15 Obligasi Global Pemerintah Indonesia Indonesian Global Bond

Tabel II.15 Obligasi Global Pemerintah Indonesia Indonesian Global Bond

Tahun Penerbitan


Jatuh Tempo

Nilai / Value

Kupon /

C oupon

Imbal Hasil/ Yield 1

Issued Year



dalam juta USD

dalam persen

dalam persen

million of USD

INDO-35 (Reopening)

INDO-14 (Reopening)

INDO-18 (Reopening)

INDO-38 (Reopening)





INDO-RI0142 (Reopening)

1) Imbal hasil pada saat penerbitan / yield at issuance Sumber /

Sources : Kementerian Keuangan / Ministry of Finance Bloomberg

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Utang Luar Negeri Swasta External Debt of Private

Tabel III.1 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Kelompok Peminjam External Debt Position of Private by Group of Borrower

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

14,382 18,466 18,350 19,051 19,207 19,571 20,071 21,549 22,334 21,620 21,553 19,564 20,955 22,937 - BUMN / State bank

4,161 2,895 3,434 3,994 - Swasta asing / Foreign bank

2,754 2,841 2,963 2,728 - Swasta campuran / Joint venture bank

5,937 5,565 5,721 6,409 - Swasta nasional / Private national bank

2. Bukan Bank / Nonbank

- BUMN / State company 2,902

- Swasta asing / Foreign company 2 5,760

25,816 28,836 35,851 36,595 36,742 37,197 38,229 39,488 39,274 39,984 40,223 40,590 41,226 41,900 41,099 - Swasta nasional / Private national company

- Swasta campuran / Joint venture company 2 16,333

2.1 LKBB / Nonbank Financial Corporations 2,017

989 1,002 997 957 - Swasta asing / Foreign company

- BUMN / State company -

36 33 0 0 0 28 30 28 43 52 61 71 74 78 77 79 80 79 - Swasta campuran / Joint venture company

4,119 4,307 4,253 4,165 - Swasta nasional / Private national company

2.2 Perusahaan Bukan Lembaga Keuangan / Nonfinancial Corporations

12,283 11,760 11,836 11,157 11,952 14,183 14,100 13,828 14,212 14,341 15,452 15,046 14,754 - Swasta asing / Foreign company

- BUMN / State company 2,902

9,843 9,937 9,863 9,840 - Swasta campuran / Joint venture company

23,831 26,481 32,468 33,061 33,054 33,396 34,312 35,312 35,258 35,736 36,018 36,471 36,919 37,647 36,934 - Swasta nasional / Private national company

68,480 73,606 83,789 106,732 108,195 109,423 110,378 113,912 118,483 120,750 122,262 122,400 123,009 123,072 124,785 125,081 1. Sejak Januari 2010, data kas dan simpanan serta kewajiban lainnya masih merupakan angka sementara /

Starting January 2010, currency & deposits and other liabilities still preliminary figures.

2. Pada 2005 terdapat revisi pengelompokan sebagian perusahaan non bank, yang sebelumnya dicatat pada kelompok perusahaan asing menjadi perusahaan campuran /

In 2005, some of non bank corporation had been revised and recorded as joint venture company i nstead of foreign company.

Tabel III.2 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Sektor Ekonomi External Debt Position of Private by Economic Sector

(Juta USD / Million of USD )

Oct* Nov** Dec*** %

1 Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan / Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

5,897 5,898 5,907 5,728 4.6 2 Pertambangan & Penggalian /

11.7 12,103 16.4 10,842 12.9 16,878 15.8 17,634 17,633 16,736 17,614 20,259 20,762 20,397 20,685 20,963 21,275 20,818 20,499 16.4 3 Industri Pengolahan /

Mining & Drilling

Manufacturing 18,389 32.4 18,218 30.1 20,142 29.4 19,336 26.3 19,471 23.2 22,646 21.2 22,792 22,797 23,266 24,213 24,244 24,186 24,648 24,712 25,012 25,543 26,031 25,689 20.5 4 Listrik, Gas & Air Bersih /

Electricit y, Gas & Water Works

905 907 929 891 885 932 819 823 801 770 671 0.5 6 Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran /

Housing & Building

5,767 6,007 6,189 6,026 4.8 7 Pengangkutan & Komunikasi / Transport & Communication

