Research Background Student`s perceptions on the video project in their speaking class: a study of 11th grade of SMAN 1 Kasihan students.


B. Research Problem

From the research background presented, the researcher deals with one research problem: What are the students’ perceptions on the video project in their speaking class?

C. Problem Limitation

English course is divided into four skills which are learned, such as speaking skill, reading skill, listening skill and writing skill. A speaking class is a part of English class which focuses on the students’ speaking skill. A speaking class uses videos as the teaching media. The topic about biography was also discussed in the speaking class, so that the researcher decided to apply the video project in the class. This research focuses on the students’ perceptions toward the video project in their speaking class. The participants of the research were eleventh 11 th grade of Social Two SMA 1 Kasihan students. It consists of twenty-one students but only sixteen students became the participants because there were five students missed the class when the researcher conducted the research.

D. Research Objectives

This research has one research objective: 1. This research aims to dig the study of students’ perceptions on the video project in their speaking class. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6

E. Research Benefits

This research is expected to bring some benefits for the senior high school students, English teachers and future researchers:

1. For Senior High School students

This study is beneficial for senior high school students because through creating videos, they can train their speaking skills. Using a video as one of the learning media can encourage the students in learning English. Then students can perform better speaking skills.

2. For English teachers

Teachers can find other teaching media to teach English in a fun way. This teaching media can be imitated by other teachers to build an interesting teaching and learning process. The teachers may use video as an audiovisual media to be implemented in speaking class.

3. For Future Researchers

This study is beneficial for the future researchers who want to have the same topic of the research. It is important to find some methods of learning to make English lesson more fun and easier for the students. This research can be used as one of the references to conduct another research. 7

F. Definition of Terms

There are some terms which are presented in this research. Those terms are perception, video project, 11 th grade of social two SMA 1 Kasihan students, and speaking class. The researcher writes the description of each term in order to avoid misunderstanding, as follow:

1. Perception

Perception is a thought which is created when person sees around the world. According to Forgus 1966, perception is a process which an organism receives particular information about the environment. Perception does not only create pers on’s experience but it also lets the person knows deeper through the environment Cheery, 2015. In other words, perception is a sensory experience and involves environmental stimuli and action. Different perceptions from person to another are influenced by their interests and needs. In this study, perception means students’ subjective experiences and opinions through their observation which happen in the speaking class.

2. Video Project

McGovern 1983 states that a video is an audiovisual media which produces sounds and images. According to Hafner and Miller 2011, a video project provides a social context in which able to communicate with one and another. In this research, a video is a teaching media for students to observe and practice to speak English. In the beginning of the class, a video which is supported PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8 by projector, LCD and notebook, is used to attract the students’ interests to follow the teaching and learning process. A video is also used as a project for the students to record their own speeches about their biographies. In this study, a video project refers to the students’ creations in form of videos about their own biographies.

3. Social Two Class of 11

th grade SMA 1 Kasihan students The researcher focused on the 11 th grade of SMA 1 Kasihan students in the Social program. There are five social classes in academic year 20152016. There are XI Social One, XI Social Two, XI Social Three, XI Social Four and XI Social Five. During the teaching training program, the researcher only taught one social class which was XI Social Two. The researcher conducted the research in this class which consists of twenty one students. Based on the observation that the researcher conducted in the beginning of the teaching training program, the researcher found that most of the students had encouragement to learn English as well. However, sometimes they felt bored and did not give attention to the teaching and learning process. In this study, XI Social Two students in SMA 1 Kasihan represent of the research’ participants to know students’ perceptions on the video project in their speaking class.

4. Speaking Class

Formally, there is no speaking class in English course for senior high school students. English course in SMA 1 Kasihan is divided into classes based on 9 the basic competence in Curriculum 2013, such as speaking classes, listening classes, writing classes, and reading classes. A speaking class refers to the teaching and learning activities which trains the students’ speaking skills. In a speaking class, students are expected to be accustomed to speak English. In this study, a speaking class is a class where the video project is applied to be one of teaching media to train students’ speaking skill.