The Components of Contextual Teaching Learning

Students may also draw upon multiple content areas to solve these problems b. Using multiple contexts. Theories of situated cognition suggest that knowledge can not be separated from the physical and social context in which it develops. How and where a person acquires and creates knowledge is therefore very important. Contextual Teaching and Learning experiences are enriched when students learn skill in multiple contexts. c. Drawing upon diversity. As the whole, the students’ population is becoming more diverse, and with increased diversity comes differences in values, social mores, and perspectives. These differences can be the impetus for learning and can add complexity to the Contextual Teaching and Learning. d. Supporting self-regulated learning. Contextual Teaching and Learning experiences should allow for trial and error; provide time and structure for reflection; and provide adequate support to assist students to move from dependent to independent learning. e. Using interdependent learning groups. Students will be influenced by and will contribute to the knowledge and beliefs of others. Learning groups, or learning communities, are established in workplaces and schools in an effort to share knowledge, focus on goals, and allow all to teach and learn from each other. When learning communities are established in schools, educators act as coaches, facilitators, and mentors. f. Employing authentic assessment. Contextual Teaching Learning is intended to build knowledge and skills in meaningful ways by engaging students in real life, or “authentic” contexts. Assessment of learning should align with the methods and purposes of instruction. Authentic assessment shows that learning has occurred; are blended into the teachinglearning process; and provide students with opportunities and direction for improvement. Authentic assessment is used to monitor students’ progress and inform teaching practices. In addition, Nurhadi stated in his book that there are seven strategies in Contextual Teaching and Learning. Here they are: 27 a. Constructivism. In this teaching and learning model, students construct their own knowledge by testing ideas based on prior knowledge and experience, applying these ideas to a new situation, and integrating the new knowledge gained with preexisting intellectual constructs. Based on this statement, the teacher transfer knowledge to student and students learn step by step from the limited context and construct their own knowledge to find the deep understanding through meaningful learning experience. b. Inquiry. Basically, inquiry is fundamental activity of Contextual Teaching and Learning. Knowledge and skill got by the students do not expect from remembering the facts, but from self inquiry. Inquiry is the regulated activities included observing, asking, analyzing, and formulating theory whether individual or in a group. c. Questioning. The questioning technique enhances student learning and development of problem solving and other higher-order thinking skills. For CTL to achieve its aims, appropriate types and levels of question must be asked. This question not monopolized by the teacher but also asked by the students. The teacher lead the students to know something, suggest the students to get information, asses the students’ skill of critical thinking so it teaches the students think critically. 27 Nurhadi, Pembelajaran Kontekstual … p.31 d. Learning Community. In Contextual Teaching and Learning, learning community suggest that the result of teaching and learning is resulted from doing task with other students group. Grouping can lead the students to share their experiences among friends, solve the problem together, and create better learning than learn alone. According to Harmer, the teacher will now consider briefly the relative merits and uses of various students grouping. The teacher will consider lockstep, pair work, group work, the use of the mother tongue, and individual study. 28 Its mean that many ways to improve students’ knowledge, but it is depend on their need. e. Modeling. Modeling is needed to give the students an example. The teacher gave the example before giving the task to the students, and demonstrate what the students must learn. Model is not only from the teacher but also can be design by the students. f. Reflection. Reflection is also an important role in CTL. Reflection is a way of thinking on what have students done in learning activity. Students will give an opinion, critics, comments, and suggestions on their own activities. As a result, they know what have they learned, what they should do after the process of learning, and then they perhaps relate the knowledge with their own real life. g. Authentic Assessment. This is the process of collecting the data that can give the description of students learning development. Its purpose to know the students developing in learning is not from the test given but from the participation of the students in learning process whether inside or outside of the class. 28 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching… p.243.

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