24 Evawani Ellisa Ir. Archit ect ure, Universit as Gaj ah Mada, Yogj akar t a; M. Eng; Ph. D. , Uni ver si t y of Osaka, Jepang . Ar chi t ect ur al Desi gn, Urban Design Farid Rakun S. Ars, Archit ect ure Universit as Indonesia; M. Arch, Cranbrook Academy of Art s, USA. Archit ect ural Design, Design Art s, De- sign Met hods in Archit ect ure, Fabricat ion Lab. Hendraj aya Isnaeni Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Sc. Uni ver si t y of Sur r ey, UK; Ph. D, Uni ver si t y of Mel bour ne, Aust r al i a Ar - chit ect ural Design Prof essions, Theory of Isl ami c Ar chi t ect ur e, Envi r onment al Behavior Herlily Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Urb. Des, Universit y of Sydney, Aust ralia; Ph. D Candidat e, UC Berkel ey, USA Archi- t ect ur al Desi gn; Ur ban Desi gn Theor y; St udies of Archit ect ure and Urbanism in Devel oping Count ry; Urban St udies. Iriantine Karnaya Dra. Senirupa FSRD-Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy; M. Ars, Archit ect ure Universi- t as Indonesia Fine Art ; Real Est at e Joko Adianto ST, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Tr i sakt i ; M. Ar s, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indone- sia. Archit ect ural Design and Prof essions; Bui l di ng Technol ogy; Desi gn Theor y Met hods; Urban Inf ormal it y. Kristanti Paramita S. Ars, Archit ect ure Universit as Indonesia; M.A, University of Shefield, UK. Architec - t ural Design, Communicat ion Techniques in Archit ect ure.

M. Nanda Widyarta

B. Arch, Archit ect ure, Okl ahoma Univer- sit y, USA; M. Arch, Archit ect ure Hist ory Theory, AA School of Archit ect ure London, UK. Archit ect ural Design, Hist ory of Art , Archit ect ural Hist ory and Theory, Design Theory and Met hods in Int erior Archit ec- t ure, Design Theory Met hods in Archi- tecture, Architecture and Texts. Nevine Rafa S. Ars, Archit ect ure Universit as Indonesia; MA, Int erior Design, Universit y of West - minst er, UK. Communicat ion Techniques in Int erior Archit ect ure, Int erior Design. Paramita Atmodiwirj o ST. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M.Arch. Univ. of Shefield, UK, Ph.D Archi - tecture, Univ. of Shefield Architectural Design, Design Research Met hods in Ar- chit ect ure, Environment al Behavior, Com- municat ion Techniques in Archit ect ure. Rini Suryantini ST, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Sc. , Inst i t ut e f or Regi onal Sci ence Pl anni ng Uni ver si t y of Kar l sr uhe TH, Ger many. Ar chi t ect ur al Desi gn, Ur ban and Regional Pl anning. Sukisno Ir. Archit ect ure, Universit as Gaj ah Mada; MSi, Environment al Sciences Universit as Indonesia St ruct ure and Mat erial Technol- ogy, Archit ect ural Design, Urban Ecol ogy Rossa Turpuk Gabe Simatupang S. Ars, Archit ect ure Universit as Indonesia; M. Ars, Archit ect ure Universit as Indone- sia. Archit ect ural Design, Communicat ion Techniques in Archit ect ure, Urban Housing and Set t l ement s. Teguh Utomo Atmoko Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; MURP, Universit y of Hawai’ i, USA Urban Design, Archit ect ural Design, Real Est at e, Herit age in Archit ect ure Toga H. Pandj aitan Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; Gr ad. Di pl . AA, Inggr i s Ar chi t ect ur al Desi gn, Bui l di ng Physi cs, Phot ogr aphy, Et hnics Archit ect ure. Yulia Nurliani Lukito Harahap ST, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Des. Sci ence, Har var d Uni ver si t y. Ar - chit ect ural Design, Archit ect ural Theory and Hist ory, Design Theory and Met hods of Archit ect ure. STAF PENGAJAR TIDAK TETAP Achmad Sadili Somaatmadj a Ir. , Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Si, Environment al Sciences Universit as Indonesia Buil ding Technol ogy, Archit ec- t ural Design Adlien Fadlia S. Sn, Seni Kr i ya, Bandung Inst i t ut e of Technology; M. Ds, FSRD, Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy. Int