Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Pupuk Oleh Petani Pada Tanaman Sayuran (Kubis, Kubis Bunga, Dan Wortel)(Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Tigapanah, Kabupaten Karo)

  L A M P I R A N Lampiran 1. Karakteristik Petani Kubis Bunga Kecamatan Tigapanah Kabupaten Karo 2015

  Responden Nama Pengalaman Bertani


  41 S1


  29 Lekson Br Tarigan


  59 SD


  30 Ratna Br Tarigan

  33 SMA

  28 Dolat J. Ginting


  31 Ahmadi Sukapiring


  48 SMA


  32 Rolianta Br Sinuhaji


  42 STM



  33 Andi Ginting

  25 Reksa Ginting

  23 Ridwan Parangin-angin


  40 SMP


  24 Fitri Br Barus


  30 SMA



  35 SMA

  66 SMA


  26 Jasmin Kemit


  50 SMA


  27 Lela Br Purba




  39 SMP



  25 SMA


  40 M. Sulaiman Lubis


  26 STM


  41 Hanni Sembiring

  33 STM



  42 Muklis


  26 SMP


  43 B. Tarigan


  34 SMP

  39 Eka Susanti

  32 SMA

  35 SMA



  34 Dafit Sinuhaji


  39 SMA


  35 Auri


  25 SD

  36 Lesna Sembiring



  36 SMP


  37 Supardi Pandia


  39 SMA


  38 Heuvaruati Purba



  ( Tahun) Usia Pendidikan Jumlah



  40 SMA


  7 Demo Depari


  46 SMA


  8 Mama Petro

  49 SD



  9 Gindo Ginting


  29 SMP

  10 Sariwangi


  43 SMA


  6 Ulina Br Sinuhaji

  25 SMP




  1 Diamon Pelawi


  42 SMA


  2 Tommi


  45 SMP

  3 Robin



  40 SMA


  4 Andarias Sinuhaji


  50 SMA


  5 Indra Tarigan

  11 Hendra Sembiring

  38 SMA

  22 Nurboti Br Ginting

  56 SMA

  34 SMA


  18 Armut Br Ginting


  46 S1


  19 Rela Ginting



  17 Edi Syahputra Sembiring

  20 Eko Diska Barus


  26 SMA


  21 Junanda Purba


  37 S1





  14 Endia Pandia

  12 Diamon Bukit


  27 SMP


  13 Irawati Br Ginting


  29 SMA



  52 SD

  33 SMA


  15 Sarjani Sembiring


  30 SMP


  16 Mamak Margareta Pandia


  3 Lampiran 2. Hasil Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Penggunaan Pupuk pada Kubis Bunga dengan Menggunakan Frontier

  Output from the program FRONTIER (Version 4.1c) instruction file = terminal data file = kbunga2.txt Error Components Frontier (see B&C 1992) The model is a production function The dependent variable is logged the ols estimates are : coefficient standard-error t-ratio beta 0 0.92847007E+01 0.97371410E+00 0.95353459E+01 beta 1 -0.90486142E-01 0.15032059E+00 -0.60195441E+00 sigma-squared 0.50613133E-01 log likelihood function = 0.41558474E+01 the estimates after the grid search were : beta 0 0.93245333E+01 beta 1 -0.90486142E-01 sigma-squared 0.49845671E-01 gamma 0.50000000E-01 mu is restricted to be zero eta is restricted to be zero

