Data Collecting Method Method of Analysis


3.1. Research Design

The research design in doing this analysis is library research. The writer use the library research to find out some theories and relevant information that support the ideas stated in this analysis. In this case, the writer uses some references such as books dealing with translation and semantics and the movie subtitles in English and bahasa Indonesia. As Nawawi 1991 : 31 says : Penelitian Kepustakaan Library Research, kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur, baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat-tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada buku-buku, tetapi dapat juga berupa bahan-bahan dokumentasi, majalah-majalah, koran-koran, dll.

3.2. Data Collecting Method

The data are taken from a movie entitled “Fast and Furious 6” written by Chris Morgan. The English subtitle consists of 111 pages accessed from http:subscene.comsubtitlesfast-and-furious-6english75246November 20th 2013 ,20.32 pm.The translation in bahasa Indonesia consist of 95 pages accessed from http:subscene.comsubtitlesfast-and-furious-6indonesian752667November 23th 2013, 23.34 pm. Dede Oetomo in Suyanto 1995 : 186 says “There are three methods of collecting data such as interview, observation, and analysis on written documents such as quotation, notes, memorandum, publications, and official reports, diaries, and written answer to questioner and survey”.Since the data of this analysis are collected Universitas Sumatera Utara 28 from Fast and Furious 6 movie and also from the subtitle of Fast and Furious 6 movie , so the method of collecting the data is the written documents. The data will be taken by using purposing sampling. It means the samples of which are concerned with the purpose of this study that will be taken. As Sutopo states 2004 : 64 : Karena pengambilan cuplikannya didasarkan atas berbagai pertimbangan tertentu, maka pengertiannya sejajar dengan jenis teknik cuplikan yang dikenal sebagai purposive sampling,dengan kecenderungan peneliti untuk memilih informannya berdasarkan posisi dengan akses tertentu yang dianggap memiliki informasi yang berkaitan dengan permasalahannya secara mendalam dan dapat dipercaya untuk menjadi sumber data yang mantap.

3.3. Method of Analysis

In analysing the data, the writer applies descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative method is a procedure resulting descriptive data in form of written text or spoken in language society. Djajasudarma 2006 : 16 says “Data yang dikumpulkan bukanlah angka-angka, dapat berupa kata-kata atau gambaran sesuatu”. The collected data are not in the form of number, but words or description of something. She also writes “Data yang dikumpulkan mungkin berasal dari naskah, wawancara, catatan, lapangan, foto, videotape, dokumen pribadi, dsb” 2006 : 17. Data collected probably taken from script, interview, notes, field, videotape, private document, etc. Universitas Sumatera Utara 29

3.4. Data Analysing Method