RPS NSA 633 Nursing English S. Genap 2017





Mata Kuliah : English for Nurses

  Kode MK : Mata Kuliah Prasyarat : -

  Bobot MK : Dosen Pengampu : Team

  Kode Dosen : Alokasi Waktu : 14 weeks Capaian Pembelajaran : After completing this course, students will be able to:

1. Establish a relationship with a client

  2.Interview a client related to the clinical problems

  3.Express the location of pain or problems in the body

  4.Explain and give instructions related a nursing intervention

  5.Construct and enforce a nursing care plane



  1. Greeting and

  3. Role play






  Students able to write a nursing Care plane for a

  English for Professional

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  1. Videos 2.

  2. Pronunciation practice

  1. Listening

  1. Expressions using Simple Present Tense Simple

  3 After completing module 3, students will be able to use

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to use expressions related to giving directions correctly

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  1. Videos 2.

  2. Practice

  Introducing your self

  1. Listening

  2. Giving directions

  1. Asking and showing rooms in hospital

  2 After completing module 2, students will be able to give directions to a certain place in or out of hospital

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to use new vocabulary to introduce themselves to the class

  1 After completing module 1, students will be able to establish a relationship with patients

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  1. Videos 2.

  3. Role play

  2. Practice


  3. Ofering help 1.


  2. Addressing

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed. nursing activites Present Perfect and Past Tense

  Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd

  2. Use questions to collect data to fll in the admission form

  2. Talking about pains

  1. Listening 2. practice

  1. Videos 2.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to express pain in a certain part of the body

  7 After completing module 7, students will be able to interview new patients

  1. Asking personal data

  3. Asking questions about a patient’s health problem

  6 After completing module 6, students will be able to express the location of pain in the body

  1. Listening

  2. Reading

  3. Role play

  1. Videos 2. Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to use questions to to interview a classmate

  8 After session 8,

  1. Use imperative

  1. Listening

  1. Part of the body and health problems

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to pronounce the names of medical instruments and describing its’ functions

  ed. Jakarta: EPN Consultant

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  4 After completing module 4, students will be able explain doctor’s schedule to the patient

  1. Asking and telling about time

  2. Asking and telling about dates

  3. Asking and telling about doctor’s schedule

  1. Listening

  2. Pair practice

  1. Videos 2.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to describe time and date correctly

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  5 After completing module 5, students will be able to talking about medical instruments

  1. Description of medical equipment

  2. Asking and explaining the function of a medical instrument

  1. Listening

  2. Pronuncia

  tion practice

  3. Role play

  1. Videos 2.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  1. Videos Students able to to give intructions on physical motions

  2. Basic instructions

  12 After session 12, students will be able to explain medical measurements

  1. Words and phrases related to medications

  2. Explaining instruction labels on medicine dosage

  1. Reading

  2. Listening 3. practice

  1. videos 2.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to explain a medication programme for a certain client

  1. Asking and telling about measurements

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to express words/phrases related to medical problems

  2. Physical examination

  1. Listening 2. practice

  1. videos 2.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to use phrases related to medical measurements

  13 After completing

  1. Reinforcing a

  1. Reading

  11 After completing module 11, students able to explain medicaton as ordered for the client

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  3. Checking the range of motion

  tion drill

  2. Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant intructions for checking the range of motion

  9 After completing module 9, students able to give intructions on positioning a patient

  1. Positions related to nursing interventions

  2. Explaining an intervention and giving instructions

  1. Listening

  2. Pronuncia

  3. Role play

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  1. Videos 2.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to express positions related to nursing interventions

  10 After completing module 10, students able to communicate on the implementation of checking vital signs

  1. Vital signs

  2. Medical words related to health problems

  1. Listening 2. practice

  1. videos 2.

  1. Videos Students able to explain a dietary program to diet and disease 2. Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  (UTS) Writing test and practice

  Students demonstrate the ability to assess and taking data

  Students demonstrate the ability to assess and taking data

  Students demonstrate the ability to assess and taking data

  Students demonstrate the ability to assess and taking data related to clinical

  Writing test and practice

  test (UTS)

  4,5,6,7 Post

  Students demonstra te inability to establish a relationshi p with a client using appropriat e phrases

  Students demonstrate the ability to establish a relationship with a client using appropriate vocabulary and phrases correctly (> 50%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to establish a relationship with a client using appropriate vocabulary and phrases correctly (55 – 65%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to establish a relationship with a client using appropriate vocabulary and phrases correctly (66 – 79%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to establish a relationship with a client using appropriate vocabulary and phrases correctly (80 – 90%)


  Jakarta: EPN Consultant dietary programs

  1,2,3, Post

  45 ( E ) BO BO T


SEKOR > 65

(B- / B / B+ )

SEKOR > 60 (C / C+ ) SEKOR > 45 ( D ) SEKOR <




  Jakarta: EPN Consultant Students able to give instructions on walking with a walking aid

  English for Professional Nurses: Based on Fundamental Nursing Skills and Procedures, 2nd ed.

  Pamudya, LA. (2005).

  1. Videos 2.

  2. Role play

  1. Practice

  2. Teaching a patient how to use a walking aids

  1. Vocabulary related to walking aids

  14 After session 14, students will be able to give intructions on walking with walking aids

  Students need more lesson on how to interview

  • 79%) clinical history of the patient utilizing appropriate phrases/ words correctly (at 55
  • 65%) clinical history of the patient utilizing appropriate phrases/ words correctly (> 50%) someone they just meet

  Students need more lessons on how to explain a nursing interventio n to the client they taking care of

  Students demonstrate the ability to construct and enforce a nursing care plane utilizing appropriate medical terms correctly (at > 50%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to construct and enforce a nursing care plane utilizing appropriate medical terms correctly (at 55

  Students demonstrate the ability to construct and enforce a nursing care plane utilizing appropriate medical terms correctly (at 66

  Students demonstrate the ability to construct and enforce a nursing care plane utilizing appropriate medical terms correctly (at 80 – 90%)

  Writing test (UAS)

  Post Test

  11,12, 13, 14

  Students demonstrate the ability to explain a nursing intervention using appropriate words and terms correctly (at > 50%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to explain a nursing intervention using appropriate words and terms correctly (at 55 – 65%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to explain a nursing intervention using appropriate words and terms correctly (at 66–79%)

  Students demonstrate the ability to explain a nursing intervention using appropriate words and terms correctly (at 80 – 90%)

  Writing test and speakin g (UAS)


  8,9,10 Post

  patient utilizing appropriate phrases/ words correctly (at 80- 90%) clinical history of the patient utilizing appropriate phrases/ words correctly (at 66

  Students need more help on how to plane a nursing care and explain it to a client

  • – 79%)
    • 65%)


  1. Kehadiran : 10 %

  2. Tugas : 20 %

  3. Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) : 30 %

  4. Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) : 40 %


  Jakarta, 27 Februari 2018 Mengetahui, Ketua Program Studi, Dosen Pengampu,


Dr. Widaningsih,S.Kp, M.Kep Ns. Ira Rahmawati S.kep., MNSc(EM)