  iteration = 0 func evals = 20 llf = 0.41534686E+01 0.93245333E+01-0.90486142E-01 0.49845671E-01 0.50000000E-01 gradient step iteration = 5 func evals = 82 llf = 0.41552714E+01 0.93001347E+01-0.89060270E-01 0.48844630E-01 0.19896535E-01 iteration = 10 func evals = 169 llf = 0.41557122E+01 0.92963826E+01-0.89880951E-01 0.48483387E-01 0.76795660E-02 iteration = 15 func evals = 260 llf = 0.41558062E+01 0.92976571E+01-0.90814751E-01 0.48381277E-01 0.37400678E-02 iteration = 20 func evals = 366 llf = 0.41558321E+01 0.92942767E+01-0.90729811E-01 0.48328384E-01 0.20800485E-02 iteration = 25 func evals = 473 llf = 0.41558406E+01 0.92909240E+01-0.90515510E-01 0.48295611E-01 0.11642015E-02 iteration = 30 func evals = 582 llf = 0.41558446E+01 0.92894035E+01-0.90491248E-01 0.48280869E-01 0.70296009E-03 iteration = 35 func evals = 692 llf = 0.41558462E+01 0.92881178E+01-0.90466119E-01 0.48271095E-01 0.40647642E-03 iteration = 40 func evals = 786 llf = 0.41558467E+01 0.92874175E+01-0.90470059E-01 0.48266578E-01 0.25704662E-03 iteration = 45 func evals = 882 llf = 0.41558471E+01

  0.92868379E+01-0.90475667E-01 0.48263616E-01 0.15710852E-03 iteration = 50 func evals = 994 llf = 0.41558472E+01 0.92862804E+01-0.90478859E-01 0.48261506E-01 0.85761481E-04 iteration = 51 func evals = 1002 llf = 0.41558472E+01 0.92862804E+01-0.90478859E-01 0.48261506E-01 0.85761482E-04

  the final mle estimates are : coefficient standard-error t-ratio beta 0 0.92862804E+01 0.95513210E+00 0.97225090E+01 beta 1 -0.90478859E-01 0.12560763E+00 -0.72032932E+00 sigma-squared 0.48261506E-01 0.10748162E-01 0.44902099E+01 gamma 0.85761482E-04 0.74630451E-01 0.11491486E-02 mu is restricted to be zero eta is restricted to be zero log likelihood function = 0.41558472E+01 LR test of the one-sided error = 0.451275292E+02 with number of restrictions = 1 [note that this statistic has a mixed chi-square distribution] number of iterations = 51 (maximum number of iterations set at : 100) number of cross-sections = 43 number of time periods = 1 total number of observations = 43 thus there are: 0 obsns not in the panel

  covariance matrix : 0.91227733E+00 -0.87263769E-01 -0.16101983E-03 0.38545930E-01

  • 0.87263769E-01 0.15777277E-01 0.21367388E-03 0.17211083E-02
  • 0.16101983E-03 0.21367388E-03 0.11552300E-03 0.13543686E-03 0.38545930E-01 0.17211083E-02 0.13543686E-03 0.55697043E-02 technical efficiency estimates : firm eff.-est. 1 0.99836971E+00 2 0.99838072E+00 3 0.99838072E+00 4 0.99837104E+00 5 0.99838367E+00

  6 0.99838367E+00 7 0.99837377E+00 8 0.99837138E+00 9 0.99838400E+00 10 0.99838876E+00 11 0.99836870E+00 12 0.99838886E+00 13 0.99838886E+00 14 0.99837167E+00 15 0.99838429E+00 16 0.99837420E+00 17 0.99838162E+00 18 0.99836918E+00 19 0.99837194E+00 20 0.99838456E+00 21 0.99838456E+00 22 0.99838460E+00 23 0.99838472E+00 24 0.99837219E+00 25 0.99837219E+00 26 0.99837219E+00 27 0.99837700E+00 28 0.99838480E+00 29 0.99838956E+00 30 0.99838492E+00 31 0.99837242E+00 32 0.99837242E+00 33 0.99837242E+00 34 0.99838503E+00 35 0.99838503E+00 36 0.99838503E+00 37 0.99837249E+00 38 0.99838986E+00 39 0.99837252E+00 40 0.99838523E+00 41 0.99837263E+00 42 0.99837282E+00 43 0.99837300E+00 mean efficiency = 0.99837881E+00

  Lampiran 3. Karakteristik Petani Kubis Kecamatan Tigapanah Kabupaten Karo Tahun 2015

