THE EFFECT OF POW TREE STRATEGY TOWARD STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY AT EIGHTH GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 PAINAN THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment as one of the requirements for undergraduate program in English Education the Strata one (S1) Degree


Submitted in partial fulfillment as one of the requirements for undergraduate

program in English Education the Strata one (S1) Degree



I dedicate my thesis for my beloved parents; Asnidar and Ali Abakri S.Pd thank you to your affection and your sacrifice. You always give me motivation, spirit, love and give the best for me. Thank you for everything. Nothing words can express this because I don’t know words that can describe what you did for me and make me happy with everything that you give for me until now. You are the best parents in the world. I love you so much. I know that you have been waiting for my graduation and you are the reason why I need to finish this thesis. I promise that I will make the best for you.

For my older sister, Musrina Netri S.Pd thank you to be my motivator in every condition, your words make me realize that there is no result without effort.

I am glad having you as my sister because I can tell my difficulties in every steps that I passed before I finish this thesis. For my second sister Muslina Nesti S.Pd thank you to your advice and your kindness to help me when I am feeling down, you can take me to get smile by using some sentences that sometimes I do not understand what you are talking about. But it can makes me happy and I am happy having you. For my good brother Muhammad Gany thank you to be nice brother, you are my handsome boy. I am really happy having you because you always give me support with different way. Thank you to be my brother. Thank you to Bambang Putra Niko S.Pd (my older sister’s husband), my beautiful princess Olivia Coneta (my older sister’s daughter) you are my great motivation to

go back home every week. Right now I will finish my graduation to be able see you everyday. I love you all.

Padang, 25 August 2017 researcher

Assrimalona NIM: 1314050183


Assrimalona, 2017. “ The Effect of Pow Tree Strategy Toward Students’ Writing Ability at Eighth Grade of Junior High School

1 Painan.

There were many students’ difficulties in writing that the researcher found such as the students got some difficulties in delivering ideas that should be conveyed in writing, they were low in arranging the sentences well in their writing concisely, they also worried about grammar and vocabulary.

Therefore, it needs an appropriate strategy to help students’ difficulties in writing. The strategy is Pow Tree strategy. In this study the researcher used Pow Tree strategy as a strategy that used to teach in experimental class. The purpose of this research is to identify whether Pow Tree Strategy gives significant effect on student’s writing ability at eight grade in Junior High School 1 Painan.

The population of this research was all of the students at class VIII of Junior High School 1 Painan that consist of 147 students who were divided into five classes. Then the researcher took VIII 3 and VIII 5 as sample that was chosen through cluster sampling. Where class VIII 3 as the experiment class consist of 29 students and class VIII 5 as control class consist of 30 students. The researcher collected the data in form of quantitative by written test only. The test was given to both classes with the same topic. The data was analyzed by using statistical procedures. T test was used to analyze the students’ post test score.

The result of this research sho wed that mean scores of students’ writing in experimental class (82.52) is higher than the mean scores of students’ writing in control class (75.27). It means that teaching writing by using Pow Tree strategy gives significant effect on students’ writing ability. While, t calcuted (7.795)also

higher than t table (2.000). It means that the hypothesis was accepted. Moreover, each components of writing in experimental class was also have significant effect. The component were mostly improve was content with significant different 4.52 and with comparison 24.58 (experimental class) and 20.06 (control class).

Statistically, it showed that teaching writing by using Pow Tree strategy gives significant effect toward students’ writing ability at class VIII of Junior

High School 1 Painan. So, it recommended for English teacher should consider the use of Pow Tree strategy as a strategy in teaching writing for getting significant effect on students writing ability.


Assrimalona, 2017. “ The Effect of Pow Tree Strategy Toward Students’ Writing Ability at Eighth Grade of Junior High School

1 Painan.

Strategi yang tidak sesuai yang digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar writing menjadi salah satu alasan kenapa siswa mempunyai kelemahan dalam menulis. Siswa mendapat beberapa kesulitan dalam menyampaikan ide-ide mereka yang harus disampaikan dalam menulis, mereka lemah dalam menyusun kalimat- kalimat dalam menulis dengan baik dan singkat, mereka juga kesusahan tentang grammar dan vocabulary.

