Data of Test The Interpretation of the Data

63 Related to qualitative study; first, it is derived from the observation result in which the Contextual Teaching and Learning is successful in improving students’ participation in teaching reading descriptive text. They seem more enthusiastic in the teaching learning process rather than before implementation of CAR. Second, based on the interview result with the English teacher, it can be known that students of grade VIII-3 at SMP Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta are able to improve in understanding reading descriptive text.

B. Suggestion

There are some suggestions that can be given in relation to the writer’s conclusion. Some suggestions offer to the English teachers and the other researchers. To the English teacher should be selective in choosing the materials especially in reading skill and heshe should be creative in connecting that material to the students’ real life because material is one of the external factors which can motivate students to learn joyfully. To the further researcher, particularly those who have the same problem and interested in conducting research, it is suggested that this study can be a reference. 63 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, Mark, and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3. Australia: Macmilan, 1988. Arikunto, Suharsimi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009. Buscemi, Santi V A, Reader for Developing for Writers. New York: McGraw- Hill, 2002. Chaffe, John Thinking Critically, 4 th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1994. Depdikbud, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan 2006 Standar Isi SD, SMP dan SMA, Jakarta: Depdikbud, 2006. Djuharie, Otong Setiawan, Genre Dilengkapi 700 Soal Uji Pemahaman, Bandung: Yrama Widya, 2007. Flynn, Naomi, and Rhona Stainthorp, The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing. England: Whurr Publisher Limited, 2006. Gray, William S., On Their Own in Reading. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1984. Grellet, Francoise, Developing Reading Skill: A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercise. London: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Harmer, Jeremy How to Teach English. New York: Longman, 2007. Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman Publishing, 1991. Hartono, Rudi, Genres of Text. Semarang: Semarang State University: English Departement Faculty of Language and Art, 2005 Johnson, Elaine B., Contextual Teaching and Learning. United States of America: Corwin Press, 2002. Kusuma, Wijaya, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Printindo, 2009. Lawin, Lary, Paving The Way in Reading and Writing: Strategies and Activities to Support Struggling Students in Grades 6-12. San francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003. Mills, Geoffrey E., Action Research: A Guide For the Teacher Researcher, 2 nd ed. Ohio: Prentice Hall, 2003. Meltzer, David E., The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in 65 Diagnostic Pretest Score. Iowa: Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008. Nurhadi, Pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Penerapannya dalam KBK. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004. Nuttal, Christine, Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Langauge. London: Mcmillan, 2005. Pang, Elizabeth S., Teaching Reading. Switzerland: International Academy of Education, 2003. Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing 3 rd Edition, New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. Sudijono, Anas, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: Grafindo Persada, 2008. Sudjana, Metoda Statistika. Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002 http:www.cew.wisc.eduteachnetctl RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN READING Cycle 1 of CAR

I. Identitas

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas Semester : VIII Delapan Ganjil Tema : Indoor Hobies Aspek Skill : Reading membaca Alokasi waktu : 4x40 Menit 2 meeting Jenis teks : Descriptive text Tahun Pelajaran : 20102011

II. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berakitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

III. Kompetensi Dasar

Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan esei berbentuk descriptive dan recount pendek sederhana dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima serta merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount.

IV. Indikator

1. Menentukan gagasan utama main idea dalam teks descriptive 2. Menentukan gagasan pendukung supporting detail teks descriptive 3. Menemukan informasi spesifik Scanning dalam teks descriptive 4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika schematic structure teks descriptive 5. Berpartisipasi aktif selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

V. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

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