Ringkasan Materi SMA SMU docx

Ringkasan Materi
Soal-soal dan Pembahasan



B. TEXT ............................................................................................
C. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS ......................................................... 22
D. GRAMMAR .............................................................................. 39
E. SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXTS ......................................................

A. Procedure
Teks procedure adalah teks yang bertujuan menerangkan bagaimana membuat atau
melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan serangkaian kegiatan atau langkah (steps).
Struktur teks procedure:

1. Aim/goal (tujuan): dapat berupa judul.
2. Materials: bahan dan alat yang diperlukan. Bagian ini dapat ditandai dengan “You’ll
need”, “ingredients”, atau supplies needed.
3. Steps: langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan. Bagian ini dapat diberi label “what to
Ciri-ciri teks procedure:
• Menggunakan simple present tense, biasanya berbentuk kalimat imperatif.
• Menggunakan kata hubung temporal, seperti first, second, then, next, finally.
• Menggunakan action verbs, seperti turn on, stir, cook.
Contoh Soal:
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Let’s make a colourful jigsaw card to send to your friend. You will need a colourful
picture from a magazine or one that you have painted, a piece of a card, a pen or pencil, glue,
and scissors.
First, paste your picture on to the card with some glue. Then, write your message on the
back of the card. Draw your wiggly jigsaw lines on the picture with your pen or pencil. After
that, cut out along the wiggly lines so that your picture is in jigsaw pieces. Finally, jumble
them up, put them in an envelope and send it to your friend.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell how to make a colourful jigsaw card

b. To prepare everything to make a colourful jigsaw card
c. To show a colourful jigsaw card
d. To sell a colourful jigsaw card
e. To see a colourful jigsaw card
Pembahasan:Teks tersebut merupakan teks procedure yang menjelaskan bagaimana membuat
sebuah jigsaw card. Tujuan teks ini disebutkan di bagian awal. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut yaitu to
tell how to make a jigsaw card. (Jawaban: a)2. What do you use to paste your picture on the
card?a. a pencil b. A pen c. Some paper d. Some glue e. Scissors PembahasanJawaban dapat
ditemukan pada paragraf ketiga: First, paste your picture on to the card with some glue.
(Jawaban: d)

B. RecountTeks recount bercerita tentang kejadian atau peristiwa yang telah berlalu/lampau,
biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.Struktur teks recount:1. Orientation (orientasi) :
berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh dalam cerita tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu
terjadinya peristiwa tersebut.2. Events: berisi jalinan peristiwa/kejadian yang ada dalam cerita
pengalaman tersebut.3. Re-orientation: berisi rangkuman atau penutup cerita.Ciri-ciri teks
recount:• Menggunakan past tense• Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunctions), seperti then,
before, after

Contoh Soal:

Read the text and answer the questions.
Dear Rossa,
I am a guy, twenty-eight years old. I have a problem with a girl friend. She is
twenty five years old. We have been dating each other for years, since we were
high school students. Now we have jobs. I feel very sure that we love each other.
Now it is time for me to get married. Unfortunately, her parents never approve of
our relationship ever since the very first time. My family, anyhow, does not really
mind. At first I thought my girl friend had the power to defend our love. But then
she surrendered. She loves me and she loves her family, too. On the one hand she
said, “I’ll be happy if my family is happy.” It means she had to get approval from
her parents.
For this, I was shocked. My heart was broken. She ended our relationship just at
the time when I was ready to marry her. When I was with her, we were very happy.
We had a lot in common and there were no conflicts. The truth was, we separated
only because of her parents. They want her to marry her cousin, her aunt’s son (this
is one of the traditions in the Karonese).
For the time being I am very upset. When I miss her I call her. Then we can eat
together, talk together for hours. We act like elating because she loves me, too. The
real problem is, she cannot refuse what her parents want.
So, should I forget my girl friend, the only one that I truly love? Or else, should I

just wait, and dream that one day she will be back to me?
Rio N., Padang
Dear Rio,
You call her your girl friend, but she has chosen her own way. For this reason I’d,
say that there is nothing you can do except forget her and go on with your normal
life. Hopefully you can find another and live happily forever.

1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that
a. the writer wants to get married
b. the writer has been dating for years
c. the writer has a problem with his girl friend
d. the writer feels sure that they love each other

e. the writer’s parents disapprove of his relationship
Main idea dapat ditemukan di awal paragraf. Di awal paragraf penulis
memperkenalkan diri dan menyebutkan masalahnya: I am a guy, twenty-eight
years old. I have a problem with a girl friend.
(Jawaban: c)

2. Why do the girl’s parents disapprove of their marriage? Because ...
a. they don’t like Rio. d. they keep the Karonese tradition.
b. the girl is still studying. e. the girl has chosen another guy.
c. Rio is from a different ethnic group.
Di paragraf ke-3 disebutkan mengapa orangtua perempuan tidak merestui
mereka untuk menikah: They want her to marry her cousin, her aunt’s son (this
is one of the traditions in the Karonese). Alasannya karena mereka
mempertahankan tradisi orang Karo (keep the karonese tradition).
(Jawaban: d)
C. Narrative
Teks narrative adalah teks yang menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif atau
khayalan belaka. Tujuannya untuk menghibur (entertaining/amusing) pembaca.
Struktur teks narrative:
1. Orientation (pendahuluan cerita): memperkenalkan tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita,
latar dan waktu.
2. Complication: munculnya permasalahan di antara tokoh-tokoh tersebut.
3. Resolution: masalah dapat diatasi
4. Re-orientation (optional)
Ciri-ciri teks narrative:

• Menggunakan past tense.
• Biasanya dimulai dengan adverbs of time (kata keterangan waktu), seperti
long time ago, once upon a time, in a faraway land.
• Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunctions), seperti then, after that, before.
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had
an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss
of crocodile, “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” The boss of crocodile
answered, “We are twenty here.” “Where are they?” the rabbit asked for the second
time. “What is it for?” the boss of crocodile asked.
“All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later
I will know how kind you are,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of the crocodile called
all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the other
side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one
crocodile to another: one ... two ... three ... four ... until twenty, and finally, he
thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.
1. The story mainly tells us about ...
a. twenty crocodiles d. a rabbit and the boss of crocodile
b. the boss of the crocodile e. the boss of the crocodile and all his friends

c. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles

Secara keseluruhan cerita tersebut menceritakan seekor kelinci dan dua puluh
ekor buaya.
(Jawaban: c)
2. We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted ...
a. to cross the river. d. to know where the crocodiles are.
b. to swim across the river. e. to know the number of crocodiles there.
c. to meet the boss of crocodil
Di awal paragraf pertama ada kalimat Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to
cross a river but he could not swim. (Jawaban: a)
3. All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind ...” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is synonymous with ...
a. wild b. diligent c. cheerful d. easygoing e. honourable
Gentle: lembut, tenang Wild: buas Diligent: rajin Cheerful: ceria
Easygoing: tenang Honourable: terhormat
Jadi, sinonim kata gentle adalah easygoing. (Jawaban: d)

D. Descriptive
Teks descriptive adalah teks yang bertujuan mendekripsikan suatu benda,
tempat, atau orang tertentu.
Struktur teks descriptive:
1. Identification (identifikasi): pendahuluan tentang apa atau siapa yang akan
2. Description (deskripsi): berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat atau
orang yang deskripsikan.
Ciri-ciri teks descriptive:
• Menggunakan simple present tense
• Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
Gunung Tujuh Lake is one of the many lakes in Kabupaten Kerinci in Jambi
province. It is an amazing tourist place to visit. The location of Gunung Tujuh Lake is
in Kecamatan Kayu Aro. It is about 50 km from Sungai Penuh to Pelompek village by
public transport. Then people climb and walk for another 4 km or for 2.5 hours.
The lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes and seven mountains. The highest
peak of Gunung Tujuh Lake is 1,950 m above sea level. The length of the lake is 4,5
km and the width is 3 km. It is a volcanic lake and the highest in Southeast Asia.

The temperature around the lake is very cold. Besides waterfalls you can also
find animals such as siamangs, elephants and birds. Gunung Tujuh Lake is really
beautiful with a spectacular scenery.
1. What does the text mainly talk about?
a. Amazing tourist resorts in Jambi. d. Steep forest slopes in Jambi.
b. Gunung Tujuh Lake in Jambi. e. Waterfalls in Jambi.
c. Volcanic lakes in Jambi.
Topik sebuah teks dapat ditemukan di awal teks: Gunung Tujuh Lake is one of
the many lakes in Kabupaten Kerinci in Jambi province.
(Jawaban: b)
2. The main idea of the text is that ...

a. Gunung Tujuh Lake is a beautiful tourist resort
b. the location of Gunung Tujuh Lake is difficult to reach
c. Gunung Tujuh Lake is the only lake in Sumatera
d. tourists from Southeast Asia visit this beautiful lake
e. the animals are more attractive than the lake itself
Ide pokok teks di atas terdapat di akhir paragraf: Gunung Tujuh Lake is really

beautiful with a spectacular scenery. (Jawaban: a)
3. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. The lake is 3 km long.
b. Gunung Tujuh Lake is not a volcanic lake.
c. Gunung Tujuh Lake is 4.5 km away from Sungai Penuh.
d. There are steep forest slopes and seven mountains around the lake.
e. Siamangs are the only animals that can be found in Gunung Tujuh Lake.
PembahasanDi dalam teks terdapat kalimat: The lake is surrounded by steep
forest slopes and seven mountains.(Jawaban: d)4. “Gunung Tujuh Lake is really
beautiful with a spectacular scenery.”The underlined word means ... a. amusing b.
remarkable c. lovely d. pretty e. touchingPembahasanSpectacular: menakjubkan
Amusing: menghibur Remarkable: menakjubkanLovely: indah Pretty: cantik
Touching: menyentuh (Jawaban: b)E. News ItemTeks news item adalah teks yang
bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca, pendengar, atau
penonton mengenai peristiwa yang terjadi pada hari tersebut yang dianggap
penting untuk diberitakan.Struktur teks news item:1. Newsworthy event (peristiwa
yang diberitakan): menceritakan peristiwa secara ringkas2. Background events
(latar belakang peristiwa): menceritakan apa yang terjadi, kepada siapa, dalam
kondisi seperti apa.3. Sources (sumber): komentar dari pihak yang terlibat, saksi
mata, dan pihak yang berwenang.Contoh Soal:Read the text and answer the

questions.The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura
street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke into the students’ room while they
were going to a football game. They never thought that while they were away,
burglars would break into their boarding house.
1. What happened to the students’ room on Sunday afternoon?
a. The police broke it. c. Burglars broke it. e. The students started to ruin it.
b. The police ruined it. d. Two burglars broke into it.
Teks di atas memberi informasi tentang dua orang pencuri (two burglars) masuk
ke kamar kos ketika penghuninya sedang pergi. (Jawaban: d)
2. The burglars broke into the room when the students ...
a. were at a party c. were playing football e. were watching football on TV
b. were taking a rest d. were at a football game
Perhatikan kalimat kedua: The burglars broke into the students’ room while they
were going to a football game. (Jawaban: d)
3. “The burglars broke into the students room ...” The underlined phrase means ...
a. broke forcefully c. put into pieces e. came into
b. entered by force d. easily entered