Oleh karena itu, untuk membantu kemampuan menulis siswa membutuhkan sebuah strategy yang sesuai untuk membuat pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif. Strategi tersebut adalah strategi Pow Tree. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan strategi Pow Tree sebagai sebuah strategi yang digunakan dalam mengajar dikelas eksperimen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah unutk mengidentifikasi apakah strategi Pow Tree memberikan efek yang signifikan dalam kemampuan menulisa siswa di kelas delapan SMP 1 Painan.

Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Painan yang terdiri dari 147 siswa yang terdiri dari lima kelas. Kemudian peneliti telah mengambil kelas VIII 3 dan VIII 5 sebagai sample yang dipilih melalui cluster sampling teknik. Kelas VIII 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang terdiri dari 29 orang siswa dan kelas VIII 5 sebagai kelas control yang terdiri dari 30 orang siswa. peneliti mennggunakan bentuk quantitative dalam melengkapi data dengan tes menulis saja. Tes telah diberikan kepada kedua kelas dengan topic yang sama. Data telah diamati dengan menggunakan procedur statistic. T test digunakan untuk menganalisa post test siswa.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata siswa dari dikelas eksperimen (82,52) lebih tinggi dari rata-rata siswa dikelas control (75,27). itu menunjukkan bahwa mengaja menulis dengan menggunakan strategi Pow Tree memberikan efek yang signifikan pada kemampuan menulis siswa. Sementara itu, t calcuted (7,795) juga lebih tinggi dari t table (2,000). Itu berarti hipotesis diterima. Selain itu, masing-masing komponen writing dalam kelas eksperimen juga mengalami efek yg signifikan. Komponen yang paling signifikan yaitu content dengan perbedaan 4,52 dan dengan perbandingan 24,58 (kelas eksperimen) dan 20,06 (kelas kontrol).

Secara statistik, itu menunjuk bahwa mengajar writing dengan menggunakan strategi Pow Tree memberikan efek yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan belajar siswa pada kelas VIII SMP N 1 Painan. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada guru bahasa inggris sebaiknya mempertimbangkan strategi Pow Tree sebagai sebuah strategi untuk mendapatkan peninkatan yang berarti terhadap keampuan menulis siswa.


“In The Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise to Allah SWT who has given the

health, opportunity, knowledge, and strength to finish the thesis entitled “The Effect of Pow Tree Strategy Toward Students’ Writing Ability at Eight Grade of

Junior High School 1 Painan”. Shalawat and Salam may be upon for Prophet Muhammad SAW, the beloved rasul and the prophet of Allah and the leader of Islam who had struggle for the glory of the only belief on the earth, Islam ; May Allah blesses him and gives him peace.

This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements to complete S1 program at the English Department in Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Upon completing this thesis, the researcher got unmeasured assistance and helps from parents, supervisors, lectures, and everyone. So that, the researcher want to say thank deeply to the following; the first of all, Dr. Martin Kustati M.Pd as the researcher’s supervisor together with Dra. Hj Elismawati M.Pd, thanks for

their professional helps, valuable suggestions, command, advice, correction, and times to support resesarcher in completing this thesis and thank you for all of lecturers English Tadris Department IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

Then, researcher would like to dedicate her love to her parents, Asnidar and Ali Bakri S.Pd, who supports her fully. It also her sisters Musrina Netri S.Pd and Muslina Nesti S.Pd, and her youngest Brother Muhammad Gany. Special thanks, for her aunt and her uncle Ernita S.Pd and Amrizal. And for Niken Zaramita, Fransisco Ronit, Zaila Alena Amri and Olivia Coneta thank you for everything. Great thank to Uppa that had helped me to pass every situation in the process when I was writing this thesis.

Then, the researcher would also like to say thank to Mrs. Mardalena S.Pd as the headmaster and Mrs Elma Zulmi, M.Pd as the co-headmaster for giving, permission and opportunity in this research. Thank you to English teacher of Junior High school 1 Painan,Mrs. Yefri Delti for her permission and opportunity Then, the researcher would also like to say thank to Mrs. Mardalena S.Pd as the headmaster and Mrs Elma Zulmi, M.Pd as the co-headmaster for giving, permission and opportunity in this research. Thank you to English teacher of Junior High school 1 Painan,Mrs. Yefri Delti for her permission and opportunity

Finally, the researcher would like to say thanks to her beloved friends that stay with her in the boarding house, all of her friends in English department study program, especially TBI-13. May Allah bless all and give the best in return for all who was participated in writing this thesis. Amin.