  Pengalaman Bertani Jumlah Responden Nama ( Tahun) Usia Pendidikan Tanggungan

  1 Diamon Pelawi


  42 SMA


  2 Demo Depari


  46 SMA


  3 Ulina Br Sinuhaji


  40 SMA


  4 Supardi Pandia


  39 SMA


  5 Andarias Sinuhaji


  50 SMA


  6 Indra Tarigan


  25 SMP

  1 Lampiran 4. Hasil Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Penggunaan Pupuk pada Kubis dengan Menggunakan Frontier Output from the program FRONTIER (Version 4.1c) instruction file = terminal data file = kubis2.txt Error Components Frontier (see B&C 1992) The model is a production function The dependent variable is logged the ols estimates are : coefficient standard-error t-ratio beta 0 0.41203495E+01 0.23884521E+01 0.17251129E+01 beta 1 0.68578412E+00 0.37296380E+00 0.18387418E+01 sigma-squared 0.41795538E-01 log likelihood function = 0.44244919E+01 the estimates after the grid search were : beta 0 0.41555165E+01 beta 1 0.68578412E+00 sigma-squared 0.38852704E-01

  7 Mamak Petro

  46 SMA


  15 Tommi


  45 SMP


  16 Rela Ginting


  56 SMA


  17 Armut Br Ginting




  18 Margareta Pandia


  52 SD


  19 B. Tarigan


  34 SMP


  20 Robin


  40 SMA

  27 SMP

  14 Diamon Bukit



  49 SD


  8 Hendra Sembiring


  38 SMA


  9 Rolianta Br Sinuhaji


  42 STM


  10 Ahmadi Sukapiring

  48 SMA



  11 Lekson Br Tarigan


  59 SD


  12 Dolat J. Ginting


  41 S1


  13 Sarjani Sembiring


  30 SMP

  3 gamma 0.50000000E-01 mu is restricted to be zero eta is restricted to be zero

  iteration = 0 func evals = 20 llf = 0.44135626E+01 0.41555165E+01 0.68578412E+00 0.38852704E-01 0.50000000E-01 gradient step iteration = 5 func evals = 66 llf = 0.44233333E+01 0.41499697E+01 0.68365001E+00 0.37780841E-01 0.92670158E-02 iteration = 10 func evals = 167 llf = 0.44244119E+01 0.41244564E+01 0.68610175E+00 0.37577950E-01 0.15732328E-02 iteration = 15 func evals = 271 llf = 0.44244774E+01 0.41202560E+01 0.68636365E+00 0.37611530E-01 0.54269376E-03 iteration = 20 func evals = 376 llf = 0.44244892E+01 0.41240107E+01 0.68554286E+00 0.37616181E-01 0.18620835E-03 iteration = 25 func evals = 469 llf = 0.44244911E+01 0.41210118E+01 0.68589885E+00 0.37615449E-01 0.80039171E-04 iteration = 30 func evals = 577 llf = 0.44244917E+01 0.41213495E+01 0.68576924E+00 0.37617525E-01 0.33658171E-04 iteration = 35 func evals = 684 llf = 0.44244918E+01 0.41209642E+01 0.68578973E+00 0.37616408E-01 0.17667934E-04 iteration = 40 func evals = 779 llf = 0.44244919E+01 0.41206752E+01 0.68578958E+00 0.37616694E-01 0.54371723E-05 iteration = 41 func evals = 797 llf = 0.44244919E+01 0.41206718E+01 0.68578953E+00 0.37616711E-01 0.52981596E-05 The final mle estimates are : coefficient standard-error t-ratio beta 0 0.41206718E+01 0.21339311E+01 0.19310238E+01 beta 1 0.68578953E+00 0.30573054E+00 0.22431175E+01 sigma-squared 0.37616711E-01 0.12584465E-01 0.29891388E+01 gamma 0.52981596E-05 0.18684141E-01 0.28356453E-03 mu is restricted to be zero eta is restricted to be zero

  log likelihood function = 0.44244919E+01 LR test of the one-sided error = 0.4935062E+01 with number of restrictions = 1 [note that this statistic has a mixed chi-square distribution] number of iterations = 41 (maximum number of iterations set at : 100) number of cross-sections = 20 number of time periods = 1 total number of observations = 20 thus there are: 0 obsns not in the panel covariance matrix :