Trading, Hotel & Restaurant

9,654 9,691 9,967 10,006 8.0 8 Keuangan, Persewaan & Jasa Perusahaan

Financial, Leasing and Business Services 1 12,914 22.7 14,819 24.5 18,362 26.8 15,981 21.7 21,048 25.1 28,390 26.6 28,322 29,068 29,282 30,309 31,232 32,621 33,847 33,218 33,108 31,283 32,672 34,211 27.4 9 Jasa-jasa /

586 586 670 668 661 668 664 655 655 658 636 0.5 10 Sektor Lain /

Other Sectors

108,195 109,423 110,378 113,912 118,483 120,750 12 122,400 2,262 123,009 123,072 124,785 125,081 100 1. Sejak Januari 2010, data kas dan simpanan serta kewajiban lainnya bank masih merupakan angka sementara /

Starting January 2010, currency & deposits and other liabilities of bank still preliminary figures.

Tabel III.3 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Mata Uang External Debt Position of Private by Currency

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** %

7 Lainnya / Others 311

123,072 124,785 125,081 100 1. Sejak Januari 2010, data kas dan simpanan serta kewajiban lainnya bank masih merupakan angka sementara /

Starting January 2010, currency & deposits and other liabilities of bank still preliminary figures.

Tabel III.4 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Kreditor External Debt Position of Private by C reditor

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec*** %

1. Negara Pemberi Pinjaman / Creditor's Country

50,819 89.4 53,622 88.5 60,312 88.1 67,549 91.8 72,722 86.8 95,524 89.5 96,962 97,993 98,581 102,368 106,810 108,922 110, 110,903 845 111,404 111,919 113,102 112,446 89.9 Amerika / USA

0.2 72 0.1 107 0.1 74 0.1 70 0.1 68 71 69 71 73 71 69 66 68 67 68 74 0.1 Belanda / Netherland

9,827 17.3 11,676 19.3 11,416 16.7 13,954 19.0 13,860 16.5 12,194 11.4 12,159 12,383 12,223 12,326 12,359 12,283 12,315 12,263 12,272 12,278 12,262 12,200 9.8 Belgia / Belgium

732 740 745 760 768 767 746 798 797 815 805 0.6 Cina / China

3.1 Inggris / United Kingdom

2.0 Jepang / Japan

8,477 14.9 7,598 12.5 8,211 12.0 7,795 10.6 9,986 11.9 12,842 12.0 13,059 13,209 13,495 13,537 13,840 15,195 15,856 14,958 14,728 13,973 13,896 13,636 10.9 Jerman / Germany

1.2 Korea Selatan / South Korea

1.9 Perancis / France

570 521 522 572 575 586 592 599 627 632 623 0.5 Singapura / Singapore

13,289 23.4 15,221 25.1 19,431 28.4 21,633 29.4 23,930 28.6 37,771 35.4 38,617 38,060 37,462 39,453 39,616 39,957 40,176 40,680 41,782 41,605 41,525 41,023 32.8 Spanyol / Spain

1 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 3 0.0 3 4 5 4 6 6 7 4 5 5 5 5 0.0 Swiss / Switzerland

926 840 965 976 0.8 Amerika Lainnya / Other America

2.5 Eropa Lainnya / Other Europe

3.3 Asia Lainnya / Other Asia

3.7 Afrika / Africa

0.1 54 0.1 45 0.1 52 0.1 43 0.1 46 0.0 44 47 46 44 45 49 47 45 47 51 52 52 0.0 Sindikasi - Negara-negara /

Countries - Syndication

638 676 664 649 649 649 649 632 620 609 608 0.5 A.D.B.

2. Organisasi Internasional Pemberi Pinjaman / International Or ganisations

638 676 664 649 649 649 649 632 619 608 608 0.5 Org. Internasional Lainnya /

Other Int'l Organisations

3. Lainnya / others 1 5,830 10.3 6,656 11.0 7,829 11.4 5,709 7.8 10,579 12.6 10,570 9.9 10,595 10,792 11,121 10,881 11,024 11,179 10,768 10,848 10,972 10,533 11,074 12,027 9.6

TOTAL (1+2+3)

83,789 100 106,732 100 108,195 109,423 110,378 113,912 118,483 120,750 122, 122,400 262 123,009 123,072 124,785 125,081 100 1. Terdiri dari kas dan simpanan, surat berharga domestik dan pinjaman lainnya yang dimiliki oleh non residen yang tidak bisa diklasifikasikan menurut negara kreditor / Consist

currency and deposits, domestic securities and other loans that owned by non resident. These instrument can not be classified by creditor country.

