Hijau (Cocos Nucifera L. Var. Viridis) Dengan Perbedaan Tingkat Kematangan Secara Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom

NATRIUM PADA AIR KELAPA HIJAU (Cocos nucifera L. var. viridis)
Air kelapa mengandung banyak mineral, antara lain kalium, natrium,
kalsium, magnesium, besi, tembaga, fosfor, sulfur, dan klorin serta nutrisi lain
yang baik untuk tubuh sehingga dapat digunakan dalam meringankan gejala
kolera, demam, demam berdarah, batu ginjal, dan hipertensi. Komposisi nutrisi
dari air kelapa secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh jenis varietas kelapa dan
perbedaan tingkat kematangan buah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kematangan buah terhadap kandungan kalsium,
kalium, magnesium, dan natrium dalam air kelapa.
Sampel yang dianalisis adalah air kelapa hijau dengan tiga tingkat
kematangan, yakni sangat muda, muda, dan tua yang berasal dari satu pohon yang
sama. Identifikasi kalsium dilakukan menggunakan pereaksi larutan asam oksalat
6,3% dengan penambahan amonium hidroksida; kalium dengan asam pikrat 1%
b/v dan uji nyala kawat nikel krom; magnesium dengan pereaksi larutan kuning
titan 0,1% ditambah larutan natrium hidroksida; sedangkan natrium menggunakan
pereaksi asam pikrat 1% b/v dan dengan uji nyala kawat nikel krom. Penetapan
kadar dilakukan menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom dengan nyala

udara-asetilen. Analisis kuantitatif kalsium, kalium, magnesium dan natrium
dilakukan pada panjang gelombang berturut-turut 422,7 nm, 766,5 nm, 589,0 nm
dan 285,2 nm.
Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan sampel yang ditentukan mengandung
kalsium, kalium, magnesium dan natrium. Hasil penetapan kadar menunjukkan
adanya perbedaan kadar kalsium, kalium, magnesium, dan natrium pada air kelapa
dari ketiga tingkat kematangan buah yang berbeda. Semakin meningkat
kematangan buah, kadar kalsium dan kalium air kelapa semakin menurun. Kadar
magnesium dan natrium meningkat dari air kelapa sangat muda ke kelapa muda,
lalu menurun kembali pada kelapa tua. Kadar kalsium tertinggi pada air kelapa
sangat muda, yaitu 87,41 ± 11,48 mg/l, kadar kalium tertinggi pada air kelapa
sangat muda yaitu 624,27 ± 22,09 mg/l, kadar magnesium tertinggi pada air
kelapa muda yaitu 27,70 ± 5,67 mg/l, kadar natrium tertinggi pada air kelapa
muda yaitu 6,46 ± 0,71 mg/l.

Kata kunci: air kelapa, kelapa hijau, kalsium, kalium, magnesium, natrium,
kematangan buah, spektrofotometri serapan atom.

IN GREEN COCONUT WATER (Cocos nucifera L. var. viridis) WITH

Coconut water contains minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium,
magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine and another nutritions
which is good for body health so that it can be used to cure fever, dengue fever,
urinary stones, and hypertention. Nutritional composition of coconut water is
directly influenced by the varieties of coconut and the difference of maturity level
of fruit. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of maturity level of
fruit in concentration of calsium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium in coconut
The samples analyzed were green coconuts water with three level of
maturities, they were very tender, tender, and mature from the same coconut tree.
Identification of calsium performed using oxalic acid reagents mixed with
amonium hydroxide; potassium using 1% picric acid reagents and nickel chrome
flame test; magnesium using 0.1% titan yellow reagents mixed with sodium
hydroxide; while sodium using 1% picric acid reagents and nickel chrome flame
test. Quantitative analysis was done using atomic absorption spectrophotometer
with acetylene-air flame. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium were
quantitative analyzed respectively at 422.7 nm, 766.5 nm, 589.0 nm dan 285.2 nm

The results of identification were concluded that samples contained
calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium. The results of quantitative analysis
showed that the level of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium in coconut
water are different among 3 levels maturity of coconut fruit. Raising maturity of
coconut fruit will decrease the level of calcium and potassium in coconut water.
Raising maturity of coconut fruit will increase the level of magnesium and sodium
in coconut water from very tender to tender, then decreasing in mature coconut
fruit. The highest calcium level was in very tender coconut water which was 87.41
± 11.48 mg/l, the highest potassium level was in very tender coconut water which
was 624.27 ± 22.09 mg/l, the highest magnesium levels was in tender coconut
water which was 27.70 ± 5.67 mg/l, and the highest sodium level was in tender
coconut water which was 6.46 ± 0.71 mg/l.
Key words : coconut water, green coconut, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and
sodium, maturity, atomic absorption spectrophotometer.