




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Bustanul Arifin












Arifin, Bustanul. 2016. Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Qualitative Data. A thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. Advisor: Rizka Safriyani, M.Pd and Khoiriyatul Hariro, M.Pd.

Key Words:Students’ Difficulties, Analyzing Data, Qualitative Data,

Analyzing qualitative data is very complex and challenging. Beginning researcher will find many problems in analyzing qualitative data. This research focuses on identifying students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and the solutions to overcome the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. The researcher determines this research by qualitative method using descriptive approach. The subjects of this research are the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya academic years 2011/2012. Additionally, the researcher uses interview as the technique to collect the data. The result of this research shows that there are 7 difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Those difficulties are difficult to code the data, difficult to classify the data, difficult to find the format of display data, difficult to reduce the data, difficult to find the theory to support the finding and difficult to make sure the validity of findings. There are 6 causes that make students difficulty in analyzing qualitative data. Those causes are lack of reading sources dealing with qualitative research, lack of practicing in analyzing qualitative data, lack of understanding context of the data, difficult to find the theory to support the finding, difficult to find the theory to classify the data and topic of the thesis is new in Indonesia. There are 4 solutions that can be used by the students to overcome these difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Those solutions are reread the data to get more understanding, read some sources to find further information, consult to the thesis advisors and discuss with partners.










CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the reserach ... 1

B. Research question ... 5

C. Objective of the research ... 6

D. Significance of the reserach ... 6

E. Scope and Limit of the research ... 8

F. Definition of key terms ... 8

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Literature ... 10

1. Qualitative research ... 10

2. Data analysis... 14

3. The causes that make students difficult in analyzing qualitative data ... 24

4. The solution to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data ... 27



A. Approachand research design ... 34

B. Researcher presence... 34

C. Researcher Subjects ... 35

D. Research location ... 35

E. Data and source of data... 36

F. Research instrument... 36

G. Data analysis technique ... 37

H. Checking validity of findings ... 37

I. Research stages ... 38


B. Discussion... 70


B. Suggestion... 80



the problem and reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problems, the significance of the research and objectives of the research, scope and limit of the research and definition of key terms.

A. Background of the Research

Commonly, researchers always try to prove the reason of the phenomena around them. Researchers can find the phenomena in the classroom, playground, an organization or community. Researchers learn something from those phenomenon by asking some questions and prove them through the research process. As researchers always develop, researchers can find the simplest thing from general things in their life.

In understanding the phenomena, researchers use the qualitative research which has the role to prove the phenomena. Researcher also needs some stages to prove it. As stated by Dawson and Algozzine that research involves determining: 1. what we want to research (the research question) 2. How do we want to research it (the design), 3. Whom we want to research (the “case,” “cases,” or “sample”) 4. How best to acquire

information (the data-collection techniques) 5. How best to analyze or interpret the information that we acquire (the data analysis) 6. How and with whom to share our findings (the dissemination process) 7. How to



confirm our findings (the verification process).1 It means the researchers must follow some stages in doing a research to make it easy and to make good research.

Qualitative research is difficult and has some challenges. It is supported by Rohmah in her workshop material that challenges in qualitative research are make sense of massive amounts of data, reduce the volume of information, identify significant patterns and construct a framework for communicating the essence of what the data.2It also in line with Ary’s statement that data analysis in qualitative research is a time-consuming and difficult process because typically the researcher faces massive amounts of field notes, interview transcripts, audio recordings, video data, reflections, or information from documents, all of which must be examined and interpreted.3

Therefore, the researchers will find many difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Especially for the beginner such as students university and some solutions are needed in order to not spend much time in this step.

Qualitative research is also flexible and have various form in answering research question depended on the research the researchers want to answer. As cited by Dickson, they argued that the reporting of qualitative data may be one of the most fertile fields going: there are no fixed formats, and the ways data are being analyzed and interpreted are


Hancock, Dawson R. and Bob Algozzine. Doing case study research: a practical guide for beginning researchers.(Teachers College : Press New York. 2006)


Rohmah, Zuliati.Analyzing Qualitative Data. adapted from 3


getting more and more various.4 It is very potential for the researcher to have difficulty in displaying the data because it has many various form. Different stakeholder will have different point of view of those varieties.

A preliminary research was conducted by the researcher to 10 students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya who are in the process of writing thesis. At the preliminary research, the researcher asked open-ended questions about difficulties in designing the elements of research method. It consists of research design, research subject, research location, research instrument, data collection, data analysis, etc. The result of the preliminary research shows that there are some common problems happened on the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. They have many difficulties in analyzing the data, especially in analyzing qualitative data. At the previous semester they had already got the subject related to the research method such as Research Method, Research Statistics and Thesis Proposal Seminar, but they are still confused when they conducted the research especially in analyzing qualitative data, such as how to analyze the data, how to display the data, how to categorize the data, etc. Based on those problems above, it is important for the researcher to know what difficulties are faced by the student in analyzing qualitative data. Therefore, the researcher is interested


Dickson, Virginia. et al. Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face?.



to conduct the research about “Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Qualitative Data”.

There are some previous studies related to this research. The first one is the research with the title is “Difficulties experienced by education and sociology students in quantitative methods courses.”5 This research studied the difficulties of student of education, psychology and social science in their quantitative research course at university. This result of research shows that the difficulties in in their research course at university were students’ difficulties with superficial teaching, linking theory with practice, unfamiliarity with and difficulty of concepts and content, constituting an integrated picture of the parts of scientific research in order to really understand it, and negative attitude toward these studies.

The second previous research is “Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Experimental Statistics Data”.6 This research is about factors

causing students’ difficulties in analyzing experimental research and the

solutions to overcome this problem. This research use qualitative research in which the instruments are interview, questioner and documentation. The result of this research showed that those factors causing difficulties in experimental statistics data calculation are: First, they seldom read experimental statistic data processing. Second, the experimental formula is


Murtonen, Mari.Learning of quantitative research methods -University students’ views, motivation and difficulties in learning. (Finland: University of Turku, 2005)


Irdiyansyah, Iyan. Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Experimental Statistic Data. faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences. Pakuan University. 2009


more difficult from others statistic formulas, many tables should be prepared, and taking the conclusion is also becoming students’ difficulties.

Based on the previous studies above, the researcher conducts different research. In this research, the researcher is going to observe students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and also solution to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. The researcher is going to do an interview to get the information and answer the research question with the subject of the research is students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

B. Research Question

Based on the background of the research above, it can be formulated the research questions as follows:

1. What are the difficulties of the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in analyzing the qualitative data?

