Situation Participants Ends Act Sequence Key Instrumentalities

factors which are involved in speaking. All of them are known as “SPEAKING” as an acronym for the various components of speech.

a. Situation

The situation consists of setting and scene S that describe the conversation which occurs. The setting refers to time and place or the concrete physical circumstances in which a speech takes place. The scene refers to the abstract psychological setting or cultural definition of an occasion as formal or informal, serious or festive.

b. Participants

Participants P are persons or individuals involving in a speech event. The participants consist of speaker-listener, addresser-addressee, or sender-receiver. Speaker, addresser, and sender mean the person who delivers a message. Meanwhile, listener, addressee, and receiver mean the person to whom the message is delivered.

c. Ends

Ends E mean the purpose of an event. It can be divided into outcomes the purpose from the event from socialcultural point of view and goals the purpose of the individual participant. Outcomes that enter into the definition of speech event can be described as the purpose of speech based on the cultural point of view, e.g. trade, marriage contract, interview, etc. The goal of a speech is a purpose of each participant during communication.

d. Act Sequence

Act Sequence A consists of a message form how something is said and message content what is said. Both message form and message content involve communicative skills that vary from one culture to another. According to Hymes, this is one aspect of speaking in which linguists have long shown an interest.

e. Key

Key K refers to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a speech is conveyed, whether it is mock or serious, perfunctory or painstaking. In addition, key also refers to the feeling, atmosphere, and attitude.

f. Instrumentalities

Instrumentalities I refers to the choice of channel. Hymes describes channel as the way in which a message travels from one person to another. The most commonly the uses of channels are oral and written, but message can also be transmitted by such mean of telegraph, smoke signals, semaphore, etc. Whereas, form of speech according to Hymes, deals with language and their subdivisions such as dialects, codes, varieties, register.

g. Norms