Vocational High School Definition of Terms


2. Evaluating the Textbook

Al-Sowad 2012 conducted research on evaluating English textbook for first year intermediate grade in Saudi Arabia. The researcher used nine criteria to evaluate the quality of the textbook. The nine criteria were layout and design, objectives, activities and task, balance of skills, language type, subject and content, social culture and cultural values, humanity nature, and also teachers’ need. The finding of the research showed that there were three criteria which were fulfilled well by the textbook while the other six criteria were poor. The three criteria which were in good achievements were layouts and design, subject and content, and the objectives. Al-yousef 2007 conducted research to evaluate the quality level of the English for Ethiopia grade 11 students textbook. The result showed that the English textbook was not good enough. The English skills were provided in the textbook but not in a good balance. According to the finding, some topics did not go with the students’ interest and culture. Keban, Muhtar, and Zen 2012 did content analysis research and analyzed textbook titled English for Kids Grade 3 in Malang. In the research they used six criteria to analyze the English book. The six criteria were objective, design and organization, language content, language skills, topic, and practical consideration. Each criterion consisted of different number of main points. From those six criteria, the lowest achievement was on the objective with only 43. While the other five criteria score more than 70 for each.

3. LKS Requirements

12 Darmodjo and Kaligis 1992: 41-46 stated that since LKS takes an important role in teaching process, it makes the process in designing the LKS should consider several aspects. Later they mention three requirements which should be considered carefully in making a good quality LKS. The three requirements are didactic requirement, construction requirement, and technical requirement. This study uses these three requirements and also the categorization form each requirement to analyze the quality of the three Formatif English LKS. Each requirement consists of different amount of criteria in it. More detail descriptions of each requirement followed by its criteria are presented below:

a. Didactic Requirement

Didactic requirement sets the function of the LKS. The characteristic of the LKS should fit all types of learners in schools. Good quality of the LKS should be able to be used by both high-achiever and low-achiever students. There are six criteria in this requirement which should be considered by LKS writers, they are: 1 Inviting the students to be more active in the process of learning Actually this first point has close relation to the second point in the didactic requirement. Inviting the students to be more active in the process of learning can be done through providing very interesting material that may attract the students’ attention. Another way is by providing enough exercises for every student so that