Tabel III.5 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Kelompok Kreditor 1 External Debt Position of Private by Group of Creditors

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

26,862 26,649 31,112 33,942 36,715 50,445 51,169 51,699 51,537 53,455 54,914 57,014 58,805 57,950 58,088 56,545 57,812 58,167 - Bank Induk / Parent bank

1. Bank

6,494 6,218 6,438 7,021 - Bank Afiliasi / Affiliated bank

83 223 715 908 - Lainnya / Other

14,612 15,757 15,818 15,607 - Perusahaan Induk / Parent company

2. LKBB / Nonbank Financial Corporations

3,274 3,445 3,483 3,575 - Perusahaan Afiliasi / Affiliated company

89 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 - Lainnya / Other

39,337 40,238 40,080 39,281 - Perusahaan Induk / Parent company

3. Perusahaan Bukan Lembaga Keuangan / Nonfinancial Corporations

17,903 18,707 19,106 18,555 - Perusahaan Afiliasi / Affiliated company

10,686 10,791 10,334 10,203 - Lainnya / Other

1. Tidak termasuk surat berharga domestik, kas dan simpanan yang dimiliki bukan penduduk serta kewajiban lainnya kepada bukan penduduk / Excluded domestic securities, currency & deposit owned by non-resident, and other liabilities to non resident.

Tabel III.6 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Berdasarkan Investasi Langsung Menurut Sektor Ekonomi External Debt Position of Private Related Direct Investment by Economic Sector

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

11,947 15,785 15,984 16,110 16,843 17,619 17,997 18,08 9 18,746 18,702 19,244 20,060 20,538 20,107 Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan / Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

1. Perusahaan Induk / Parent Company

1,577 1,620 1,618 1,549 Pertambangan & Penggalian / Mining & Drilling

2,082 2,264 2,323 2,366 Industri Pengolahan / Manufacturing

7,114 7,477 7,997 7,816 Listrik, Gas & Air Bersih / Electricity, Gas & Water Works

831 837 836 834 Bangunan / Housing & Building

329 310 278 181 Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran / Trading, Hotel & Restaurant

1,282 1,522 1,462 1,367 Pengangkutan & Komunikasi / Transport & Communication

3,720 3,739 4,022 4,002 Keuangan, Persewaan & Jasa Perusahaan / Financial, Leasing and Business Services

1,998 1,976 1,684 1,691 Jasa-jasa / Services

43 46 47 47 48 51 5 0 49 44 44 43 44 41 Sektor Lain / Other Sectors

10,780 10,885 10,427 10,297 Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan / Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

2. Perusahaan Afiliasi / Affiliated Company

0 9 - Pertambangan & Penggalian / Mining & Drilling

3,193 3,407 2,837 2,733 Industri Pengolahan / Manufacturing

1,306 1,278 1,096 1,092 Listrik, Gas & Air Bersih / Electricity, Gas & Water Works

4,032 4,032 4,032 4,032 Bangunan / Housing & Building

- - - Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran / Trading, Hotel & Restaurant

561 498 506 498 Pengangkutan & Komunikasi / Transport & Communication

1,192 1,192 1,196 1,190 Keuangan, Persewaan & Jasa Perusahaan / Financial, Leasing and Business Services

122 122 395 395 Jasa-jasa / Services

167 167 167 167 Sektor Lain / Other Sectors

TOTAL (1+2)

Tabel III.7 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Instrumen External Debt Position of Private by Instruments

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

5,126 5,099 5,140 5,503 - Surat Utang / Debt Securities

- Perjanjian Pinjaman / Loan Agreement 1,708

7,795 6,272 7,080 7,747 ● Obligasi / Bond

5,833 4,516 5,223 5,655 ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Bankers' Acceptance 1,632