  0.45536621E+01 -0.63328903E+00 -0.74676150E-02 0.18217557E-01

  • 0.63328903E+00 0.93471162E-01 0.36356294E-03 -0.13343168E-02
  • 0.74676150E-02 0.36356294E-03 0.15836875E-03 -0.18797657E-03 0.18217557E-01 -0.13343168E-02 -0.18797657E-03 0.34909712E-03 technical efficiency estimates : firm eff.-est. 1 0.99964373E+00 2 0.99964379E+00 3 0.99964494E+00 4 0.99964429E+00 5 0.99964361E+00 6 0.99964361E+00 7 0.99964359E+00 8 0.99964361E+00 9 0.99964379E+00 10 0.99964379E+00 11 0.99964349E+00 12 0.99964449E+00 13 0.99964389E+00 14 0.99964372E+00 15 0.99964407E+00 16 0.99964407E+00 17 0.99964449E+00 18 0.99964354E+00 19 0.99964378E+00 20 0.99964375E+00 mean efficiency = 0.99964390E+00

  Lampiran 5. Karakteristik Petani Wortel Kecamatan Tigapanah Kabupaten Karo Tahun 2015

  Pengalaman Bertani Jumlah

  Responden Nama ( Tahun) Usia Pendidikan Tanggungan

  1 Tommi


  45 SMP


  2 Demo Depari


  46 SMA


  3 Diamon Bukit


  27 SMP


  4 Ahmadi Sukapiring


  48 SMA


  5 Andarias Sinuhaji


  50 SMA


  6 Diamon Pelawi


  42 SMA



Lampiran 6. Hasil Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Penggunaan Pupuk pada Wortel



  13 Ridwan Parangin-Angin


  40 SMP


  14 Supardi Pandia


  39 SMA

  15 Rolianta Br Sinuhaji



  42 STM


  16 Edi Syahputra Sembiring


  34 SMA


  17 Bersih Sembiring


  29 SMA

  12 Irawati Br Ginting

  dengan Menggunakan Frontier Output from the program FRONTIER (Version 4.1c) instruction file = terminal data file = wortel2.txt Error Components Frontier (see B&C 1992) The model is a production function The dependent variable is logged the ols estimates are : coefficient standard-error t-ratio beta 0 0.65305367E+01 0.10558076E+01 0.61853476E+01 beta 1 0.36092867E+00 0.20124336E+00 0.17934936E+01 sigma-squared 0.33424173E-01 log likelihood function = 0.58289771E+01 the estimates after the grid search were :