2. What are the causes that make students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya difficult in analyzing qualitative data?

3. What are the solutions of the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya to overcome those difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data?



C. Objective of the Research and Significance of Research 1. Objective of The Research

Based on the research questions mentioned above, the objectives of the research are as follow:

a. To describe the difficulties of the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in analyzing qualitative data.

b. To describe the causes that makes the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya difficult in analyzing qualitative data.

c. To describe the solution to overcome the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data of the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. 2. Significance of the Research

This research is conducted to know the students’difficulties in analyzing qualitative data at eighth semester of English Education and Teacher Training Faculty in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Through this research, the researcher expects that it will give significance for the department, students and lecturer as follows.

1. For the Department

For English Teacher Education Department, this research is expected to make any evaluation related to the students’ difficulties in analyzing the data and make any syllabus dealing


with students’ difficultiesin analyzing qualitative data to improve teaching method or strategy in teaching research method in order to the students can understand about how to analyze qualitative data.

2. For the Students

This research is also expected to make the student get better understanding on what are students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, the causes that make the students difficult in analyzing qualitative data and the solution to overcome those difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Therefore, they can prepare themselves before they start to analyze qualitative data. 3. For the lecture

For the lecture, this research is also expected to give significant benefit for the lecture who teach Research Method course in order to know the difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data, causes that make the students difficult in analyzing qualitative data and the solutions to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Therefore, the lecture will find the strategies to teach the subject related to the research such as Research Method, Research Statistics, and Thesis Proposal Seminar, and give more practice to the students in order to have experience in analyzing the data, especially for qualitative research.



D. Scope and Limitation of the Research

This research only focuses on thestudents’difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. The researcher does not observe the students’ difficulties of all elements in research method such as research design, research subject, data collection technique, data analysis techniques, etc. The researcher determines the scope of this research on data analysis. It is data analysis technique, exactly in students’ difficulties in analyzing data. The researcher limits this research on students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. In essence, this research just focuses on students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.

E. Definition of Key Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding about term used in this research, the researcher provides some key terms bellow:

1. Qualitative data is a data taken from instruments used as technique of qualitative research such as interview, observation, document analysis, etc.

2. Data analysis is a process whereby researchers systematically search and arrange data in order to increase their understanding of it as well as enable them to present what they learned to others.7 It involves organizing and familiarizing, coding and reducing, interpreting and representing.


Ary, Donald et. al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


3. Qualitative research is a process of exploring and understanding the meaning individual or groups as a social or human problem. It means that qualitative research consists of narrative or textual description about the phenomena.

4. Student is the eighth semester students of academic year 2011/2012 who is in the process of writing thesis at English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.




This chapter review some theories and previous studies related to the topic. Theories related to the topic are definition of qualitative research and data analysis, difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and previous study related to this research.

A. Review of Related Literature 1. Qualitative Research

a) Definition of Qualitative Research

There are many phenomenon in the world, they are exist in every field such as in education, economy, politic, religious, etc. Many people study about them to understand the phenomenon. Qualitative research is needed as a method which has characteristic of studying about central phenomenon. According to Vanderstoep and Johnston, qualitative research produces narrative or textual descriptions of the phenomena under study.1 Creswell also stated that qualitative research means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures, data typically collected in the participant’s setting, data analysis inductively building from particulars to general themes, and the researcher making interpretations of the data.2 Moreover, it is important


Vanderstoep, Scott W. And Johnston, Deirdre D. research.RESEARCH METHODS FOR EVERYDAY LIFE Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. USA : Jossey-Bass, 2009.



for the researcher to understand the characteristic and the function of method to conduct the research.

b) Characteristics of Qualitative Research

In qualitative research, Creswell stated that there are some characteristics in each stage of the research process:

• Finding a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central phenomenon

• Having the literature review that play insignificant role but explain the problem.

• Stating the purpose and research questions in a general based on the participants’ experiences

• Collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals so that the participants’ views are gained

• Analyzing the data for making description and pattern using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the findings

• Writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative criteria, and including the researchers’ subjective reflexivity and bias.

Based on the characteristics above, qualitative research is used to solve the problem of a central phenomenon by finding theoretical and practical knowledge to analyze and solve the problem. There is no small number and statistical method in this research, it only focuses on the phenomenon to analyze and interpret the data also give conclusion.



c) Qualitative Data

Qualitative data is the data taken from instruments that used as method of qualitative research. According to Ary the most common data collection methods used in qualitative research is (1) observation, (2) interviewing, and (3) document analysis. In this case, artifacts may include audio and video recordings, photographs, games, artwork, or other items that provide insight related to the context or participants.3

1) Observation

Observation is a method used to gain data in qualitative research. Qualitative observation usually takes more time than quantitative observation. It is used to understand the context of phenomenon rather than test hypothesis. Quantitative observations often use checklists. The goal of this method is to understand complex interactions in natural settings.

2) Interview

Interview is one of the most methods used to get qualitative data. Interviews are used to gather data from people about opinions, beliefs, and feelings about situations used their own words. The subjects are interviewed by using who, what, when, where, why, and how. Interviews also can be used to verify observations. For example, observing students behavior in a


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


classroom and interviewing to the teacher to get deep information about students’ behavior.

3) Documents

Qualitative research uses written documents to gain an understanding of the phenomenon under study. Documents can be personal, such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters; official files such as, reports, memoranda, or minutes; or documents of popular culture, such as books, films, and videos. Document can be in the form of written or text-based such as textbooks, novels, journals, meeting minutes, logs, announcements, policy statements, newspapers, transcripts, birth certificates, marriage records, budgets, letters, e-mail messages, etc. It also can be in the form of such as photographs, audiotapes, videotapes, computer images, websites, musical performances, televised political speeches, YouTube videos, virtual world settings, etc.

2. Data Analysis

a) Definition of Data Analysis

Data analysis is very familiar in term of research, especially in chapter 4 of a thesis. Data analysis consists of finding and discussion. It is chapter where the researcher analyzes and interprets the data. Ary stated that data analysis is a process whereby researchers systematically search and arrange the data in order to increase their understanding of the data



and to enable them to present what they learned to others.4 This step describes about how the researcher analyzes the data. It describes systematically such as transcribing the interview, categorizing the data, and other important things to report the data. Thus, it is important to review and understand the data before analyze them in order to get the valid data.

b) Difficulty in Analyzing Qualitative Data

Qualitative research is flexible and complex. It has various forms depending on the research question the researchers want to answer. As cited in Dickson and friends, they argued that the reporting of qualitative data may be one of the most fertile fields going: there are no fixed formats, and the ways data are being analyzed and interpreted are getting more and more various.5 It also has complicated phases in data analysis. This statement is supported by Ary statement that data analysis is the most complex and mysterious phase of qualitative research.6 . Therefore, the complexity and the various formats in qualitative research can be solved by some strategy used by the research in analyzing qualitative data.