1,808 1,576 1,673 1,908 - Utang Lainnya / Other Loan

1,010 1,051 1,076 1,101 Surat berharga domestik yg dimiliki bukan penduduk /

Domestic securities owned by non-resident -

383 399 408 400 375 369 342 354 354 351 351 351 351 Kas dan Simpanan

Currency and Deposits -

2. Bukan Bank / Nonbank

57,250 67,381 69,007 69,684 70,083 71,712 73,087 74,100 75,389 76,088 76,956 77,229 78,331 77,626 ● SPV / Special Purpose Vehicle

- Perjanjian Pinjaman / Loan Agreement 38,313

9,104 9,041 8,855 8,855 * Obligasi/ Bond

47,264 58,509 60,162 60,647 61,084 62,639 64,035 64,984 66,276 66,984 67,852 68,188 69,476 68,771 - Surat Utang / Debt Securities

● Bukan SPV / Non Special Purpose Vehicle 37,032

11,621 11,598 11,567 11,884 12,839 15,275 15,286 15,396 15,424 15,386 16,362 16,330 16,200 ● Obligasi / Bond

● Commercial Paper 156

● Floating Rate Notes 137

● Medium Term Notes 36 -

308 327 316 325 ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Promissory Notes 10 -

338 338 338 362 - Utang Dagang / Trade Credit

1,791 6,401 6,240 6,093 6,006 6,538 6,654 6,580 5,800 5,976 5,955 6,589 5,837 5,086 - Utang Lainnya / Other Loan

818 988 993 891 Surat berharga domestik yg dimiliki bukan penduduk /

Domestic securities owned b - y non-resident

Tabel III.7 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Instrumen External Debt Position of Private by Instruments

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

3,575 6,103 6,203 6,350 6,418 7,091 7,471 7,336 7,600 7,604 7,570 7,781 7,790 7,707 Perjanjian Pinjaman / - Loan Agreement

2.1 Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank / Nonbank Fin. Corp.

3,024 5,224 5,159 5,119 5,254 5,251 5,506 5,559 5,711 5,818 5,921 5,994 5,970 5,971 ● SPV / Special Purpose Vehicle

- - - - * Obligasi/ Bond

3,024 5,224 5,159 5,119 5,254 5,251 5,506 5,559 5,711 5,818 5,921 5,994 5,970 5,971 Surat Utang / - Debt Securities

● Bukan SPV / Non Special Purpose Vehicle 2,001

630 630 630 629 ● Obligasi / Bond

● Commercial Paper -

● Floating Rate Notes -

● Medium Term Notes -

- - - - ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Promissory Notes 10 -

- - - - Utang Lainnya / - Other Loan

472 610 643 559 Surat berharga domestik yg dimiliki bukan penduduk / Domestic securities owned b - y non-resident

65,833 82,162 83,642 84,022 84,753 87,250 90,941 91,865 92,327 93,175 93,886 95,727 96,040 94,437 Perjanjian Pinjaman / - Loan Agreement

2.2 Perusahaan Bukan Lembaga Keuangan / Non-financial Corp.

54,226 62,157 63,848 64,565 64,830 66,461 67,582 68,541 69,678 70,270 71,036 71,235 72,361 71,655 ● SPV / Special Purpose Vehicle

9,986 8,872 8,845 9,037 8,999 9,073 9,052 9,116 9,113 9,104 9,104 9,041 8,855 8,855 * Obligasi/ Bond

44,240 53,285 55,003 55,528 55,830 57,388 58,529 59,425 60,565 61,166 61,932 62,194 63,506 62,800 Surat Utang / - Debt Securities

● Bukan SPV / Non Special Purpose Vehicle 35,032

7,963 11,375 11,350 11,322 11,687 12,141 14,582 14,592 14,702 14,783 14,756 15,732 15,700 15,571 ● Obligasi / Bond

● Commercial Paper 156

● Floating Rate Notes 137

● Medium Term Notes 36 -

308 327 316 325 ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Promissory Notes -

338 338 338 362 Utang Dagang / - Trade Credit

1,791 6,401 6,240 6,093 6,006 6,538 6,654 6,580 5,800 5,976 5,955 6,589 5,837 5,086 Utang Lainnya / - Other Loan

346 378 349 332 Surat berharga domestik yg dimiliki bukan penduduk /

Domestic securities owned by non-resident -

TOTAL (1+2)

Tabel III.8 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Jangka Waktu Asal External Debt Position of Private by Original Maturity

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

1. Utang Jangka Pendek /

Short Term Debt Bukan Bank / Nonbank

1 tahun / Year

2. Utang Jangka Panjang /

Long Term Debt Bukan Bank / Nonbank

1 tahun / Year

Bukan Bank / Nonbank

TOTAL 1 56,813 60,565 68,480 73,606 83,789 106,732 108,195 109,423 110,378 113,912 118,483 120,75 12 0 122,400 2,262 123,009 123,072 124,785 125,081 1. Sejak Januari 2010, data kas dan simpanan serta kewajiban lainnya bank masih merupakan angka sementara /

Starting January 2010, currency & deposits and other liabilities of bank still preliminary figures.