The researcher realized that this thesis may be having several weaknesses. Therefore, any comment and suggestion, and criticism are expected to come up, in order to make a great one.

Padang, August, 2017

Assrimalona NIM. 1314050183


1 Conceptual Framework................................................................... 25

2 Diagram of the Interval Data of Post Test Score Of Experimental 45 Class................................................................................................

3 Diagram of the Interval Data of Post Test Score Of Control 48 Class................................................................................................


Appendix 1 Preliminary Score of Class VIII in Junior High School 1 Painan …………………………………………................... 63

Appendix 2 The Distribution of Students’ MID Test…...........................

64 Appendix 3

65 Appendix 4

Normality and Homogeneity of Population..........................

Blue Print of Writing Test .................................................... 71 Appendix 5

Lesson Plan ………………………........................................ 72 Appendix 6

Students’ Writing Score of Experimental Class……............ 168 Appendix 7

Students’ Writing Score of Control Class……......……....... 169 Appendix 8

Calculation Process of Mean And Standard Deviation of 170 Writing Test Experimental Class …………………………..

Appendix 9 Calculation Process of Mean And Standard Deviation of 171 Writing Test Control Class....................................................

Appendix 10 Normality and Homogeneity of Experimental and Control 172 Class ..................................................................................... Appendix 11 The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of 175 Experimental and Control Class ……................................... Appendix 12 The Calculation of Comparison of Means Post-Test of 178 Experimental And Control Class In Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language Use And Mechanic..........................

Appendix 13 Example of students’ writing ............................................... 179 Appendix 14 Documentation...................................................................... 183 Appendix 15 T-table.................................................................................... 187


A. Background of the Problem

Writing is a very essential skill in learning English, because it facilitates the students to master the written skill. By writing, the students are admitted to express their ideas in written form. Writing is also defined as a product from the writer’s knowledge of grammatical and lexical achievement.

Writing is a significant skill which is important for the students to be achieved in learning English. Writing is a production of the writer’s ideas into written

form. The role of writing as one of communication device between the writer and the text is used to express their thoughts in the written form. In writing, the writer reveals cognition and thoughts in their writing. Then, the writers also can deliver their ideas, meanings, and any other understandings in writing form.

Generally, the process of writing is started by finding the ideas and developing it into writing completely. Then, writing is also done to write down their feelings, ideas, expression in the process of writing. For getting the goal of writing, the students in the school should have good writing activity. The students must know that writing is very important for their education field. Thus, for getting the goal of writing to express their ideas in written form, the students should have good writing ability.

Writing skill is different from the other skills. In writing, all ideas and thoughts express into written form. In the process of writing, the writer must Writing skill is different from the other skills. In writing, all ideas and thoughts express into written form. In the process of writing, the writer must

Based on the curriculum (K-13), it is known that the students are demanded to have good achievement in writing. It means that writing is important in teaching and learning English which should be mastered by the students. Therefore, students have to be able improve their writing achievement and also study about the aspects which is needed to produce a good writing. In addition, writing makes students active to learn and deliver their ideas into written form. The goal of teaching writing is to make the students are able to have good achievement in writing.

In contrast at the field, based on the researcher’s preliminary observation at SMPN 1 PAINAN, there were many students’ difficulties in writing that are found by the researcher. Most of the students low in writing. The difficulties of writing appeared when the students are writing. First, the students got some difficulties in delivering ideas that should be conveyed in writing. It is happened because they were low in developing their thinking in writing. Second, the students were low in arranging the sentences well in their writing concisely. Finally, they also worried about grammar and vocabulary. It In contrast at the field, based on the researcher’s preliminary observation at SMPN 1 PAINAN, there were many students’ difficulties in writing that are found by the researcher. Most of the students low in writing. The difficulties of writing appeared when the students are writing. First, the students got some difficulties in delivering ideas that should be conveyed in writing. It is happened because they were low in developing their thinking in writing. Second, the students were low in arranging the sentences well in their writing concisely. Finally, they also worried about grammar and vocabulary. It

These are students’ product in recount text.

