The Students’ Problems The Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth Grade Students in

E. The Solutions to the Problems of the English Teaching to the Fourth

Grade Students in SD N VII Wonogiri 1. The Solutions of the Students’ Problems To solve the problem of short attention, the writer used interesting and challenging games in teaching English that could make them busy with the activity in the games, i.e.: guessing words, describing pictures, arranging puzzles, etc. Games could help students learning English easily in fun activities, so that they could concentrate and enjoy to the lesson automatically. To solve the problem of low self confidence, the writer always gave motivation and encouragements to the students, so that they had high self confidence in expressing their opinion in English. The writer also tried to increase students’ courage to practice English in the class every meeting. To solve the problem of less memory, the writer repeated the material more than once until students really understood it and reviewed the material again before ending the lesson. The writer also used games, pictures, flash cards, and songs to improve their memory. 2. The Solutions of the Teacher’s Problems To solve the problem of no teaching aids, the writer bought or made the teaching aids by herself, i.e.: flash cards, pictures taken from magazine or newspapers, and puzzles. Teaching aids were very important for the writer and the students, because it could help her in explaining the materials and help them in developing their thinking. To solve the problem of handling the students, the writer created interesting teaching and learning activities for students. One of the ways was by using games, so the students could focus in learning English by playing the games. It also decreased unrelated activities that might be done by the students during the lesson. To solve the problem of limited time, the writer made lesson plan before teaching in the class. Lesson plan was very useful for the writer in managing the time, so that all materials could be taught to students well.