Tabel III.9 Posisi Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Jangka Waktu Sisa External Debt Position of Private by Remaining Maturity

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Sep Oct* Nov** Dec***

1. Utang Jangka Pendek /

Short Term Debt Bukan Bank / Nonbank

1 tahun / Year

2. Utang Jangka Panjang /

Long Term Debt Bukan Bank / Nonbank

1 tahun / Year

Bukan Bank / Nonbank

1. Sejak Januari 2010, data kas dan simpanan serta kewajiban lainnya bank masih merupakan angka sementara /

Starting January 2010, currency & deposits and other liabilities of bank still preliminary figures.

Tabel III.10 Komitmen Baru Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Instrumen 1 New C ommitments External Debt of private by Instruments

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total*** 1. Bank

475 351 87 913 2,170 Surat Utang / -

Perjanjian Pinjaman / - Loan Agreement -

Debt Securities

5,334 4,505 5,316 15,156 66,935 ● Obligasi / Bond

1,560 1,833 2,039 5,432 20,750 ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Bankers' Acceptance -

3,675 2,672 3,277 9,625 45,586 Utang Lainnya / -

Other Loan

2. Bukan Bank / Nonbank

2,299 1,975 3,107 7,382 27,218 ● SPV / Special Purpose Vehicle

Perjanjian Pinjaman / - Loan Agreement -

- - - - 521 Bond * Obligasi/

- - - - 521 Other * Lainnya /

2,299 1,975 3,107 7,382 26,697 Surat Utang / -

● Bukan SPV / Non Special Purpose Vehicle -

Debt Securities

1,104 42 64 1,209 5,368 ● Obligasi / Bond

● Commercial Paper -

● Floating Rate Notes -

● Medium Term Notes -

5 20 5 11 36 94 ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Promissory Notes -

1 - - - - 1 Utang Dagang / -

4,267 4,444 3,788 12,498 52,695 Utang Lainnya / -

Trade Credit

Other Loan

Tabel III.10 Komitmen Baru Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Instrumen 1 New C ommitments External Debt of private by Instruments

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total*** 2.1 Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank /

765 641 523 1,929 11,643 Perjanjian Pinjaman / -

Nonbank Fin. Corp.

193 33 1 227 3,205 ● SPV / Special Purpose Vehicle

Loan Agreement

- - - - - Bond * Obligasi/

- - - - - Other * Lainnya /

193 33 1 227 3,205 Surat Utang / -

● Bukan SPV / Non Special Purpose Vehicle -

Debt Securities

- - - - 500 ● Obligasi / Bond

● Commercial Paper -

● Floating Rate Notes -

● Medium Term Notes -

- - - - - ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Promissory Notes -

- - - - - Utang Lainnya / -

Other Loan

7,580 6,511 7,035 21,126 82,474 Perjanjian Pinjaman / -

2.2 Perusahaan Bukan Lembaga Keuangan / Non-financial Corp.

2,106 1,943 3,106 7,155 24,013 ● SPV / Special Purpose Vehicle

Loan Agreement

- - - - 521 Bond * Obligasi/

- - - - 521 Other * Lainnya /

2,106 1,943 3,106 7,155 23,492 Surat Utang / -

● Bukan SPV / Non Special Purpose Vehicle -

Debt Securities

1,104 42 64 1,209 4,868 ● Obligasi / Bond

● Commercial Paper -

● Floating Rate Notes -

● Medium Term Notes -

5 20 5 11 36 94 ● Surat-surat Berharga Lainnya / Others Securities

● Promissory Notes -

1 1 - - 1 Utang Dagang / -

4,267 4,444 3,788 12,498 52,695 Utang Lainnya / -

Trade Credit

Other Loan

14,155 12,008 12,961 39,124 163,227 1. Tidak termasuk surat berharga domestik, kas dan simpanan yang dimiliki bukan penduduk serta kewajiban lainnya kepada bukan penduduk /

Excluded domestic securities, currency & deposit owned by non-resident, and other liabilities to non resident.