Based on the problem above, teachers should find and apply a good strategy in teaching writing. It is needed for making the students have good Based on the problem above, teachers should find and apply a good strategy in teaching writing. It is needed for making the students have good

For these cases, teachers should teach students by using various strategies in order to stimulate students in writing. Some of the strategies that can be used in teaching writing are Quick Write, Identifying, Wordless Picture Books, and Pow Tree strategy. Quick Write is a strategy which prepare the students the to write quickly based on the certain passage that has been discussed. Then, Identifying strategy leads the students to write based on the identification which they made about the object which will be written. While, wordless picture books is a strategy in which the students do writing based on the wordless picture. Meanwhile, Pow Tree Strategy is a strategy which leads the students to put their ideas before writing. Based on the students idea, they organize the supporting ideas and then lead the students till they have good writing.

B. Identification of The Problem

Based on the researcher previous observation in SMPN 1 Painan at eighth grade students, the researcher found the problems related to the students’ writing ability. First, the students do not have idea to write to

support content. Second, they were lack of grammatical structure. Many students were lack in grammatical, they were difficult to arrange the words suitable the structure. Third, the students could not write well in English. It proved in their spelling. The students still difficult to write in English so they still have many mistakes in spelling words. This is very important because the support content. Second, they were lack of grammatical structure. Many students were lack in grammatical, they were difficult to arrange the words suitable the structure. Third, the students could not write well in English. It proved in their spelling. The students still difficult to write in English so they still have many mistakes in spelling words. This is very important because the

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher focuses on writing ability to be solved in this research. Here, researcher limits the research on Pow Tree Strategy to know whether Pow Tree Strategy gives significant effect of student’s writing ability.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of this research is formulated in the following question: “Does Pow Tree strategy give significance effect on students’ writing ability?”

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is to identify whether Pow Tree Strategy gives significance effect on student’s writing ability. Beside that, this research also aims to find whether the students have progress in their writing after the teacher uses Pow Tree Strategy in teaching writing or not.

F. Significance of the Research

By doing this research, researcher hopes that Pow Tree Strategy gives the contribution for the teacher, the students, the reader, and the researcher. First, it is used for the teacher to analyze the students’ difficulties in writing. Second, for the students it used to give the solution how to transfer their idea By doing this research, researcher hopes that Pow Tree Strategy gives the contribution for the teacher, the students, the reader, and the researcher. First, it is used for the teacher to analyze the students’ difficulties in writing. Second, for the students it used to give the solution how to transfer their idea

student’s writing ability.

G. Definition of the Key Terms

The key terms of this research are defined as follow:

1. The effect is change, result or direct consequences that cause of an activity or phenomenon.

2. Pow Tree is a strategy that can help the students in writing.

3. Writing ability is an ability need to be progressed by the students.


A. Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is a skill that can be defined as an exploration of any thought or anything to be formed in writing. There are some experts who have different statements about the definition in writing. Some of them will be mentioned in this chapter. According to Coulmas (2003:19), writing is visible. It is a form of communication created by the hand and appealing to the eyes. Thus, this definition states that writing is a very important process that has meaning in communication. By writing, the students can also have knowledge about good structure to make a fine writing. Also, writing is a medium for the students to organize their thoughts in an excellent way in writing. Thus, it can be said that writing is a significant skill that must be had by the students.

Otherwise, Nunan (2003:88) defines that writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader. It means that writing is an activity that forms the students to have good concept about their ideas and express it into written form. By writing, the students

will convey some definitions of the students’ ideas become their will convey some definitions of the students’ ideas become their

In addition,West (2016:8) states that writing is energizing when you connect with kindred spirit. In this case, students can be more creative when they can connect with their friends. It also help them how to produce their ideas, opinion, and feeling become words. It is one of an art form that stimulate students motivation to write a sentence or paragraph. But the most important of writing is the writer knows what should be written and expressed in producing their writing.

Moreover, Atlee (1998: 4) proposes that writing can be defined that writing is related to thinking and oral language. It means that the term of writing can be understood as thinking and oral language to include the ideas into writing order. When writing, the writers ground the ideas to communicate, though powerful in the sense in writing itself. Thus, it can

be said that writing is related to explore the ideas into writing form.

In my opinion, writing is the thinking process that expresses the ideas, thought, information, opinion, feeling, or message that is delivered by the writers to the readers in written form such as sentence, paragraph, and essay on the paper or electronic media. The essay which has been produced by the writers usually talks about a topic. Then, the topic will be developed to be a complete written. By doing it, the process of writing happens when the writers deliver their ideas in written form. Writing also can be said as an activity which exposes the writers’ ideas, thoughts, information and messages in the writing form.

