 6. Mechanical Eart hworks Heavy Equipment s 7. Courses f rom ot her Depart ment 8. Courses at Mast er Program Elect ive Courses 1 st Semest er 2 nd Semest er 3 r d Semest er 4 t h Semest er 5 t h Semest er 6 t h Semest er 7 t h Semest er 8 t h Semest er Engineering Courses Universit y Courses Civil Engineering Courses Academic Writ ing Semest er 5 t o 8 Cont inue t o QUT or ot her Part ner Universit ies Double Degree Program in UI Single Degree Program Semest er 1 t o 8 in UI Flow Diagram of Subj ects at International Program 67 CODE MATA AJARAN SUBJECT SKS Semester 1 1st Semester UIGE 6 0 0004 MPKT B Int egrat ed Charact er Buil ding Subj ect B 6 UIGE 6 0 0002 Bahasa Inggris Engl ish 3 ENGE 6 0 0003 Fisika Dasar 1 Physics 1 4 ENGE 6 0 0001 Kal kul us Cal cul us 4 ENGE 6 0 0010 Kimia Dasar Basic Chemist ry 2 Sub Total 19 Semester 2 2nd Semester UIGE 6 0 0001 MPKT A Int egrat ed Charact er Buil ding Subj ect A 6 UIGE 6 0 0003 Ol ah Raga Seni Sport Art 1 ENGE 6 0 0002 Al j abar Linear Linear Al gebra 4 ENGE 6 0 0004 Fisika Dasar 2 Physics 2 4 UIGE 6 0 0005-9 Agama Rel igious St udies 2 ENGE 6 0 0006 Kal kul us Lanj ut Advanced Cal cul us 3 Sub Total 20 Semester 3 3rd Semester ENGE 6 0 0005 St at ist ik dan Probabil ist ik St at ist ic and Probabil it y 2 ENCV 6 0 0002 Pengant ar Sist em Rekayasa Sipil Int roduct ion t o Civil Engineering Syst em 3 ENCV 6 0 0003 St at ika St at ics 4 ENCV 6 0 0004 Mekanika Fl uida Fl uid Mechanics 3 ENCV 6 0 0005 Propert i Mat erial 2+1 Mat erial Propert ies 2+1 3 ENCV 6 0 0006 Konst ruksi Bangunan Buil ding Const ruct ion 4 Sub Total 19 Semester 4 4th Semester ENGE 6 0 0007 Ekonomi Teknik Engineering Economics 3 ENCV 6 0 0007 Il mu Ukur Tanah 2+1 Surveying 2+1 3 ENCV 6 0 0008 Mekanika Benda Padat 3+1 Sol id Mechanics 3+1 4 ENCV 6 0 0009 Mekanika Tanah Dasar 2+1 Basic Soil Mechanics 2+1 3 ENCV 6 0 0010 Sist em Rekayasa Sipil Civil Engineering Syst em 3 ENCV 6 0 0011 Kimia Lanj ut Advanced Chemist ry 2 Mat a Aj aran Pil ihan Al am dan Sains Sal ah Sat u dari : Nat ure and Engineering Sciences El ect ives Choose one out of : ENCV 6 0 0012 Lingkungan Berkel anj ut an Sust ainabl e Buil t Environment 2 ENCV 6 0 0013 Dinamika Dynamics 2 Sub Total 20 Semester 5 5th Semester ENCV 6 0 0014 Manaj emen Konst ruksi Const ruct ion Management 3 ENCV 6 0 0015 Anal isa St rukt ur 2+1 St ruct ural Anal ysis 2+1 3 Mat a Kul iah Pil ihan Teknik dan Perancangan Pada semest er 5 6 mahasiswa waj ib memil ih minimal 24 SKS dari minimal 4 peminat an: Technical Design El ect ive Core In Semest er 5 6 Choose minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions 1. St rukt ur : 1. St ruct ure : ENCV 6 0 0101 Perancangan St rukt ur Bet on 1 Concret e St ruct ural Design 1 3 2. Geot eknik : 2. Geot echnics : ENCV 6 0 0201 Mekanika Tanah 2+1 Soil Mechanics 2+1 3 3. Tranport asi : 3. Transport at ion : ENCV 6 0 0301 Perancangan St rukt ur Perkerasan 2+1 Pavement Design 2+1 3 ENCV 6 0 0302 Sist im Transport asi 2+1 Transport at ion Syst em 2+1 3 4. Manaj emen Sumber Daya Air 4. Wat er Resources Mangement ENCV 6 0 0401 Perancangan Inf rast rukt ur Keairan 1 Wat er Engineering 1 3 6. Lingkungan 6. Enviroment ENEV 6 0 0009 Perancangan Pengol ahan Limbah Padat Terpadu Design of Int egrat ed Sol id Wast e Management 3 ENEV 6 0 0011 Amdal , Audit Lingkungan dan ISO Environment Impact Anal ysis and ISO 2 Sub Total 18 Semester 6 6th Semester ENGE 6 0 0008 K3LL Heal t h, Saf et y and Environment al Prot ect ion 2 ENCV 6 0 0016 Kapit a Sel ekt a Capit a Sel ect a 2 Struktur Kurikulum Program Sarj ana Teknik Sipil Reguler Paralel P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 68 CODE MATA AJARAN SUBJECT SKS Mat a Kul iah Pil ihan Teknik dan Perancangan Pada semest er 5 6 mahasiswa waj ib memil ih minimal 24 SKS dari minimal 4 peminat an: Technical Design El ect ive Core Choose minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions 1. St rukt ur : 1. St ruct ure : ENCV 6 0 0102 Perancangan St rukt ur Baj a 1 St eel St ruct ural Design 1 3 ENCV 6 0 0103 Perancangan St rukt ur Bet on 2 Concret e St ruct ural Design 2 3 2. Geot eknik : 2. Geot echnics : ENCV 6 0 0202 Rekayasa Pondasi Foundat ion Engineering 3 3. Tranport asi : 3. Transport at ion : ENCV 6 0 0303 Perancangan Geomet rik Jal an Road Geomet ric Design 3 4. Manaj emen Sumber Daya Air 4. Wat er Resources Mangement ENCV 6 0 0402 Perancangan Inf rast rukt ur Keairan 2 Wat er Engineering 2 3 5. Manaj emen Konst ruksi 5. Const ruct ion Management ENCV 6 0 0501 PTM dan Al at Berat Mechanical Eart hworks and Heavy Equipment s 3 ENCV 6 0 0502 Et ika dan Aspek Hukum Indust ri Konst ruksi Et hics and Const ruct ion Law 2 Pil ihan El ect ives 3 Sub Total 17 Semester 7 7th Semester ENCV 6 0 0017 Kerj a Prakt ek Int ernship 3 ENCV 6 0 0019 Seminar Seminar 1 ENCV 6 0 0018 Proyek Capst one Proj ect 3 Pil ihan El ect ives Sub Total 16 Semester 8 8th Semester ENCV 6 0 0020 Skripsi Final Proj ect 4 Pil ihan El ect ives 9 Sub Total 13 Total 144 El ect ive Courses : St udent s may choose el ect ive courses : Of f ered by undergraduat e program in 1. Semest er 7 and 8; or Of f ered by Mast er Degree program wit h 2. maximum credits of 18 or, Offered by other Department with maxi - 3. mum of 3 courses or 9 credit s For st udent s pursue t o Mast er Degree 4. Program t hrough f ast t rack mecha- nism; at semest er 7t h and 8t h, choose maximum of 18 credits offered by one of special izat ions at mast er degree pro- gram. For Bachel or Degree St udent s Non Fast Track P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 69 CODE MATA AJARAN SUBJECT SKS Semester Gasal Kel ebihan SKS Mat a Kul iah Pil ihan disain pada semest er 5 dan 6 diperhit ungkan sebagai mat a kul iah pil ihan Technical Design El ect ive Courses more t han 24 credit s at 5t h 6t h semest er are considered as el ect ive courses ENCV 6 0 0104 Anal isa St rukt ur dengan Met ode Kekakuan St ruct ural Anal ysis wit h St if f ness Met hod 3 ENCV 6 0 0304 Teknik Transport asi Transport at ion Engineering 3 ENEV 6 0 0010 Permasal ahan Lingkungan dal am isu gl obal Environment al Gl obal issues 2 ENCV 6 0 0403 Teknik Sungai River Engineering 3 ENCV 6 0 0404 Hidrol ika Hydraul ics 3 Semester Genap Kel ebihan SKS Mat a Kul iah Pil ihan disain pada semest er 5 dan 6 diperhit ungkan sebagai mat a kul iah pil ihan Technical Design El ect ive Courses more t han 24 credit s at 5 6 semest er are consid- ered as el ect ive courses Mat a Kul iah Pil ihan Lint as Depart emen at au l int as Fakul t as El ect ive courses of f ered by ot her Depart e- ment s or ot her Facul t y ENCV 6 0 0105 Perancangan St rukt ur Kayu Wood St ruct ural Design 3 ENCV 6 0 0106 Perancangan St rukt ur Baj a 2 St eel St ruct ural Design 2 3 ENCV 6 0 0203 Met ode Konst ruksi Geot eknik Const ruct ion Met hods in Geot echnic 3 ENEV 6 0 0017 Pencegahan Pencemaran Pol l ut ion Prevent ion 2 ENCV 6 0 0405 Pengel ol aan Limpasan Huj an Rain Management 3 CODE MATA AJARAN SUBJECT SKS Semester Gasal Kekhususan Struktur Structure ENCV 8 0 0101 Mekanika Mat erial Lanj ut Advanced Mechanics of Mat erial 3 ENCV 8 0 0102 Perancangan St rukt ur Bet on Prat ekan Design of Prest ressed Concret e 3 ENCV 8 0 0103 Dinamika St rukt ur Dynamics of St ruct ure 3 Kekhususan Geoteknik Geotechnics ENCV 8 0 0201 Mekanika Tanah Lanj ut Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 ENCV 8 0 0202 Invest igasi Geot eknik Lanj ut Advanced Geot echnical Invest igat ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0203 St abil it as Lereng dan Perbaikan Tanah Sl ope St abil izat ion and Soil Improvement 3 Kekhususan Transportasi Transportation ENCV 8 0 0301 Perancangan Geomet rik Jal an Lanj ut Advanced Highway Geomet ric Design 3 ENCV 8 0 0302 Sist em Transport asi Lanj ut Advanced Transport at ion Syst em 3 ENCV 8 0 0303 Rekayasa dan Kendal i Lal u Lint as Trafic Engineering and Control 3 ENCV 8 0 0304 Perencanaan dan Kebij akan Transpor- t asi Transport Pl anning and Pol icy 3 Kekhususan MSDA Water Resources Management ENCV 8 0 0401 Kimia Lingkungan Enviroment al Chemist ry 3 ENCV 8 0 0402 Hidrol ogi Lanj ut Engineering Hydrol ogy 3 ENCV 8 0 0001 Mat emat ika Teknik Engineering Mat hemat ics 3 Kekhususan Manaj emen Konstruksi Construction Management ENCV 8 0 0501 Manaj emen Proyek Teknik Engineering Proj ect Management 3 El ect ives Courses of Mast er Degree Program Fol l owing are Compul sory El ect ives Courses at Mast er Degree Program of f ered t o Bachel or st udent s as el ect ive courses Mata Aj ar Pilihan El ect ives Courses of Undergradut e Program P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 70 ENCV 8 0 0502 Manaj erial Ekonomi Teknik Engineering Economics and Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0503 Manaj emen Sist im Rekayasa dan Nil ai Syst ems Engineering and Val ue Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0601 Met ode dan Peral at an Konst ruksi Const ruct ion Met hods and Equipment 3 Semester Genap Kekhususan Struktur Structure ENCV 8 0 0105 Met ode El emen Hingga Finit e El ement Met hod 3 ENCV 8 0 0106 Perancangan St rukt ur Bangunan Tahan Gempa Design of Eart hquake Resist ance Buil ding 3 ENCV 8 0 0107 Teknol ogi Bet on dan Bet on Bert ul ang Lanj ut Concret e Technol ogy and Adv. Reinf orced Concret e 3 Kekhususan Geoteknik Geotechnics ENCV 8 0 0204 Teknik Pondasi Lanj ut dan Gal ian Dal am Adv. Foundat ion Engineering and Deep Excavation 3 ENCV 8 0 0205 Met ode Numerik Dal am Geot eknik Numerical Met hods in Geot echnical Engineer- ing 3 ENCV 8 0 0206 Geot eknik Lingkungan Environment al Geot echnics 3 Kekhususan Transportasi Transportation ENCV 8 0 0305 Transport asi Barang Freight Transport at ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0306 Anal isa Jaringan Transport asi Transport Net work Anal ysis 3 ENCV 8 0 0307 Rekayasa Perkerasan Jal an Lanj ut Advanced Highway Pavement Engineering 3 ENCV 8 0 0308 Anal isa Permint aan Transport asi Transport Demand Anal ysis 3 ENCV 8 0 0309 Kesel amat an Transport asi Transport Saf et y 3 ENCV 8 0 0310 Ekonomi Transport asi Transport Economics 3 ENCV 8 0 0311 Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Jal an Rel Rail way Engineering and Pl anning 3 ENCV 8 0 0312 Perencanaan dan Pengel ol aan Pel abu- han Port Pl anning and Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0313 Perencanaan dan Pengoperasian Ang- kut an Umum Publ ic Transport Pl anning and Operat ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0314 Topik Khusus Transport asi Sel ect ed Topics in Transport at ion 3 Kekhususan MSDA Water Resources Management ENCV 8 0 0403 Manaj emen Sumber Daya Air Wat er Resources Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0404 Hidrol ogi Kual it as Air Qual it at ive Hydrol ogy 3 ENCV 8 0 0405 Pemodel an Kual it as Air Permukaan Surf ace Wat er Qual it y Model ing 3 ENCV 8 0 0406 Pengel ol aan Sumber Daya Air Tanah Ground Wat er Resources Management 3 Kekhususan Manaj emen Konstruksi Construction Management ENCV 8 0 0505 Manaj emen Wakt u dan Biaya Time and Cost Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0506 Manaj emen Kual it as dan Resiko Qual it y and Risk Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0507 Manaj emen Pengadaan, Administ rasi Kont rak dan Kl aim Procurement Management , Cont ract and Cl aim Administ rat ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0602 Manaj emen Sumber Daya dan komu- nikasi proyek Human Resource and Proj ect Communicat ion Management 3 El ect ive Course P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 71 Course Structure of Undergraduate International Program in Civil Engineering CODE SUBJECT CP CODE SUBJECT CP 1st Semester 2nd Semest er UIGE 6 1 0002 Academic Writ ing 3 ENGE610002 Linear Al gebra 4 ENGE 6 1 0003 Physics 1 4 ENGE610004 Physics 2 4 ENGE 6 1 0001 Cal cul us 4 ENCV 6 1 0001 Advanced Cal cul us 3 ENGE 6 1 0010 Basic Chemist ry 2 ENCV 6 1 0002 Int roduct ion t o Civil Engineering Syst em 3 ENCV 6 1 0005 Mat erial Propert ies 2+1 3 ENCV 6 1 0003 St at ics 4 ENCV 6 1 0006 Buil ding Const ruct ion 4 ENCV 6 1 0011 Advanced Chemist ry 2 Sub Total 20 Sub Total 20 3rd Semester 4th Semester ENCV 6 1 0004 Fl uid Mechanics 3 ENGE610005 St at ist ic and Probabil it y 2 ENCV 6 1 0007 Surveying 2+1 3 ENGE610007 Engineering Economics 3 ENCV 6 1 0008 Sol id Mechanics 3+1 4 ENGE610008 Heal t h, Saf et y and Envi- ronment al Prot ect ion 2 ENCV 6 1 0009 Basic Soil Mechanics 2+1 3 ENCV 6 1 0012 Sust ainabl e Buil t Environ- ment 2 ENCV 6 1 0010 Civil Engineering Syst em 3 ENCV 6 1 0015 St ruct ural Anal ysis 2+1 3 ENCV 6 1 0014 Const ruct ion Management 3 ENCV 6 1 0102 St eel St ruct ural Design 1 3 Sub Total 19 ENCV 6 1 0201 Soil Mechanics 2+1 3 Sub Total 18 5th Semester 6th Semester UIGE 6 1 0004 Int egrat ed Charact er Buil d- ing Subj ect B 6 UIGE610001 Int egrat ed Charact er Buil ding Subj ect A 6 ENCV 6 1 0101 Concret e St ruct ural Design 1 3 UIGE610003 Sport Art 1 ENCV 6 1 0301 Pavement Design 3 UIGE610005-9 Rel igious St udies 2 ENCV 6 1 0401 Wat er Engineering 1 3 ENCV 6 1 0202 Foundat ion Engineering 3 ENEV 6 1 0009 Design of Int egrat ed Sol id Wast e Management 3 ENCV 6 1 0303 Road Geomet ric Design 3 Sub Total 18 ENCV 6 1 0402 Wat er Engineering 2 3 Sub Total 18 7th Semester 8th Semester ENCV 6 1 0017 Int ernship 3 ENCV 6 1 0020 Final Proj ect 4 ENCV 6 1 0019 Seminar 1 El ect ives 10 El ect ives 13 Sub Total 14 Sub Total 17 Total 144 Elective Courses : St udent s may choose el ect ive courses : Of f ered by undergraduat e program in Semest er 7 and 8; or 1. Offered by Master Degree program with maximum credits of 18 or, 2. Offered by other Department with maximum of 3 courses or 9 credits 3. For students pursue to Master Degree Program through fast track mechanism; choose maximum of 4. 18 credit s of f ered by one of special izat ions at mast er degree program. It shoul d be not ed t hat al l courses are conduct ed in Bahasa. P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 72 Electives Courses of International Undergradute Program CODE SUBJECT CP CODE SUBJECT CP 7th Semester 8th Semester ENCV 6 1 0302 Transport at ion Syst em 3 ENCV 6 1 0103 Concret e St ruct ural Design 2 3 ENCV 6 1 0304 Transport at ion Engineering 3 ENCV 6 1 0106 St eel St ruct ural Design 2 3 ENCV 6 1 0403 River Engineering 3 ENCV 6 1 0203 Const ruct ion Met hods in Geot echnic 3 ENCV 6 1 0404 Hydraul ics 3 ENCV 6 1 0501 Mechanical Eart hworks and Heavy Equipment s 3 ENEV 6 1 0010 Environment al Gl obal issues 2 ENCV 6 1 0502 Et hics and Const ruct ion Law 2 ENEV 6 1 0011 Environment Impact Anal ysis and ISO 2 ENEV 6 1 0017 Pol l ut ion Prevent ion 2 Electives Courses of Master Degree Program Fol l owing are Compul sory El ect ives Courses at Mast er Degree Program of f ered t o Bachel or st udent s as el ect ive courses CODE SUBJECT CP CODE SUBJECT CP 7th Semester 8th Semester Structure Structure ENCV 8 0 0101 Advanced Mechanics of Mat erial 3 ENCV 8 0 0105 Finit e El ement Met hod 3 ENCV 8 0 0102 Design of Prest ressed Con- cret e 3 ENCV 8 0 0106 Design of Eart hquake Resist ance Buil ding 3 ENCV 8 0 0103 Dynamics of St ruct ure 3 ENCV 8 0 0107 Concret e Technol ogy and Adv. Reinf orced Concret e 3 Geotechnics Geotechnics ENCV 8 0 0201 Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 ENCV 8 0 0204 Adv. Foundat ion Engineer- ing and Deep Excavation 3 ENCV 8 0 0202 Advanced Geot echnical Invest igat ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0205 Numerical Met hods in Geot echnical Engineering 3 ENCV 8 0 0203 Sl ope St abil izat ion and Soil Improvement 3 ENCV 8 0 0206 Environment al Geot ech- nics 3 Transportation Transportation ENCV 8 0 0301 Advanced Highway Geomet - ric Design 3 ENCV 8 0 0305 Freight Transport at ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0302 Advanced Transport at ion Syst em 3 ENCV 8 0 0306 Transport Net work Anal ysis 3 ENCV 8 0 0303 Trafic Engineering and Cont rol 3 ENCV 8 0 0307 Advanced Highway Pave- ment Engineering 3 ENCV 8 0 0304 Transport Pl anning and Pol icy 3 ENCV 8 0 0308 Transport Demand Anal y- sis 3 Water Resources Management ENCV 8 0 0309 Transport Saf et y 3 ENCV 8 0 0401 Enviroment al Chemist ry 3 ENCV 8 0 0310 Transport Economics 3 ENCV 8 0 0402 Engineering Hydrol ogy 3 ENCV 8 0 0311 Rail way Engineering and Pl anning 3 P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 73 ENCV 8 0 0001 Engineering Mat h 3 ENCV 8 0 0312 Port Pl anning and Man- agement 3 Construction Management ENCV 8 0 0313 Publ ic Transport Pl anning and Operat ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0501 Engineering Proj ect Manage- ment 3 ENCV 8 0 0314 Sel ect ed Topics in Trans- port at ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0502 Engineering Economics and Management 3 Water Resources Management ENCV 8 0 0503 Syst ems Engineering and Val ue Management 3 ENCV 8 0 0403 Wat er Resources Manage- ment 3 ENCV 8 0 0601 Const ruct ion Met hods and Equipment 3 ENCV 8 0 0404 Qual it at ive Hydrol ogy 3 ENCV 8 0 0405 Surf ace Wat er Qual it y Model ing 3 ENCV 8 0 0406 Ground Wat er Resources Management 3 Construction Management ENCV 8 0 0505 Time and Cost Manage- ment 3 ENCV 8 0 0506 Qual it y and Risk Manage- ment 3 ENCV 8 0 0507 Procurement Manage- ment , Cont ract and Cl aim Administ rat ion 3 ENCV 8 0 0602 Human Resource and Proj ect Communicat ion Management 3 El ect ive Course St ruct ure of Undergraduat e Programme in Civil Engineering Int ernat ional at QUT Year 3 Semest er 5 QUT Jul y Credit s KODE Course Tit l e ENB276 St ruct ural Engineering 1 12 ENB371 Geot echnical Engineering 2 12 ENB280 Hydraul ic Engineering 12 MAB233 Engineering Mat hemat ics 3 12 subt ot al 48 Year 4 Semest er 7 QUT Jul y Credit s KODE Course Tit l e ENB372 Design and Pl anning of High- ways 12 ENB378 Wat er Engineering 12 El ect ives Minor 12 subt ot al 36 Year 3 Semest er 6 QUT Jul y Credit s KODE Course Tit l e ENB275 Proj ect Enginerring 1 12 ENB375 St ruct ural Engineering 2 12 ENB376 Transport Engineering 12 ENB377 Wat er and Wast e Wat er Treat - ment Engineering 12 subt ot al 48 Year 4 Semest er 8 QUT Jul y Credit s KODE Course Tit l e ENB471 Design of Concret e St ruct ures and Foundat ions 12 ENB472 Proj ect Engineering 2 12 El ect ives Minor 12 El ect ives Minor 12 subt ot al 48 P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 74 CURRICULUM 2008 CURRICULUM 2012 Remarks Program Code Subj ects SKS Code Subj ects SKS Reg Paralel Interna- tional - - - UIGE600004 Int egrat ed Charact er Buil ding Course B 6 Compul sory f or bat ch 2012 onward X X - - - UIGE600005-9 Rel igion 2 Compul sory f or bat ch 2012 onward X ENG100803 Engineering Drawing 3 ENCV600006 Buil ding Const ruct ion 4 St udent s who have not passed eit her Engineer- ing Drawing or Buil ding Const ruct ion in Curricu- l um 2008 shoul d enrol l in Buil ding Const ruct ion of Curricul um 2012. CES120802 Buil ding Const ruc- t ion 3 X X ENG100807 Basic Comput er 3 - - Del et ed in Curricul a 2012. For t hose have passed, t he credit s are count ed as el ect ive courses X X ENG200801 St at ist ic Prob- abil it y 3 ENGE600005 St at ist ic Probabil it y 2 Credit s changed X X Communicat ion Skil l in Engl ish 3 UIGE610010 Academic Writ ing 3 - X Engineering Mat h- emat ics 3 ENGE600006 Advanced Cal cul us 3 - X CES210802 St at ic 3 ENCV600003 St at ic 4 Credit s changed X X CES210804 Mat erial Propert