Homogeneity Test Hypothesis Test

developed by Koider Mohtari and Carla Reichard consists of 30 question related to reading strategy. To determine the level of reading strategy, the writer use the MARSI score level. There are three levels score which are:  3.5 or higher means reading strategy  2.5-3.4 means medium Reading Strategy  2.4 or lower means low reading strategy To know the level of the students, the writer has to find the average score of the questionnaire result of the experiment class. If there is an improvement of the mean of the result, it indicates Think-Aloud enhance the students‟ awareness of their reading strategy.


A. Description of the Data

As having mention in the chapter three, the data for the research is obtained from two classes namely control and experiment class. The data is obtained from the pre and post test result from both classes. The obtained data is processed using a SPSS Statistical Product and Service Solution software. The detail of the data processing will be explained below.

1. Data Presentation

In this research, the researcher used a quasi-experimental research to ascertain the effectiveness of using Think-Aloud toward students‟ reading achievement at SMK 57 Jagakarsa in academic year 20152016. There are three steps used in this research which are pre-test, treatment using Think-Aloud and post-test. The score obtained from the tests are shown below: Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of S tudents’ Pre-test Result Statistics Class Control Experiment Number of Students n 35 35 Maximum X max 70 70 Minimum X min 28 34 Mean 47.37 52.54 Median 46 55 Mode 43 55 Variances 102.417 117.608 Standard Deviance 10.120 10.845 33 The data on the table shows that the lowest score achieved by control class on pretest is 28, it means from the 30 question given on the test, the students only correctly answered the question as many as 6 questions. The highest score achieved from this class group is 70, means that the students has 20 correct answers on the tests. From 35 students, most of them achieved score of 43. It is shown by the mode score from the table is 43 Meanwhile, the experiment class achieved a slightly higher score on pretest. The minimum score is 34 which means that students answered 8 out of 30 questions correctly. In the maximum score, the experiment class achieved the same scores as the control class did, that is 70. The mode score is 55, which is higher than the control class. Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Post-test Result The result taken from the post-test shows that there is a difference score for both classes. In the control class, the lowest score on post-test is 34 and highest score achieved by this class is 76. The experiment class also achieved a higher score on their post- test‟s score. The lowest score in this class is 37 and then the highest score achieved is 79 which means the students did 23 questions correctly. Statistics Class Control Experiment Number of Students n 35 35 Maximum X max 76 79 Minimum X min 34 37 Mean 54.60 62.68 Median 52.00 64 Mode 43 64 Variances 113.659 97.597 Standard Deviance 11.561 9.789 Picture 4. 1 The chart bar of students pre-test result from the control class Picture 4. 2 The chart bar of students pre-test result from experiment class

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