Tabel III.11 Penarikan Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Kelompok Peminjam 1 External Debt Disbursements of Private by Group of Borrower

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total*** 1. Bank

BUMN / State bank

Swasta asing / Foreign bank

Swasta campuran / Joint venture bank

Swasta nasional / Private national bank

2. Bukan Bank / Nonbank

BUMN / State company 1,135

Swasta asing / Foreign company

Swasta campuran / Joint venture company

Swasta nasional / Private national company

822 758 1,280 2,861 14,308 2.1 LKBB / Nonbank Financial Corporations

68 - - 68 878 - Swasta asing /

- BUMN / State company -

3 9 2 1 16 20 9 9 14 32 4 5 5 15 7 1 0 8 75 - Swasta campuran / Joint venture company

Foreign company

972 712 829 2,513 11,032 - Swasta nasional / Private national company

106 109 200 415 1,423 2.2 Perusahaan Bukan Lembaga Keuangan / Nonfinancial Corp.

3,684 3,260 2,831 9,775 39,676 - Swasta asing /

- BUMN / State company 1,135

1,001 1,155 922 3,077 12,139 - Swasta campuran / Joint venture company

Foreign company

2,775 3,242 2,479 8,496 28,562 - Swasta nasional / Private national company

23,256 27,833 37,081 35,915 47,033 13,947 105,480 13,219 13,763 15,150 42,132 15,328 17,879 16,153 49,361 14,387 13 ,155 14,168 41,710 14,810 13,764 14,083 42,658 175,860 1. Tidak termasuk surat berharga domestik, kas dan simpanan yang dimiliki bukan penduduk serta kewajiban lainnya kepada bukan penduduk /

Excluded domestic securities, currency & deposit owned by non-resident, and other liabilities to non resident.

Tabel III.12 Penarikan Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Sektor Ekonomi 1 External Debt Disbursements of Private by Economic Sector

(Juta USD / Million of USD )

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total***

1 Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan / Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

445 351 492 1,287 4,482 2 Pertambangan & Penggalian /

3,024 3,445 3,101 9,570 43,476 3 Industri Pengolahan /

Mining & Drilling

2,040 2,397 2,099 6,535 22,609 4 Listrik, Gas & Air Bersih /

Electricity, Gas & Water Works

67 48 41 156 897 6 Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran /

Housing & Building

716 732 560 2,007 8,554 7 Pengangkutan & Komunikasi /

Trading, Hotel & Restaurant

131 395 278 804 3,335 8 Keuangan, Persewaan & Jasa Perusahaan / Financial, Leasin g and Business Services

Transport & Communication

4 1 5 10 5 4 2 12 9 4 2 15 3 5 1 9 45 10 Sektor Lain

Other Sectors 1,803

23,256 27,833 37,081 35,915 47,033 13,947 105,480 13,219 13,763 15,150 42,132 15,328 17,879 16,153 49,361 14,387 13,1 55 14,168 41,710 14,810 13,764 14,083 42,658 175,860 1. Tidak termasuk surat berharga domestik, kas dan simpanan yang dimiliki bukan penduduk serta kewajiban lainnya kepada bukan penduduk /

TOTAL (1+2)

Excluded domestic securities, currency & deposit owned by non-resident, and other liabilities to non resident.

Tabel III.13 Penarikan Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Berdasarkan Investasi Langsung Menurut Sektor Ekonomi External Debt Disbursements of Private Related Direct Investment by Economic Sector

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total*** 1. Perusahaan Induk / Parent Company

2,937 3,266 2,880 9,083 29,189 - Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan / Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

268 260 927 371 307 308 986 3,302 - Pertambangan & Penggalian /

80 121 251 452 277 129 324 730 1,360 - Industri Pengolahan / Manufacturing

Mining & Drilling

1,199 1,551 1,431 4,181 13,722 - Listrik, Gas & Air Bersih /

44 2 10 56 24 2 1 27 2 2 2 7 9 2 2 12 102 - Bangunan /

Electricity, Gas & Water Works

67 46 41 153 702 - Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran /

Housing & Building

427 303 1,002 333 386 259 978 4,198 - Pengangkutan & Komunikasi / Transport & Communication

