REKOMENDASI Kajian waktu kerja dan produktivitas pada proses perakitan mobil avanza trimming 0 di PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia



Rekomendasi dari mahasiswa yaitu penetapan waktu baku yang diperoleh sebagai standar kerja baru untuk pekerjaan persiapan Rear Axle Avanza pada Line Trimming 0, Assembly Production Department di pabrik Karawang . Waktu baku sebagai standar baru tersebut disajikan pada Tabel 12. Tabel 12. Waktu Baku Pekerjaan Persiapan Rear Axle Avanza No. Urut Pekerjaan Waktu Baku detik 1 Ambil RR Axle dgn Air Hoist 25 2 Seting RR Axle x Meja Prepare 17 3 Ambil Lower Arm RL 6 4 Seting Lower Arm RH x RR Axle 5 5 Tempel Bolt Nut x Lower Arm RH 3 6 Ambil Upper Arm RL 6 7 Seting Upper Arm RH x RR Axle 5 8 Tempel Bolt Nut x Upper Arm RH 9 9 Seting Lower Arm LH x RR Axle 3 10 Tempel Bolt Nut x Lower Arm LH 3 11 Seting Upper Arm LH x RR Axle 3 12 Tempel Bolt Nut x Upper Arm LH 9 13 Snapering Upper Lower Arm RH 14 14 Snapering Upper Lower Arm LH 15 15 Torque Upper Lower Arm RH 14 16 Torque Upper Lower Arm LH 9 17 Ambil Tube Brake No. 5 6, Hose Flexible 9 18 Pasang Tube Brake No. 5 x RR Axle Manual 8 19 Pasang Tube Brake No. 6 x RR Axle Manual 15 20 Pasang Hose Flexible x Tube Brake 8 21 Pasang Clamp Hose Flexible 8 22 Pasang Hose Tube 6 23 Pasang Clamp Tube Brake 27 24 Snapering Bolt Clamp Tube Brake 23 25 Torque Tube Brake No. 6 RH 13 26 Torque Hose Flexible 11 27 Torque Tube Brake No. 6 LH 13 28 Torque Tube Brake No. 5 7 29 Ambil Seat Coil Spring 3 30 Pasang Seat Coil Spring RHLH 5 31 Lepas Kabel PKB RHLH 12 32 Snapering Clamp Kabel PKB 4 Pcs 27 33 Pasang Clamp Kabel PKB 6 Pcs RHLH 21 34 Transfer RR Axle x Lifter RR Axle 25 35 Ambil Absorber RR 2 Pcs 2 36 Letakkan Absorber RR x Lifter RR Axle 3 37 Ambil Spring Coil 2 Pcs Seat Upper 2 Pcs 8 38 Letakkan Spring Coil Seat Upper x Lifter Axle 6 39 Ambil Lateral ROD 9 40 Letakkan Lateral ROD x Lifter RR Axle 2 TOTAL 417 36 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Anonim. 2009. Toyota Production System. Jakarta : PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia. Crocker OL, Charney S, Chiu JSL. 2007. Gugus Kendali Mutu : Pedoman, Partisipasi dan Produktivitas. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. Gaspersz, Vincent. 1998. Production Planning and Inventory Control Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem Terintegrasi MRP II dan JIT Menuju Manufacturing 21. Jakarta : Gramedia. Han F, Leong D. 1996. Productivity and Service Quality An Essential Reading for Service Providers. Singapura: Prentice Hall. Hariandja, Marihot TE. 2007. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia : Pengadaan, Pengembangan, Pengkompensasian, dan Peningkatan Produktivitas Pegawai. Jakarta : Grasindo. Hasibuan, Malayu SP. 2008. Organisasi dan Motivasi : Dasar Peningkatan Produktivitas. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. International Labour Office. 1975. Penelitian Kerja dan Produktivitas. Jakarta : Erlangga. Peter K, Paul O, Gary H, Frank H. 1997. Factors Influencing C raftsmen’s Productivity In Indonesia. Journal of Project Management, Vol 15, No 1. Roy, Pilcher. 1992. Principles of Construction Management. London : Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. Richard, Schonberger. 1985. Operations Management Productivity and Quality. Texas : Business Publications. Sinungan, Muchdarsyah. 2008. Produktivitas: Apa dan Bagaimana. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. Soedradjat, Sastroatmodjo 1984. Analisa Cara Modern Anggaran Biaya Pelaksanaan. Bandung : Nova. Sutalaksana, Istikar Z. 1979. Teknik Tata Cara Kerja. Bandung : Jurusan Teknik Institut Teknologi Bandung. 37 LAMPIRAN 39 Lampiran 2a. Garis Besar Jadwal Kegiatan IPUS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS MARET 2010 Aktivitas Deskripsi Waktu Tempat Orientasi Briefing - Program Magang - Company Profile - Safety secara umum - A3 report Format TBP 4 11 Maret 2010 Ruang Century Lt. 5 Head Office PT. TMMIN OJD - Placement to Division - Learning Dept. Business Process - Project Assignment 10 Maret 2010 12 – 20 Maret 2010 22 – 31 Maret 2010 Divisi masing-masing Mid Review Mid Rev. Preparation Discussion with mentor TBP Assessor 2 session 1 – 16 April 2010 Division HRD Presentation 1 Mid Riview Improvement Report 19 – 23 April 2010 60 menit Head Office Lt. 3 Avanza Room HRD Project Assignment 26 April – 30 April 2010 Divisi masing-masing Final Review Final Rev. Preparation Discussion with mentor TBP Assessor 2 session 3 – 21 Mei 2010 Division HRD Presentation 1 Final Riview Improvement Report 24 – 27 Mei 2010 60 menit Head Office Lt. 3 Avanza Room HRD Finalisasi