Test of comprehension skills in a document for L2

3. What did the family do after they lost their house and fields? [Answer: ] They moved out of the village and settled in Kathmandu. They bought a new house and new fields in the village. They had to work for other rich neighbors in another village. They restored their house and fields again with the help of villagers. Total number of correct answers: 3 Test of comprehension skills in a document for L2

This task assesses Eastern Tamang adult learners‘ ability to understand and locate or apply specific information in a document. The test items for this component measure how well the reader understands the content of a simple but authentic document and can locate information in the document. Sample items and instructions are presented in the box below. R w -d. Comprehension skills in a document for L2 [Time allocated for reading the text and answering the questions: 5 minutes] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Please look at the information from a brochure below. Then, read the questions carefully and answer them. Circle the best answer to each question. How to Raise Potatoes 50 Tools and Supplies : Hoe, rake, spading fork, knife , seed potato, fertilizer, water, tray Steps to follow : 1. Preparing the soil - Clearing the land - Loosening the soil - Digging the holes 3-5 inches deep [36] 2. Preparing the potatoes - Cutting into pieces with at least one eye on each planting portion - Sprouting the eyes, laying the pieces on flat trays in a sunny, airy place for several weeks 3. Planting the potatoes - Inserting a small segment of the sprouted seed potato in previously dug holes apart 12 inches [90] -Covering the potatoes with sufficient loose soil -Giving the potatoes a boost with water and fertilizer 4. Maintaining the plants - Weeding the plants - Fertilizing the plants - Controlling insects - Watering when necessary 5. Harvesting the potatoes - Determining correct time of harvest when the vines completely died down; dig and check the size of potatoes - Removing potatoes from the ground - Storing the potatoes for extended use in a cool, dark place with plenty of air [161] Warning: Potatoes that have been dug up should not be exposed to the sun any longer than is necessary to remove dirt. [179] [Total number of words: 179] 1. What is the brochure about? [Answer: ①] How to raise potatoes How to raise sweet potatoes How to raise radishes How to raise carrots 2. To sprout the eyes of potato, where do you need to place the pieces? in a cool, dark place in a cold, windy place in a sunny, airy place in a dry, dark place [Answer: ] 50 This information is adopted and summarized from the tex t, ―How to raise potatoes in home garden‖, which is retrieved [April 7, 2011] from the following website: http:www.io.com~hcexrestextbookinstrxx4c.html. 3. To plant the potatoes, how deeply do you need to dig the holes? 4 inches 6 inches 9 inches 12 inches [Answer: ①] Total number of correct answers: 3 Test of comprehension and critical thinking skills in prose text for L3