Materials Adaptation Theoretical Description


5. Materials Adaptation

Materials adaptation is “changing existing materials so that they become more suitable for specific learners, teachers or situations” Tomlinson Masuhara, 2004: 11. There are reasons for adapting materials as stated by Tomlinson and Masuhara. The reasons include the teaching environment, the learners, self preferences, the course objectives, and the materials. The techniques for materials adaptation are divided into three categories. The first category is Plus Category. The modifications in Plus Category include addition add different text andor activities and expansion increase the length, difficulty, depth, etc.. The second is Minus Category, which includes deletion delete some text andor activities altogether, subtraction decrease the number of sentences in a text or part of an activity, and reduction decrease the length, difficulty, depth, etc.. The last category is Zero Category or modification without changing quantity. This category includes modification change the instructions, replacement swap one activity with another, reorganisation change the positions of texts and illustration, re-sequencing change the sequence of the activities, and conversion change the genre of the text –from narrative to poem, or move the content from one medium to another –from print to a web page. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26

B. Theoretical Framework

This part explains how the theories reviewed in the Theoretical Description are used to conduct this study. To design the reading blog, the writer combined Kemp’s and Taba’s Instructional Design ID Model. The details are as follows. 1. Diagnosis of Needs In this step, two steps of Kemp’s ID model are merged with Taba’s first step. According to Taba, the purpose of this stage is to analyze problems, conditions, and difficulties in order to generate new emphasis and ideas about the curriculum. To do so, it is necessary to have the information about the learners including their characteristics Kemp’s step 2 and their level of knowledge Kemp’s step 5. Thus, to start the research, the writer conducts a survey to gather information about the students’ needs and interests in learning English. However, the writer adapts Kemp’s fifth step. The information about learners’ level of knowledge is not attained by conducting pre-assessment but through a survey. The survey was conducted in SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta by employing the tenth grade students and the English teachers as respondents. 2. Specifying Learning Objectives This step employs Kemp’s first step and Taba’s second step. The main focus of this step is to decide the specific objectives and topics for each unit. The learning objectives are specified in forms of Competency Standard and Basic Competence. The determination of Competency Standard and Basic Competence PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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