Method of the study



A. Data Description

In this chapter, the writer will report the description of data. She gave the test to the thirty seven students of the first year of SMK Perwira Jakarta. However, there were 2 students absent when the writer gave the test. The test consisted of 20 items divided into two parts A and B. These two parts of test were given to take student’s score in reported speech of imperative sentence; 1. Part A : To test student’s ability to change quoted commands to infinitive clauses with the suitable tenses. 2. Part B : To test student’s ability to change the direct and indirect imperative sentence by using suitable pronoun in its transformation. TABLE 4.1 Student’s score of test result No Students identification Number N Score No Students identification Number N Score 1 Student 1 70 20 Student 20 35 2 Student 2 85 21 Student 21 80 3 Student 3 35 22 Student 22 40 4 Student 4 60 23 Student 23 40 5 Student 5 70 24 Student 24 70 6 Student 6 35 25 Student 25 80 7 Student 7 55 26 Student 26 50 8 Student 8 70 27 Student 27 75 9 Student 9 60 28 Student 28 70 10 Student 10 85 29 Student 29 50 11 Student 11 75 30 Student 30 35 12 Student 12 70 31 Student 31 45 13 Student 13 65 32 Student 32 40 14 Student 14 40 33 Student 33 40 15 Student 15 70 34 Student 34 35 16 Student 16 50 35 Student 35 50 17 Student 17 85 36 Student 36 45 31 18 Student 18 75 37 Student 37 50 19 Student 19 60 Average 57 Highest Score 85 Lowest Score 35 Based on the table above, the writer had the English score from the test about Reported speech of imperative sentence. The average score is 57 the highest score is 85 and the lowest score is 35. The following table will discuss the frequency of error in change quoted commands to infinitive clauses with the suitable tenses and pronouns in imperative sentence. TABLE 4.2 Frequency of error made in the change of to-infinitive No Change quoted commands to-infinitive with the suitable tenses Item Number n Frequency of Error Made F Percentage 1 Get your backpack and lunch → to get his backpack and lunch 1 18 4.8 2 Dont make me late again. →not to make him late again. 2 25 6.7 3 Hurry up → to hurry up 3 20 5.4 4 Leave me alone →to leave him alone 4 12 3.2 5 Walk alone → to walk alone 5 13 3.5 6 Be kind to your brother. → he should be 6 29 7.8