Data Gathering Technique Data Analysis Techniques


D. Data Gathering Technique

As stated before that the researcher used three instruments in order to gather the data to answer the questions of the research. This sub-chapter explained how the instruments worked and also how the data were gathered. In the first step of data gathering from the participants, the researcher maximized the use of observation form. The researcher observed the students’ behavior before learning, while learning, and after learning. For obtaining deep findings from the students, the researcher interviewed six students who were chosen from the scores they obtained ion the questionnaire. Based on the scores of the questionnaire, the researcher took two students representing highest scorers, two middle scorers, and two the lowest scorers. The researcher interviewed them one by one in order to obtain more reliable data.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

The first step was observing the phenomenon happening in the SALL class. In order to answer the first and the second formulated problems, the researcher analyzed the observation data collection of the students’ behavior in learning English using SALL. According to Bootzin 1983:120, if students have positive behavior toward the learning, they will have positive perception on the learning. On the other hand, if students have negative behavior toward the learning, they will have negative perception. Based on that theory, the researcher analyzed the students’ behavior PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 toward the use of SALL in learning English. The data would be presented in paragraphs. The second part was analyzing the questionnaire data. The questionnaire used Likert Scale, a scale with a number of points that provides ordinal scale measurement Wiersma, 1995: 183. The questionnaire consisted of 25 items which had a five point Likert type scale ranging from Always selalu, Often sering, Sometimes kadang- kadang, Rarely jarang, and Never tidak pernah. “Always” was assigned a score of 5, “Often” got a score of 4, “Sometimes” got 3, “Rarely” got 2, and “Never” got 1; this is due to the more accurately and efficiently handling of the scoring to avoid haphazard answers which were given by the students without reading and understanding the statements. The scoring technique for the questionnaire will be shown in the following table. Table 3.5 Scoring grades for questionnaire on Students’ Perception Option Score Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never 5 4 3 2 1 To find out what choices of the respondents, they were asked to put a tick on the column based on their choices. For the total items in the questionnaire, the scoring was done by counting the scores that each subject got in the questionnaire. To evaluate the students’ perception on the use of SALL in English learning, the ideal mean M and standard deviation SD need to be found out. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 Σ In where: Σ = the sum of all the members of a set = the number of members of the set Then, after getting the categories of the students’ scores, the researcher chose six students to be interviewed. The two students represented the highest scorers; two other students represented the medium scorers and the others represented the low scorers. The third part was interviewing. From those data, the researcher was able to determine the students who would be interviewed. The students’ responses on the interviews were recorded, so that the researcher could analyze every single word of their answers. Afterward, the recorded responses were transferred into text so that it could be further analyzed. After that, the researcher analyzed the results of the interview. The topic of the interview questions was quite similar to the questionnaire. In the interview, however, there were questions to ask the reasons or background the students gave in certain answers. The researcher did the interview twice in order to obtain reliable data. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37

F. Research Procedures