Trading, Hotel & Restaurant

89 352 127 568 1,729 - Keuangan, Persewaan & Jasa Perusahaan /

255 225 955 588 488 387 1,463 3,950 - Jasa-jasa /

Financial, Leasing and Business Services

Services 93 10 10 31 9 1 14 4 1 5 9 2 3 1 6 1 0 1 2 0 3 1 3 21 - Sektor Lain /

Other Sectors

2,514 2,965 2,401 7,880 30,032 - Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan /

2. Perusahaan Afiliasi / Affiliated Company

- 1 - 1 1 - Pertambangan & Penggalian /

Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

2,514 2,678 2,401 7,593 28,921 - Industri Pengolahan / Manufacturing

Mining & Drilling

- 4 - 4 4 - Listrik, Gas & Air Bersih /

- - - - 462 - Bangunan /

Electricity, Gas & Water Works

- 7 - 7 7 - Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran /

Housing & Building

- 0 - 0 277 - Pengangkutan & Komunikasi / Transport & Communication

Trading, Hotel & Restaurant

- 273 - 273 337 - Keuangan, Persewaan & Jasa Perusahaan /

- - - - 5 - Jasa-jasa /

Financial, Leasin g and Business Services

- - - - - - Sektor Lain /


Other Sectors

- 18 - - - - 18

TOTAL (1+2)

Tabel III.14 Penarikan Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Jenis Penggunaan 1 External Debt Disbursements of Private by Type of Use

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total***

1. Modal Kerja / Working Capital

2. Investasi / Investment

3. Lainnya / Other

14,810 13,764 14,083 42,658 175,860 1. Tidak termasuk surat berharga domestik, kas dan simpanan yang dimiliki bukan penduduk serta kewajiban lainnya kepada bukan penduduk /

Excluded domestic securities, currency & deposit owned by non-resident, and other liabilities to non resident.

Tabel III.15 Pembayaran Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Kelompok Peminjam 1 Debt-Service Payment of Private by Group of Borrower

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total*** k 1. Ban

7,166 3,800 4,736 15,701 66,719 - Pokok / Principal

7,158 3,798 4,730 15,685 66,644 - Bunga / Interest

7,899 9,187 9,409 26,495 96,668 - Pokok / Principal

2. Bukan Bank / Nonbank

7,655 8,852 9,143 25,650 93,945 - Bunga / Interest

915 792 1,086 2,793 12,804 - Pokok / Principal

Nonbank Financial Corporations

910 787 1,073 2,770 12,716 - Bunga / Interest

104 92 70 12 76 8 5 8 20 6 5 13 25 7 5 7 20 6 5 13 23 88 2.2 Perusahaan Bukan Lembaga Keuangan /

6,983 8,396 8,323 23,702 83,865 - Pokok / Principal

Nonfinancial Corp.

6,745 8,065 8,070 22,880 81,229 - Bunga / Interest

15,064 12,987 14,144 42,196 163,387 - Pokok / Principal

14,813 12,650 13,873 41,335 160,589 - Bunga / Interest

251 338 272 861 2,798 1. Tidak termasuk surat berharga domestik, kas dan simpanan yang dimiliki bukan penduduk serta kewajiban lainnya kepada bukan penduduk /

Excluded domestic securities, currency & deposit owned by non-resident, and other liabilities to non resident.

Tabel III.16 Pembayaran Utang Luar Negeri Swasta Menurut Sektor Ekonomi 1 Debt-Service Payment of Private by Economic Sector

(Juta USD / Million of USD)

Oct* Nov** Dec*** Q4*** Total***

1 Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan & Perikanan / Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry & Fishing

506 358 661 1,526 4,117 - Pokok /

498 352 614 1,464 3,915 - Bunga /

16 7 22 45 4 4 45 53 13 8 21 42 9 6 47 62 202 2 Pertambangan & Penggalian /

2,874 4,053 3,392 10,319 40,631 - Pokok /

Mining & Drilling

2,806 3,909 3,310 10,024 39,908 - Bunga /

68 145 82 295 724 3 Industri Pengolahan /

1,861 2,107 2,006 5,974 20,193 - Pokok /