The qualitative researchers face some difficulties to understand and interpret the information from qualitative data. It is supported by Ary statement that data analysis in qualitative research is a time-consuming


Ary, Donald.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009) 5

Dickson, Virginia.Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face?.(Australia: La Trobe University, 2007)


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


and difficult process because typically the researcher faces massive amounts of field notes, interview transcripts, audio recordings, video data, reflections, or information from documents, all of which must be examined and interpreted.7 Besides, he argued that interpreting qualitative data is difficult because there are no set rules to follow. The quality of the interpretation depends on the background, perspective, knowledge, and theoretical orientation of the researcher and the intellectual skills that brings to the task.8 It becomes barrier for the qualitative researcher to finish their analysis because analysis involves reducing and organizing the data, synthesizing, searching for significant patterns, and discovering what is important.

c) Stages of Qualitative Data Analysis

A good analysis is systematically describe the data and easy for the readers to understand of what the researchers had found. It consists of some steps to achieve it. There are many stages in analyzing qualitative data according to some researcher like follow.

1. According to Taylor- Powell there are four major steps to this process:9

a) Review the data.


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Taylor- Powell E. Analyzing Qualitative Data. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension, 2004. Available at



It is important to understand the data before analyzing the data. Reviewing the data several times, for example, if the data consist of interview transcripts read and re-read the transcripts until have a general understanding of the content. While reviewing, taking notes is important when interpret the data.

b) Organize the data.

Qualitative data sets tend to be very lengthy and complex. Organizing the data is important in order to be easy to navigate. This can save time and energy later.

c) Code the data.

Coding is the process of identifying and labeling themes in the data. Label themes that are suitable with the research questions. Themes are common trends or ideas that appear repeatedly through the data.

d) Interpret the data.

Interpretation involves making sense of the data. Creswell stated that interpretation in qualitative research means that the researcher steps back and forms some larger meaning about the phenomenon based on personal views, comparisons with past studies, or both.10

Interpreting the data include some section such as


Creswell, John W. Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (USA : Pearson, 2012)


• A review of the major findings and how the research questions were answered

• Personal reflections of the researcher about the meaning of the data

• Personal views are compared or contrasted with the literature

• Limitations of the study

• Suggestions for future research

2. Other steps in analyzing the data also specify into three by Ary as follows. Those are:11

a) Organizing and familiarizing

The first stage in qualitative research involves familiarizing and organizing to get understanding of the data. The researcher should understand well and familiar with the data through reading and re reading transcripts, viewing and reviewing video tapes and listen repeatedly to the audio tapes. Organizing information is begun after familiarizing; organizing the information through completed the list of data sources. The data can be organized in a various ways, such as, by interview, by questions, by people, or by places.

b) Coding and reducing


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)



After familiarizing and organizing the data in order to be easy to navigate. The qualitative researcher can begin the coding and reducing process. This is the essential step of qualitative analysis that includes the identification of categories, themes and their modification.

For instance in book store, it consist of book with categorization like mathematic book, science book, English book and others. It also can be categorized into subcategorized such as, mathematic book for elementary student, mathematic book for senior high school or junior high school.

Coding is about developing concepts from the raw data. The most common approach is to read and reread all the data and sort them by looking for units of meaning such as words, phrases, sentences, and subjects’ ways of thinking, behavior patterns, and events that seem to appear regularly and that seem important. Each unit of meaning label should be understandable without any additional information. Each unit of meaning will be used later. Coding uses as many as codes that needed. These will be reduced later. Labeling or coding of items is done in order to begin to recognize differences and similarities in the data. The number of categories developed will depend on the type of data collected, the focus of inquiry, and the researcher’s analytic skills. If the number of categories is very large, the researcher should be collapsed into a


manageable number. The researcher can code into small bits and categorizing re-sorts the codes into bins, developing themes involves looking for connections and relationships. Generating themes is the most difficult and challenging process of analysis. Below are the levels of data analysis in a data pyramid.

Figure 2.1Data Pyramid

c) Interpreting and representing

Interpreting involves reflecting about the words and acts of the study’s participants and abstracting important understandings from them.12 It is an inductive process in which the researcher makes generalizations based on the connections and common aspects among the categories and patterns. The researcher may develop hypothesis that have evolved during the analysis. Interpretation is about bringing out the meaning, telling the story, providing an explanation, and developing reasonable explanations.

In interpreting qualitative data, the researchers should confirm what they have already known and supported by the data. Although interpretation is personal and proceeds without set rules, it is does 12

Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)

Themes Categories Data pieces



not mean that the qualitative researcher can rely on personal feelings when interpreting the data. The interpretation cannot be just an illusion of the imagination but must be supported by the data.

The approach of interpretation is clearly affected by the particular qualitative approach used in the study. In narrative inquiry, the researcher is describing the larger meaning of the story. In phenomenology, the researcher is attempting to examine the “essence” of something using textual and structural descriptions. Ary stated that in grounded theory, interpretation involves developing propositions. Ethnographers are trying to make sense of how a culture works. A case study develops generalizations.13 Each of these qualitative approaches is differing disciplinary bases that clearly influence how the data are interpreted.

3. Steps in analyzing qualitative data by Creswell also specify into three in Ary’s Book.14 Each step in Ary’s book has each sub step according to Creswell like below.15

a) Data managing Reading or Memoing

1) Prepare and Organize the Data for Analysis


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Creswell, John W. Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (USA : Pearson, 2012)


In a qualitative study, initial data management consists of organizing the data, transcribing interviews and typing field notes, and making the decision to analyze the data by hand or by computer.

b) Describing Classifying

1) Explore and Code the Data

Qualitative researchers conduct a preliminary analysis of the data by reading through it to obtain a general sense of the data. Major analysis of qualitative data consists of coding the data. The process of coding is one of reducing a text or image database to descriptions and themes of people, places, or events. It involves examining the text database line by line, asking oneself what the participant is saying, and then assigning a code label to the text segment.