ies 2+1 4 ENCV600005 Mat erial Propert ies 3 Credit s changed X X Engineering Geol ogy and Soil Propert ies 2+1 3 ENCV600009 Basic Soil Mechanics 3 X X ENG200803 Environment al Sci- ences 3 - Del et ed in Curricul a 2012. For t hose have passed, t he credit s are count ed as el ect ive courses X ENCV600012 Sust ainabl e Buil t Environment 2 Compul sory Subj ect s X CES220804 Dynamic 2 ENCV600013 Dynamic 2 Changed f rom com- pul sory t o el ect ive courses. St udent s may choose eit her Dynam- ics or Sust ainabl e Buil d Environment . X 2 - Del et ed in Curricul a 2012. Those who wil l cont inue t o QUT and have not passed are sug- gest ed t o t ake St ruct ural Anal ysis. X - - - ENCV600011 Advanced Chemist ry 2 Compul sory f or bat ch 2012 onward X X CES310804 Management and Const ruct ion Legal Aspect 3 ENCV600014 Const ruct ion Manage- ment 3 Compul sory Subj ect X X Aturan Transisi Kurikulum 2008 ke Kurikulum 2012 P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 75 CURRICULUM 2008 CURRICULUM 2012 Remarks Program Code Subj ects SKS Code Subj ects SKS Reg Paralel Interna- tional CES310801 Wat er Engineering 5 Wat er Engineering 1 3 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses see det ail in Tabl e of Curricul um St udent s may choose a minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions. To prevent incompl et e compet ency, f or t hose sel ect Wat er Resources as one of special izat ions, shoul d t ake bot h Wat er Engineering 1 and 2. Wat er Engineering 1 is prerequisit es f or Wat er Engineering 2. X Wat er Engineering 2 3 Those have not passed wat er engineering shoul d t ake bot h wat er engineering 1 and 2 X CES310803 Soil Mechanics 2+1 3 ENCV600009 Soil Mechanics 3 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses see det ail in Tabl e of Curricul um St udent s may choose a minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions. To prevent incompl et e compet ency, f or t hose sel ect Geot echnics as one of special izat ions, shoul d t ake bot h Soil Mechanics and Founda- t ion Engineering. Soil Mechanic is prerequisit e f or Foundat ion Engi- neering. X CES320804 Foundat ion Engi- neering 3 ENCV600202 Foundat ion Engi- neering 3 CES310803 Soil Mechanics 2+1 3 ENCV600009 Soil Mechanics 3 New compul sory subj ect f or doubl e degree st udent s X CES310805 Highway Engineer- ing 1 3 Pavement Design Compul sory subj ect X CES310805 3 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses see det ail in Tabl e of Curricul um St udent s may choose a minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions. To prevent incompl et e compet ency, f or t hose sel ect Transport at ion as one of special izat ions, shoul d t ake bot h Pave- ment Design and Road Geomet ric Design. X CES320802 Highway Engineer- ing 2 3 ENCV600303 Road Geomet ric Design 3 Compul sory Subj ect X Transport at ion Syst em 2 ENCV600302 Transport at ion Syst em 3 El ect ive design courses, yet compul sory f or st udent s choose Trans- port at ion as a maj or or t hose pursue t o Mast er Program wit h Transport Special izat ion. X P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 76 CURRICULUM 2008 CURRICULUM 2012 Remarks Program Code Subj ects SKS Code Subj ects SKS Reg Paralel Interna- tional CES320801 St ruct ural Design 5 ENCV600101 Concret e St ruct ural Design 1 3 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses see det ail in Tabl e of Curricul um St udent s may choose a minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions. To prevent incompl et e compet ency, f or t hose sel ect St ruct ure as one of special izat ions, shoul d t ake bot h Concret e and St eel St ruct ural Design 1 X ENCV600102 St eel St ruct ural Design 1 3 St eel st ruct ural design 1 is a new compul sory sub- j ect f or doubl e degree st udent s. Those have not passed St ruct ural Design shoul d t ake bot h st eel and concret e st ruct ural design 1 X Concret e St ruct ural Design 3 ENCV600103 Concret e St ruct ural Design 2 3 El ect ive design courses, yet compul sory f or st u- dent s choose st ruct ure as a maj or or t hose pursue t o Mast er Program wit h St ruct ure Special izat ion. Concret e St ruct ural Design 1 is prerequisit es f or Concret e St ruct ural Design 2. X CES320803 Sanit ary Engineering 4 ENEV600009 Int egrat ed Sol id Wast e Management 3 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses see det ail in Tabl e of Curricul um St udent s may choose a minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions. To prevent incompl et e compet ency, f or t hose sel ect Environment as one of special izat ions, shoul d t ake bot h DISWP and EIAISO. X Environment Impact Anal ysis ISO 2 CES320803I ENEV600009 Int egrat ed Sol id Wast e Management 3 Compul sory Subj ect X CES320805I Mechanical Eart h- works Heavy Equipment s 3 ENCV600501 Mechanical Eart h- works Heavy Equipment s 3 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses X CES320805 Changed f rom compul - sory t o el ect ive courses see det ail in Tabl e of Curricul um St udent s may choose a minimum of 24 credit s of f ered by at l east 4 special izat ions. To prevent incompl et e compet ency, f or t hose sel ect Const ruct ion Management as one of special izat ions, shoul d t ake bot h MEHE and Et h- ics Const ruct ion Law X - - - ENCV600502 Et hics Const ruc- t ion Law 2 - - ENCV600016 Capit a Sel ect a 2 Compul sory f or bat ch 2010 onward. For bat ch 2009, 2008 and 2007 it can be considered as el ect ive courses. X CES400803 Final Proj ect 4 ENEV600020 Final Proj ect 4 Cont ent of Final Proj ect is dif f erent f rom f ast t rack and non f ast t rack st udent s. Inf orm t he proj ect supervisor t he t rack you choose. X CES400804 Capst one Proj ect 5 Capst one Proj ect 3 Compul sory f or non-f ast t rack st udent s. X P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 77 Transit ion Pol icy f rom t he 2008 t o t he 2012 Curricul l um Bachel or Program of Facul t y of Engineering Universit as Indonesia The 2012 curricul um wil l be appl ied 1. st art ing f rom Term I of Academic Year 2012 2013 August 2012 and wil l end at Term II of Academic Year 2016 2017. Basical l y, once t he 2012 curricul um is ap- 2. pl ied, onl y courses cont ained wit hin t he 2012 curricul um wil l be avail abl e, whil e t he courses wit hin t he 2008 curricul um wil l no l onger be avail abl e. St art ing in Term I of academic year 2012 2013, t he 2012 curricul um f or t he 1st , 3rd, 5t h, and 7t h semest ers wil l be impl ement ed in f ul l f or al l Bachel or Programs in Facul t y of Engineering Universit as Indonesia. The same wil l be appl ied f or Term II of aca- demic year 2012 2013, where t he 2012 curricul um f or t he 2nd, 4t h, 6t h, and 8t h semest ers wil l be impl ement ed in f ul l f or al l Bachel or Programs in Facul t y of Engi- neering Universit as Indonesia. There wil l be a one year t ransit ion pe- 3. riod, academic year 2012 2013. St udent s who 4. have not yet passed the compulsory courses in t he 2008 curric- ul um are required t o t ake t he same or equal courses f rom t he 2012 curricul um. St udent s can ref er t o t he bel ow equiva- l ance t abl e t o l ook f or equal courses. If courses from the 2008 curriculum are not listed in the table, the courses do not change. They stil have the same name and same credit load. If a course f rom t he 2008 curricul um is no 5. l onger avail abl e and t here is no equal or subst it ut e course l ist ed wit hin t he 2012 curricul um, t he f ol l owing pol icy appl ies: a. For st udent s who have passed t he compul sory courses, t hey can incl ude t he credit s as cal cul at ed compul sory courses’ credit s in order t o compl et e t he 144 credit s requirement f or compl et ion of t he Bachel or Program. b. For st udent s who have not yet passed t he compul sory courses, t hey may t ake el ect ive courses or new com pul sory courses f rom t he 2012 curricul um t o compl et e t he 144 credit s requirement f or compl et ion of t he Bachel or Program. 6. For courses int egrat ion, t he f ol l owing pol icy appl ies: a. OR, means: if st udent s have passed one of t he courses f rom t he 2008 curricul um, t hey are no l onger required t o t ake t he course f rom t he 2012 curricul um. They may t ake el ect iv course t o cover t he short age of credit s. b. AND, means: st udent s must pass bot h courses f rom t he 2008 curricul um. If st udent s f ail in eit her one of t hese courses, st udent s must t ake an equal or subst it ut e course f rom t he 2012 curricul um. 7. If a compul sory course f rom t he 2008 curriculum is modiied into an elective course in t he 2012 curricul um, t he f ol l owing appl ies: a. For st udent s who have passed t he compul sory course, t hey can incl ude t he cradit of t he courses as cal cul at ed compul sory course wit hin t he 144 credit s requirement f or compl et ion of t he Bachel or Program. b. For st udent s who have not yet passed t he compul sory course, t hey may t ake an equal or substitute course or a new compulsory course f rom t he 2012 curricul um. 8. If t here is a change in t he number of cred it l oad f or a course, t he number of credit which wil l be cal cul at ed f or compl et ion of t he Bachel or Program is t he number of credit l oad appl ied during t he t ime t he course was t aken. Same or equal courses wit h dif f erent credit l oad, if t aken as a repeat course or newly taken course, wil l be l ist ed wit h t heir new names and wil l be cal cul at ed in accordance t o t heir new credit load see bel ow equival ence t abl es of courses. 