Broke into artinya masuk secara paksa. (Jawaban: b)
F. Report
Teks report adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu/benda-benda secara
umum, misalnya berbagai benda/fenomena alam, buatan, dan sosial yang ada atau
terjadi di lingkungan kita.
Struktur teks report:
1. General classification(klasifikasi umum): pengantar tentang
sesuatu/fenomena yang akan dibahas.
2. Description (deskripsi): meneraangkan sesuatu/fenomena yang dibahas,
meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas, dan perilaku
Ciri-ciri teks report:
• Menggunakan simple present tense
• Menggunakan action verbs, seperti surround, make, begin, dan lain-lain.
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking
animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail,
little eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long nose, the trunk. The trunk is
the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up
water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also
lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a
long arm and hand. An elephant looks very-clumsy and heavy and yet it can move
very quickly. The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with
its great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to
serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.
1. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that ...
a. elephants are strong c. elephants are servants e. elephants must be trained
b. elephants can lift logs d. elephants are very useful
Paragraf ketiga menjelaskan bahwa jika dilatih, gajah sangat berguna (useful)
karena dapat membantu pekerjaan manusia. (Jawaban: d)
2. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first
a. It looks strange. b. It is heavy. c. It is wild. d. It has a trunk. e. It has a small
Satu hal yang tidak dijelaskan di dalam teks adalah bahwa gajah adalah
binatang buas (wild).
(Jawaban: c)
3. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following,
a. to eat b. to push c. to drink d. to carry things e. to squirt water over the body
Kegunaan belalai dijelaskan di paragraf kedua. Belalai gajah tidak digunakan
untuk mendorong (push). (Jawaban: b)
G. Analytical exposition

Teks analytical exposition bertujuan membujuk pembaca agar menyetujui
argumentasi penulis dengan memberikan argumentasi dan analisis.
Struktur teks analytical exposition:
1. Thesis statement: pendapat awal penulis
2. Arguments: argumentasi dan alasan
3. Reiteration: penguatan argumentasi
Teks berupa analytical exposition dapat ditemukan dalam kolom opini media massa.
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
University of Cambridge
Do you plan to study abroad? Don’t hesitate. Welcome to Cambridge University.
Cambridge University, an institution of higher education, is the second oldest
university in Great Britain after the University of Oxford. It is located in the city of
Cambridge. The University of Cambridge is a system of faculties, departments, and
31 independent colleges. You know, although the colleges and the university per se
are separate corporations, all are parts of an integrated educational entity. The
university examines candidates for degrees during their residencies and at the
conclusion of their studies. The colleges provide their students with lodgings and
meals, assign tutors, and offer social, cultural, and athletic activities. Every student
at the University of Cambridge is a member of a college. Let’s see its academic
year. The academic year is divided into three terms of approximately eight weeks
each: Michaelmas (autumn), Lent (late winter), and Easter (spring). Students
required to study under supervisor are usually members of the college’s faculties
who maintain close relationships with small groups of students in their charge and
assist them in preparing for university exams.
1. The author’s purpose of writing the text is ...
a. to review a particular education system
b. to commemorate a particular college
c. to define a particular academic year
d. to explain a particular way to study
e. to persuade by presenting arguments about a particular institution
Perhatikan paragraf pertama. Do you plan to study abroad? Don’t hesitate.
Welcome to Cambridge University. Dalam teks ini penulis mencoba membujuk
(persuade) pembaca agar tertarik dengan University of Cambridge. (Jawaban:
2. The second paragraph tells the readers about ...
a. an integrated educational entity. d. the examination for candidates’ degrees.
a. social activities in the university. e. the criteria for the membership of the
c. the system in Cambridge University.
Di bagian awal terdapat pernyataan .... all are parts of an integrated educational
(Jawaban: a)
3. “The colleges provide their students with lodgings and meals, assign tutors and
offer ...” (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word means ...
a. dormitories used for studying in groups d. houses needed for taking a rest

b. places offered for doing some business e. rooms rented to stay in
c. spaces needed for discussion
Lodgings berarti asrama atau kamar yang disewa untuk tinggal. (Jawaban: e)
H. Hortatory exposition
Teks hortatory exposition bertujuan untuk membujuk pembaca atau pendengar
terhadap sesuatu yang seharusnya disetujui atau tidak disetujui.
Struktur teks hortatory exposition:
1. Thesis statement: menyatakan pendapat
2. Arguments: alasan penulis
3. Recommendation: saran atau sikap penulis terhadap isu tersebut.
Teks berupa hortatory exposition dapat ditemukan dalam rubrik opini di media
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
Many people now have a card which enables them to withdraw money from a
cash dispenser. You feed your card into the machine and key in your PIN (Personnel
Identification Number) and the amount of money you want. If you have enough in
your account, the money requested will be issued to you up to a dairy limit. Your
account is automatically debited for the amount your have drawn. Provided you
have a sound credit, you can get a credit card from a bank and other financial
institutions. To obtain goods or services, you present your card and sign a special
voucher. When it receives the voucher, the credit card company pays the trader
(less a commission) and then sends you a monthly statement. Depending on the
type of card you have, you will either-have to pay in full or be able to pay part of
what is owed and pay interest on the balance; left outstanding. If you need to make
fixed payments at regular intervals, e.g. for insurance premiums, you can arrange a
standing order (sometimes known as a banker’s order) so that the bank will do this
for you.
1. The main purpose of the writer is to ...
a. give the reader information about bank service
b. persuade the readers to have a credit card
c. check the customers’ account
d. explain to the reader how to use PIN
e. explain to the customers how to pay the employee’s salaries
Secara keseluruhan penulis mengajak pembaca untuk memiliki kartu kredit
dengan menyebutkan alasan-alasannya. (Jawaban: b)
2. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. The credit card company pays the traders.
b. The credit card company sends you a monthly statement.
c. Banks and other financial institutions offer us credit cards to get goods and
d. Other financial institutions help the banks to provide credit cards,
e. A voucher is the only way to buy goods.
PembahasanPerhatikan kalimat di awal paragraf ... you can get a credit card from
a bank and other financial institutions.

To obtain goods or services,.... (Jawaban : c)I. SpoofTeks spoof adalah teks yang
bertujuan menceritakan cerita lucu.Struktur teks spoof:1. Orientation: siapa saja
tokoh yang terlibat, kapan dan di mana kejadiannya2. Events: kronologis cerita3.
Twist: bagian lucu dalam cerita tersebut Teks spoof dapat ditemukan dalam kolom
humor/lelucon di media massa.Contoh Soal:Read the text and answer the
questions.He was a young father, wheeling the pram trough the garden while the
baby was screaming its head off. “Take it easy, Jason,” he said calmly, “There’s
nothing to worry about.” A middle-aged woman noticed his soothing manner and
marveled at the new breed of young husband.When the baby screamed even louder
she heard him say,” Cool it, Jason, don’t get excited, lad, cool it soon.”Touched by
his gentle manner the woman leaned into the pram and cooed, “There, there, Jason.
What’s bothering you?”“Excuse me, lady,” said the father, “That’s Jeremy, I’m
1. Jason was the name of ….
a. the baby c. the woman e. the middles-aged woman
b. the father d. the old woman
Perhatikan kalimat di akhir cerita tersebut: “Excuse me, lady,” said the father,
“That’s Jeremy, I’m Jason.” Jason adalah nama ayah bayi. (Jawaban: b)
2. The twist of the text above is ….
a. when the young father took his baby for a walk
b. when the baby cried loudly
c. when the woman looked at him
d. when the woman tried to help the man
e. when the man explained about their names
Twist merupakan bagian yang lucu di dalam cerita, yaitu ketika ayah bayi
menjelaskan tentang nama mereka. (Jawaban: e)
J. Explanation
Teks explanation bertujuan menjelaskan proses dalam bidang sains dan teknik,
termasuk bagan dan diagram.
Struktur teks explanation:
1. General statement: gambaran secara umum mengenai topik yang akan
2. Sequenced explanation: urutan penjelasan mengenai topik yang sedang
3. Closing: penutup, dapat berupa kesimpulan
Teks explanation dapat dalam buku pelajaran, buku pengetahuan, dan materi
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we’ll
enter the amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you’re
eating. Chocolate starts
with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially
in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a
fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds, also
known as cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to
the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out
the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavor,
so they are often sorted and blanded to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted
beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its
shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid.
The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount
of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which
is why the ground nibs form liquid. It’s pure bitter chocolate.
1. The text is about ...
a. the cacao tree c. the raw chocolate e. the flavour of chocolate
b. b. the cacao beans d. the making of chocolate
Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang proses pembuatan
cokelat.(Jawaban: d)
2. The third paragraph focuses on ...
a. the process of producing chocolate d. the chocolate liquor
b. how to produce the cocoa flavour e. the cacao fruit
c. where chocolate comes from
Paragraf ketiga menjelaskan tahapan pembuatan cokelat. Tahapan atau proses
tersebut dipaparkan dengan menggunakan kata hubung, seperti next, then.
(Jawaban: a)
K. Discussion
Teks discussion adalah teks yang bertujuan memberikan informasi dan opini
mengenai satu atau lebih pandangan sebuah isu atau masalah (pros and cons).
Struktur teks discussion:
1. Opening statement: kalimat pembuka yang menghadirkan isu yang akan
2. Arguments: argumen atau alasan dari berbagai sudut pandang
3. Conclusion: kesimpulan
4. Recommendation: saran atau sikap penulis terhadap isu tersebut
Teks discussion dapat berupa artikel dalam surat kabar.
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
Two students were discussing the school’s new rule that all the students must
wear a cap and a tie. One of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a
cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag rising ceremony. So, she was against the
rule. Contrary to the girl’s opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that
he didn’t mind with the new rule because wearing a cap and a tie will make the
students look great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the
reasons that they would feel uncomfortable and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were
not air conditioned. The second said it wasn’t a big problem. He was sure that the
students would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it any way.
1. The two students are discussing ...
a. the facilities in school c. their uniform e. their family
b. their homework d. their friends