2) Coding to Build Description and Themes

Codes are used to develop descriptions of people and places. They are also used to develop themes that present a broader abstraction than codes. These themes may be layered or organized to tell a story, or they may also be interconnected to portray the complexity of the phenomenon.

c) Interpreting Representing, visualizing



Qualitative researchers represent their findings in visual displays that may include figures, diagrams, comparison tables, and demographic tables. They report findings in narrative discussions comparing many forms, such as a chronology, questions, or commentary about any changes of theparticipants’experience. 2) Interpret the Findings

From the reporting and representing of the findings, qualitative researchers make an interpretation of the meaning of the research. This interpretation consists of advancing personal views, making comparisons between the findings and the literature, and suggesting limitations and future research.

3) Validate the Accuracy of the Findings

To check the accuracy of their research, qualitative inquirers often employ validation procedures such as member checking, triangulation, and auditing. The intent of validation is to have participants, external reviewers, or the data sources themselves provide evidence of the accuracy of the information in the qualitative report.

4. Steps in analysis qualitative data of Marshall and Rossman in

Ary’s Book also classifies some steps in analyzing data into three steps like follow:16

a) Organizing the data


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Immersion in the data

b) Generating categories and themes Coding the data

c) Offering interpretation through analytic memos Searching for alternative understandings

Writing the report

5. Steps in analyzing data by Maxwell Ary’s Book, those steps specify into three like below.17

a) Reading, listening

b) Coding, memoing, categorizing c) Connecting, Reporting

6. Step in analyzing data by Wolcott in Ary’s Book, those steps specify into three like below.18

a) Describe and highlight b) Analyze and identify patterns c) Contextualize, Display findings

3. The causes that make students difficult in analyzing qualitative data. According to Ary, data analysis is the most complex and mysterious phase of qualitative research.19It means that there are some parts in analyzing data of qualitative that underline those phenomena of complexity and mystery


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


Ary, al.Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. (Canada : Cengage Learning, 2009)


✥ ✦

phases. Commonly causes that make students difficult in analyzing data are like follows:

Lack of reading book dealing with research method will affect students’ process in analyzing qualitative data. Consequently, the more students read and understand about the research method the more possibility for the students to success in the process of analyzing the data. In addition, to Analyze the data consist of some steps, if students stuck in one step, they can’t continue to the next step. Furthermore, reading is also one of receptive skill that allows students to receive knowledge from what they have already read. According to Harmer, reading provide student understanding more or less and also provide good model for English Writing.20 Therefore, lack of reading will affects students’ process in analyzing the data because reading can provide a model of what they have read.

The previous point assumes that knowledge of Research Method enables students to success in the process of analyzing the data. However, analyzing the data is not as simple as the theories that are shown in some books of research. The students are demanded to familiarize the theory of the research analysis through the field practice. In the other word, understanding all steps of analyzing qualitative data is not enough for students until they explore their knowledge by practice. Niedderer and Roworth stated that the use of practice in research in two ways. Firstly, practice can be used in the process of research as a method to generate or acquire knowledge; secondly, 20


it can be produced as an outcome of the research that is to embody knowledge.21 It can be concluded that student should make it balance both theory and practice. Practice can enable students to generate their knowledge of what they have already known.

Reread the data is suggested by many researchers to familiarize and understanding the data. Creswell stated that qualitative researchers conduct a preliminary analysis of the data by reading, through it to obtain a general sense of the data.✻✻

It means that through Reread the data will give qualitative researcher to get more detail of understanding toward the data. In other hand, Lack understanding of the data can make students find difficulty in analyzing the data.

The theory has significance role in the research because it underlies the researcher of conducting a research. As Leedy and Ormrod pointed Tavallaei’s Journal out that a theory is an organized body of concepts and principles intended to explain a particular phenomenon.23 It also agrees with Johnson & Christensen that theories explain “How” and “Why” something operates as it does.24Besides that, Boss and friends in Tavallaei’sJournal also stated that theorizing is the process of systematically formulating and


Niedderer, Kristina and Roworth-Stokes, Seymour.The Role and Use of Creative Practice in Research and Its Contribution to Knowledge. United Kingdom: University of Wolverhampton, 2007.


Creswell, John W. Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (USA : Pearson, 2012)


Tavallaei, Mehdi and Mansor, Abu Talib. A General Perspective on Role of Theory in Qualitative Research. retrived


Mehdi Tavallaei and Mansor Abu Talib.A General Perspective on Role of Theory in Qualitative Research. retrived Accessed on 6 June 2015



organizing ideas to understand a particular phenomenon.25 Creswell also stated that depending on the type of research design, role of theory varies.26 Yin in Tavallaei’s Journal Tavallaei’s Journal argues that the case study research needs identification of the theoretical perspective at the beginning of the investigation because it affects the research questions, analysis, and interpretation of findings.27 It can be concluded that theory is a body of concept and also can explain the phenomenon. In contrary, difficult to find the theory will make students difficult to explain the problems.

4. The Solution to Overcome Difficulty in Analyzing Qualitative Data Based on the complexity of analyzing qualitative data, there are some solutions suggested by researcher to overcome the difficulty in analyzing data. Those as follows:

Reread the data is suggested by many researchers to understand the data, as Creswell stated that Qualitative researchers conduct a preliminary analysis


Mehdi Tavallaei and Mansor Abu Talib.A General Perspective on Role of Theory in Qualitative Research. retrived Accessed on 6 June 2015 26

Creswell, J. W.Qualitative Inquiry research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches (Second ed.). Thousand Oaks,(California: Sage Publications. 2007)


Mehdi Tavallaei and Mansor Abu Talib.A General Perspective on Role of Theory in Qualitative Research. retrived on 6 June 2015


of the data by reading through it to obtain a general sense of the data. It means reread the data will give the qualitative researcher understanding more and be familiar with the data, it will make the researcher easy to navigate and organize the data. Then, it also makes the researcher easier to categorize the data in the next steps.

Read some sources such as Read book, thesis or searching in internet are the best ways to improve students’ knowledge. Reading is one of English skill which is a kind of receptive skill. According to Harmer, reading provides student understanding more or less and also provides good model for English Writing.❈8

It means that reading is very useful for student. In Brief, Reading will give students more knowledge and they can model their understanding in the form of writing.

Teacher or lecture as the facilitator for students,29 they have many experience and knowledge to share with the students. They have role to guide and teach the students, as Harmer said that Teaching means to give (someone) knowledge or to instructor to train (someone).30 It is also supported by Brown, he stated that teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the


Harmer, Jeremy.How to teach English. San Francisco California: Longman. 2001 29

Wilson, Maria. Teacher as facilitator. Accessed on January 5, 2016




study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.31 In brief, advisor or lecture can teach and help student to solve their problems.