9. During t he t ransit ion period academic year 2012 2013, On a special ocassion, courses which availability are modiied f rom Term I t o Term II and vice versa in t he 2012 curricul um wil l be avail abl e f or bot h semest ers or several paral l el cl asses of t hese courses wil l be opened. 10. New compul sory courses f rom t he 2012 curricul um can be considered as el ect ive courses f or st udent s of cl ass 2010 and above. 11. The required minimum number of credit s f or compl et ion of t he bachel or program is 144 credit s, wit h t he f ol l owing compo sit ion: 120 credit s of compul sory courses and a minimum of 24 credit s f or el ect ive courses. Short age of credit s due t o t he change of curricul um can be compensat ed by t aking el ect ive courses or new compul sory courses f rom t he 2012 curricul um. P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 78 UIGE600001 UIGE610001 MPKT A INTEGRATED CHARACTER BUILDING A 6 SKS General Int ruct ional Obj ect ive: To devel op st udent ’ s part icipat ion in raising t heir aware- ness t owards issues wit hin t he societ y, count ry, nat ion, and surrounding environment based on t heir f ait h, piet y, manners, and academic et h- ics in order t o develop Science and Technology. Learning Obj ectives : Students are expected t o capabl e of : Understanding, explaining, and analyzing 1. t he phil osophy and l ogical science, at t i- t ude, social and cul t ure in Indonesia. Underst anding academic and nat ion val - 2. ues f rom social and cul t ural diversit y in Indonesia. Underst anding t he probl ems by appl ying 3. st ep l earning act ivel y and using inf orma- t ion t echnol ogy. Using Bahasa Indonesian in discussion and 4. academic writ ing as wel l . Syllabus: Topic which appropriat e wit h t arget and met hod l earning, probl em based l earning PBL, Col l aborat ive Learning CL and Com- put er mediat ed l earning CML Prerequisite: - Handbook: Appropriat ed wit h t opic UIGE600004 UIGE610004 MPKT B INTEGRATED CHARACTER BUILDING B 6 SKS General Intructional Obj ective: Devel op st u- dent s pat icipat ion t o improve awareness of social issues, nat ional st at e, and t he environ- ment t hat is based on f ait h and piet y, manners, and ethics in the context of academis science and t echnol ogy devel opment . Learning Obj ectives : Students are expected t o capabl e of : Understanding, explaining, and analyzing 1. t he phil osophy and l ogical science, at t i- t ude, social and cul t ure in Indonesia. Underst anding academic and nat ion val - 2. ues f rom social and cul t ural diversit y in Indonesia. Underst anding t he probl ems by appl ying 3. st ep l earning act ivel y and using inf orma- t ion t echnol ogy. Using Bahasa Indonesian in discussion and 4. academic writ ing as wel l . Syllabus: Topic which appropriat e wit h t arget and met hod l earning, probl em based l earning PBL, Col l aborat ive Learning CL and Com- put er mediat ed l earning CML Prerequisite: - Handbook: Appropriat ed wit h t opic UIGE600002 ENGLISH UIGE610002 ACADEMIC WRITING 3 SKS Learning Obj ectives: Af t er at t ending t his sub- ject, students are expected to capable of use Engl ish t o support t he st udy in universit y and improve l anguage l earning independent l y. Syllabus: St udy Ski l l s: Becomi ng an act i ve l earner, Vocabul ary Buil ding: word f ormat ion and using t he dict ionary List ening st rat egies Extensive reading Grammar: Revision of Basic grammar Types of sent ences Adj ect ive clauses, Adverb clauses Noun clauses, Reduced clauses Reading: Reading skil l s: skimming, scanning, m ai n i dea, suppor t i ng i deas, Not e- t aki ng Reading popul ar science art icl e, Reading an academic text List ening: List ening t o short conversat ions, List ening t o a l ect ure and not e- t aking, List ening t o a news broadcast , List ening t o a short st ory Speaking: Part icipat ing in discussions and meet ings, Giving a present a- t ion Writ ing: Writ ing a summary of a short art icle Describing graphs and t ables, Writ ing an academic paragraph, Writ ing a basic academic essay 5 paragraphs Prerequisite: - Handbook: Poerwot o, C. et . al . Reading Com- prehension f or Engineering St udent s ENGE600001 ENGE610001 CALCULUS 4 SKS Lear ning Obj ect ives: Af t er at t endi ng t hi s subj ect : st udent s are capable of underst anding calculus basic concept s and compet ent t o solve appl ied cal cul us probl ems. St udent s are capa- bl e of underst anding t he basic concept s of t wo or more variables f unct ion wit h it ’s applicat ion. Capable of underst anding t he basic concept s of sequences and series as wel l as basic concept s of vect ors and anal yt ic geomet ry. Syllabus: Real number syst em, non-equival en- cy, Cart esius Coordinat ion Syst em, mat hemat ic i nduct i on, Funct i on and Li m i t , Cont i nous Funct ion. Dif f erent ial incl uding chain’ s rul e, i mpl i ci t e di f f er ent i al , and advanced di f f er - ent ial f unct ion. Transendent and dif f erent ial Funct ion. Appl ied Dif f erent ial . Int egral , basic int egral f unct ion, Int egrat ion t echnic. Int egral appl icat ion on cart esius and pol ar coordinat e, undef i ni t e. Sequences and i nf i ni t e ser i es. P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 79 Spare rows and rows of posit ive change sign, Tayl or and McLaurin series. Funct ion of many variables and its derivatives. Maximum and Minimum. Lagrange Met hods. Int egral f ol ding and it s appl icat ion. Prerequisite: - Handbook: D. E. Vanber g and E. J, Pur cel l , Cal cul us 1. wit h Analyt ic Geomet ry, 7t h ed. , Apllet on- Cen-t ury-Crof t s, 1996. D. E. Vanber g, E. J Pur cel l , A. J Tr omba, 2. Cal cu-l us, 9t h. Prent ice-Hal l , 2007. G. B Thomas R. L Fi nney, Cal cul us 3. Analyt ic Geomet ry 9t h ed. , 1996, Addison- Wesl ey ENGE600010 ENGE610010 BASIC CHEMISTRY 2 SKS Lear ning Obj ect ives: Af t er at t endi ng t hi s subj ect , st udent s are capabl e of : Sol ving quant it at ive chemist ry probl ems and ident if ying t he reason cl earl y and abl e t o int e- grat e various ideas in probl em sol ving. Explaining and modelling chemical and physi - cal processes in term of molecule to deine macroscopic charact erist ics. Classif ying t he element based on t he condit ion and bond charact erist ic by using t able periodic as a ref erence. Appl yi ng t he i mpor t ant t heor y such as mo- l ecul ar kinet ics or t hermochemist ry in sol ving general chemist ry probl ems. Syllabus: Mat t er and measurement ; At om, Mol- ecul e, Ion, and Tabl e Periodic; St oichiomet ry: Cal cul at i on wi t h Chemi cal ; Chemi cal Reac- t ion in Sol ut ion and St oichiomet ry Sol ut ion; Thermochemist ry; Chemical Equil ibrium; Acid and Base; Elect rochemist ry; Chemical Kinet ics; Appl ied Chemist ry. Prerequisite: - Handbook: Ral ph H. Pet r ucci , Gener al Chemi st r y: 1. Principles and Modern Applicat ions, 8 t h Ed. Prent ice Hal l Inc. New York, 2001. John McMurry, Robert C. Fay, Chemist ry 2. 3rd Ed. , Prent ice Hal l , 2001. Raymond Chang, Wil l iams Col l ege, Chem- 3. ist ry 7t h Ed. , McGraw-Hil l , 2003. ENGE600003 ENGE610003 BASIC PHYSICS 1 4 SKS Learning Obj ectives: St udent s underst and t he concept s and basic l aws of mechanic physics and applied in a systematic and scientiically problem solving that inluenced by the force, bot h moving or not moving obj ect s. Syllabus: Scal e, kinemat ics of point obj ect s, mechanics of point obj ect s, l aw of conserva- t ion of linear moment um and energy, harmonic mot ion, gravit y, dynamics and kinemat ics of rigid obj ect s, Int roduct ion and basic concept pressure, t hermodynamic syst em, st at e of t he system, temperature, expansion, equilibrium energy t hermal st at e equat ion, heat t ransf er, ideal gas, irst law of thermodynamics, enthalpy and entropy, The irst law of thermodynamics applicat ion f or open and closed syst em, Second law of t hermodynamics, kinet ic t heory of ideal gas. Pract ical of Mechanics: Measur ement , Moment of inert ia, Gravit y accel erat ion, Fl uid density, Scratch coeficient, Collision, Swing t orque, Viscosit y of wat er, Young’ s modul us, Viscosity of Newtonian luid, Fluids surface t ension, Oscil l at ion, Practical of Heat: Coef - icient of linear expansion, Heat conductivity, Thermocoupl e cal ibrat ion, Cal orimet er, Joul e Const ant , Lapl ace Const ant , Heat Col l ect or, Determining of air CpCv, Expansion of luids and wat er anomal y. Prerequisite: - Handbook: Hal l iday. D, R Resnick, Physics I, 4t h ed 1. Wil ey 1991. Ganij ant i AS, Mekanika, Penerbit Sal emba 2. Teknik, 2000. Tipl er PA, Fisika I, ed III, t erj emahan Lea 3. Praset io, Penerbit Erl angga, 1998. Gi ancol i D. C, Gener al Physi cs, Pr ent i ce 4. Hal l Inc, 1984. Sears-Sal inger, Thermodynamics, Kinet ic 5. t heor y and st at i st i cal t her modynami cs, Wesl ey, 1975. Giancol i, D. C, Physics: principl es wit h ap- 6. pl icat ions, Prent ice Hal l Inc, 2000 ENGE600002 ENGE610002 LINEAR ALGEBRA 4 SKS Learning Obj ectives: Students can explain underst and appl y l inear al gebra and associat e t his subj ect wit h some ot her subj ect s. Syllabus: Int r oduct i on of el ement ar y l i near algebra, Matrix, Determinant, Vectors in R2 and R3. Euclideas vect or space, General vect or space, Review of vect or space, Product space, Val ue and diagonal izat ion eigen vect or, Linier Tr ansf or mat i on, Appl i cat i on on t he syst em of dif f erent ial equat ion, Appl icat ion on t he quadrat ic surf ace, Decomposit ion of LU, Least P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 80 Squares. Prerequisite: - Handbook: H. Ant on, El ement ary Linear Al gebra, 9t h 1. ed, John Wil ey Sons, 2005. G. St rang, Int roduct ion t o Linear Al gebra, 2. Wel l esl