Pengaruh Persepsi dan Motivasi terhadap Minat Bidan Praktik Mandiri Sebagai Provider Program Jampersal di Kota Dumai



Bidan Praktek Mandiri (BPM) merupakan salah satu ujung tombak pelayanan
kesehatan ibu dan anak yang berperan sebagai pelaksana Jaminan Persalinan
(Jampersal). Kota Dumai telah melaksanakan Jampersal sejak tahun 2011. Jumlah
BPM di Kota Dumai tercatat sebanyak 73 BPM dari jumlah tersebut hanya 21 BPM
(28,8%) yang berminat sebagai provider Jampersal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh persepsi dan motivasi
terhadap minat Bidan Praktik Mandiri sebagai provider program Jampersal di Kota
Dumai. Jenis penelitian survei explanatory. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan bulan Juli
sampai dengan Oktober 2013. Populasi adalah seluruh BPM berjumlah 73 orang dan
seluruhnya dijadikan sampel. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara menggunakan
kuesioner, dianalisis dengan regresi logistik berganda pada pengujian α=0,05.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara statistik persepsi meliputi
(persepsi tentang administrasi dan persepsi tentang tarif pelayanan) dan motivasi
meliputi (kebutuhan fisik, kebutuhan penghargaan dan kebutuhan aktualisasi)
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat BPM sebagai provider program
Jampersal di Kota Dumai. Persepsi tentang tarif pelayanan merupakan variabel yang
paling berpengaruh terhadap minat.

Disarankan kepada : (1) Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai : (a) perlu
meningkatkan sosialisasi melalui lintas program, lintas sektor dan melibatkan
masyarakat tentang program Jampersal, menerbitkan turunan kebijakan Jampersal
berupa peraturan yang mewajibkan BPM untuk melakukan PKS serta kebijakan
tentang peningkatan anggaran Jampersal, (b) perlu penyesuaian tarif dengan
persalinan pada umumnya, sehingga tidak ada pihak yang merasa kurang
diuntungkan, dan penguatan tim pengelola Jampersal dalam peningkatan kemampuan
tim proses verifikasi terkait dengan pembayaran klaim. (2) BPM; berupaya mengikuti
perkembangan terkini tentang program bidan melalui seminar, lokakarya, dan
pelatihan serta meningkatkan motivasi untuk berpartisipasi aktif membantu program
Pemerintah melalui program Jampersal. (3) IBI; meningkatkan sosialisasi secara
intensif dan lebih jelas kepada Bidan Praktik Mandiri tentang program Jampersal,
memfasilitasi bidan yang berminat sebagai provider, melakukan pembinaan dan
memperhatikan masa berlaku ijin praktiknya untuk menghindari terjadinya praktik

Kata Kunci : Persepsi, Motivasi, Bidan Praktek Mandiri, Jampersal

Universitas Sumatera Utara



BPM (Independent Midwife Practitioner) is one of the spearheads in health
service for mothers and children; they play their role as the the providers of
Jampersal (childbirth security) at Dumai, where Jampersal has been implemented
since 2011. There are 73 BPM at Dumai, but only 21 BPM (28,8%) are interested in
doing their job as Jampersal providers.
The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of perception and
motivation on the interest of Independent Midwife Practitioners in doing their job as
Jampersal providers at Dumai. The research was an explanatory survey; it was
conducted from July to October, 2013. The population was all 73 independent
midwife practitioners, and all of them were used as the samples. The data were
gathered by conducting interviews, using questionnaires, and analyzed by using
multiple logistic regression analysis at α = 0.05.
The result of the research statistically showed that perception (perception on
administration and service fee) and motivation (physical need, reward need, and
actualization need) had positive and significant influence on the interest of BPMs in

doing their job as the providers of Jampersal program at Dumai. The variable of the
perception on service fee had the most dominant influence on interest.
It is recommended that (1) The Health Office of Dumai (a) increase interprogram and inter-sector socialization, and community (Toma, Toga, and cadres)
and specific budge is needed to socialize Jampersal program, (b) collaborate with the
Mayor of Dumai to issue the copy of Jampersal policy such as the regulation which
requires BPM to do Jampersal policy without violating midwife’s rights. (c) increase
communication with IBI and BPM to minimize wrong interpretation in implementing
Jampersal, and (d) motivate BPM by giving rewards and certificates and providing
trainings, seminars, and workshops, and increase skill by apprenticing in hospitals;
(2) BPM (a) follow current development about midwife programs through seminars,
workshops, and trainings, and (b) increase motivation and awareness to actively
participate in helping government’ program through Jampersal program; IBI Dumai
Branch Office (a) increase socialization intensively and transparently to its members
about Jampersal program and, (b) facilitate midwives who are interested in doing
their job as Jampersal providers.

Keywords: Perception, Motivation, Independent Midwife Practitioner, Jampersal

Universitas Sumatera Utara