Discuss with fiends is a kind of personal development. It is suggested by many researchers. As many people do discussion happen everywhere, it can be in social media, in learning management system (LMS) or MOOC such as COUSERA. or even in internal and external community or organization at university. As stated by Schmitz, The problem-solving process involves thoughts, discussions, actions, and decisions that occur from the first consideration of a problematic situation to the goal.32 It is also supported by the previous study which was conducted by Irdiyansyah, he stated that to overcome the difficulties in analyzing experimental statistical data, sharing to friends become solution to overcome difficulties in analyzing experimental statistics data calculation.33 It means that discussion becomes familiar activities for students of university and it becomes personal development to improve their knowledge.

B. Review of Previous Research

In this part, the researcher review the previous study related to this research that has similar focus. There are some previous studies related to


Brown, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching: Fifth Edition. (United States of America: Pearson Education. 2007)


Schmitz, Andy.A Primer on Communication Studies. Retrieved from Accessed on 7 January, 2016


Irdiyansyah, Iyan. Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Experimental Statistic Data. Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences. Pakuan University, 2009.


this research. The first comes from Irdiyansyah with thesis title “Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Experimental Statistics Data”.34 In his research, he described about the factors of students’ difficulties in Analyzing Experimental Statistics Data and the solution of difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data. He used documentation, questioner and interview as instrument of the research. The result of this research showed that those factors causing difficulties in experimental statistics data calculation are: First, they seldom read experimental statistic data processing. Second, the experimental formula is more difficult from others statistic formulas. Many tables should be prepared, and taking the conclusion is also becoming students’ difficulties. To overcome these barriers, basic of math or statistics, the usage of suitable teaching method and technique are needed very much. It may change students’ behavior towards this material. Additionally, sharing to friends and students’ perception change will affect their confident towards experimental statistics data calculation.

Second previous study comes from Murtonen and friends with thesis title are “Difficulties experienced by education and sociology students in quantitative methods courses.”35 This research studied the difficulties of student of education, psychology and social science experience in their quantitative research course at university. This research shows that students reported difficulties with superficial teaching, linking


Irdiyansyah, Iyan. Students’ Difficulties in Analyzing Experimental Statistic Data. Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences. Pakuan University, 2009.


Murtonen, Mari.Learning of quantitative research methods - University students’ views, motivation and difficulties in learning. (Finland: University of Turku, 2005)



theory with practice, unfamiliarity with and difficulty of concepts and content, constituting an integrated picture of the parts of scientific research in order to really understand it, and negative attitude toward these studies.

Besides, Dickson and friends conduct research with the title “Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face?”.36 To explore these issues, face to face interviews were conducted with 30 qualitative health researchers. A grounded theory analysis revealed that researchers can face a number of challenges while undertaking qualitative research. These include issues relating to rapport development, use of researcher self-disclosure, listening to untold stories, feelings of guilt and vulnerability, leaving the research relationship and researcher exhaustion.

Other previous study comes from Mary-Beth Radon and friends, with thesis title “The Challenges of Teaching Qualitative Coding: Can a Learning Object Help?”37 in this research, the researchers try to find out the solution to overcome difficulties in teaching qualitative coding, the result of this research showed that the learning object to be an effective medium for teaching coding which incorporates best practices of classroom instructors and integration of the learning object into their courses.


Dickson, Virginia.Doing sensitive research: what challenges do qualitative researchers face?.(La Trobe University, Australia 2007)


Raddon, Mary and friends.The Challenges of Teaching Qualitative Coding: Can a Learning Object Help?.


Similarly, other research come from Wong with the title “Data Analysis in Qualitative Research: A Brief Guide to Using Nvivo”38 Qualitative data is often subjective, rich, and consists of in-depth information normally presented in the form of words. Analyzing qualitative data entails reading a large amount of transcripts looking for similarities or differences, and subsequently finding themes and developing categories. Traditionally, researchers ‘cut and paste’ and use color pens to categorize data. This paper illustrates the ways in which NVivo can be used in the qualitative data analysis process. The basic features and primary tools of NVivo which assist qualitative researchers in managing and analyzing their data are described.

In addition, Basit also conduct research dealing with data analysis with the title “Manual or electronic? The role of coding in qualitative data analysis”39 Data analysis is the most difficult and most crucial aspect of qualitative research. Coding is one of the significant steps taken during analysis to organize and make sense of textual data. This paper examines the use of manual and electronic methods to code data in two rather different projects in which the data were collected mainly by in-depth interviewing. The author looks at both the methods in the light of her own experience and concludes that the choice will be dependent on the size of


Wong, LP.Data Analysis in Qualitative Research: A Brief Guide to Using Nvivo. Malays Fam Physician. 2008; 3(1): 14–20.


Basit, Tehmina. Manual or electronic? The role of coding in qualitative data analysis. Educational Research. Volume 45, Issue 2, 2003


❘ ❙

the project, the funds and time available, and the inclination and expertise of the researcher.

Moreover, Zamawe conduct the research with the title “The Implication of Using NVivo Software in Qualitative Data Analysis: Evidence-Based Reflections”40 In this paper, the author reflects on his experience of interacting with one of the popular CAQDAS (NVivo) in order to provide evidence-based implications of using the software. The main function of CAQDAS is not to analyse data but rather to aid the analysis process, which the researcher must always remain in control of. In other words, researchers must equally know that no software can analyze qualitative data. CAQDAS are basically data management packages, which support the researcher during analysis.

In one hand, other come from Beuscher and Grando with the title “Challenges in Conducting Qualitative Research with Persons with Dementia”41 This researcher shares personal experience of the challenges faced and the lessons learned while conducting a qualitative study of 15 persons with early stage Alzheimer’s disease. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues concerning determination of capacity to consent to research, consent/assent, communication challenges, and trustworthiness of data when conducting a qualitative study of persons with dementia. Understanding communication challenges due to dementia is important to


Zamawe, F C. The Implication of Using NVivo Software in Qualitative Data Analysis: Evidence-Based Reflections. Malawi Medical Journal. 2015 Mar; 27(1): 13–15


Beuscher, Linda and Grando, Victoria T.. Challenges in Conducting Qualitative Research with Persons with Dementia. Res Gerontol Nurs. 2009 Jan; 2(1): 6–11.


develop effective communication strategies, such as simplifying the structure of questions, allowing ample time for participant’s response, using reminiscence, and redirecting the dialogue.

