Relation Between Mother and Son

16 Family as a primary social group is formed by parents and children. There are two types of family; nuclear and extended family. Papalia, Olds and Feldman state that nuclear family is “kinship and household unit made up of one or two parents and their natural, adopted, or stepchildren”. The bigger is extended family. Extended family is “kinship network of parents, children and other relatives, sometimes living together in an extended- family household” 14. Due to industrialization and migration, this multigenerational family is becoming less. Children will leave their parents somewhere and establish their own small family.

5. Relation Between Mother and Son

A family would be complete whenever children have appeared. In Family Relationship Rewards and Costs, children have their roles in deflect loneliness and also providing love and companionship for their parents. Women mention these values of children roles more often. This might be because “the role of the woman as primary caretaker and nurturer of children” Nye 147. Feldman, Olds and Papalia argue that mothers are more satisfied in parenting and like to spend times on it. They are more sensitive and loving to their child and able to encourage desired behavior of their child 513. In addition, having child or teenage child could strengthen mother’s self-worth beside as being employment mother while father usually consider that child bring and increase such satisfaction, well being and even pride. Child adolescence draws mixture positive and negative emotions to their parents 588. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 Silvester as quoted by Feldman 588 in Human Development says that the relationship between mother and daughter generally tends to be both close and conflict-filled when the daughter is teenaged. Father would like spending his leisure time with his son and has high expectation for children’s behavior 513. But this does not mean that the relationship between mother and son is not good or distant. “The mother-son relationship is not permanent but is disturbed and broken by evil plotting” Flugel 144. This means the relation between mother and son could be broken because of internal or external problems appear between them. The relation could be broken between these two but there is always bond which links them because they are a mother and a son. Out of label daughter or son, Erikson as quoted by Feldman in Human Development says that children will build up trust in the world through reliance on the mother’s sensitivity, response, consistency and caregiving 202. Child will also choose mother as his object of affection. Mother is the first one who gives all of the needs. It is like Flugel in The Psycho-Analytic Study of the Family says that “the first object of the child’s affection should be chosen from amongst those who administer to its bodily needs and comfort. Thus it is probable that in the condition in normal family life, the mother or the nurse is, in nearly all cases, the first person selected” 15.

6. Maternal Love