Perhatikan kalimat di awal paragraf di atas : Two students were discussing the
school’s new rule that all the students must wear a cap and a tie. Topi dan dasi
merupakan bagian dari seragam.
(Jawaban: c)
2. The boy said that he agreed with the new rule in his school.
Which statement shows his agreement?
a. He was not annoyed.
b. He would not obey the rule.
c. He didn’t care of the rule.
d. He didn’t like wearing a cap and tie.
e. He didn’t mind wearing a cap and tie.
Anak laki-laki tersebut tidak keberatan untuk memakai topi dan dasi : He said
that he didn’t mind with the new rule because wearing a cap and a tie ....
(Jawaban: e)
L. Review
Teks review bertujuan mengkritik sebuah karya atau kejadian dan disampaikan
kepada publik.
Struktur teks review:
a. Orientation: informasi awal di dalam teks
b. Interpretative recount: rangkuman mengenai suatu karya atau kejadian seni
c. Evaluation: kesimpulan
d. Evaluative summation: pendapat akhir yang berisi pujian atau kritikan
terhadap karya seni yang bersangkutan
Contoh Soal:
Read the text and answer the questions.
In The Last Empereor, director Bernando Bertolucci not only gives us a
fascinating history lesson but also a compelling human drama. It is the story of Pu
Yi, who came to throne in 1908 at the age of 2. The performances are outstanding
and the movie is spectacular in every way. The three hours fly by, and the audience
is left feeling they have gotten to know a great country and sensitive, unusual
Don’t see The Last Emperor if you’re expecting a history lesson. Bertoluci’s epic
about the rise and fall Pu Yi is hard to follow and confusing at times. But he has
done a remarkable job of potraying the Chinese culture, and he has captured China
in stunningly beautiful images. There are some touching scenes, such as when the
young Pu Yi’s nurse is taken from him. Unfortunately, tthe movie is too long and
tends to drag on times.
Bernando Bertoluci is a talented director. Why he made The Last Emperor is a
mystery. True, the scenery and costumes are nice. But the main character is

passive and dull. He simply watches his life go by. You’d expect a film which
covers 60 years of history to be exciting. But the 3 hours of The Last
Emperor drag on forever. At last, the film is consistent—consistently boring.
1. Who is Pu Yi?
a. a director. b. an ordinary boy. c. a nurse. d. a king. e. a historian.
Pu Yi adalah seorang raja yang naik tahta ketika usianya baru 2 tahun : Pu Yi,
who came to throne in 1908 at the age of 2. (Jawaban: d)

2. What is the writer’s opinion about the film?
a. It is interesting. c. It is exciting. e. It is amazing.
b. It is boring. d. It is surprising.
Di akhir teks, penulis mengungapkan: At last, the film is consistent—consistently
(Jawaban: b)

A. Inviting
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk mengundang, antara lain:
• Would you like to ...?
• Shall we ...?
• Won’t you ...?
• Do you feel like to ...?
• Would you care to ...?
Contoh Soal:
Mary : Hello.
John : Hi, Mary. This is John; Do you feel like going to a movie this evening?
Marry : That sounds great, John. I haven’t been to a movie for a long time.
The underlined utterance expresses ...
a. intention. b. invitation. c. suggestion. d. permission. e. persuasion.
Pada dialog di atas, John mengajak (invite) Mary pergi ke bioskop. (Jawaban: b)
B. Accepting and declining an invitation
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menerima undangan, antara
• Thank you. I’d like to very much.
• It would be very nice to...
• Yes, I will.
• I’d love to.
• We’d be delighted to
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menolak undangan, antara
• I’m afraid I can’t.
• Thank you, but ...
• I’d love to but ...
Contoh Soal:
1. Roby : We will have a party for my sister’s birthday next Sunday. Would you like
to come, Ira?
Ira : I’d love to. It must be a wonderful party.
The underlined expression is used to express ...
a. accepting an invitation c. invitation e. suggestion
b. declining an invitation d. satisfaction

Pada dialog di atas, Ira menerima (accepting) undangan atau ajakan Roby.
(Jawaban: a)
2. Tony : Hi. Andi, what about going to Agung’s birthday party tonight?
Andi : I’m afraid I can’t. I am going somewhere with Dwi.
The underlined sentence is used to ...
a. decline an invitation c. agree to do something e. ask for an apology
b. ask for permission d. express a surprise
Pada dialog di atas, Andi menolak (decline) ajakan Tony. (Jawaban: a)
C. Showing sympathy
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menunjukkan simpati, antara
• I’m (very) sorry to hear that.
• That’s a pity.
• Oh dear!
• I know how it feels.
• I’m extremely sorry that.
Contoh Soal:
1. X : Have you visited Bob? He got an accident last week.
Y : Oh, poor Bob. I hope he’ll be better soon.
The underlined sentences expresses ...
a. sadness b. pleasure c. sympathy d. expectation e. satisfaction
Orang pertama mengatakan bahwa Bob mengalami kecelakaan. Kemudian,
orang kedua mengungkapkan rasa simpatinya. (Jawaban: c)
2. X : Jane didn’t pass her exam.
Y : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
From the underlined words we know that the second speaker expresses her ...
a. disappointment b. sympathy c. displeasure d. apology e. anger
Orang pertama mengatakan bahwa jane tidak lulus ujian, kemudian orang kedua
mengungkapkan simpatinya. (Jawaban: b)
D. Showing surprise
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menunjukkan perasaan
terkejut, antara lain:
• (Well), that’s very surprising!
• Really?
• Are you serious?
• You must be joking!
• I find that very surprising
Contoh Soal:
Mia : Mother, I’ve got a scholarship from Monash University in Australia.
Mother : Thank God. It’s really unbelievable!
The underlined expression shows ...
a. anxiety b. surprise c. pleasure d. uncertainty e. satisfaction
Mia mengatakan kepada ibunya bahwa dia memperoleh beasiswa dari Monash
University di Australia. Ibunya merasa terkejut dan sangat bersyukur. (Jawaban:

E. Congratulating
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk mengucapkan selamat, antara
• Congratulations!
• Well done!
• It was great to hear ....
• I must congratulate you.
• Let me congratulate you.
Contoh Soal:
Ita: I won the story telling contest.
The best expression Cahya should say is ....
a. I’m sorry to hear that. c. I’m afraid. e. Thank you very much.
b. Congratulations! d. Shall we go nnow?
Ungkapan yang tepat untuk teman yang menang lomba adalah ucapan selamat
(congratulations). (Jawaban: b)
F. Complementing
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk memuji, antara lain:
• What ...(a charming dress)!
• That’s a very nice ...(coat)!
• You’re looking good.
• I must say ...is very good.
• If I may say so, ...is excellent.
Contoh Soal:
Andri: What a charming dress!
Asri: Thank you very much.
The underlined utterence expresses ....
a. Thanking b. Congratulating c. Compelling d. Persuading e. Encouraging
Pada dialog di atas Andri memuji (compelling) gaun yang dikenakan Asri.
(Jawaban: c)
G. Thanking
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk berterima kasih, antara lain:
• Thank you.
• Many thanks for ....
• Thanks.
• Thanks a lot for ....
• I’m very grateful to you.
Untuk merespons ucapan terima kasih dapat digunakan ungkapan-ungkapan,
antara lain:
• Not at all.
• It’s a pleasure.
• (Please) don’t mention it.
• That’s all right.
• Delighted I was able to help.
Contoh soal:

Tourist : I’d love for a walk. I am going to the village of Paksa Bali. Which way is
Guide : Go up this road about one kilometer. You’ll get to the village of Paksa
Tourist : You’ve helped me a lot ...
Guide : You’re welcome.
a. Bye-bye c. It’s very kind of you e. I’m very grateful to you
b. You’re really smart d. We have a very good time
Pada dialog di atas, seorang turis bertanya arah kepada pemandu wisata. Karena
sudah dibantu, turis pun merasa sangat berterima kasih (grateful) kepada pemandu
tersebut. (Jawaban: e)
H. Asking and giving opinion
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menanyakan dan memberi
pendapat, antara lain:
Asking for opinion
• What do you think about...?
• What’s your opinion of ...?
• What do you feel?
Giving your opinion
• I think ....
• In my opinion, ...
• Don’t you think ...?
• I’d say ....
• I’m convinced that....
• What about ...?
• Have you got any comments on ...?
Contoh Soal:
1. X : What do you think of the government liquidating several banks recently?
Y : I’m a customer of the liquidated banks, so I’m unhappy with it.
The underlined utterence expresses ...
a. Asking for opinion b. Giving opinion c. Inviting d. Suggesting e. Advising
What do you think of... biasa digunakan untuk menanyakan pendapat (asking for
(Jawaban: a)
2. Toto : Science and technology has developed very fast. Do you think we are
ready for that?
Tati : ....
a. Good it is interesting d. Frankly speaking, I disagree with you
b. Why not, Just behave yourself e. I’m not certain. The quality of our education
is still low
c. Oh. marvelous. It great for you
Respons Tati yang tepat terhadap pertanyaan Toto yaitu keraguannya (not
certain) mengenai hal yang ditanyakan. (Jawaban: e)
I. Saying you are pleased or displeased

Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa senang dan
tidak senang, antara lain:
Saying you are pleased
• I’m very pleased with ....
• How marvellous!
• Great!
• That’s terrific!
• I’m delighted to hear that.
Saying you are displeased
• Oh no!
• Oh dear!
• I really hate....
• I can’t stand it.
• This is extremely irritating.

Contoh Soal:Ria: Mom, I got good marks this semester.Mother: That’s terrific!
Mother said that she is .... with Ria’s achievement.a. Pleased b. Displeased c.
Unsatisfied d. Grateful e. Unhappy PembahasanIbu Ria mengungkapkan rasa
senang (pleased) karena Ria memperoleh nilai yang bagus.(Jawaban: a)J.
Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfactionUngkapan-ungkapan yang biasa
digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa puas dan tidak puas, antara lain:Expressing
satisfaction• I love it!• That’s quite good.• I’m satisfied with...• It’s really satisfyng.•
I’m so glad with what you have done.Contoh Soal:Mr Halim: I’m not satisfied with
the air conditioner in my room.Mr. Ahmad : We’re sorry, Sir. We will fix it soon.The
underlined utterence shows ....a. Satisfaction b. Dissatisfaction c. Embarrasement d.
Anxiety e. Fear PembahasanMr Halim menyatakan ketidakpuasannya
(dissatisfaction) dengan AC di kamarnya. (Jawaban: b)K. Saying you are afraid,
anxious and relievedUngkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk
menyatakan rasa takut, cemas, dan lega, Expressing dissatisfaction• I’m not
satisfied with ....• I’m dissatisfied with ....• That’s not good.• It’s not very nice.• I’m
not happy with that.

antara lain:
Saying you are afraid or anxious
• I’m afraid ....
• I’m worried about ....
• I’m frightened....
• I’m scared ....
• I’m very concerned about ....
Contoh Soal:
Mrs Ira:.... She hasn’t gone home yet.

Lucky: She’ll be fine, Mom.
The suitable expression to fill in the blank is ....
a. Where is your sister? c. I’m not satisfied with your sister. e. I’m embarrassed.
b. I’m worried about your sister. d. What about your sister?
Ibu Ira merasa cemas (worried) karena anak perempuannya belum pulang.
(Jawaban: b)
L. Expressing loves/likes and dislikes
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa suka dan
tidak suka, antara lain:
Expressing likes
• I like/love ....
• I really enjoy ....
• I really go for ....
• I’m very fond of ....
• What I particularly enjoy is ....
Contoh Soal:
Andi : It seems that you enjoy listening to ‘dangdut’ music.
Saying you are relieved
• That’s a relief.
• What a relief!
• Thank God for ....
• It’s a great relief.
• I’m very glad to hear about....
Expressing dislikes
• I don’t like ....
• I’ve never liked ...
• Oh, how awful!
• I have to admit I rather dislike ....
• I must say I’m not too fond of ....

