Character Review of Related Theories

9 that effect on Benetto’s personal life. In her thesis, she also mentions how Benetto resolves his conflicts. The resolutions taken by Benetto are soothing, avoidance and competition. Dewanti, in her thesis, also discusses conflicts faced by Benetto. In addition, her study talks about internal and external conflicts while Prawesti talks only about internal conflicts. Dewanti also discusses resolutions taken by major character. They are avoiding and accommodation types. In her study, Dewanti does not discuss about the influence of the conflicts to Benetto’s personal life. These two theses give the writer more understanding about the conflicts faced by Benetto especially conflict which happens between him and his mother and also resolutions in solving problems.

B. Review of Related Theories

There are some theories related to this study. This part includes those theories used in conducting the study. They are character, characterization, critical approaches, ideal family, relation between mother and son, maternal love and motivation.

1. Character

Character, according to Rohrberger and Woods, Jr., is person in a story who acts out in a setting and conflicts in a pattern of events. There is always central character in a story called protagonist. Protagonist is in opposition to antagonist. Protagonist has its importance to all the events of a story. Character PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 can be described as round and flat that every character has to be credible means that readers have to accept them as true people or believable people 20. Roberts and Jacobs state round characters are usually the major and central figures. Author develops them fully with many traits. Round characters are central characters. That is why they are also called protagonist, yet not every round and central character is a protagonist. Protagonist shows human attitudes expected of round characters. Protagonist moves against antagonist which could grow conflicts in the stories. Round characters are many-sided and possess many unpredictable human traits. They are considered as dynamic for having capacity to change and grow. At the beginning of a story, the major character may have different quality compared to the end of the story 121. The dissimilarity of round characters is flat characters. Flat characters do not change within the story. They are representative means that they are undistinguishable from their classes to which they belong. Flat characters are usually minor characters. They are useful for the story and remain the same through the whole story. For the example is a figure represented as a brave and selfish will be brave and selfish still. They are static and usually face the same challenges. They are not central figures and not developed as much as round characters. To reveal characters whether they are round or flat, readers must use their own knowledge and experience with human beings to make the finding about characters’ quality 121-122. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11

2. Characterization