erior Design, Lif est yl e and Int erior Design. Anna Zuchriana S.Sn, Seni Grais Jakarta Arts Institute IKJ; MSn, Jakart a Art s Inst it ut e IKJ, Ja- kart a. Fine Art s, Graphics Art s. Ary Dananj aya Cahyono S. Sn, Seni Pat ung Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy; MFA Gl asgow School of Art s Visual Art s, Scul pt ure P R O F IL F T U I D A N D E P A R T E M E N 25 Budi Adelar Sukada Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; Grad. Hons. Dipl . AA, London, UK Archi- t ect ur al Theor y and Hi st or y, Theor y of Aest het ics, Design Theory and Met hods of Archit ect ure Boy Nurtj ahyo Moch Ir. , Mechani cal Engi neer i ng Uni ver si t as Indonesia; Wayne St at e Universit y, USA. Ergonomics. Cut Intan Dj uwita Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; Environment al Design, Universit y of Mis- souri, USA Int erior Design Diane Wildsmith AIA, RIBA B. Art s in Archit ect ure UC Berkel ey Cal i- f ornia, USA; MSc in Archit ect ure Carnegie Mel l on Universit y, Pit sburgh, USA; Mast er of Int ernat ional Policy and Pract ice George Washingt on Universit y, USA Archit ect ural Design, Sust ainabil it y in Archit ect ure Embun Kenyowati Dr, Phyl osophy Uni ver si t as Indonesi a. Aest het ics, Philosophy of Art , Art Apprecia- t ion. Ferro Yudhistira ST, Uni ver si t as Sr i w i j aya, Pal embang; M. Ar s, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indone- sia. Archit ect ural Design, Communicat ion Techni ques i n Ar chi t ect ur e, CAD Ar chi - CAD Finarya S. Legoh Ir, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Sc. Ph. D Universit y of Sal f ord Unit ed Kingdom Buil ding Physics, Acoust ics. Han Awal Di pl -Ing, TU West Ber l i n Pr of essi onal Et hics, Herit age in Archit ect ure. Joshua Simanj untak M. Ar t s, Royal Col l ege of Ar t s London Furnit ure Design Joyce Sandrasari ST, Archit ect ure, Universit as Tarumanega- ra; MALD, Light ing Design, Fachochschule Wismar, Germany. Light ing Design. Manneke Budiman Drs MA in Lit erat ure, Facul t y of Let t er Universit as Indonesia; PhD, Universit y of Brit ish Col umbia, Canada. Archit et ure Texts, Cultural Study; Critical Theory in Lit erat ure. Ratna Dj uwita Chaidir Dra. , Psychol ogy Universit as Indonesia; Dipl . Pschy, Daarmst aat , Germany Archi- t ect ural Psychol ogy Ratu Arum Kusumawardhani ST, Inst it ut Teknol ogi Indonesia, Serpong; M. Ars, Archit ect ure Universit as Indonesia. Archit ect ure Design; Hist ory Theory of Archit ect ure. Rully Andhika ST, MT, Civil Engineering Universit as Indo- nesia. Proj ect Management . Siti Handj arinto Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; M. Sc. Universit y of Hawai’ i, USA Buil ding Technol ogy, Archit ect ural Design, Buil ding Physics, Light ing Design and Acoust ics. Siti Utamini Ir. Ar chi t ect ur e, Bandung Inst i t ut e of Technol ogy Ar chi t ect ur al Desi gn, Com- municat ion Techniques in Archit ect ure. Sri Riswati Dra, Int erior Design, FSRD, ISI Yogj akart a; M. Sn, Seni Urban dan Indust ri Budaya, Ja- kart a Art s Inst it ut e IKJ. Int erior Design, Communicat ion Techniques in Archit ect ure Int erior. Subandinah Priambodo Dra. ITB; MSn, Jakart a Art s Inst it ut e IKJ Int erior Design, Furnit ure Const ruct ion. Susi Harahap S. Sn, Int erior Design, Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy ; MT, Archit ect ure, Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy. Int erior Design, Hist ory of Art and Int erior Design. Tony Soian S. Sn, Desain Int erior, Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy; MT, Archit ect ure, Bandung Inst it ut e of Technol ogy. Int erior Design, Theory of Archit ect ure, Light ing Design Tri Hikmawati ST, Ar chi t ect ur e Uni ver si t as Indonesi a; MA, London Met ropol it an Universit y, UK. Int erior Design. Verarisa Uj ung S. Ars, Archi t ect ure Uni versit as Indone- sia. Archit ect ural Design, Communicat ion Techniques in Archit ect ure.