  9 Hendra Sembiring

  7 Robin


  40 SMA


  8 Fitri Br Barus


  30 SMA




  38 SMA


  10 Reksa Ginting


  66 SMA


  11 Ulina Br Sinuhaji


  40 SMA

  65 SMP beta 0 0.65616754E+01 beta 1 0.36092867E+00 sigma-squared 0.30461539E-01 gamma 0.50000000E-01 mu is restricted to be zero eta is restricted to be zero iteration = 0 func evals = 20 llf = 0.58245533E+01 0.65616754E+01 0.36092867E+00 0.30461539E-01 0.50000000E-01 gradient step iteration = 5 func evals = 82 llf = 0.58283720E+01 0.65406749E+01 0.36202889E+00 0.29710860E-01 0.13323183E-01 iteration = 10 func evals = 184 llf = 0.58289173E+01 0.65365943E+01 0.36118280E+00 0.29533496E-01 0.28517551E-02 iteration = 15 func evals = 272 llf = 0.58289660E+01 0.65345644E+01 0.36091369E+00 0.29503519E-01 0.78963395E-03 iteration = 20 func evals = 377 llf = 0.58289746E+01 0.65332090E+01 0.36090344E+00 0.29497272E-01 0.33567707E-03 iteration = 25 func evals = 483 llf = 0.58289762E+01 0.65324855E+01 0.36090929E+00 0.29497128E-01 0.18187694E-03 iteration = 30 func evals = 573 llf = 0.58289770E+01 0.65314715E+01 0.36092271E+00 0.29495277E-01 0.43396786E-04 iteration = 35 func evals = 648 llf = 0.58289771E+01 0.65312182E+01 0.36093906E+00 0.29491805E-01 0.28503070E-04 iteration = 36 func evals = 651 llf = 0.58289771E+01 0.65312182E+01 0.36093906E+00 0.29491805E-01 0.28503069E-04 the final mle estimates are : coefficient standard-error t-ratio beta 0 0.65312182E+01 0.11383015E+01 0.57376872E+01 beta 1 0.36093906E+00 0.17432521E+00 0.20704926E+01 sigma-squared 0.29491805E-01 0.89833335E-02 0.32829467E+01 gamma 0.28503069E-04 0.41731250E-01 0.68301498E-03 mu is restricted to be zero eta is restricted to be zero log likelihood function = 0.58289771E+01 LR test of the one-sided error = 0.60275292E+02 with number of restrictions = 1 [note that this statistic has a mixed chi-square distribution]

number of iterations = 36 (maximum number of iterations set at : 100) number of cross-sections = 17 number of time periods = 1 total number of observations = 17 thus there are: 0 obsns not in the panel covariance matrix : 0.12957304E+01 -0.17957990E+00 0.99145237E-04 0.28736304E-01

  • 0.17957990E+00 0.30389281E-01 0.27913850E-03 -0.15218485E-02 0.99145237E-04 0.27913850E-03 0.80700281E-04 0.12060702E-03 0.28736304E-01 -0.15218485E-02 0.12060702E-03 0.17414972E-02 technical efficiency estimates : firm eff.-est. 1 0.99926865E+00 2 0.99926917E+00 3 0.99926842E+00 4 0.99926594E+00 5 0.99927165E+00 6 0.99926928E+00 7 0.99926784E+00 8 0.99926874E+00 9 0.99926923E+00 10 0.99926764E+00 11 0.99926985E+00 12 0.99927196E+00 13 0.99926687E+00 14 0.99927262E+00 15 0.99926682E+00 16 0.99926855E+00 17 0.99926778E+00 mean efficiency = 0.99926888E+00

  Regresi Linear Berganda Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Pupuk Pada Tanaman Sayuran

  Lampiran 7. Hasil Analisis Statistik Kubis Bunga

  Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Dosis Pupuk (Y) 6.6372E2 139.99614

  43 Harga Pupuk (X1) 4.2508E6 1.15015E6

  43 Harga Kubis Bunga (X2) 4.2953E3 463.91373

  43 Pengalaman Bertani (X3) 11.3488 8.73113 b

  43 Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed Method

  1 Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Pupuk . Enter (X1), Harga Kubis Bunga a (X2)

a. All requested variables entered.

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y) b Model Summary

  Change Statistics Adjusted R Std. Error of the Sig. F

Model R R Square Square Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Change

  1 .732 a .536 .500 98.99632 .536 14.998

  3 39 .000

  a. Predictors: (Constant), Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Pupuk (X1), Harga Kubis Bunga (X2)

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk Y ANOVA


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  1 Regression 440944.035 3 146981.345 14.998 .000 a Residual 382210.617 39 9800.272 Total 823154.651



  a. Predictors: (Constant), Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Pupuk (X1), Harga Kubis Bunga (X2)

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y) Coefficients a

  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 326.886 157.927 2.070 .045

  Harga Pupuk (X1) 8.873E-5 .000 .729 6.632 .000 Harga Kubis Bunga (X2) -.009 .034 -.031 -.278 .783 Pengalaman Bertani (X3) -.010 1.792 .000 -.006 .996

  a. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y)