ey-Cambridge Press, 2007. UIGE600005 UIGE610005 ISLAMIC STUDY 2 SKS General instructional obj ectives: The cult iva- t ion of st udent s who have concern f or social , nat ional and count ry’ s issues based on Isl amic val ues which is appl ied in t he devel opment of science t hrough int el l ect ual skil l s. Learning Obj ectives: Course part icipant s are expected to do the following when faced with a probl em or issue which t hey must sol ve: Anal yze t he probl em based on t he Isl amic 1. val ues t hey adopt ed Anal yze t he probl em by impl ement ing ac- 2. t ive l earning st ages Discuss and express their thoughts and 3. ideas by using proper and correct Indone- sian l anguage in discussion and academic writ ing Syllabus: Isl am hist ory: t he meaning of Isl am, t he char act er i st i c of Isl am, t he sour ces of Isl amic t eachings, Muhammad SAW as prophet and history igure, introduction of Islam in Indo - nesia, t he t eaching essence of Isl am: t he basic principle of Islam t eachings, t he unit y of Allah, worship pract ice in l ive, eschat ol ogy and work et hics, human’ s basic right s and obl igat ion, social st ruct ure in Isl am: sakinah mawaddah and ramhah f amil y, t he social impl icat ion of f amil y l if e, Mosque and t he devel opment of Isl am, zakat and t he economic empowerment of t he peopl e, Isl am societ y, Science: reason and revel at ion in Isl am, Isl am’ s mot ivat ion in devel opment of science, science charact eris- t ics, source of knowl edge, IDI each Facul t y and Depart ment St udy Program Prerequisites: MPKT Textbooks: Adj ust ed t o t opics UIGE600006 UIGE610006 CATHOLIC STUDY 2 SKS General instructional obj ectives: To hel p del iver st udent s as int el l ect ual 1. capi t al i n i mpl ement i ng l i f el ong l ear n- i ng pr ocess t o become sci ent i st s w i t h mat ure personal it y who uphol d humanit y and l if e. Be schol ars who bel ieve in God according 2. t o t he t eachings of Jesus Christ by cont inu- ing t o be responsibl e of his f ait h in l if e in church and societ y. Syllabus: Al might y God and t he God t each- ings; Man, Moral s, science t echnol ogy and art ; harmony bet ween rel igions; Societ y, Cul t ure, Pol it ics, Law: t he subst ance of t heses st ud- ies wil l be addressed by int egrat ing t he f our dimensions of t he t eachings of t he Cat hol ic f ait h: t he personal dimension, t he dimension of Jesus Christ , t he dimension of t he Church, and Communi t y di mensi on. Di mensi ons ar e impl ement ed in t he f ol l owing t hemes: Peopl e, Rel igion, Jesus Christ , t he Church, and Fait h in t he societ y. Prerequisites: MPKT Textbooks: Adj ust ed t o t opics UIGE600007 UIGE610007 CHRISTIAN STUDY 2 SKS General instructional obj ectives: Cul t ivat ing st udent s wit h comprehensive Christ ian knowl - edge and t eaching in t he midst of t he st ruggl e and the ight of the nation while also discuss - ing t he st udent ’ s part icipat ion in l ine wit h t he st udy t o hel p improve and buil d our count ry. Learning Obj ectives: Course part icipant s are expected to do the following when faced with a probl em or issue which t hey must sol ve: Anal yze t he probl em based on t he Chris- 1. t ian val ues Anal yze t he probl em by impl ement ing ac- 2. t ive l earning st ages Discuss t he probl em by using proper and 3. correct Indonesian l anguage Syllabus: : Hist ory Hist orical t erms: St at us of the Bible, the existence of God and Morality, Christ the Savior, the Holy Spirit as existence ref ormer and out l ook on t he worl d: Fait h and Knowl edge of Sci ence, Chur ch and ser vi ce, Eccl esi ol ogy, Spi r i t ual and enf or cement of Christ ian Human Right s and t he worl d of et h- ics: Christ ian Et hics, Christ ian and worship, Chri st i ani t y and pol i t i cs, Chri st i an l ove and soci al r eal i t y: Chr i st i an Or gani zat i ons, St u- dents and Service, Christian and expectations. Prerequisit es: MPKT Textbooks: Adj ust ed t o t opics UIGE600008 UIGE610008 BUDHIST STUDY 2 SKS Syllabus: Al might y God and t he God St udy P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 81 Fait h and piet y, Divine Phil osophy Theol - ogy, Human Human Nat ure, Human Dignit y, Human Responsibil it y, Moral Impl ement a- t ion of Fait h and Piet y in everyday l if e, Sci- ence, Technol ogy and Art Fait h, Science and Charit y as a unit y, t he Obl igat ion t o st udy and pract ice what you are t aught , Responsi- bil it y f or nat ure and environment , harmony bet ween rel igion rel igion is a bl essing f or al l mankind, t he essence of t he rel igious pl ural - it y and t oget herness, communit y t he rol e of rel igious societ y in creat ing a prosperous independent societ y , t he responsibil it y of rel igious societ y in t he real izat ion of human right s and democracy, Cul t ure t he respon- sibil it y of rel igious societ y in t he real izat ion of crit ical t hinking academic, work hard and f air, Pol it ics Rel igion cont ribut ion in t he po- l it ical l if e of nat ion and count ry, Law Raise awareness t o obey and f ol l ow God’ s l aw, t he rol e of rel igion in t he f ormul at ion and en- f orcement of l aw, t he f unct ion of rel igion in t he l egal prof ession Prerequisites: MPKT Textbooks: Adj ust ed t o t opics UIGE600009 UIGE610009 HINDU STUDY 2 SKS Syllabus: Charact er, Hist ory Charact er in Hindu rel igion, Hindu hist ory, Source and scope of Hinduism t he Veda as t he source of Hindu rel igion t eachings, t he scope of t he t eachings in Hindu rel igion, The concept of t he God Brahman according t o t he Veda, t he Pat h t o Brahman Cat ur Marga Yoga, Man- t ra and Japa, Human Nat ure The purpose of human l if e, Human’ s dut ies, obl igat ions, and responsibil it ies bot h individual l y or col - l ect ivel y, Et hics and moral it y Principl es t eaching, sel f -cont rol , in-dept h underst and- ing of t he script ure deep underst anding of t he Bhagawadgit a, deep underst anding of t he Sarasamuschaya, The Rol e of Hinduism in sci- ence, technology, and art Hinduism beneits in science and t echnol ogy in accordance wit h each department, beneit the role of Hindu - ism in t he art s, Cohesion and communit y’ s prosperity independence Beneits of unity in t he rel igious pl ural it y, independent com- munit y kert haj agat hit a as a common goal , Tri Pitakarana, Culture as an expression of Hindu rel igious pract ice, Cont ribut ion t o t he Hindu rel igion t eachings in t he pol it ical l if e of nat ion and count ry, l aws and t he enf orcement of j ust ice, Awareness of and obeying t he Rit a Dharma. Prerequisites: MPKT Textbooks: Adj ust ed t o t opics ENGE600004 ENGE610004 BASIC PHYSICS 2 4 SKS Learning Obj ectives: St udent s underst and t he concept and basic law of Magnet and Elect ricit y p h y si c s an d ap p l y i t sy st e m at i c al l y an d scient if ical l y in sol ving everyday magnet and el ect ricit y physics probl em, can underst and t he concept s and basic law of Opt ical and Wave physi cs and appl y syst emat i c and sci ent i f i c problem solving in a nat ural wave phenomenon or wave t hat arises due t o t echnical , physical propert ies of l ight and geomet ric opt ics. Syllabus: El ect ric charge and Coul omb l aw, El ect ric f iel d, St at ic and Gauss l aw, El ect ric pot ent ial , Capacit or, Direct el ect ric current and basi c ci r cui t anal ysi s, Magnet i c f i el d, Induct ion and el ect romagnet ic, Faraday l aw and induct ance, Mat erial magnet ism propert ies, A ser i es of t r ansi ent , Al t er nat i ng cur r ent , Waves, Sounds, Pol ar i zat i on, Int er f er ence, Di f f r ac t i o n , Op t i c al ge o m e t r y, Li gh t i n g and phot om et r y. Pr act i cal of El ect r i ci t y: El ect r ol ysi s, Wheat st one br i dge, Ki r chhof f l aw, Ear t h’ s m agnet i c f i el d, Tem per at ur e coef f i ci ent , Char act er i st i c of ser i es RLC ci r cui t , Ohm l aw, Tr ansf or mer. Pr act i cal of Opt ics: Pol arimet er, Lens, Phot omet ry, Prisms bias index, Spectrometer, Diffraction grid, Newt on’ s ring. Prerequisite: - Handbook: Hal l iday, D, R. Resnick, Physics II, 5t h ed, 1. Wil ey, 2001. Ganij ant i AS, Gelombang dan Opt ik, ed III, 2. Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UI, 1981. Tipler P. A, Fisika II, ed III t erj emahan Bam- 3. bang Sugiyono, Penerbit Erl angga, 2001. D. C. Gi ancol i , Gener al Physi cs, Pr ent i ce 4. Hal l UIGE600003 UIGE610003 SPORTS ARTS 1 SKS The Ar t subj ect di scuss on how t o devel op t he st udent ’ s part icipat ion and appreciat ion t o f ul l y underst and, devel op awareness, have aest het i c concer ns, have i magi nat i on, have creat ivit y t o creat e work of art and cul t ure in t he f orm of art works such as: paint ing, bat ik, phot ography, cal l igraphy, comic or in t he f orm of perf ormance art such as: f il m appreciat ion, Bali dance and music, Javanese music, t heat re and t radit ional puppet perf ormance. The Sport subj ect discuss t he general knowl edge of sport P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 82 hist ory, rul es of t he games and how t o l ead a mat ch and sport skil l s physical aspect s of movement , t echnique, t act ics and ment al it y ENGE600005 ENGE610005 STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY 2 SKS Learning Obj ect ives: Provide basic skil l s t o st udent s f or being abl e t o handl e t he dat a . quant i t at i ve i nf or mat i on, f r om descr i pt i ve phase, incl uding col l ect ing, organizing, and present ing, t o t he induct ive phase incl uding hypot hesizing and making a concl usion based on existing data and variable connection. Syllabus: Descr i pt i ve st at i st i cs, pr obabi l i t y, pr obabi l i t y di st r i but i on, r andom var i abl e, descr et e pr obabi l i t y di st r i but i on, cont i nous pr obabi l i t y di st r i but i on, sampl i ng di st r i bu- t ion, est imat ion, one and t wo sampl e t est of hypot hesis, simpl e l inear regression, appl ied st at ist ics in engineering. Prerequisite: - Handbook: Harinal di, Prinsip-prinsip St at ist ik Unt uk 1. Teknik dan Sains, Erl angga, 2006. Devore, J. L. , Probabil it y and St at ist ics f or 2. Engineering and The Sciences 5t h Ed. , Duxbury, 2000 Barnes J. W, St at ist ical Anal ysis f or Engi- 3. neers and Scient ist s, a Comput er- Based Approach, McGraw-Hil l , 1994 Donal d H. S, St at i st i cs, A Fi r st Cour se 4. 