Rerata introducing hari ketiga, kelima dan ketujuh


3.1 Rerata introducing hari ketiga, kelima dan ketujuh

General Linear Model Within-Subjects Factors Measure: intro Intro3 Intro5 Intro7 hari 1 2 3 Dependent Variable Between-Subjects Factors Jahe merah dosis I 5 Jahe merah dosis II 5 Jahe merah dosis III 5 Kontrol 5 Pembanding 5 1 2 3 4 5 Perlakuan Value Label N Descriptive Statistics 12.0000 4.52769 5 10.1000 4.43565 5 12.5000 5.32682 5 6.6000 3.34290 5 34.0000 8.82468 5 15.0400 11.15135 25 17.2000 4.36749 5 5.6000 4.74868 5 17.0000 8.66747 5 5.2000 3.51070 5 28.5000 9.28036 5 14.7000 10.67708 25 20.1000 2.40832 5 8.2000 4.52217 5 19.2000 7.75887 5 5.8000 3.21325 5 25.0000 4.16833 5 15.6600 8.70431 25 Perlakuan Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Total Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Total Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Total Intro hari ke3 Intro hari ke5 Intro hari ke7 Mean Std. Deviation N Repeated Measurement ANOVA Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Measure: intro Transformed Variable: Average 17176.333 1 17176.333 317.541 .000 .941 5056.000 4 1264.000 23.368 .000 .824 1081.833 20 54.092 Source Intercept Perlakuan Error Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared Estimated Marginal Means Perlakuan Estimates Measure: intro 16.433 1.899 12.472 20.395 7.967 1.899 4.005 11.928 16.233 1.899 12.272 20.195 5.867 1.899 1.905 9.828 29.167 1.899 25.205 33.128 Perlakuan Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound 95 Confidence Interval Uji LSD Pairwise Comparisons Measure: intro 8.467 2.686 .005 2.865 14.069 .200 2.686 .941 -5.402 5.802 10.567 2.686 .001 4.965 16.169 -12.733 2.686 .000 -18.335 -7.131 -8.467 2.686 .005 -14.069 -2.865 -8.267 2.686 .006 -13.869 -2.665 2.100 2.686 .443 -3.502 7.702 -21.200 2.686 .000 -26.802 -15.598 -.200 2.686 .941 -5.802 5.402 8.267 2.686 .006 2.665 13.869 10.367 2.686 .001 4.765 15.969 -12.933 2.686 .000 -18.535 -7.331 -10.567 2.686 .001 -16.169 -4.965 -2.100 2.686 .443 -7.702 3.502 -10.367 2.686 .001 -15.969 -4.765 -23.300 2.686 .000 -28.902 -17.698 12.733 2.686 .000 7.131 18.335 21.200 2.686 .000 15.598 26.802 12.933 2.686 .000 7.331 18.535 23.300 2.686 .000 17.698 28.902 J Perlakuan Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding I Perlakuan Jahe merah dosis I Jahe merah dosis II Jahe merah dosis III Kontrol Pembanding Mean Difference I-J Std. Error Sig. a Lower Bound Upper Bound 95 Confidence Interval for Difference a Based on estimated marginal means The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. . Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference equivalent to no adjustments. a.

3.2 Rerata mounting hari ketiga, kelima dan ketujuh