This section describes about the methodology in this study. The discussion includes the research method, research setting, research participants, research instruments, data gathering techniques, data analysis techniques, and research procedures.

A. Research Method

As written in the first chapter, the research problem of this study is how a set of English speaking materials using the role play for the tenth grade accounting students of SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta is designed. Therefore, this study used Borg and Gall’s Research and Development Method RD to solve the formulated problem. According to Borg Gall 1983, Research and Development RD study in education is to develop and validate the educational products and the steps consisting of studying study findings, developing the product based on the findings, field testing and revising the product. In this study, a set of English speaking materials for the tenth grade accounting students of SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta is intended to improve the students’ speaking skill. Therefore, an RD study matched to the process of designing the materials. The steps in the RD are 1 research and information collecting; 2 planning; 3 developing preliminary form of product; 4 preliminary field testing; 5 main product revision; 6 main field testing; 7 Operational product revision; 28 8 operational field testing; 9 final product revision; 10 dissemination and implementation p. 775. The writer decided to apply some of the steps in order to make suitable designed materials for the students. The writer developed an instructional model designs from Kemp 1985 cycle and used them as the implementation of Educational Research and Development RD method. The five steps were elaborated in the following parts. 1. Research and Information Collecting Borg and Gall 1983 state that the step of the research and information collecting includes review of related literature, classroom observation and preparation of the report of state of the art. Thus, the writer conducted library study to find out the theories related to the study, such as reading books about instructional design models, RD cycle, speaking skill, and role play technique. Moreover, the writer also found out the information about accounting students of vocational school. It was to give information about underlying theories. Research and information collecting related to library study was conducted in September- November 2015. Then, the writer conducted classroom observations to know the needs and the students’ characteristics. In order to gather more data, the writer had an interview with the English teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta who was teaching the tenth grade accounting students and distributed the questionnaires to the students. The writer gathered the data by using an interview, class observations, and questionnaires in March 2016. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 2. Planning After doing the first step of RD cycle, the writer made a plan based on the research and information collecting to develop the designed materials. According to Borg and Gall 1983, “The most important aspect of planning a research-based education product is the statement of the specific objectives to be achieved by the product”. Therefore, the writer identified the goals, selecting topics, and listing general purposes. After that, the writer specified the learning objectives. 3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product According to Borg and Gall 1983, “Developing preliminary form of product includes preparation of instruction of the instructional materials, handbook, and evaluation devices” p.779. The writer developed the designed materials based on the data gathered from the interview, class observations, and questionnaires. The writer listed the contents and sequence of the content and selected the instructional strategies which were used. 4. Preliminary Field Testing According to Borg and Gall 1983, “The purpose of preliminary field testing is to obtain an ini tial qualitative evaluation of the new educational product” p. 782. In this step, the writer distributed some questionnaires to an English teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta who was teaching the tenth grade accounting students and some English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University who had the experiences of teaching and designing materials. The preliminary field test was done to get feedback about the designed materials. The results of the questionnaires were important to improve the designed materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 5. Main Product Revision Main product revision was the result of the revised materials after the evaluators checked them. The revision aimed to fix the weaknesses of the materials. In addition, the evaluation was used to ensure that the designed materials were good and acceptable for the students. Thus, the main product revision was the last step which was done by the writer. Figure 3.1 The Research and Development Cycle

B. Research Setting

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