2. Components of Writing

According to Jacobs (1981:31) there are five components in the profile of writing.

a. Content The measure of the content of written product is not easy to do. In order to make the teacher or evaluator simple to count it, he applies several descriptors: knowledge, substantive, through development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic.

b. Organization In organization there are descriptors that have to take in good written text. They are fluent expression, idea clearly/supported, succinct, well-organized, logical sequencing, cohesive.

c. Vocabulary The good writers have increased their vocabulary for their writing’s quality. But it is not enough without choose the correct vocabulary that appropriate with the text. So Jacobs (1981) states vocabulary into four description: sophisticated range, effective word/idiom choice and usage, word from mastery and appropriate register.

d. Language use

In writing evaluation, language use consist of eight description: effective complex construction, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns and prepositions.

e. Mechanics Mechanics are descriptors about descriptors about spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing and handwriting in written product.

3. Process of Writing

The writing process presents students with a step by step procedure that leads to the completion of a piece of writing. According to Oshima and Ann (1991:3), writing has four main stages in its process, they are: pre-writing, planning, writing and revising drafts, writing the final copy to hand in. First, in pre-writing stage, the writer chooses and organizes thoughts to be written, generates ideas about the topic itself, identifies the purpose and audience, and selects a format for their writing. Next, in the planning stage, or it can be said as the outlining, the writer is ready to organize the ideas which is generated by brainstorming. Third, writing and revising drafts stage has some steps to be done by the writer, they are: writing the first Rough Draft from outline, revising content and organization and proofreading the second draft or Grammar and Mechanics. finally, in writing the final copy, the writer should make all the corrections that had noted on the second draft. Thus, in producing a good The writing process presents students with a step by step procedure that leads to the completion of a piece of writing. According to Oshima and Ann (1991:3), writing has four main stages in its process, they are: pre-writing, planning, writing and revising drafts, writing the final copy to hand in. First, in pre-writing stage, the writer chooses and organizes thoughts to be written, generates ideas about the topic itself, identifies the purpose and audience, and selects a format for their writing. Next, in the planning stage, or it can be said as the outlining, the writer is ready to organize the ideas which is generated by brainstorming. Third, writing and revising drafts stage has some steps to be done by the writer, they are: writing the first Rough Draft from outline, revising content and organization and proofreading the second draft or Grammar and Mechanics. finally, in writing the final copy, the writer should make all the corrections that had noted on the second draft. Thus, in producing a good

Moreover, Atlee (1998:7) states that some steps in writing process such as pre-writing, drafting, revision, editing and publish. First, pre- writing, in this activity, the writer must collect ideas, choose a type of writing, and organize all ideas to talk in their writing. Second, drafting is done to write your paragraph or essay from start to finish. This step can be made easier by using some notes or write freely about the ideas as they flow into our mind. Next, revision is useful for reviewing structure and content in its writing. Also, in this step, the writers must check what they have written. Then, at editing session the writers need to correct errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Final, in publish session the writer write a final draft that includes all revisions and editing changes and writer can add any other elements, such as illustrations, if needed. Thus, in writing process, the students are asked to put ideas into draft, then based on the draft, the writing is constructed and finally check the writing for final correction.

According to Harmer (2005:4) there are four processes must be followed by the students in writing, such as planning, drafting, editing, and final version. First, the writer plans as the introduction stage, in which in this stage teacher stimulate students to prepare writing process. It is pre- writing stage which leads student to use their critical thinking by using brainstorming, or pre-writing strategies. Secondly, drafting as the first version of a piece of writing. The students are focused on the fluency of According to Harmer (2005:4) there are four processes must be followed by the students in writing, such as planning, drafting, editing, and final version. First, the writer plans as the introduction stage, in which in this stage teacher stimulate students to prepare writing process. It is pre- writing stage which leads student to use their critical thinking by using brainstorming, or pre-writing strategies. Secondly, drafting as the first version of a piece of writing. The students are focused on the fluency of

Based on the explanation above, it can be reviewed that the writing process describes about the ways in producing a writing. The stages in writing process are divided into some steps. They are: pre-writing, writing, revising, editing, and publishing. Whereas, before writing is begun, the writer must do the pre-writing first, it includes preparation about what will

be written. Then, the writer should start writing. After writing activity is done, it should be revised and edited. Revising and editing is useful for seeing whether the writing has done well or not. Then, an important activity in writing is publishing the writing product. Publishing is very useful for taking attention and additional advice from the readers.

4. Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is not easy, both teacher and students should give full concentration on this subject. According to Harmer (2004:4) the reason of teaching writing for students of English as foreign language include process of writing content of the writing and the medium. It is important to know how to write letter, how to put written report together, Teaching writing is not easy, both teacher and students should give full concentration on this subject. According to Harmer (2004:4) the reason of teaching writing for students of English as foreign language include process of writing content of the writing and the medium. It is important to know how to write letter, how to put written report together,

Teaching writing to the learners is a job by the teacher. In teaching writing, a teacher needs to consider some aspects for making the teaching writing runs effectively. Harmer (2004:22) states that for writing to be truly accessible, however, it also needs to be both cohesive and coherent. Coherent is important to make the connection of sentences become a good paragraph. In teaching writing, the teacher should help the students to consider about the organizing the sentences become a good paragraph. The paragraphs should be coherent each other. Therefore, teacher has a big role to help the students in constructing their writing.

In addition, Nunan (2003:89) proposes that teaching writing began to include the entire process of writing-invention, drafting, feedback, and revision-and not just the product. When students are granted time to write and process their thoughts, they develop a way to analyze their thinking. In writing, the students prepare a topic to be developed into sentences. The sentences will be built into paragraphs. These activities activate the students’ thinking. The way they express their thoughts in written form is

called as the process of writing. For this case, the teacher has to give the opportunities for the students to activate their thinking in writing.

Moreover, Brown (2001:334) defines that teaching writing predominantly teachers learned more and more about how to teach fluency, not just accuracy, how to use authentic texts and contexts in the classroom, how to focus in the purposes of linguistics communication, and Moreover, Brown (2001:334) defines that teaching writing predominantly teachers learned more and more about how to teach fluency, not just accuracy, how to use authentic texts and contexts in the classroom, how to focus in the purposes of linguistics communication, and

teacher not only helps the students to make their writing, but also helps the students to fix the correct patterns in their writing. Correct patterns are necessary to be used in a good writing, it includes to the rule of writing. Then, the teacher should identify and correct the students’ error in language system. The teaching writing is hoped to make the students become good in writing.

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that in teaching writing, the teacher needs to help the students in producing their writing. The students perhaps to face some difficulties in constructing ideas and expressing their ideas in written form. The teacher’s task here is to guide them in organizing a topic become sentences and put their ideas in writing, fix the language patterns, and develop their thinking skill. The teacher also directs the students to combine paragraphs and make them coherent each other. In other side, the teacher must help the students to repair the errors in their writing. It is useful for the students in producing their correct writing.

5. Writing Assessment

The researcher used Jacob’s criteria (1981:90) in scoring the student’s paragraph because it helped researcher to score the student’s

writing. It can be seen as shown in the following table:

Table. 2

Indicator of writing based on Jacob’s theory

No Components

Criteria of each item


1 Content Excellent to very good: knowledgeable; 30-27 substantive; thorough development of thesis; relevant to assigned topic. Good to average: some knowledge of



limited development of thesis; mostly relevant to topic, but lack detail. Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject



21-17 little substance; inadequate development of topic. Very poor: does not show knowledge of

16-13 subject; non substantive; not pertinent; or not enough to evaluate.

2 Organization Excellent to very good: fluent expression; 20-18 ideas clearly stated/supported; succinct; well organized; logical sequencing; cohesive. Good to average: somewhat choppy;

17-14 loosely organized but main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete sequencing. Fair to poor: non-fluent; ideas confused or

13-10 disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and development. Very poor: does not communicate; or not


enough to evaluate.

3 Vocabulary Excellent to very good: sophisticated range; 20-18 effective word/idiom choice and usage; word from mastery; appropriate register. Good to average: adequate range;occasional

17-14 errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not obscured. Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors

13-10 of word/form choice, usage; meaning confused or obscured. Very poor: essentially translation; title

9-7 knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word form, or not enough to evaluate.

4 Language use Excellent to very good: effective complex 25-22 constructions; few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions. Good to average: effective but simple

21-18 construction; minor problems in complex constructions; several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, 21-18 construction; minor problems in complex constructions; several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function,

17-11 simple/complex construction; frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions; meaning confused or obscured.

10-5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence constructions rules; dominated by errors; does not communicate; or not enough to evaluate.

5 Mechanics Excellent to very good: demonstrates

5 mastery of conventions few errors of spelling,



paragraphing. Good to average: occasional errors of


capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured. Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling,


3 punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing; poor handwriting, meaning confused or obscured. Very poor: no mastery of conventions

2 dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing; handwriting illegible; or not enough to evaluate.

B. The Concept of Pow Tree Strategy

1. Definition of Pow Tree Strategy

Pow Tree is a strategy that can be used in teaching writing. There are some experts that have different words to explain the definition of Pow Tree strategy. According to Westwood (2008:75) Pow Tree is a strategy that helps the students to write opinion essays. The authors report that this strategy can be effective with students with learning difficulties. Thus, the strategy is helping the students to be easy to write. The strategy can be Pow Tree is a strategy that can be used in teaching writing. There are some experts that have different words to explain the definition of Pow Tree strategy. According to Westwood (2008:75) Pow Tree is a strategy that helps the students to write opinion essays. The authors report that this strategy can be effective with students with learning difficulties. Thus, the strategy is helping the students to be easy to write. The strategy can be

Then, Scruggs and Margo (2011:317) define that Pow Tree is a strategy to develop background knowledge of students to write, the instructor led a discussion of what good writers do when writing to persuade. It means that the strategy focuses on developing the students’ background knowledge in writing. The strategy builds the students’ attention to make a good writing. It also guides the students to have good instruction in writing.

According to Meltzer (2007:232), Pow Tree is a strategy which has function to increase students attention to the essential component of the writing task. From the definition above, it can be said that Pow Tree strategy leads the students to have good attention in writing task. The strategy guides the students to increase their intention about component of writing. Thus, the strategy is useful to make the students focus on the essential components of writing.

Next, Kail and John (2013:12) state that Pow Tree is a strategy that provides young writers with a general plan for writing and tells them how to organize their writing in a nicely structured paragraphs. Thus, the expert supposes that pow tree is a strategy that directs young writers to the plan about what they will write. Then, they organize their ideas into a good writing. Furthermore, the strategy lead the students to structure their writing into good written creation.

Moreover, Shora and Brittany (2016:19) state that Pow Tree Strategy is a strategy that allows the students to take ownership of their writing by providing a step by step process for creating a persuasive essay and monitoring progress. From the definition above, it can be known that Pow Tree strategy give the students opportunity to write more actively by some steps that help them in writing. This strategy also guide the students in writing to create good product.

In addition, the researcher can review that Pow Tree strategy offers the learning which based on the activities to support the students in picking up the idea to write. Then, the students are guided to organize the ideas becomes complete and make notes for developing writing. Then, the students must give the supporting opinion to enriching their writing. After that, the students are guided to make the reasons for getting the correlation among ideas which are existed in their writing. Therefore, Pow Tree strategy is effective to be used in teaching and learning writing.

2. The Procedures of Pow Tree Strategy

There are some experts that suppose the procedures to apply Pow Tree strategy in teaching writing at the classrooms. According to Westwood (2008:75) the procedures of Pow Tree strategy are:

1. Plan your topic or idea to be written

2. Organize your thoughts and make outlines/notes to be written

3. Write to find more ideas

4. Topic sentence-state your opinion

5. Give at least three reasons to support that belief

6. Explain your reasons in more details

7. End with good concluding statement Based on the procedures above, it can be said that Pow Tree strategy can be started by picking up the topic and ideas to be written. Then, the writer needs to organize their thoughts and make notes for briefing what to write. After that, the writers need to state the opinion to start writing by stating at least three reasons to support the thoughts. Then, explain the reasons in more detail and have a conclusion statement in the writing. Thus, there are the procedures that must be done to apply the strategy in classrooms.

According to Meltzer (2007:232), the steps which can be used in applying Pow Tree strategy in classroom are:

1. Guide the students to link the general planning ideas to be written

2. Set up the writing outlines to help focus students on writing

3. Students graphed the ideas to progress their writing to get the goals of writing

4. Finally, the students incorporate transfer task within their writing Based on the steps above, it can be said that the Pow Tree strategy is done by starting to teach the students to link up their ideas to be written. Second, the students should make the outlines to their writing. Then, the students must develop their ideas to progress their writing. Finally, they should make their writing task completely.