6t hEd, McGraw-Hil l , 2001 Wal pol e, Ronal d E, Probabil it y St at ist ics 5. f or Engineers Scient ist , 8 t h Ed, Pearson Prent ice Hal l , 2007. ENGE600007 ENGE610007 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS 3 SKS Learning Obj ectives: Course part icipant s are abl e t o use and i mpl ement cost concept and anal ysis when eval uat ing a proposed engineering sol ut ions or proj ect s. Syllabus: Int roduct ion t o engineering econom- i cs, Equi val ent , Net Present Val ue, Yearl y Net Pr esent Val ue, Ret ur n Anal ysi s, Repl acement Analysis, Cost Beneit Analysis, Payback Period, Depreciation, Tax, Pre-requisites: Int roduct ion t o Economics Text Books: Bl ank, Tarquin, Engineering Economy, McGraw- Hil l , 2011. ENGE600008 ENGE610008 HEALTH, WORK SAFETY, AND ENVIROMENT 2 SKS Learning Obj ectives: Abl e t o ident if y various t ypes of hazards, charact erizat ion, proposes a met hod which is suit abl e f or risk reduct ion and mit igat ion and saf et y management syst em design. Abl e t o increase awareness of heal t h and saf et y indust ry, and underst and t he regu- l at ory f ramework and st andard of saf et y and enviroment al programs. Syllabus: Int r oduct i on t o Regul at i on and St andards; Ri sk Percept i on, Assessment and Management ; Machinery Hazards; Noise Haz- ards; Process Safety Hazard; Fire and Explo - sion Hazard; Electrical Hazard; Toxicology in The Wor kpl ace; Envi r onment al Pr ot ect i on; Environment al Prot ect ion Cont rol Processes; Hazard Communicat ion t o Employees; Personal Prot ect ive Equipment PPE: Types of PPE and Sel ect ion of PPE; Saf et y Audit s, Incident and Emergency Pl anning. Prerequisite: - Handbook: Char l es A. Went z, Saf et y, Heal t h and 1. Environ-ment al Prot ect ion, MGH, 1998. Asf ahl , C. R. , Ri eske, D. W. , Indust r i al 2. Saf et y and Heal t h Management , 6 t h Ed. , Pearson Educat ion, Inc. 2010. United Kingdom – Health and Safety Ex - 3. ecut ive. Undang-undang dan Per at ur an Nasi onal 4. t erkait dengan Sist em Manaj emen K3 dan Lingkungan. Rel at ed Journal , st andards and Publ ica- 5. t ions. ENCV 6 0 0001 KALKULUS LANJUT 3 SKS Tu j u a n Pe m be l a j a r a n : Mah asi sw a d ap at memahami konsep dasar kal kul us, per samaan di f f er ensi al bi asa dan par si al dan t er am pi l memecahkan masal ah t erapannya Silabus : Lines and Lanes, Vect or Calculus, Ordinary Dif f erent ial Equat ions, Lap; ace Transf ormat ion, Part ial Dif f erent ial Equat ions Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : D. E Vanderg and E. J Purcel l , Cal cul us wit h 1. Analyt ical Geomet ry, 9 t h ed. , Addison Wesley, 1996 D. E. Vander g and E. J. Pur cel l , Cal cul us, 2. Prent ice Hal l , 1997 E. Kr e y z i g, Ad v a n c e d Ma t h e m a t i c a l 3. Engineering, Johnwil ey Son, 1997 Boyce Diprima, Element Ordinary Dif f erent ial 4. Equat i ons and Boundar y Val ue Pr obl ems, Wil ey, 1992 C. Ray C. B. Loise, Advanced Mat hemat ical 5. Engineering, Mc Graw, 1998 P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 83 ENCV 6 0 0002 PENGANTAR SISTEM REKAYASA SIPIL 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran: Memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai sist em rekayasa sipil dan l ingkungan, dan memperkenal kan kepada mahasiswa mengenai proses engi neer i ng desi gn, t ermasuk mengkomunikasikan hasil nya. Silabus: Engineering Anal ysis and Design, Design Pr ocess, Desi gn Document at i on, dan t eknol ogi konst ruksi dengan menggunakan pendekat an Case Based Pr ogr am, berupa l ingkungan pemukiman di perkot aan pengembangan cont oh kasus Mat a Kuliah Eng. Drawing. Cont ent : civil inf rast ruct ure syst em; Transport , Drainase, Sanit asi, Sampah, Air bersih, Energy Telekomunikasi, Fasos-f asum bangun dan f asilit as t erkait , cont oh: pendidikan, ibadah, hiburan, pemerint ahan, Ruang t erbuka hij au, Komersial . Prasyarat: Tidak ada Buku Aj ar: R. S. Nar ayanan, A. W. Beeby, 1. Int r oduct i on t o Desi gn f or Ci vi l Engi neer s, Spon Press, 2000 Bughardt , 2. Int r oduct i on t o Engi neer i ng Desi gn and Pr obl em Sol vi ng, McGr aw Hi l l , New Jersey, 1999 Mario Sal vadori, 3. The Ar t of Const r uct i on: Pr oj ect s and Pr i nci pl es f or Begi nni ng Engi - neer s and Ar chi t ect s, Independent Publishers Group, 1990 August ine J. Fredrich, 4. Sons of Mar t ha: Ci vi l Engi neer i ng Readi ngs i n Moder n Li t er at ur e, American Societ y of Civil Engineers ASCE Press, 1989 Mat t hys Levy and Ri char d Panchyk, 5. Engi - neer i ng t he Ci t y, Independent Publ i sher s Group, 1990 ENCV 6 0 0003 STATIK 4 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran: Memberikan konsep dasar t ent ang mekani ka dan mampu menggunakan penget ahuan t er sebut dal am menghi t ung dan menganal isa respon dari rigid body akibat gaya- gaya yang bekerj a dan analisa st rukt ur sederhana pada bal ok, r angka bat ang, pel engkung t i ga sendi. Si l a b u s : St a t i k a p a r t i k e l ; Be n d a t e ga r ; Keset i mbangan benda t egar ; Anal i sa St r ukt ur rangka dengan met ode keset imbangan t it ik; Garis pengar uh pada st r ukt ur st at i s t er t ent u aki bat beban bergerak Prasyarat: Fisika 1, Kal kul us Lanj ut Buku Aj ar: Hibbel er, R. C. , Engineering Mechanics 1. St at ics, Prent ice Hal l , 1998 Hibbel er, R. C. , St ruct ural Anal ysis, Prent ice 2. Hal l , 1998 ENCV 6 0 0004 MEKANIKA FLUIDA 2+1 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : Mampu menganal isa rumusan sebaran t eka- 1. nan luida pada situasi statik untuk dapat dit - erapkan pada penghit ungan beban st abil it as st rukt ur bangunan sipil Mampu menganalisa rumusan f luida mengalir 2. f l ui d i n mot i on unt uk dapat di t er apkan pada penghit ungan besarnya t ot al aliran dan gaya dinamika yang dit imbul kan Silabus : Dasar t erpent ing dari Ilmu rekayasa sipil adal ah penget ahuan mekanika. Penget ahuan ini dibagi menj adi mekanika benda padat dan meka- nika luida. Kuliah Mekanika Fluida memberikan dasar f ormul asi perumusan gerak dan gaya benda yang t idak dapat dikonsepkan sebagai sat u kes- at uan ut uh, sepert i angin dan air. Penget ahuan ini merupakan dasar bagi sel uruh mat a kul iah reka- yasa keairan, sepert i Hidrol ika l anj ut , Hidrol ogi, PIK, SDAT, PPAP, dl l . Sampai dengan Uj i an Tengah Semest er, akan diberikan materi luida statik meliputi penger - t ian t ekanan, perumusan sebaran t ekanan, sert a penerapan rumus ini unt uk menent ukan besarnya gaya akibat t ekanan ini dal am berbagai rekayasa bangunan si pi l . Set engah semest er ber i kut nya akan diberikan materi luida mengalir, mulai dari konsept ual isasi gerak eul erian dan penerapannya pada hukum kekekal an massa, moment um, dan energi unt uk menghit ung besarnya t ot al al iran dan gaya dinamika yang dit imbul kan. Tot al al iran dan gaya ini merupakan dasar perancangan ban- gunan hi dr ol i k khususnya at au bangunan si pi l pada umumnya. Prasyarat : Fisika 1, Kal kul us Buku Aj ar : Wiggert , D. C. , Pot t er, M. C. , “ Mechanics of 1. luids”, 2 nd edit ion, 1997 Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. 2. Okiishi, “ Fundarment als of Fluid Mechanics” , 5 t h edit ion, 2005 ENCV 6 0 0005 PROPERTI MATERIAL 2+1 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : Secara komprehensif mengert i t ent ang 1. aspek-aspek prakt is dan mendasar yang pent ing dari bahan-bahan dal am bidang t eknik sipil Se c a r a k o m p r e h e n si f m e m a h a m i d a n 2. m ener apkan pada t i ngkat l abor at or i um pengert ian t ent ang aspek-aspek prakt is dan mendasar yang pent ing dari bahan t erkait d e n gan h u b u n gan t e gan gan r e gan gan , el ast i si t as, t i ngkah l aku yang t er gant ung wakt u, pr oper t y dampi ng, st r ukt ur at om, P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 84 plast isit as, crit eria leleh, f at ique, dakt ilit as, dan proses korosi Silabus : Mat er i al Par t i cul at e, Aggr egat , Se- men Port l and dan Bet on Semen Port l and, Baj a st rukt ural , Semen aspal t dan bet on aspal t , kayu, pol i mer dan pl ast i k, Bet on Ser at , Dasar dasar Dasar dasar mat erial dan solid, micro st rukt ur dan surf ace propert ies; Rasponse mat erial t erhadap stresses; Leleh dan fracture; Rheology dari luida dan sol id; Fat ique. Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : S. Young, Sidney, The Science and Technology 1. of Civil Engineering Mat erial s, Prent ice-Hal l Int ernat ional Inc. , 1998 Shan Somayaj i, 2001, Civil Engineering Ma- 2. t erial s, Prent ice Hal l . Rober t D Ker bs, Ri chad D Wal ker, 1971 3. Highway Mat erial s, Mc Graw-Hil l ENCV 6 0 0006 KONSTRUKSI BANGUNAN 4 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : mahasiswa memahami simbol-simbol gambar 1. t ekni k engi neer i ng dr aw i ng di bi dang Teknik Sipil , mampu menggambar st rukt ur bangunan Tekni k Si pi l mel i put i bangunan gedung mi ni mal 2 l ant ai , bangunan ai r bendungan, bangunan pengol ahan l imbah, bangunan geot ekni k pondasi , r et ai ni ng wal l , j al an, dan j embat an. Mahasi sw a m am p u m enghi t ung vol um e 2. b angunan, har ga sat uan d an p er k i r aan biaya. Mahasi sw a j uga mampu menyaj i kan hasi l 3. gambar dan rancangan bangunan t ersebut , baik secara l isan maupun t ert ul is Silabus : Pengenalan SAP, Pengenalan Menggambar Teknik, Fungsi dan manf aat gambar dal am proses rancangan dan produksi; Pengenal an peral at an menggambar, f ormat kert as gambar, kop gambar, pengenal an st andar gambar, penamaan gambar l et t ering, ket erangan gambar l eader, skal a gambar ; Geomet ric Const ruct ion ; Proyeksi Pan- dangan Maj emuk Mul t i-View Drawings; Proyeksi Oblique ; Sect ion Views cont oh: Gambar Pot ongan Bangunan ; Dimensioning dan Tol eransi cont oh: Det ail Bangunan; Wood Const ruct ion Konst ruksi At ap dan Jembat an, dl l . ; St ruct ural St eel Draf t - ing Konst ruksi At ap, Jembat an dan Pabrik; Con- cret e Const ruct ion cont oh: Pondasi, Konst ruksi Bangunan, Jalan Rigid Pavement dan Jembat an, Bendungan, dll. ; Inst alasi List rik; Welding; Piping dan Plumbing Drawings; Topographic and Mapping; Memahami ruang lingkup disiplin ilmu Teknik Sipil dan mengenal kan Konst r uksi Bangunan Tekni k Sipil, memahami dan menggambar st rukt ur bangu- nan gedung, bangunan air, bangunan pengol ahan l imbah, t anah, pondasi, r et ai ni ng wal l , st rukt ur j al an dan j embat an sert a menghit ung perkiraan biaya konst ruksi Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : Neuf ret , Ernst , 1. Dat a Ar si t ek Ji l i d 1 dan 2, Penerbit Erl angga, Jakart a, 1989 Su b ar k ah , Im am , 2. Konst r u k si Bangu nan Gedung, Pener bi t Idea Dhar ma, Bandung, 1988 Sugiharj o, R. , 3. Gambar-Gambar Dasar Il mu Bangunan Ji l i d 1 dan 2, Penerbit R. Sugi- hardj o B. A. E. , Yogyakart a, 1975 Z. , Zai nal , 4. Membangun Rumah: Rencana dan Bahan-Bahan yang Di pakai , Penerbit PT Gramedia, Jakart a, 1980 Frick, Heinz, 5. Il mu Konst r uksi Bangunan 1, Pener bi t Kani si us, Yogyakar t a, 1980. ISBN 979-413-190-3 Frick, Heinz, 6. Il mu Konst r uksi Bangunan 2, Pener bi t Kani si us, Yogyakar t a, 1980. ISBN 979-413-190-3 Soemadi, R. , 7. Di kt at Kul i ah: Kont r uksi Pem- bangunan Gedung-Gedung Ji l i d 2, Penerbit R. Soemadi, Bandung, 1977 Su b ar k ah , Im am , 8. Konst r u k si Bangu nan Gedung, Pener bi t Idea Dhar ma, Bandung, 1988 Supribadi, I Ket ut , 9. Il mu Bangunan Gedung: Ser i Pr akt i s Bangunan Si pi l A, Penerbit Ar- mico, Bandung, 1986 Panduan Green Inf rast ruct ure, 2001 10. Panduan dan Buku Penget ahuan Dasar Kom- 11. put er St andar Nasi onal Indonesi a SNI t ent ang 12. Konst ruksi Bangunan Present asi MS Powerpoint rangkuman dari 13. dosen Ref erensi sit us l aman t erkait www……. 14. ENCV 6 0 0007 ILMU UKUR TANAH 2+1 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menj el askan 1. dasar-dasar pengukuran t anah, mel akukan pengukur an t anah, dan penghi t ungannya sert a menuangkannya kedal am bent uk gam- bar pengukuran t anah Mampu menggunakan al at ukur di l apangan 2. dal am prakt ikum dan mengimpl ement asikan pet a pengukuran ke lapangan dalam kegiat an t eknik sipil Silabus : Penj el asan konsep i l mu ukur t anah dal am pekerj aan t eknik sipil dan t eori kesal a- han; pengenal an al at pengukur j arak, sudut dan per al at an ukur l ai n yang bi asa di pakai dal am pemet aan dan pekerj aan t eknik sipil , penj el asan met ode pengukuran j arak horizont al , vert ikal , dan pengukuran sudut ; penj el asan konsep dasar pemet aan, pengukuran luas, perhit ungan volume. P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 85 Penggunaan al at ukur, sipat dat ar dan Theodo- l it e unt uk pengambil an dat a l apangan maupun implement asi hasil pengukuran ke lapangan dalam kegiat an t eknik sipil Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : Ba r r y F. Ka v a n a gh , Su r v e y i n g: w i t h 1. Const r uct i on Appl i cat i on, Pr ent i ce Hal l , New Jersey, 1997 Russel C. Brinker, Paul R. Wol f , El ement ary 2. Surveying, Harper Row. Sinaga, Indra, Pengukuran dan Pemet aan 3. Pekerj aan Konst ruksi, LP4, Pust aka Sinar Harapan, 1995 Irvine, Wil l iam, Surveying f or Const ruct ion, 4. McGraw-Hil l . ENCV 6 0 0008 MEKANIKA BENDA PADAT 4 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : mahasiswa mampu men- ganal isa t egangan, perubahan bent uk, l endut an aki bat gaya-gaya yang beker j a pada ber bagai macam bent uk st rukt ur st at is t ert ent u dengan ber bagai macam bent uk penampang pot ongan dan bebagai j enis mat erial yang berbeda, sert a menganal isis st abil it as kol om dengan berbagai macam j enis perl et akan Silabus : Pengert ian beban dan gaya yang bek- er j a pada benda padat , ef ek dar i gaya pada benda padat , t egangan pada benda padat , pe- rubahan bent uk benda padat , sif at perubahan bent uk benda padat , phase el ast is dan inel ast is, r egangan aksi al , Modul us El ast i si t as, Poi sson Rat io. Propert i penampang, l uasan, t it ik berat , sist em sal ib sumbu, momen inersia penampang maximum, momen inersia minimum, jari-jari gi r asi , Penampang si met r i s, penampang t i dak si met r i s. Tegangan nor mal aki bat gaya dal am aksial , t egangan normal akibat l ent ur, kombinasi normal dan lent ur, t egangan lent ur searah dan dua arah, bidang int i Kern, Tegangan geser akibat gaya dal am l int ang, t egangan geser akibat gaya dal am punt ir t orsi. Perpaduan ant ara t egangan normal dan geser. Tegangan pada bidang miring dan t egangan ut ama. Lendut an st rukt ur bal ok, port al dan rangka bat ang st at is t ert ent u akibat beban l uar dengan menggunakan met ode persa- maan dif erensial garis l endut an el ast is, met ode l uasan bi dang momen dengan bal ok padanan, met ode energi beban sat uan unit l oad. Anal isis st abi l i t as el ast i s pada kol om dengan ber bagai macam j enis perl et akan Prasyarat : St at ika dan Fisika 1 Buku Aj ar : Hibbel er, R. C. , Mechanics of Mat erial s, 8 e, 1. Pearson, 2011 Egor P. Popo 2. v Aut hor, Engineering Mechan- i cs of Sol i ds 2nd Edi t i on, Pr ent i ce Hal l , 1998 Beer, F. and Johnst on, P. , Mechanics of Ma- 3. t erial s, 6 e. Mc Graw Hil l , 2011 Gere 4. , J. M. and Timoshenko, S. P. 1997. Me- chanics of Mat erials , 4t h ed. , PWS Publishing Co. , Bost on, Mass. Vabl e, M. , Mechanics of Mat erial s, 5. ht t p: www. me. mt u. edu ~mavabl e MoM2nd. ht m JAMES M. GERE , 6. MEKANIKA BAHAN 1 ed. 4 , Penerbit Erl angga, Kode Buku: 37-01-010-6 Tahun: 2000 JAMES M. GERE , 7. MEKANIKA BAHAN 2 ed. 4 , Penerbit Erl angga, Kode Buku: 37-01-010-7 Tahun: 2002 ENCV 6 0 0009 MEKANIKA TANAH DASAR 2+1 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : Mahasiswa mampu men- j el askan pengert ian dasar geol ogi dan mampu menjelaskan sifat-sifat isik tanah dan parameter- paramet er t anah yang mencakup apl ikasi t eknik sipil Silabus : Geol ogi Tekni k dan Pr oper t i t anah; Pengert ian il mu geol ogi, geot eknik dengan disi- plin lainsipil; Peta topograi dan geomorfologi; Pengertian dan arti satuan-satuan topograi dan peral at annya; Cara membaca dan anal isa miner- alogi, jenisbatuan, dan stratigrai, pengenalan j enis mineral pembent uk bat uan beku; St rukt ur geologidan jenisnya; Cara identiikasi dan pen - garuhpel apisan, kekar, sesar, ket idak sel arasan unt ukkonst r uksi ; Pel apukan dan ger akan t a- nah; Pengenalanjenis, proses, dan identiikasi pelapukan;Penjelasan proses klasiikasi; Peta ge - ologi dan geoteknik; Analisa peta dasar topograi; Krit eria pet a geol ogi geot eknik. Pr oper t i Tanah: Tanah sebagai bahan 3 f ase; Karakteristik isik tanah; Klasiikasi Tanah; At - t er ber g l i mi t ; Teor i pemadat an t anah dan uj i CBR; Per meabi l i t as dan pengenal an r embesan air t anah, j aringan al iran; Teori t egangan dan prinsipt egangan ef ekt if ; reaksi t egangan ef ekt if aki bat per ubahan t egangan t ot al pada t anah j enuh sempurna; Teori kekuat an geser t anah; Uj i kuat geser t anah di l aborat orium pada l empung dan pasir; Teori konsol idasi dan uj i konsol idasi; Crit ical st at e soil mecahnics Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : Burchiel BC Foster RJ et .al., “Physical 1. Geol ogy” , Charl ec E Merril Publ ishing Co. , Col ombus Toront o London Sydney, 1986. R. F. Craig , “ Soil Mechanics” , Sevent h Edi- 2. t ion, 2007 Bow l es, J. E. , “ Physi cal and Geot echni cal 3. Propert ies of Soil s” , McGraw-Hil l Kogagusha Lt d. , 1998. Br aj a M. Das, “ Pr i nci pl es of Geot echni cal 4. Engineering” , Fif t h edit ion, 2005, PWS Pub- l ishing Company, Bost on Budu M. , “ Soil Mechanics and Foundat ions” , 5. P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 86 Second Edi t i on, 2007, John Wi l ey Sons, New York ENCV 6 0 0010 SISTEM REKAYASA SIPIL 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : Mahasiswa mampu membuat dasar rancangan 1. dan usulan dari alt ernat if rencana at au solusi masal ah t eknik sipil berdasarkan f omul asi masalah yang dihadapi dengan kaj ian pust aka dan survai l apangan. mahasiswa mampu mel akukan kaj ian dasar 2. d al am b ent uk usul an r ancangan d al am bent uk proyek didasarkan at as pengamat an l apangan Silabus : Memberikan kepada mahasiswa dal am memf ormul asi dan mencari sol usi t erhadap per- masal ahan syst em rekayasa sipil , dan memperke- nal kan mahasiswa kepada kuant it at if t ool s yang digunakan dal am merencanakan dan mengel ol a civil engineering syst em Prasyarat : Pengant ar Il mu Rekayasa Sipil Buku Aj ar : Dal e D Meredit h, Kam W Wong, Ronal d W 1. Woodhead, Rober t H Wor t hm an 1975 , Design Pl anning of Engineering Syst ems, Prent ice Hal l