  Descriptive Statistics

  Lampiran 8. Hasil

  Mean Std. Deviation N

  Analisis Statistik Kubis

  Dosis Pupuk (Y) 6.0825E2 80.87149

  20 Harga Pupuk (X1) 3.8888E6 7.35078E5

  20 Harga Kubis (X2) 1.0400E3 354.51969

  20 Pengalaman Bertani (X3) 14.6000 10.10159

  20 b Variables Entered/Removed

  Variables Variables Model Entered Removed Method

  1 Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Pupuk . Enter (X1), Harga a Kubis (X2)

a. All requested variables entered.

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y) b Model Summary

  Change Statistics Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change

a 1 .596 .355 .234 70.75871 .355 2.940

  3 16 .065

  a. Predictors: (Constant), Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Pupuk (X1), Harga Kubis (X2)

b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y)

  b ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. a

  1 Regression 44155.028 3 14718.343 2.940 .065 Residual 80108.722 16 5006.795 Total 124263.750


  a. Predictors: (Constant), Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Pupuk (X1), Harga Kubis (X2)

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y) a


  Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 357.514 107.465 3.327 .004

Harga Pupuk (X1) 5.976E-5 .000 .543 2.653 .017

  Harga Kubis (X2) -.009 .056 -.037 -.151 .882 Pengalaman Bertani (X3) 1.864 1.961 .233 .950 .356 a. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y)

  Lampiran 9. Hasil Analisis Statistik Wortel

  Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Dosis Pupuk (Y) 1.9382E2 48.15760

  17 Harga Pupuk (X1) 1.7005E6 4.04216E5

  17 Harga Wortel (X2) 2.4706E3 1012.27757

  17 Pengalaman Bertani (X3) 12.6471 7.36496 b

  17 Variables Entered/Removed Model Variables Entered Variables

  Removed Method

  1 Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Wortel (X2), Harga Pupuk (X1) a . Enter a. All requested variables entered.

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y) Model Summary b

  Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics

  R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change

  1 .983 a .966 .958 9.89227 .966 122.064

  3 13 .000

  a. Predictors: (Constant), Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Wortel (X2), Harga Pupuk (X1)

b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk Y

  ANOVA b Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  1 Regression 35834.330 3 11944.777 122.064 .000 a Residual 1272.141 13 97.857 Total 37106.471


  a. Predictors: (Constant), Pengalaman Bertani (X3), Harga Wortel (X2), Harga Pupuk (X1)

  b. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y)



  Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

  Correlations B Std. Error Beta Zero-order Partial Part 1 (Constant) 9.440 13.810 .684 .506

Harga Pupuk (X1) .000 .000 .975 18.386 .000 .978 .981 .944


Harga Wortel (X2) -.003 .003 -.060 -1.140 .275 -.266 -.302 -.059


  • .489 .339 -.075 -1.443 .173 .055 -.371 -.074 Bertani (X3)

  a. Dependent Variable: Dosis Pupuk (Y)

  Lampiran 10. Hasil Analisis One Sample T-Test Kubis

  One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Dosis Pupuk Petani

  20 6.0825E2 80.87149 18.08341 One-Sample Test

  Test Value = 0 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

  Dosis Pupuk Petani 33.636 19 .000 608.25000 570.4010 646.0990

  Lampiran 11. Hasil Analisis One Sample T-Test Kubis Bunga

  One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Dosis Pupuk Petani

  43 6.6372E2 139.99614 21.34921 One-Sample Test

  Test Value = 0 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

  Dosis Pupuk 31.089 42 .000 663.72093 620.6365 706.8054 Petani Lampiran 12. Hasil Analisis One Sample T-Test Wortel

  One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Dosis Pupuk Petani

  17 1.9391E2 48.13952 11.67555

One-Sample Test

  Test Value = 0 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

  Dosis Pupuk Petani 16.608 16 .000 193.91176 169.1607 218.6628

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