Besides, Scruggs and Margo (2011:317) state that the process in applying Pow Tree Strategy in classroom can be done by following the implementation phases as follow:

1. Pick the idea

2. Organize the notes

3. Write and say more

4. Give topic sentence reason, three or more

5. Give explanations: explain each reason

6. Finally, Ending sentence Based on the procedures above, it can be known that Pow Tree strategy can be begun by picking up ideas to be talked in the writing. Second, it is continued by organizing their thoughts and make notes about what to write. Third, the writers need to start writing and give more ideas for the writing. Then, state the reasons to support the ideas. Then, explain the reasons in more detail and finally end the writing with the best sentence. Thus, there are the procedures that must be done to apply the strategy in teaching writing.

According to Mansoor and Rajabi (2015:35), the steps which can

be used in applying Pow Tree strategy in classroom are:

1. Pick my idea

2. Organize my notes

3. Write and say more

4. Topic

5. Reasons

6. Explanation

7. Ending This procedure guide the students from pick the idea or they plan to write, after that the students need to organize their idea. After that, the students need to writer their idea and say more about that idea to find more idea. Next, the students also can add the topic and give some reasons for that topic. To make the product more detail, the students need to give explanation more details about that reasons. Finally, the students can conclude the paragraph. These steps same as Kail and Jhon said (2013:12). They propose that there are some procedures to implement the strategy. They are pick their ideas,then organize their notes, next write and say more, then give topic sentences or tell what you believe, then state the reasons or tell why you choose the topic, then explain each reason or say more about each reason and the last is give good ending.

Based on the procedures from the experts above, the researcher used the procedures from Westwood (2008:75) in the experimental class. The researcher chosen the procedures by Westwood because it is easy to be implemented. And it is more interesting to be applied in teaching writing because it drills the students to organize their thoughts and make some notes about the idea that they think to be written. After that, the students are asked to give at least three reasons which support their ideas based on the topic. Finally, the students will have good concluding statement at the end of their writing.

3. The Advantages of Pow Tree Strategy

Pow Tree is a strategy which has many advantages to help students in writing. There are some experts that have different words to explain the advantages of Pow Tree strategy. According to Meltzer (2007:232), Pow Tree strategy is advantageous for making the students increase their comprehension to the essential aspect in producing a good writing. It is because of the function of the strategy which is beneficial to support the students pay attention to do writing. Because of this reason, the strategy is good to be implemented in teaching writing.

Then, Shora and Brittany (2016:16) state that Pow Tree will help the students to remember the parts of a persuasive essay. It can be said that the strategy can help the students to organize their idea and explain their thoughts clearly when they are trying to be persuasive.

Furthermore, Westwood (2008:75) state that Pow Tree strategy helps the students to write down their thoughts into writing. It can be said that this strategy can be effective with students with learning difficulties. Thus, the strategy is helping the students to be easy to write. Thus, the strategy can be used to help the students to be easy in writing.

In addition, Kail and John (2013:12) also state that pow tree make writing easier. It can be said that this strategy make the students easy to write when they organize their idea and help them to solve their difficulties in writing.

Moreover, Scruggs and Margo (2011:317) propose that Pow Tree strategy is beneficial to develop students’ knowledge for writing. In writing, the students have good writing if they have good background Moreover, Scruggs and Margo (2011:317) propose that Pow Tree strategy is beneficial to develop students’ knowledge for writing. In writing, the students have good writing if they have good background

According to Mansoor and Rajabi (2015:35) said that Pow Tree Strategy taught the students to generate ideas/ sentences relevant to persuasive essay. It can be said that the students trained to delivering and also organize their idea in sentences to make good product in writing.

So the researcher can review that Pow Tree strategy is very useful to ease the students in making writing. The strategy also helps the students to activate their background knowledge to enriching their ideas in writing. Also, the strategy gives the students the improvement about the important aspects in writing. Therefore, Pow Tree strategy is effective to be used in teaching and learning writing.

4. Disadvantage of Pow Tree Strategy

In my opinion, there is a disadvantage of this strategy. As we know that mechanics is one of components in writing. Mechanics are descriptors about spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing and handwriting in written product. Unfortunately this strategy does not teach mechanics of writing. It can bee seen from the procedures of this strategy. There is no procedure that teach about mechanics in writing.

C. Relevant Studies

In this research, the researcher used some relevant studies as guidance for the researcher in conducting this research. They are as follow:

The first previous research is Fahrizal (2013), entitle “The Effect of Using Pow and Tree Strategy Toward the Ability in Writing Persuasive Text