Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik Di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia



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AHD Nasir Hia : Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik Di…, 2007
USU Repository © 2007

Ahd Nasir Hia 1

Muhammad Abduh 2
Bismar Nasution 2
Pendastaren Tarigan 2
It has been conducted several efforts to improve the system of public service and
handling passport either perhaps to provide such service and to handle it to be more efficient,
quickly and accurately, it seemly all to improve quality by speed the handling, and to
avoid occurrence any double issuance or falsifying the National Traveling Letter of
Republic Indonesia, hereinafter referred to SPRI-letter, so that it can assure for safety on State
document as well as feel safe to those holder, the way is to change the system of public
service and handling the passport as before manually into a biometric bases system or to
apply an Integrated Biometric Photo Based System, hereinafter referred as SPT13B,
adopted it according to the Regulations of Ministry of Laws and Human Rights Republic
of Indonesia Number : M.02-12.03.10 of 2006 operated on-line throughout Republic of
Indonesia. This system is expected able to simplify to all side. Therefore, the matters need to
study are how the process of producing through issuing in implementation by the authority
in handling passport biometric based on City Immigration Office of Medan, whatever barriers as
occurred in the implementation in bureaucracy in handling passport biometric based on that
city office and how what its legal consequence is to the bureaucracy administration in
handling the passport biometric based on the City Office of Polonia Medan in relating

with the controlling, set punishment and carry out a deportation to the holder of Indonesian
passport and Foreign.
This study adopted an empirical juridical approach, based on a consideration that,
this study starting from some problems by knowing a fact occurred in field and
connecting it with the regulations ruled. Beside with an empirical juridical approach, this
study also supported by adopting a normative juridical approach namely an approaching
by performing an analysis to the bureaucracy of handling passport biometric based on the
City Immigration Office Polonia Medan.


Law Postgraduate Student, Magister Program Universitas Sumatera Utara
Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Magister Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Magister Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Magister Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara

AHD Nasir Hia : Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik Di…, 2007

USU Repository © 2007

The result of research showed that, the matters such as : the process with a bureaucracy in
handling passport in biometric based on City Immigration Office of Medan shall be run as, the
applicant come into counter SB-SPRI for making payment of charges taking of biometric data and
then fill the biometric application form with enclose photocopy of Family Card/ ID Card and hand
over his document into counter registration SB-SPRI, further the operation registration SB-SPRI
registered data of applicant into data based and take his b i Tic based as applicant (photo face
and 10 (ten) finger print). The applicant then forward to counter Immigration for taking and fill
completely the application SPRI form (Perdim-11) and enclose requirement application SPRI
according to the regulations rule and then hand it over to the official on point counter. There the
official looks for the biometric data of applicant on data based SB-SPRI to complete the other
additional data from Perdim-11 and list it with Biometric Control Number (BCN) on Perdim-11
(identity column of applicant under a sentence "state/ Destination Area"). Later, hand the
document over official as interviewer, there the official then interview the applicant SPRI for
obtaining a formal fact and material for the truly of particulars with identity and applicant and
conduct examination to document/file, list of preventive and the immigration status for
keeping its technical safe on Immigrations. If the requirements has fulfilled already, the official
later put approval stamp by signature on the Perdim-11, then issue an order letter paying the
charges and fee of SPRI and continue it to point counter for payment. There, someone shall accept

a receipt bill of payment, and put signature on the SPRI blank, and waiting a process for
personalization. Later, to deliver the document application for SPRI to the Chief City Office
of Immigration for signing the SPRI itself Chief City Office of Immigration sign it out and then
continue return it to counter for having SPRI by the applicant. There, the applicant take SPRI
and sign the receipt of bill taking.
It is suggested for conducting the duties to public service well and properly done
particularly in handling the passport quickly and accurately, there is requested stand by officer with
skill and highly competence to handle all matters concerned on the City Immigration Office of
Polonia Medan. In addition, in order to support as has been stated above, it is urged to add the
facilities and infrastructure properly either by adding electronic equipments as in this case
perhaps provided computer as present still lacking. In order to improve their quality with skill and
competence, it is required urged provide them special activity either for building character up,
counseling, guidance and provide those officers to attend special trainings for encourage them to
be a good and qualified official and direct them become a potential and professional official with a
highly qualified.