In this research, the researcher makes a different research. The researchers try to describestudents’difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data, causes and also solutions used by students to overcome the difficulty in analyzing qualitative data. It becomes problem for students of eight semester, on the other hand, they have already got material related to the research in previous semester but they still confuse or even don’t know how to analyze qualitative data.



This chapter discusses about the process of conducting this research. It consists of approach and research design, researcher presence, research location, data and source of data, research instruments, data analysis technique, checking validity of findings and research stages.

A. Approach and Research Design

The analysis of this study uses qualitative method because the data collection in the form of interview as qualitative data. Qualitative approach is a general way of thinking about conducting qualitative research which has three major categories of data, such as in-depth interviews, direct observation and written documents.1 Therefore, the researcher used interview to gain deep information.

B. Researcher presence

The role of the researcher is as instrument of the research as well as data collector. In collecting the data through interview, the researcher is considered as common partner in order to explore detail about the data needed during interview and subjects of the research confident in sharing their difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and the solutions to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.



C. Research Subject

The subject of this study is the students of eighth semester at English education department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya academic year 2011/2012. The subject of this research was selected by using purposive sampling. The researcher selected the subject who would provide deep information about difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and the solution of the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. For that purpose, the researcher decided some characteristics as the consideration in selecting the subject. Those characteristics are: (1) They are in the process of writing research report (thesis), (2) They have taken the subject of research method, research statistic and thesis seminar proposal class. (3) They had already conducted proposal examination and already have analyzed the data.

The researcher chose the subject of the research based on those criteria above. The researcher conducted the interview to those students about students’ difficulties, causes of those difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and the solution to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.

D. Research Location

This research was conducted by the researcher at English Education Department, academic year 2011/2012 in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya on Ahmad Yani Street. The setting was chosen based on the consideration that



students at eighth semester of English Education Department have criteria mentioned in the research subject.

E. Data and Source of Data

Data collection techniques dealing with the way or processes of the researcher collected the data. The researcher collected the data through interview. Interview commonly use in qualitative research. In this research, the researcher interview student at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department. The purpose of this interview was to know students’ students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and the solution of those difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.

F. Research Instrument

It is important for the researcher to select the effective instrument to get valid data. In this study, researcher used two instruments for this research; it is interview guideline to get valid data.

1. Interview guideline

Interview guideline is the primary instrument of this research. It consists of three questions; those are about students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes of the difficulties and the solution to overcome the difficulties. The researcher interviewed the students of eighth semester. The interview guideline is used to answer all of the research questions of this research.


2. Tape recorder

Tape recorder is the instrument of interview of this research. The researcher used tape recorder to record data of interview.

G. Data Analysis Technique

Firstly, the researcher transcribed the data of interview. The second steps, the researcher listed the data of each student and also listed the difficulties of the student in analyzing qualitative data, causes and also the solution to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Then, the researcher categorized students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes and also the solution of those difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Afterward, the researcher combined the finding with the theory to support the data. The last, the researcher made conclusion of students’ difficulties,causes and solutions of students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data and suggestion based on the result of data analyzed.

H. Checking validity of finding

The validity of findings can be checked by using different methods, different sources of data or even different researchers within the study.2 The researcher invited co researcher and record the interview to attain the validation of finding. Besides that, the researcher confirmed the finding with the subject of the research and the theory used in the research.

2Denscombe, Martyn.The Good Research Guide For small-scale social research projects Fourth Edition. (USA : Open University Press. 2010)



I. Research Stages

The researcher collected the data using interview. After the data collected, the researcher analyzed the data descriptively since the research design using descriptive qualitative. The researcher has five steps to analyze data.

1. The researcher conducted preliminary research to the student at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department.

2. The researcher design interview guideline to identify students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes and the solution of the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.

3. The researcher collected the data by conducting interview.

4. The researcher transcribed the data and code the data of interview. 5. The researcher reviewed the data of interview and categorized

students’difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes that make student difficult in analyzing qualitative data and also the solutions to overcome the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.

6. The researcher display the finding the data of students’ difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data, causes and also the solution in analyzing qualitative data in the form of short essay, table and chart. 7. The researcher supported the finding of students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, causes and solution of those difficulties


in analyzing qualitative data with the theory used in this research and previous studies.

8. The researcher made conclusion and suggestion based on the result of data analysis.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the research finding and its discussion. The findings are gotten from the data collected to answer the research problem. The researcher also presents the students’ difficulties in analyzing the data, causes that make students difficult in analyzing qualitative data and the solutions of the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data.

A. Research Finding

In conducting this research, the researcher collected the data through interview to the students at eighth semester of English Teacher Education Department who in process in making chapter 4 or in process analyzing the data to get the information of research problem. The researcher conducted interview to the students through conversation type of interview to make students comfortable and give rich information. From data collected, the researcher provided information about students’ difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data, the causes of those difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data and the solutions of the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. For further information, the researcher explained in discussion.

1. Students’Difficulties in Analyzing Qualitative Data.

The researcher conducted the interview to 22 students, the researcher interviewed students who was used qualitative method in their thesis with


characteristics mentioned in previous chapter such as (1) They are in the process of writing research report (thesis), (2) They have taken research method, research statistic and thesis seminar proposal class. (3) They have already conducted proposal examination and already have analyzed the data.

From various topics and instruments of thesis used by the students, the researcher got various difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. There are many difficulties which are faced by the students at eight semesters of English Teacher Education Department in analyzing qualitative data. Those difficulties were explained by the students like below.

a. Student 1

Student 1 is one of the students of eight semesters who has difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. His thesis title is “The analysis of teacher interaction during the implementation of curriculum 2013 (K-13) by using self-evaluation teacher talk (SETT)”. The researcher conducted the interview to the student 1. He stated that the first difficulty was confusing what to do with the raw data because a raw data contains a lot of information about the object of the research or even the unimportant one,”

the data of his research is teacher transcription during teaching using curriculum 2013. The transcription is about 40 pages. Second difficulty was from the analysis of teacher transcription using SETT, he confused to


➧ ➨

make sure the validity of the analysis, because he was beginner and cannot guarantee about the analysis result.

b. Student 2

The researcher also conducted interview to the student 2. Based on the result of interview, student 2 has problems in analyzing qualitative data. The title of her thesis is“An Analysis of Semantic Inference of Indonesia Language in Students English Translation of English Teacher

