Distance to the Natives and Eastern stereotypes

The category of hybrid native in this novel belongs to the main character Changez in the language of Trinh. T. Minh-ha 2 , people who stand where the boundary was not determined in which they regularly pass in and out”. In other words, the hybrid natives are those that go beyond the bounds of a Pakistan culture and entered the European culture offered by the occupation.

1. Distance to the Natives and Eastern stereotypes

The indigenous of the hybrid in The Reluctant Fundamentalist is shown as a native Pakistan who is clearly distinguished by depictions of indigenous people generally. In this novel, natives Pakistans are generally shown within the framework of the Eastern stereotypes, native hybrid is shown as the natives are able to escape the stereotype that is attached to the East by the European identity. In The Reluctant of the fundamentalist, Pakistan and the people of Pakistan are depicted in poverty and static. Pakistan is represented by a static depiction of Lahore as one province in Pakistan which is the background story as a static city, not progress. “I did not grow up in poverty. But I did grow up with a poor boys sense of longing, in my case not for what my family never had, but for what we had had and lost. Some of my memories held onto imagined memories the way homeless people hold onto lottery tickets Hamid 2007, 71 “Perhaps we currently lack wealth, power, or even sporting glory….commensurate with our status as the world’s sixth most populous country, we Pakistani tend to take an ordinate pride in our food” Hamid 2007, 101 2 Leela Ghandi. 1998. Teori Postkolonial: Upaya Meruntuhkan Hegemoni Barat. Yogyakarta: Qalam, p. 165 “Now our cities were largely unplanned, unsanitary affairs” Hamid 2007, 34 Changez is indigenous to that apart from these stereotypes. He is a native representation that shows the different between native Pakistan as static people given by stereotype of Europe. Changez ia a native that can come out from the stereotype of backwardness. He is an intelligent man has a strong business instincts readings. Follow the development of world politics, and insightful knowledge of East and Europe. He is also elected to be one of the few natives who are able to enter to the American university. “They were almost all intelligent, and many were brilliant, but whereas I was only one of Pakistanis in my entering class-two from a population of over a hundred million souls” Hamid 2007, 3 “I reached my senior year without having received a single B” Hamid 2007, 4 “I myself had among the top exam results in Pakistan” Hamid 2007, 4 “two of the six analyst in my entering class-those ranked fifth and sixth-were indeed among the employees our firm. But I, Jim informed me, was once again ranked number one” Hamid 2007, 121 Changez appears as an indigenous who tends to escape from stereotypes East, here depicted Changez drinking which is the stereotype of the east strictly prohibited. and Changez is also associated with Erika, a girl who he met in greece after his graduation from Princeton university, without going through the bonds of marriage first, it shows a personal resistance hybrid escaping his roots of culture. “Arriving in town, we found a café near the harbor with tables shaded by blue-and-white umbrellas. She ordered a beer; I did the same” Hamid 2007, 27 ”we made love with a physical intimacy that Erica and I had never enjoyed” Hamid 2007, 105 “She kissed me on the cheek hours later” Hamid 2007, 57 “relationship…many parents were strict, and sometimes weeks pass without us being able to meet those we thought of as our girlfriends” Hamid 2007, 69 Release of figures which represent indigenous hybrid with Eastern stereotypes, is also shown through a physical description. In the novel, native Pakistan Eastern, people of indigenous Pakistan men are described bearded and bearded, wearing a shirt or a typical Pakistan, cap, turban, and sandals without socks. The women are described with veil and wear dresses that are not tight. Cloth that covers the whole body except the face and fingertips. “I was something special. I was a perfect breast, if you will- tan, succulent, seemingly defiant of gravity- and I was confident of getting any job I wanted” Hamid 2007, 5 “in a subway car, my skin would typically fall in the middle of the color spectrum” Hamid 2007, 33 “it struck me then…that shorn of hair and dressed in battle fatigues, we would have been virtually indistinguishable” Hamid 2007, 38 “Then he said “you are polished, well-dressed. You have this sophisticated accent” Hamid 2007, 8 “I….wore a starched white kurta of delicately cotton over a pair jeans” Hamid 2007, 48 In this novel, indigenous hybrid Pakistan can be differentiated clearly through their physic and clothes compare to europeans in visible with the other. The symbol of Europeans which are attached by the native hybrids are shown through clothing and drinking habit.

2. The Distance to Europewest here the U.S.