Agus : You’re right ...
a. I dislike it. c. I hate ‘dangdut’. e. I like ‘dangdut’ very much.
b. It makes me sick. d. I am annoyed with it.
Andi mengatakan, It seems that you enjoy.... Agus begitu menikmati musik
dangdut, berarti dia menyukai (like) lagu dangdut. (Jawaban: e)
M. Expressing sadness and pain
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa sedih dan
terluka, antara lain:
Expressing sadness
• I’m so sad.
• It really hurts.
• It’s very tragic.
• How sorowful it is!

• I‘m so upset about it.
Contoh Soal:
X : Hi, Nina! What’s up? Why do you look so sad?
Y : I’ve got a terrible headache. It’s really painful.
X : Oh, poor you ...?
The underlined sentence expresses ....
a. Sadness b. Pain c. Fear d. Relief e. Happiness
Ungkapan it’s really painful biasa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa sakit
(pain). (Jawaban: b)
N. Saying you are annoyed and embarrassed
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa jengkel dan
malu, antara lain:
Saying you are annoyed
• I’m very annoyed
• It annoys me.
• It really makes me angry.
Expressing pain
• It’s really painful.
• It hurts me so bad.
• I’m suffered from....
• What a pain I should endure
Saying you are embarrassed
• How embarrassing!
• What a shame!
• I’m really ashamed.
• It makes me red.
• It is extremely annoying.
Contoh Soal:
Aryo: Turn off the music! ....
Riska: OK. I’m sorry.
What should Aryo said to Riska?
a. What a shame! b. It annoys me. c. It’s good. d. Well done! e. Thanks.

Suara musik Riska mengganggu (annoys) Aryo, sehingga Aryo meminta Riska
untuk mematikannya. (Jawaban: b)
O. Giving advice and warning
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk memberikan nasihat dan
peringatan, antara lain:
Giving advice
• I think you should ....
• If I were you, I’d ....
• You’d better ....
• I would advise ....
• I would ..., if I were in your position.
Contoh Soal:

1. Tia : You look so sad. What has happened to you?
Mia :My mother was angry because I came home late last night.
Tia : Don’t be sad. You’d better ask for her apology and admit that you’ve done a
From the dialogue we know that Tia gives ... to Mia.
a. an idea
b. advice
c. an opinion
d. a surprise
e. information
• I don’t think I can stand to see him/her.
• That is the most embarrassing moment in my life.
Warning someone
• Look out!
• Be careful!
• Watch out!
• Make sure you ...
• I would be extremely careful of ... if I were you.

Tia menasehati (giving advice) Mia untuk meminta maaf kepada ibunya.
Penggunaan ‘d better menunjukkan memberi nasehat. (Jawaban: b)
2. Ina : Why are you sleepy in class?
Ines : Do I look sleepy, Na? I am not sleepy, but I have a painful stomach ache.
Ina : You should go to the doctor. Come on, I’ll accompany you.
The underlined words express ...
a. disagreement b. satisfaction c. obligation d. offering e. advice
Ines sakit perut. Ina menasehatinya untuk pergi ke dokter. Kata should dapat
menunjukkan bahwa Ina memberi nasihat kepada Ina. (Jawaban: e)
P. Complaining
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk mengeluhkan sesuatu, antara
• I want to complain about ....
• This is most unsatisfactory.
• I’m sorry to say this, but....
• Would you please not....?
• I’m not at all satisfied with ....
Contoh Soal:
Mrs Nia: I’m sorry to say this, but there is no dustbin available here.
Mr. Wahyu: We’re very sorry, ma’am. We’ll make it available immediately. Thank
What utterence did Mrs Nia express?
a. Asking for help c. Congratulating e. Thanking
b. Offering something d. Complaining

Mrs Nia mengeluhkan (complaining) tidak tersedianya tempat sampah di sekitar
tempat itu kepada Mr Wahyu. (Jawaban: d)
Q. Expressing possibilities and impossibilities
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang
mungkin dan tidak mungkin, antara lain:
Expressing possibility
• Perhaps/Probably/maybe
• I expect ....
• ...is going ro ....
• It looks like ...
• I assume/believe ....
Contoh Soal:
Student A : Is man able to find an efficient way to convert the heat of the sun
into energy?
Student B: ... because a lot of experiments have been done, and the result is
a. It’s quite improbable b. It’s out of the question c. I don’t think it is possible
d. There is always a chance e. There’s no certainty of it
Student B menyatakan kemungkinan bagi manusia untuk mengubah panas
matahari menjadi energi. Ungkapan yang tepat yaitu There is always a chance.
(Jawaban: d)
R. Admitting and regretting mistakes
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk mengakui dan menyesali
kesalahan, antara lain:
• Sorry, you are right
• Yes, perhaps I’m wrong there.
• My mistake, ...
• Yes, I must admit you are right.
• I may have been error over ....
Contoh Soal:
Aris : You said that Tari Pendet is from Java. In fact, it is from Bali.
Expressing impossibility
• I don’t think....
• It’s not probable ....
• It’s unlikely....
• Probably not!
• It’s very doubtful ....

Ayu : .....
The suitable response from Ayu is ....
a. I’m satisfied with your answer. c. I’m sorry to hear that. e. I like it very much.
b. Sorry, you are right. d. Well done.
Ayu telah mengatakan hal yang salah dan Aris benar. Ayu pun meminta maaf
atas kesalahannya.

