Characteristics of Elementary School Students Curriculum in Elementary School

are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process, learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress anxiety level, and learner autonomy is supported. Firstly, learners have opportunities to interact and negotiate meaning. It emphasizes that learning happens through interaction between learners and others Egbert Hanson-Smith, 2007. Thus, the teacher is supposed to plan the materials carefully and creatively to make students participate actively and can negotiate meaning. The teacher can integrate computer technology into the task. As an example, they can create animation video for listening task. Through video animation, students are able to see picture, movement, and hear a sound at the same time. Eventually, they can try to listen and negotiate meaning. Second, learners interact in the target language with an authentic audience. The concept of authentic audience is ‘an audience that is concerned exclusively with the meaning of the speaker’s message’ Johnston in Egbert Hanson-Smith, 2007. They may be the teacher, another learner or another person who can negotiate in the target language. In other words, authentic audience is a knowledgeable source of target language. Third, learners are involved in authentic tasks. Authentic tasks are quite important in learning language. Chapelle in Egbert Hanson-Smith, 2007 stated that ‘authentic task is useful and interesting task to be those whose goals require communication in the target language’. A communicative task requires learners not only simply to learn the language but also to know how to use it in their real life, such as ordering foods in restaurant or making a hotel reservation. Fourth, learners are exposed to and encouraged to produce varied and creative language. One of the most important things in acquiring a language is having enough exposures. To achieve varied and creative language, an authentic task itself may not sufficient. A various source of language input is needed. With enough exposures, it potentially provides the learner with knowledge about the target language. After that, the learner will try to negotiate input and create their own language. As the result, the output will develop as well. Then, when learners use varied and creative language, automatically they tap both receptive and productive language skills. Fifth, learners have enough time and feedback. To accomplish their task successfully, learners need both enough time and sufficient feedback. Teachers need to consider a number of factors, such as motivation, individual differences in determining how much time each learner needs to complete the task. Sixth, learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process. Metacognitive strategies are needed to deal with learning process mindfully. With metacognitive strategies, consciously learners will know how to learn and when they recognize that they are not learning. It may facilitate learning and promote cognitive engagement. Thus, the learning outcomes may be achieved. Seventh, learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress anxiety level. This atmosphere can be improved through implementing a learner-centered learning in which learners can manage their own learning. Additionally, in establishing and maintaining a desirable classroom atmosphere, teacher needs to create ‘warm’, embracing climate, including help the students laugh with each other at various mistake that they all make, be patient and supportive Brown in Egbert Hanson-Smith, 2007. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI