Fertilitas Dan Praktik Keluarga Berencana Suku Batak Toba Di Perkotaan Dan Pedesaan Sumatera...

(Studi Kasus di Kotamadya Medan dan Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara)

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Laurentina Pangaribuan : Fertilitas Dan Praktik Keluarga Berencana Suku Batak Toba Di Perkotaan…, 1991
USU Repository © 2007

Penelitian tentang fertilitas dan pemakaian alat k o n t r a s e p s i b a n y a k
d i p e n g a r u h i o l e h b e r b a g a i f a k t o r demografi dan sosial ekonomi. Faktor demografi
dan sosial ekonomi yang dapat mempengaruhi fertilitas dan pemakaian alat kontrasepsi
antara lain usia kawin pertama, jumlah anak masih hidup, pendidikan istri, dan
status ekonomi keluarga.
P e n e l i t i a n i n i d i l a k u k a n , d i K o t a m a d y a M e d a n d a n Kabupaten Tapanuli
Utara, dengan pemilihan daerah penelitian secara purposive sampling.
Respondennya adalah i s t r i P U S y a n g b e r u m u r 1 5 - 4 9 t a h u n , s e d a n g k a n j u m l a h
resp ond en masing-masing 215 orang di perkotaan dan pedesaan. Metode analisis
yang digunakan adalah tabel frekuensi dan tabulasi silang serta analisis regresi ganda.
Ha si l p en eli tian m en u n ju k k a n b ah wa ad a p er b ed a an f e r t i l i t a s d i
p e r k o t a a n d a n p e d e s a a n . R a t a - r a t a a n a k lahir hidup sebesar 3,4 anak di perkotaan dan
4,7 anak di pedesaan. Rata-rata jumlah anak yang diinginkan kelompok umur muda (1534 tahun) sebesar 3,6 anak di perkotaan dan 4 , 7 a n a k d i p e d e s a a n . P a d a k e l o m p o k
u m u r t u a ( 3 5 - 4 9 ta h u n ) s e b e s a r 4 , 9 a n a k d i p e r k o t a a n d a n 5 , 9 a n a k d i
p ed esaan. Ad a kecend erung an p enu run an fertilitas su ku Batak Toba, walaupun
fertilitas masih tinggi. Keadaan ini memp erlihatk an b ah wa sistem p atrilin eal masih

ku at pengaruhnya terhadap fertilitas suku Batak Toba, seperti yang sudah dikenal
Selain itu, tingkat pemakaian alat kontrasepsi di perkotaan lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan pedesaan, baik kelompok umur muda (15-34 tahun) maupun
kelompok umur tua (35-49 tahun). Pemakaian alat kontrasepsi kelompok umur muda
(15-34 tahun) sebesar 67,4 persen di perkotaan dan 52,7 persen di pedesaan. Pada kelompok
umur tua (35-49 tahun sebesar 84,3 persen di perkotaan dan 73,7 persen di p ed esaan. Deng an
d emikian , p emak aian alat kontrasep si suku Batak Toba lebih banyak berperan untuk
menjarangkan kelahiran anak.
Berdasarkan analisis regresi ternyata faktor usia kawin pertama yang paling
berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap jumlah anak lahir hidup; dan faktor jumlah
anak masih hidup paling berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap jumlah anak yang
Hasil an alisis tabu lasi silang menunjukk an bah wa usia kawin pertama,
jumlah anak masih hidup, pendidikan i s t r i d a n s t a t u s e k o n o mi t i d a k p e r l u s e l a u
d a p a t m e m pengaruhi tingkat pemakaian alat kontrasepsi.

Laurentina Pangaribuan : Fertilitas Dan Praktik Keluarga Berencana Suku Batak Toba Di Perkotaan…, 1991
USU Repository © 2007

T h e r e s e a r c h a b o u t f e r t i l i t y a n d t h e u s a g e o f contraceptives much
influence by demographic and socioeconomic factors. Demographic and
socioeconomic factors w h i c h c a n i n f l u e n c e f e r t i l i t y a n d t h e u s e o f c o n t r a ceptives are among others: age at first marriage, number of living children, education
of wife, and the economic status of a family.
This study was carried out in the Municipality of M e d a n a n d t h e R e g e n c y
o f N o r t h T a p a n u l i , w h e r e a s t h e section of the studied area was done through
purposive sampling. The respondents to be interviewed were eligible women , aged 15 to
49 years, consisting of 215 women for the urban and the rural areas respectively. The method
of analysis used here are the frequency tables and the cross tabulation using multiple regression
T h e r e s u l t o f t h e s t u d y s h o w s t h a t t h e r e i s a difference in fertility
among the eligible women both in the urban and rural areas. The average number of
children ever born in the urban areas is 3.4 and 4.7 in the rural areas. The average
desired number of children among the y oung er ag e group (15 -34 y ears) in th e
urban areas is 3.6, wh ile those in the rural areas are 4.7. Among the older age
group (35-49 years) in the urban areas is 4.9 but in the rural areas is 5.9. Even though
the fertility rate is still con sid ered h igh, th ere is a tenden cy o f d e c l i n i n g f e r t i l i t y
r a t e a m o n g t h e B a t a k T o b a e t h n i c group. This condition indicates that patrilineal
system which is still strongly held by Batak Toba ethnic group could give much

effect to fertility and still practices by the society.
Besides, its rate of the use of contraceptive in the urban areas is relatively higher
compared to that in the (15-34 years) or of the older age rural areas, either among
those of the younger age group (35-49 years). Th e u se of contraceptives among th e
y oung er age gro up (15-34 years) in the urban areas is 67.4 percent, while those in
the rural areas are 52.7 percent. In the older a g e g r o u p ( 3 5 - 4 9 y e a r s ) i n t h e
u r b a n a r e a s i s 8 4 . 3 percent, but in the rural areas is 73.7 percent. Thus, the use
of contraceptives in Batak Toba ethnic group is aimed to arrange the time of giving birth.
Based on the regression analysis it reveals that the a g e a t f i r s t m a r r i a g e h a s
t h e h i g h e s t i n f l u e n c e i n a significant on the average number of living children,
wh ereas the nu mb er of living children h as the highest i n f l u e n c e i n a s i g n i f i c a n t
o n t h e d e s i r e d n u m b e r o f children.
Cro ss tabu lat ion an aly sis show that ag e at first marriage, numb er of
living ch ild ren, and education of wife and economic status at a family do not
always have much influence on the use of contraceptives.

Laurentina Pangaribuan : Fertilitas Dan Praktik Keluarga Berencana Suku Batak Toba Di Perkotaan…, 1991
USU Repository © 2007