they are reading. Finally, to analyze students‟ Think-aloud, Oster asked students to write their comments towards a chosen text in a paper. Then, he analyzed them. The analysis he made were used as a reference to set a lesson plan in the further reading activities. From the previous Think-aloud studies above, it can be seen that Think-aloud surely give students chance to understand a text better. Think aloud enables students to relate the text they are reading with their background knowledge. Also, it help students to use a good reader‟s strategies. By conducting Think-aloud, students is not only read a text, but also they try to notice what message in the text that a writer tries to deliver.


A. Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted in Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan Vocational School 57 Jagakarsa. The research is going to be conducted on March 2015.

B. Method and Design of the Study

This study is a quantitative study research that uses a quasi-experimental method as its design. It concerns with two variables, namely Think Aloud as dependent variable and students‟ reading comprehension on narrative reading as its independent variable. As a quantitative research researcher decides what to study; asks specific questions; collects quantifiable data from participants; analyzes these numbers using statistics; and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner. 26 The design used in this quantitative research was a quasi-experimental study. This kind of study allows the researcher to look at the effects of at least one independent variable and one or more dependent variables. 27 This study is intended to analyze and interpret the data by examining the differences between the teaching reading Narrative texts by using Think Aloud method in experimental group and teaching reading Narrative texts without using it in controlled group. In this research, the researcher wanted to see whether the treatment made a difference on students‟ comprehension in Narrative Reading or not. This research included pre-test and post-test to measure the students‟ achievement. 26 John W. Creswell, Educational Research; Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2008, p. 46 27 Jack R Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Fifth Edition, New York: McGraw- Hill, 2003, p. 268 22

C. The Subject of the Study

The population of this study is 10 th grade students of SMK 57 Jagakarsa. Then, the writer takes a sample from 2 classes of tenth grade students of academic year 20142015. The sample of this research is seventy students which divided into two classes, namely experimental group and controlled group that consists 35 students for each. The samples in this study are not chosen randomly, the writer chose them purposively. Hence, the techniques sampling used by writer in this study is purposive technique sampling as this technique sampling relies on the researchers‟ judgment when it comes to selecting the units that are going to be studied.

D. Technique of Data Collecting

The technique of data collection that is used in this research is pre-test and post- test for both classes; experimental classes and controlled classes and also questionnaire for the experimental class. The pre-test will be distributed to students in the beginning of the research before Think-Aloud is applied, while the post-test will be given at the end of the research. The post-test is intended to find out the significance of the treatment to both classes. The distribution of questionnaire is also done before and after treatment

E. Instrument

According to Didi Sukyadi and Eneng Uwastun Hasanah in their article, the instruments used in Think Aloud study is divided in two form which are reading comprehension questions and a standardized questioner of metacognitive awareness of reading strategy. They stated that reading comprehension questions are intended to check students reading comprehension while questioner of metacognitive awareness of reading strategy is intended to check students‟ ability to use Think Aloud in their reading activity 28 . The Standardized questioner is adopted from Mokhtari and Reichard. As the questionnaire is aimed to check students‟ ability to use Think Aloud, thus this instruments is only distributed to the experimental class before and after treatment. Thus, it can be summed up that the instruments of this study are Reading comprehension test and a questionnaire 1 Reading Comprehension Test Based on Richard R. Day and Jeong-suk Park in Reading in a Foreign Language Journal, there are six types of reading question comprehension, which are literal, reorganization, inference, prediction, evaluation, personal response. They stated that the level of comprehension of them is different. For instance: The level of literal is lower than inference. It means, to answer an inference question, students more than literal understanding in the text 29 . According to them, the writer will develop reading question whose type are literal, reorganization, inference, and prediction. Evaluation and personal response will not be included as they are not suitable as the form of reading question used in this study is multiple choice questions. Before being distributed to both control and experimental group, the reading comprehension test is distributed, the test is pilot-studied. The objective of pilot study is to check validity and reliability of the instrument. The pilot study is conducted before doing pre-test and post-test. The questions of a pilot study applied out of control and experimental classes. In this researcher, the writers use 30 questions concerning on narrative texts as the instrument. As the pilot study has been conducted and the participants‟ answer has been collected, the validity and reliability of the questions will be analyzed based on the answers. 28 Didi Sukyadi and Eneng Uswatun Hasanah, op.cit., Page 10 29 Richard R. day and Jeong-suk Park.loc.cit.

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