The Teachers and Lecturers of Jesuit Schools The Students

reading and writing skills as well as developing their personalities as fully human persons. Critical Reading and Writing II course is a compulsory course of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University that will enable the students to develop a skill to make a mind mapping, a summary, a synthesis and a presentation English Language Education Study Program, 2011, p. 39. To emphasize, becoming a critical reader is almost the same as being sceptical. A critical reader means that he or she recognizes not only what text says, but also how that text portrays the subject matter Kurland, 2000. In addition, Carrol, EdD, HLD, and Wilson 2014 define the main task of a critical writer Their task is to keep a constant and consistent process of thinking underway; this means writers craft ways to say what they wants to say, keeping those that work but abandoning those that do not, thereby setting out on a different tack, using different words, modifying the syntax, adding, subtracting, rearranging, or even scrapping the entire attempt p. 3.

2. Perceptions

The term “perceptions” also appears as the keyword of the title. According to Gibson 1979, perception depends entirely upon information in the “stimulus array ” rather than sensations that are influenced by cognition. In other words, perception is the way a person interprets the information. In the same way, the term “perception” refers to the expressions of opinion, thought, and feeling which come from the students. The word “perceptions” is dealing with the opinions and thought of the students who are taking Critical Reading and Writing II course in the academic year of 20142015 on the implementation of Jesuit values in Critical Reading and Writing II course.

3. Jesuit Values

In the first place, the term “value” is mainly related to everyday life. A value is dealing with something that a person believes and does. Correspondingly, Jesuit values are the values which are internalized in every single student and lecturer through teaching-learning process in Sanata Dharma University. Generally, there are three Jesuit values, namely competence, conscience, and compassion International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education [ICAJE], 1993. Those three Jesuit values, namely competence, conscience, and compassion, are helpful to encourage the students who are taking Critical Reading and Writing II course in the academic year of 20142015 to develop their reading and writing skills as well as develop their personalities. In short, those three Jesuit values help the students to develop themselves as intellectual as well as fully human persons.