Department”. Her data was taken from students’ translation. When she read the data, for example, her topic was about student semantic inference

in students’ translation. The participant of her research want to translate

“sama dengan” and manystudents of her participants stated “same withor similar with”, but in dictionary, it should be “similar to”, she used collocation to check the translation. Her difficulty was classified the word itself whether semantic inference or grammatical inference.

c. Student 3

The researcher found other difficulties in student 3. The title of her

thesis is “Pre Service English Teachers’ Technique in Adapting Material

from Textbook of Curriculum 2013”. According to the interview, she had difficulty in analyzing qualitative data. There was step coding in analyzing qualitative data. She stated that she didn’t know what coding is. From the data she had collected, the data was from interview. Then, she learned


again about analyzing the data, especially coding. She learned from the beginning; she tried to understand it by reading some sources. .

d. Student 4

The result of interview to the student 4, she has 2 difficulties in analyzing the data. Her thesis title is “Oral Test Instrument Designed by English Teacher Under 2013 Curriculum for Eight Grade Students at SMP

Al Islam Krian”. The first difficulty is in step coding and categorizing. The data she had collected was from interview and documentation. From the data of interview, she found difficult to code the data and also confuse to categorize it. The second difficulty is she didn’t know how to display data, what kind of display data. She used two instruments in her research. They were document and interview guideline. From the data collected, she confused which one of the data that she should display first.

e. Student 5

The result of interview to the student 5 which thesis title is “Students Ability to Formulate Research Question (A Study of Initial Research Process in Proposal Writing at English Teacher Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)” show that the researcher found different difficulty. It was about differences between data and theory. The result of the research conducted by student 5, he stated that there are many result of the data which are different with theory. He had some standard to measure student ability in formulating research question. In fact, just some



participant use theory in formulate research question. There were a number of steps to formulate research question, from all participants, only few participants choose one way to formulate research question in the theory he had provided. Whereas, others didn’t use theory to formulate research question he had already provided. Therefore, the student 5 found difficult to find the theory related new finding in his research.

f. Student 6

The result of interview to the student 6, she had difficulty in data reduction. Her thesis title is “Teachers Challenges in implementing

Multimedia Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Program in Reading Narrative Text Activities”. Based on her statement, she stated that there are many data collected from interview and observation. From all data not all information could be chosen, she needs to choose the best information and reduce unimportant information.

g. Student 7

Interview was also conducted to student 7; the title of her thesis was

“Language Function in Students Teacher Utterance in Pre Service Teaching (PPL1) Classroom at English Teacher Education Department”. In the beginning of data analysis, she stated that from data collected, she was confused and didn’t know how to analyze the data. She didn’t know

what she should do with the data. Therefore, she had to learned again from the beginning how to analyze qualitative data.


h. Student 8

In analyzing data, student 8 had difficulty in displaying the data. She stated that he was confused how to present the data to make it appropriate with research question. Student 8 also had difficulty in data reduction. She stated that when she got the data from instruments about students’ motivation using star chart, she had a lot of data and not all information was important. Shedidn’t know the way to reduce the unimportant one. i. Student 9

Based on the result of interview to the student 9, her thesis title was

“The Level of Translation Skill on Scientific Article of Six Semester Student at English Teacher Education Department State Islamic

University Sunan Ampel Surabaya” she stated that she has difficulty in classifying the data, she spent more time in classify the data. She should check more than one of the participants’ works. She spent one day to analyze participant work because she needed to understand the main idea of student translation and also she need to check the appropriateness of the participant’stranslation to the target language to categorize the level.

Second difficulty in analyzing qualitative data of student 9 was presenting the data. According to the result of interview, she has two research questions, she directly present participants’ level in her finding. Her advisor said that it totally wrong because the first research question wasabout students’ methodin translating.



j. Student 10

In some cases, there was other difficulty in analyzing the data faced by student 10. His thesis title was “The Application of Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) English Language Check Point at SMA Darul Ulum 2 Unggulan BPPT Jombang CIS Id 113”. The qualitative data of his research was interview. Student 10 stated that he difficult to support the finding with the theory, it was caused by the theory related to his research was difficult to find and the previous theory related his research was not fit with the finding.

k. Student 11

Other difficulty in analyzing also faced by student 11, her thesis title is

“An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Developing Indicator of Language

Learning in PPL1 Class”. She had two difficulties in analyzing the data. The first difficulty was difficult in classifying the data using rubric used as instrument, in her rubric she had many criteria. Second difficulty was she didn’t know how to present the data. From the result of analysis, she difficult in presenting the data of finding because she didn’t know what

kind of displays data. l. Student 12

Student 12 with thesis title “Student Consideration in Selecting Data Collection Instrument (A Study of Research Methodology Used within Proposal Writing Course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya). She had


difficulty in classify the data; it was about theory as foundation of classification.She didn’t have reason or enough theory how to classifythe data such as how much she should classify the data and the reason of the classification. The theory becomes problem for student 12, it was not only as the foundation for classification but also for supporting the finding. m. Student 13

Difficulty in classify the data also faced by student 13. Her thesis title was “Students' Word Stress Performance at Fourth Semester of Speaking Class English Teacher Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya (An Acoustic Phonetics Analysis)” The result of interview show that she had difficulty in classifying the data. The data of her research was

students’ recording to know word stress performance. She was also found difficulty in presenting the result of the analysis from classification of the data.

n. Student 14

Difficulty in classifying the data was also faced by student 14. Her thesis title was “An Analysis of Curriculum 2013 (K-13) Lesson Plan Design the Pre Service Learning English Teacher”. Students’lesson plans were the data of her research. In her research, she stated that she use instrument very detail. From the data she had been collected, she was difficult to classify the data in detail based on the rubric.