Project Improvement 31 Mei – 4 Juni 2010 Divisi masing-masing Closing Penutupan kegiatan magang - Pengembalian seluruh perlengkapan magang - Evaluasi hasil magang feedback peserta HRD - Pemberian serifikat magang 7 Juni 2010 Head Office Lt. 3 HRD Avanza Room 40 Lampiran 2b. Detail Jadwal Kegiatan IPUS Time Line Kegiatan Magang Lampiran 3. Action Plan Magang 1. Training TBP and A3 Report Understanding TBP and A3 Report 2. Project Assignment Problem can be solved 3. Finalization of Project Improvement Bipartite Guidelines ready to publicated 4. Closing IPUS Program Bipartite Guidelines has been publicated 1. Study of literature about IR and HRD 2. Genba to each departement in HRD 3. Orientation Having base information about forum bipartite 2. Genba i. Executive Bipartite ii. Location Bipartite Sunter 1 3. Survey Clarification of existing guidance 4. Design framework Framework is signed 1. Establish Bipartite Guidelines Bipartite Guidelines ready to applicated 2. Trial Bipartite Guidelines in Forum i. Location Bipartite HO ii. Minor Bipartite Press Krw 1. Evaluation Bipartite Guidelines 2. Discuss with ANP, SP SG 3. Improvement Bipartite Guidelines 4. Standardization Final Bipartite Guidelines ready to publicated 5. Socialization to Convention Bipartite Bipartite Guidelines has been publicated 1. Actions Plan All activies have been scheduled 3. Mid Review Having problem and problem solving 4. Final Review The problem has been solved V. Daily 1. Collecting analysis Bipartite Minutes All files can be managed 2. Help prepare meeting iii. Minor Bipartite HO, Assy Krw PVD Sunter 2 1. Learning the Bipartite Forum - History, mechanisme, process ACTION Internship Program for Uni Activities II. HR Business Process I. Induction IV. Performance Evaluation Understanding the implementation current Bipartite forum Find and solve the existing problems in the guidelines Bipartite Guidelines can be applicated III. Project Evaluation Preparation Implementation Target Having knowledge about HRD IR TMMIN Name Division Department Period : Yudistia Rizkiangga P. : Human Resources : Industrial Relations : March - June 2010 II III IV V I II III IV I II III IV I II Bipartite Guidelines Final framework Bipartite Guidelines Actions Plan TBP report Final TBP A3 report SOP for manage files 37 Evaluation Report Final Bipartite guidelines Mapping framework ONS PLAN or University Students 2010 March April HR Profile May June Output HO HRD P W Krw HO Well understand Sunter 1 IR Preparation 7th May 2010 Preparation 13th April 2010 19th March 2010 20th April 2010 25th May 2010 4th June 2010 Final Guidelines 7th June 2010 5th April 2010 9th April 2010 25th May 2010 27th May 2010 Prepared Checked Approved Subchan Gatot Anggi N. P. Yudistia R. P. Presentation 25th May 2010 Presentation 20th April 2010 28th April 2010 PVD Sunter2 Assy Krw 6th May 2010 Early Guidelines Signed 8th April 2010 21th May 2010 Problem solved Final SOP 4th June 2010 Convention Bipartite 30th April 2010 Description Time PUK Lampiran 4. Mekanisme penyelesaian masalah dalam forum Bipartit Bipartite Members PAD HRD Division Isu dibahas dalam Forum 1 Stratifikasi 3 Analisis 4 Meeting PAD, HRD, HR Reps related Division 5 Resume Resume Resume 2 1. Isu dari anggota dibahas dalam Forum Bipartit. 2. Forum bipartit sekretaris membuat resume pertemuan, dan dilaporkan ke HRD, PAD PUK. 3. IR Komunikasi menstratifikasikan masalah dari resume pertemuan. Stratifikasi didasarkan pada: a. Mayor topik. - Ketentuan dan peraturan Perusahaan - Kondisi kerja - Kedisiplinan kerja - Cost Reduction b. Selesai atau belumnya masalah. 4. IR Komunikasi menganalisa isu-isu yang belum selesai berdasarkan: a. Prioritas isu misal berkaitan dengan SARA b. 1 isu dibahas disemua atau beberapa forum. c. Isu-isu lokasi 5. HRD, HR Perwakilan, PAD Divisi terkait terus pertemuan untuk membahas isu-isu. Waktu : minimal satu kali setiap bulan Tempat : HO atau Plant PIC : HRD, HR Reps, PAD Divisi terkait Materi : Semua masalah yang belum selesai 6. IR komunikasi membuat laporan bulanan dan diserahkan ke HR Division Head HR Direktur. 7. IR Komunikasi melakukan tindak lanjut dan mengkomunikasikan ke Ketua Forum Bipartit. 8. Masalah-masalah yang belum terselesaikan dibawa ke level forum lebih tinggi. Follow Up 7 not finish issues Report 6 H H +7 H + 10 H + 14 H + 21 H + 25 H + 28 H + 30 Dibawa ke level forum lebih tinggi 1 42 43 Lampiran 5. Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Forum Bipartit Bipartite Forum Guidelines PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia 2010 Lampiran 5. Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Forum Bipartit Lanjutan 44 DAFTAR ISI