Based on the preceding of the result above, it can be conclude that students’ comprehension and students’ motivation in learning
reading English especially descriptive text is still low and there was need for the researcher to implement Contextual Teaching and
Learning in order to improve students’ comprehension and motivation.
d. The result of Pre-Test
The pretest was conducted on Thursday, August 26
2010. In pretest, the students assigned to answer the question based on descriptive
text. The test consists of 20 questions in multiple choice and the students have done for 30 minutes.
Based on the result of the pre test, the data showed that the mean score of pretest was 55.21. There were only three students or 13.04 of
the students who pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM meanwhile the other 20 students did not pass
that criterion. The lowest achievement gained score 40. From that analyzing, it could be seen that almost of VIII-
3 class students’ comprehension of descriptive text was still very low.
2. Findings of the First Cycle
a. Planning
In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a planning for the action based upon the problems faced by students toward reading skill. In
this case, the writer determined selected material and exercises to students. Moreover, the writer chooses descriptive text as the text to be delivered for
students in which it was needed to break down into specific material. In lesson plan, she
prepared some descriptive text. It is line with the writer’s technique used. Beside lesson plan, the writer prepared unstructured
observation sheet to observe the students’ and the teacher activities in teaching and learning process and also prepare posttest 1 in order to know
how far the students’ achievement after giving technique of contextual teaching and learning CTL at the end of this cycle.
There were some activities conducting in this phase. First, the writer helped by the collaborator designed lesson plan for the first cycle.
Second, the writer prepared materials and media. The materials took from the English text book, also the writer made hand out for the students. The
media used were laptop, jumble paragraph, colored marker and paper. Next, the writer and collaborator determined the criteria of success. The
criteria of success were 70 of the students’ writing score achieved the
Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM of English 70 or above and 70 of students participated in reading class.
Besides, the writer prepared the instruments for research such as: posttest 1, observation notes, and camera to take a picture of the action.
b. Acting
The action of the cycle 1 was done on August 31
and September 2
2010. After making lesson plan, the writer as the teacher implemented the teaching learning process based on it. Next the teacher started to teach
the materials that will be learned by students, she began to ask students to read the text silently. Then, some students were asked to read the text
loudly. Next, the teacher explained about the characteristics of descriptive text included the schematic structures and the language features that
contained in descriptive text. After explaining, the teacher gave them some questions based on the text including main idea, supporting details, and
schematic structures of the text. Then, the teacher divided students into 5 groups which consisted of five or six students in each group. Then, the
teacher gave them jumbled paragraphs to be arranged into a good passage in order to make sure that students understood how to analyze the
schematic structures concerning identification and description of the text. Next, students were asked to answer the questions based on the text and to