Problem of difficulty in finding the theory to support the finding was found by student 15. The title of her thesis was“An Analysis ofStudents’

Method in Translating English News Report Text into Indonesia at English Teacher Education Department”. The data of her research was

students’ translation. She stated that she had difficulty in analyzing data. That was about difficult to find the theory in connecting the finding with the theory. It was difficult because she just has two theories to support her finding.

p. Student 16

Difficulty in supporting the finding was also faced by student 16. His thesis title was “The Implementation ofpre service learning in the Course English for Young Learner 2 of English Teacher Education Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. The data of his research were interview and questionnaire. According to interview, he stated that support the finding with theory was very difficult for him. It was caused by the topic of his thesis was still new in Indonesia. Therefore, the theory of his finding was very difficult to find. Pre service learning programs in Indonesia was only applied in some schools. He just found two books about pre-service learning. He got the books by downloading it in internet. q. Student 17

The title of her thesis was “Content Analysis of Writing Material in The Course Book Design by The Student of English Teacher Education


Department.” She stated that she didn’t know what to do with the data

collected especially with the data of interview as the second data. She also forgot to write point data analysis in chapter 3 because she didn’t know

exactly how to analyze her data. r. Student 18

Difficulty in analyzing the data was also faced by student 18. The title of her thesis was about “Students Teacher Self-Efficacy in Using Instructional Strategies at Practice Teaching (PPL1) Class of English

Teacher Education Department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. It was about presenting the data. She stated that after she categorized the data, she found difficulty in presenting the data. The problem was about the format of the data display which was not appropriate with research question and the advisor was also disagreed with the format of the data display.

s. Student 19

Difficulty in categorizing the data was also faced by student 19. Her thesis title was “Students Ability in Interpreting Metaphor and Simile in Poem. A Case Study of Sixth Semester Student of Translation Class in English Education Department” The data of her research was

documentation of students’ poetry and it was analyzed using rubric and recording of interview. Based on the interview, she stated that she found



difficulty when she should classify or categorize the way of student to interpret Metaphor and simile in poem.

t. Student 20

Different cases was found by student 20, his thesis title was“Students’

Reflection on Challenges in Academic Writing at State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. Based on the result of interview, he stated that he took the data to the participants; the numbers of participants were about eighty students. He used questioners and interview. He faced difficulty when he presented the data. He found difficult to correlate two instruments used in his research the data, they were questioner and interview. He was confused to correlate them when he presented the result of analysis.

u. Student 21

In some case, student 21 also has difficulty in analyzing qualitative data. Her thesis title was “Representation of Rhetorical Move of Thesis Abstracts in English Teacher Education Department”. Her data was documentation of thesis abstract of the student academic years 2015. The result of interview with the student 21, she stated that she has difficulty in classifying the move/steps in making abstract. Her research was about

students’ ability in making abstract. Her difficulty was confused to

distinguish steps in abstract of students’ work, and there were no keyword of step that makes her difficult.


The Second difficulty faced by student 21 was displaying the data. After she categorized students’ abstract, she stated that in presenting the data, she directly described every students’ abstract based on the steps or moves. In this case, her advisor said that it was totally wrong because her research question washow students’ abstract.”

v. Student 22

Student 22 also faces difficulty in analyzing qualitative data. Her thesis title was “The Grammatical Accuracy, Cohesion and Coherence of Thai Student English Writing at Darawithaya School, Narathiwat – Thailand.” her data was documentation of students’ work. She analyzed using rubric. Based on the result of interview to the student 22, she stated that she found difficulty in analyzing the data based on the point in rubric because she provided just some point to assess some aspects and there were some aspects that were not valuated (there are some point missing to analyze the aspect).

Based on the statements of all students above, the researcher can categorize the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Those categorizations are like table below:

Table 4.1Students’difficulties in analyzing qualitative data


✟ ✠

1 Difficult to code the data 1

2 Difficult to classify the data 10

3 Difficult to find the format of display data 5

4 Difficult to reduce the data 2

5 Difficult to find the theory to support the finding 6

6 Difficult to make sure the validity of finding 1

The table 4.1 shows that there are 6 difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Those difficulties are described as follows:

1. Difficult to classify the data

This difficulty was occurred on 10 students, According to the students statement above, the researcher found that their difficulty in classify the data such as difficult to classify the data dealing with many criteria in their rubric, difficult to understand the context of the data for classify the data, difficult to find the theory as the basic of the classification.

2. Difficult to find the theory to support the finding

This difficulty was occurred on 6 students. Based on the result of interview, the researcher found that the students difficult to support the theory in their finding, theory they used in their research not cover all finding and some of them because the topic of the thesis is new in Indonesia. 3. Difficult to find the format of display data


➋➌➍ ➌➎ ➌➏.➐ ➌➑➒➏➓.➔→.➌➋➋➌➍ ➌➎ ➌➏.➐ ➌➑➒➏➓.➔→.➌➋➋➌ ➍➌ ➎➌➏.➐ ➌➑➒➏➓.➔→.➌➋➋➌➍ ➌➎ ➌➏.➐ ➌➑➒➏➓.➔→.➌➋➋➌➍ ➌➎ ➌➏.➐ ➌➑➒➏➓.➔→.➌➋➋➌ ➍➌ ➎➌➏.➐ ➌➑➒➏➓.➔→.➌➋ ➣ ↔



This chapter consists of conclusion of the research and suggestion from researcher. Those are presented as follows:

A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings in the previous chapter, there are several point can be concluded as follows:

1. The findings show that there are 7 difficulties in analyzing qualitative data that faced by the students of English Teacher Education Department academic year 2011/2012 in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Those difficulties in analyzing qualitative data as follows:

a. Difficult to code the data b. Difficult to classify the data

c. Difficult to find the format of display data d. Difficult to reduce the data

e. Difficult to find the theory to support the finding f. Difficult to make sure the validity of finding

2. There are six causes that make students difficult in analyzing qualitative data. Those are:

a. Lack of reading sources dealing qualitative research b. Lack of practicing analyze qualitative data


80 d. Difficult to find the theory to support the finding

e. Topic of the thesis is new in Indonesia

f. Difficult to find the theory to classify the data

3. There are four solutions commonly used by students to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Those are:

a. Reread the data to get more understanding b. Read some sources to find further information c. Consult to the advisor

d. Discuss with partners.

B. Suggestion

1. For the Department

For English Teacher Education Department, this research is expected to make any evaluation related to the students’ difficulties in analyzing the data and make any syllabus dealing with students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data to improve teaching method or strategy in teaching research method in order to the students can understand about how to analyze qualitative data.

2. For the Students

This research is also expected to make the student get better understanding on what are students’ difficulties in analyzing qualitative data, the causes that make the students difficult in analyzing qualitative data and the solution to overcome those difficulties in


81 analyzing qualitative data. Therefore, they can prepare themselves

before they start to analyze qualitative data. 3. For the lecture

For the lecture, this research is also expected to give significant benefit for the lecture who teach Research Method course in order to know the difficulties in analyzing the qualitative data, causes that make the students difficult in analyzing qualitative data and the solutions to overcome difficulties in analyzing qualitative data. Therefore, the lecture will find the strategies to teach the subject related to the research such as Research Method, Research Statistics, and Thesis Proposal Seminar, and give more practice to the students in order to have experience in analyzing the data, especially for qualitative research.


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