- Bureaucracy in handling passport

- Biometric based passport
- City Immigration Office of Polonia Medan

AHD Nasir Hia : Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik Di…, 2007
USU Repository © 2007

Ahd Nasir Hia 1
Muhammad Abduh 2
Bismar Nasution 2
Pendastaren Tarigan 2
Upaya untuk meningkatkan sistem layanan dan pengurusan paspor yang dilakukan
dengan berbagai cara, seperti pelayanan dan pengurusan paspor agar lebih efesien, cepat
dan akurat atau dapat juga dikatakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pelayanan,
menghindari terjadinya penerbitan ganda dan pemalsuan Surat Perjalanan Republik
Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut dengan SPRI), sehingga dapat memberikan j a min an
p e n g a m a n a n t e r h a d a p d o k u m e n N e g a r a s er t a k en y a m a n a n b a g i pemegangnya
dengan merubah sistem pelayanan dan pengurusan paspor yang bersifat manual kearah

yang berbasis biometrik atau penerapan Sistem Photo Terpadu Berbasis Biometrik
(selanjutnya disebut dengan SPTBB) berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak
Azasi Manusia Republik Indonesia Nomor : M.02.-12.03.10 Tahun 2006 yang bersifat
“on-line” diseluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat
mempermudah bagi semua pihak. Oleh karena itu, maka hal-hal yang perlu dikaji adalah
bagaimanakah proses membuat sampai menerbitkan dalam pelaksanaan birokrasi
pengurusan paspor berbasis biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan, hambatanhambatan apa sajakah yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan paspor berbasis
biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan dan bagaimanakah akibat hukum terhadap
pelaksanaan birokrasi pengurusan paspor berbasis biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia
Medan dalam hal pengawasan, memberikan sanksi dan melakukan pendeportasian
terhadap pemilik paspor Indonesia dan Asing.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris, yang didasarkan pada
pertimbangan bahwa, penelitian ini bertitik tolak dari permasalahan dengan melihat
kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan dan mengkaitkannya dengan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku. Selain pendekatan yuridis empiris, penelitian ini juga didukung
dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu pendekatan dengan melakukan
analisis terhadap birokrasi pengurus paspor berbasis Biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi
Polonia Medan.



Mahasiswa Sekolah Pascasarjana Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Dosen Sekolah Pascasarjana Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Dosen Sekolah Pascasarjana Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Dosen Sekolah Pascasarjana Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara.

AHD Nasir Hia : Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik Di…, 2007
USU Repository © 2007

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, antara lain : Proses pembuatan paspor dengan
menerapkan sistem Berbasis Biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan memberikan manfaat,
baik bagi pelayanan masyarakat yang memerlukan paspor maupun pengamanan lalu-lintas
warga Negara atau orang-orang yang keluar masuk wilayah Indonesia yaitu : Memudahkan
pembuatan paspor tanpa membedakan domisili pemohon, Mencegah terjadinya paspor ganda,
Berbasis data secara “on-line” untuk semua unit pelaksana teknis yang dapat mengakses data
secara cepat, tepat dan akurat. Sedangkan hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan
Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan yaitu :
Kurangnya personil, sarana dan prasarana serta koordinasi. Dan hal tersebut dapat dilihat dan

segi fisik untuk pelayanan dan pengurusan paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan,
Hambatan dalam Kinerja Petugas adalah terletak pada rendahnya tingkat pemahaman Petugas
terhadap, peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang Keimigrasian, rendahnya pencapaian
pelaksanaan tugas, rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan rendahnya tingkat kesejahteraan
Petugas. Sementara untuk akibat hukum dalam pelaksanaan Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor
Berbasis Biometrik di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan adalah terletak dengan tidak
memberlakukan lagi Sistem Mechine Readable Passport (MRP) yang sudah tidak sesuai
dengan perkembangan teknologi, perlu ditinjau kembali guna memenuhi Standar
Internasional yang sesuai dengan International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Dan Sistem
Mechine Readable Passport (MRP) tersebut masih dalam kategori lambat dalam hal memberikan
pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam pengurusan paspor. Serta Sistem Mechine Readable Passport
(MRP) tersebut rentan terhadap hal penerbitan ganda dan pemalsuan SPRI karena tidak bersifat online.
Disarankan untuk dapat melaksanakan tugas-tugas pelayanan dan pengurusan paspor
secara cepat dan tepat sangat diperlukan petugas yang mempunyai keterampilan dan
kemampuan yang berkualitas tinggi di Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan. Disamping itu juga, untuk
mendukung sebagaimana yang telah diutarakan pada saran nomor 1, maka perlu dilakukan
penambahan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai seperti penambahan peralatan elektronik yang
dalam hal ini komputer yang dirasa masih terlalu kurang jumlahnya. Untuk peningkatan
keterampilan dan kemampuan petugas Keimigrasian perlu dilakukan kegiatan berupa pembinaan,
bimbingan, arahan dan memberikan kesempatan petugas untuk mengikuti Diktat maka

diharapkan akan terwujudnya pegawai yang potensial dan profesional serta memiliki kemampuan
Kata-kata kunci :

- Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor
- Paspor Berbasis Biometrik.
- Kantor Imigrasi Polonia Medan.

AHD Nasir Hia : Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Birokrasi Pengurusan Paspor Berbasis Biometrik Di…, 2007
USU Repository © 2007