C Jot in Khist y, Jamshid Mohammadi, 2001, 2. Fundament al of Syst em Engi neer i ng w i t h Econom i cs, Pr ob ab i l i t y, and St at i st i cs, Prent ice Hal l M David Burghardt , 1999, Int roduct ion t o 3. Engi neer i ng Desi gn and Pr obl em Sol vi ng, McGraw Hil l s. ENCV 6 0 0011 KIMIA LANJUT 2SKS Tuj uan Pe mbe laj aran : Thi s subj ect cover s appl ied chemist ry in t he environment f or civil engineers. The irst part of course will focus on chemist ry in individual syst em and t he second part of course will f ocus on t he impact of built environ- ment t o chemical equil ibrium and vice versa. Silabus : Concept s of chemical cycl e in t he en- vironment : Equil ibrium – Dist urbed Equil ibrium; Aquat ic Chemist ry; Soil chemist ry; At mospheric chemist ry; Mat erial chemist ry; Impact of buil t environment t o t he chemical equilibrium; Impact of chemical cycl e t o t he buil t environment Prasyarat : Kimia Dasar Buku Aj ar : ENCV 6 0 0012 LINGKUNGAN BERKELANJUTAN 2 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : Menerapkan prinsip dasar t ent ang sist em lingkungan alami dan binaan sert a makna pembangunan berkelanj ut an dari kegiat an perekayasaan dal am mendisain bangunan t eknik Sipil dengan konsep gr een bui l di ng dan ramah l ingkungan Silabus : Prinsip Dasar Sist em l ingkungan al ami dan Daur kehidupan daur mat eri dan energi, daur hidrol ogi, rant ai pangan; Prinsip Dasar Sist em l ingkungan binaan dan dampak t erhadap syst em l i ngkungan al ami dan Daur kehi dupan soci al syst em, ecosyst em, bui l d envi r onment ; konsep niche, daya dukung dan kel ent ingan; Dampak sect or pem bangunan dan i nf r ast r ukt ur pada l ingkungan al ami; Agenda 21 dan Pembangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan Agenda global nasional l okal , pil ar ekonomi-social dan l ingkungan dal am pembangunan; Konsep Teknik Sipil berwawasan l i ngkungan zer o w ast e, eficiency , hi er ar khi pengel ol aan l i mbah, l i mbah dan pencemar an dukung dan daya t ampung lingkungan, sust ainabl e consumpt i on and pr oduct i on; Konsep Gr een Bu i l d i n g LEED ; Kr i t e r i a Gr een Bu i l d i n g; Sust ai nabl e si t es AMDAL; Wat er ef f i ci ency; Ener gy and at mospher e; Mat er i al and nat ur al r esour ces; Innovat i on and desi gn pr ocess; St rat egi Konsepsi Gr een Bui l di ng; Cont oh konsepsi Gr een Bui l di ng di Indonesia, dan Negara-Negara l ain; Hukum dan Perat uran Bidang Lingkungan lainnya, ISO 14001 Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : ENCV 6 0 0013 DINAMIKA 2 SKS Tuj uan Pe mbe laj aran: m ahasi sw a m am p u menghit ung kinemat ika dan kinet ika dari part ikel dan benda t egar sert a menghit ung f rekuensi alami dan respons get aran bebas dan get aran paksa dari vibrasi mekanik t anpa redaman Silabus : Kinemat ika part ikel , kinet ika part ikel ber dasar kan pendekat an hukum Newt on ke-2, kinet ika part ikel berdasarkan pendekat an energy dan moment um, kinemat ika benda t egar, gerak bi dang benda t egar ber dasar kan pendekat an gaya dan percepat an, gerak bidang benda t egar berdasarkan pendekat an energy dan moment um, vibrasi mekanik t anpa redaman dengan kondisi get aran bebas dan get aran paksa Prasyarat : St at ika Buku Aj ar : Fer di nand P Beer, Vect or Mechani cs f or 1. Engineers, Dynamics, 7t h ed. Mc Graw Hil l , 2004 R. C. Hi b b el er, En gi n eer i n g Mec h an i c s: 2. St at i cand Dynami cs, Pr ent i ce Hal l , USA, 1998 ENCV 6 0 0014 MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 87 Memahami dan mampu menj el askan konsep 1. dan pr oses manaj emen pr oyek konst r uksi dari t ahapan perencanaan, pel aksanaan dan serah t erima proyek konst ruksi. Mampu menj elaskan perencanaan dan pelak- 2. sanaan manaj emen proyek dari segi biaya, wakt u dan kual it as proyek. Memahami 3. dan mampu menj el askan aspek h u k u m d an l e gal i t as t e r k ai t p r o y e k konst ruksi Silabus : Pemahaman mengenai proyek konst ruksi t ermasuk diant aranya: Perancangan Proyek; Per- siapan dokumen penawaran; Aspek hukum dan admi ni st r asi kont r ak; Per encanaan konst r uksi ; Pel aksanaan konst r uksi ; Pengawasan dan pen- gendal i an; Manaj em en Mat er i al ; Manaj em en Kual it as; Manaj emen Biaya Proyek; Manaj emen Wakt u; Saf et y, Heal t h and Environment ; Manaj e- men Sumber Daya; Manaj emen or gani sasi dan parapihak proyek Prasyarat : Buku Aj ar : Harold Kerzner phD 1997, Sixth Edition, 1. Proj ect Management A Syst em Approach t o Pl anning, Schedul ing , and Cont rol l ing PMBOK Guide, A Guide t o The Proj ect Man- 2. agement Body Of Knowl edge, PMI. European Const ruct ion Inst it ut e, Tot al Proj - 3. ect Management of Const r uct i on Saf et y, Heal t h and Environment , Thomas Tel f ord, London, 1995 Cl ough, R. H. , Sears, G. A. and Sears, S. K. , 4. Const ruct ion Proj ect Management , 4t h ed. , John Wil ey Sons Inc. , New York, 2000 Hol royd, T. M. , Sit e Management f or Engi- 5. neers, Thomas Tel f ord, London, 1999 Michael T. Cal l ahan, Daniel G. Quakenbush, 6. and James E. Rowi ng, Const r uct i on Pl an- ning and Schedul ing, McGraw-Hil l Inc. , New York, 1992. Rit z, G. , J. 1994. Tot al Const ruct ion Proj ect 7. Management , McGraw-Hil l , Inc Ahuj a, H. N. , Successf ul Const ruct ion Cost 8. Cont rol . New York, John Wil ey and Sons. Goul d, F. E. 1997. Managing t he Const ruc- 9. t i on Pr ocess Est i mat i ng, Schedul i ng and Pr oj ect Cont r ol . New Jer sey, Pr ent i ce Hal l . Hal pin, D. , W. 1998. Const ruct ion Manage- 10. ment . USA, John Wil ey and Sons, Inc Hendr i ckson, C. , Pr oj ect Management f or 11. Const r uct i on. Fundament al Concept s f or Owners, Engineer, Archit ect s, and Buil ders. Singapore, Prent ice Hal l . ENCV 6 0 0015 ANALISA STRUKTUR 3 SKS Tuj uan Pe mbe laj aran : m ahasi sw a m am pu menganal i sa r espons st r ukt ur st at i s t ak t ent u b e r u p a r an gk a b at an g , b al ok , p or t al d an pel engkung aki bat beban l uar dan penur unan p e r l e t ak an d e n gan m e n ggu n ak an m e t od e : Def or masi Konsi st en consi st ent def or mat i on met hod, per samaan t i ga momen cl apeyr on, lendutan dan putaran sudut slope delection m e t h o d , d i st r i b u si m o m e n Cr o ss , se r t a memahami konsep garis pengaruh. Silabus : Pengert ian st rukt ur st at is t ak t ent u vs st at is t ert ent u, st at is t ak t ent u l uar, consi st ent d ef or m at i on p ad a b al ok st at i s t ak t e n t u sederhana, st rukt ur port al, st rukt ur rangka bat ang dan gabungan st rukt ur port al dan rangka bat ang, persamaan t iga momen unt uk bal ok menerus, port al t et ap, port al dengan pergoyangan t unggal, por t al dengan kem i r i ngan. Sl ope def l ect i on unt uk bal ok mener us dengan ber bagai macam kondi si per l et akan, unt uk por t al t et ap, unt uk por t al dengan per goyangan t unggal , ganda. Met oda dist ribusi momen pada bal ok menerus, st rukt ur port al t et ap, port al dengan pergoyangan t unggal dan ganda, pada st rukt ur gabl e f r ame, st rukt ur simet ris dan asimet ris, garis pengaruh r eaksi per l et akan pada bal ok mener us, gar i s pengaruh gaya l int ang dan momen l ent ur pada bal ok menerus Pr asyar at : St at i k a, Pr op er t i Mat er i al d an Mekanika Benda Padat Buku Aj ar : Hibbel er, R. C. , 1. St r uct ur al Anal ysi s, Prenice Hal l , 1998 Asl am Kassimal i, 2. St r uct ur al Anal ysi s, Third Edit ion, Thomson, 2005 Ghal i A. , A. M. Nevil l e, 3. St r uct ur al Anal ysi s : A uniied Classical and Matrix Approach , 4 t h ed. , Thompson pub. , 1997 West , H. H. , L. F. Geschwindner, 4. Fundament al of St r uct ur al Anal ysi s , John Wil ey Sons, Inc. , 1993 Chu Kia Wang , 5. St at i cal l y Indet er mi nat e St r uct ur es, McGraw-Hil l Book Co. Int ernat ional Edit ion, New Jersey, 1952 ENCV 6 0 0101 PERANCANGAN STRUKTUR BETON 1 3 SKS Tuj uan Pembelaj aran : mahasiswa diharapkan menget ahui konsep-konsep desain dari st rukt ur, beban yang bekerj a pada st rukt ur, sist em st rukt ur dan mampu memproporsikan st ruct ural member dari bet on bert ul ang sesuai dengan t at a cara dan st andard yang berl aku Silabus : Pengant ar per ancangan dan anal i si s; sist em st rukt ur: Tuj uan, st ep perancangan; LRFD, f akt or r eduksi dan Tegangan i zi n; Beban; dan Pembebanan: Bent uk beban, t ipe beban; penem- pat an beban, dist ribusi beban, f act or; beban dan kombinasi beban; Konsep dasar bet on bert ul ang; Sif at t egangan-regangan bet on dan baj a; Kuat t ekan kar akt er i st i k bet on; Evol usi kuat t ekan bet on; Konsep el ast ic dal am merancang t ul angan P R O G R A M S A R J A N A 88 t unggal dan t ul angan rangkap pada penampang bal ok; Konsep kekuat an bat as, penyederhanaan bl ok t egangan Whit ney, kerunt uhan berimbang; Anal isis t ul angan t unggal dan t ul angan rangkap pada bal ok biasa; Anal isis t ul angan pada penam- pang bal ok T akibat gaya dal am momen l ent ur; Anal isis t ul angan geser pada bal ok, anal isis t u- l angan geser t orsi pada bal ok; Anal isis t ul angan pel at sat u arah, pel at dua arah dengan met ode koef i si en momen, met ode l angsung, met ode port al ekuival en; Anal isis t ul angan pada kol om Prasyarat : Anal isa St rukt ur dan Mekanika Benda Padat Buku Aj ar : ________________, Tat a Cara Penghit ungan 1. St r ukt ur Bet on unt uk Bangunan Gedung, SKSNI T- 15- 1991- 03, Yay asan Le m b aga Penyel idikan Masal ah Bangunan, Bandung, Dep. Pekerj aan Umum , 1991. ________________, Tat a Cara Perencanaan 2. St r ukt ur Bet on unt uk Bangunan Gedung, Draft Standar, SKSNI-03-xxxx-2001, Badan St andarisasi Indonesia, 2001 Mac Gregor, J. G. , Reinforced Concret e:

3. Mechanics and design, 3rd edition, Prentice