(Jawaban: b)
S. Promising
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan janji, antara lain:
• I promise you ....
• Take my words....
• I will ....
• I swear ....
• You can keep my words.
Contoh soal:
Ajeng: Do you promise to pick me at seven?
Rudi: .... I’ll be there on time.
The suitable expression is ....
a. I agree b. I don’t agree c. I promise you d. I see e. I do
Untuk menyatakan janji, ungkapan I promise you dapat digunakan. (Jawaban:
T. Expressing curiosity
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan keingintahuan,
antara lain:
• I wonder ...?
• Can someone tell me ...?
• I wish I knew ....
• If only I knew ....
• I’d particularly like to know ....
Contoh Soal:
Susi: Yesterday, there was a landslide in Ciwidey.
Okta: How awful! ...how many victims are there?
a. I knew it b. I agree c. I saw it d. I wonder e. I heard about it
Setelah mendengar bencana longsor di Ciwidey, Okta merasa ingin tahu
mengenai korban bencana tersebut. Ungkapan I wonder adalah yang paling
tepat. (Jawaban: d)
U. Persuading
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk membujuk, antara lain:
• Won’t you ..., please?
• Please let me ....
• Why don’t you ...?
• How can I persuade you to ....
Contoh Soal:
Dina: Dad, please let me to go with my friends tonight.
Father: No, Dina. I won’t let you go at night.
What expression did Dina say?
a. Promising b. Persuading c. Advising d. Complaining e. Complementing
Ungkapan please let me biasa digunakan untuk membujuk (persuading)
seseorang. (Jawaban: b)
V. Encouraging
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk memberi semangat atau
dorongan kepada orang lain, antara lain:

Well done! Now ....
No! You’re doing fine!
Don’t give up!
I’m right behind you!
We feel you should go ahead.

Contoh Soal:
Lukman: I’m sorry. I’m almost disappointed everyone.
Tari: No, you’re doing fine!
Tari is trying to ... Lukman.
a. Congratulate b. Persuade c. Encourage d. Help e. Advise
Lukman merasa putus asa karena telah mengecewakan semua orang. Tari
mencoba untuk memberi semangat (to encourage) kepadanya. (Jawaban: c)
W. Requesting
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk meminta sesuatu atau
bantuan, antara lain:
• Could you ..., please?
• Do you mind ...?
• Can you ...?
• May I ...?
• Would it be possible for you to ...?
Contoh Soal:
1. Dito : Excuse me ...,?
Diah : Oh, of course. Here it is!
a. Can you help me c. Could you do me a favor e. Would you mind opening the
b. Could you do this me d. May I borrow your dictionary
Dari dialog di atas, Dito meminta barang kepada Diah karena Diah mengatakan
here it is. Ungkapan yang tepat, yaitu May I borrow your dictionary. (Jawaban:
2. Rita : Excuse me! ... to help you turn the radio off?
Mr. Hasni : Yes, please. Thank you very much indeed.
a. Is it possible for me c. Can you order me e. Can you ask me
b. Would you like me d. Is it okay for me
Pada dialog di atas, Rita menawarkan bantuan untuk mematikan radio.
Ungkapan yang tepat, yaitu Would you like me. (Jawaban: b)
X. Expressing wishes or hopes
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan harapan, antara
• I hope ....
• I wish ....
• Hopefully ....
• Let’s hope ....
• We must hope ....
Contoh Soal:
Diki: I hope we pass the examination.

Adi: I hope so.
What do they express?
a. Fear b. Anxiety c. Relief d. Hope e. Annoyance
Pada dialog di atas, Diki dan Adi berbicara tentang harapan (hope) mereka lulus
ujian. (Jawaban: d)
Y. Showing attitude
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan sikap, antara lain:
• Yes, I agree.
• I have no objection ...
• That’s quite true.
• I think I’d accept ....
• Oh, I don’t agree.
• I’m afraid I can’t accept.
Contoh Soal:Husband : Our car always troubles me.Wife : Why don’t you sell it and
buy a new one?Husband : Well. I don’t have any objection to your idea as long as
we can afford it.In the dialogue the husband expresses ... a. sympathy b. capability
c. agreement d. intolerance e. pleasurePembahasanPada dialog di atas, husband
menyatakan sikapnya dengan menyetujui (agree) dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh
istrinya. (Jawaban: c)

C. GRAMMAR1. Simple past tenseSimple past tense digunakan
untuk menjelaskan atau menceritakan peristiwa/kegiatan yang terjadi di masa
lampau.Pola kalimat:(+) Contoh:
• Tika came to the party yesterday.
• She read that book last week.
• He didn’t accept the letter.
• Did they join the group?
Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan, antara lain: yesterday, two days ago, last
week/month year.Contoh Soal:1. Yesterday I didn’t go to the theatre. I ... my
mother cook. a. help b. helping c. helped d. will help e. was
helpedPembahasan:Keterangan waktu dalam kalimat tersebut adalah yesterday,
kata kerja yang tepat yaitu dalam bentuk past, yaitu helped. (Jawaban: c)2.
Simple future tenseSimple future tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian
atau keadaan yang akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.Pola kalimat:•
Subject + shall/will + Object• Subject + to be + going to + infinitive +
objectContoh :• I will go to the zoo tomorrow. • She is going to buy a new book next
month.Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan, antara lain besok (tomorrow),
minggu depan (next week), bulan depan (next month), tahun depan (next
year).Contoh Soal:Rita and her family ... to Pelabuhan Ratu next month.a. Go b.
Went c. Have gone d. Are going e. Are going to goPembahasanKeterangan waktu
yang digunakan dalam kalimat di atas, yaitu next month yang berarti kejadian yang
akan datang. Bentuk predikatnya to be + going to + go. (Jawaban: e)
3. Present perfect tense

Present perfect tense diguna

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