43 61 Mr Tilly He is the project manager on Cameron Towers. ‘Mr Tilly is on line four, miss Cameron. Tilly was the project manager in Cameron Tower. TSSD: 341 62 Otto Karp He is the manager of the New Jersey Panel and Glass Company. Otto Karp was the manger of the New Jersey Panel and Glass Company. He comes on the phone almost immediately. TSSD: 345

2. Setting

The term setting denotes the location, historical period and social surrounding in which the action of a text develops. According to Kennedy 1996: 38, setting is one of the elements of fiction which reveals to us where and when the events happen. There are two categories of setting, setting of place and setting of time. a. Setting of Place There are several places that are used in The Stars Shine Down: 1 In the plane This is the place where it takes Lara to La Guardia. The door of the cockpit opened and the pilot came into the cabin. He paused for a moment to admire his passenger. TSSD: 3 2 La Guardia. This is the place where Lara builds her birthday party. 44 “….we’re going to be about an hour late getting into La Guardia. I’m sorry I’m going to be late for my birthday party, Lara thought. Everyone is going to be there. TSSD: 4 3 Grand Ballroom of the Cameron Plaza This is the place where the party is held. She could visualize the Grand Ballroom of the Cameron Plaza, where the party was being held. TSSD: 4 4 Penthouse This is the place where Lara has her aerobics exercises. Lara showered and changed and had breakfast alone on the terrace of the penthouse, a breakfast of grapefruit, cereal, and green tea…..TSSD: 8 5 Cameron Centre on Sixth Avenue. This is the place where Lara meets the Japanese bankers. The meeting was held at Cameron Centre on Sixth Avenue TSSD: 9 6 St Anne’s Grammar School This is the place where Lara gets her first school. The following Monday, Big Bertha dropped her off at St Anne’s Grammar School, and Lara was taken to the principal’s office. TSSD: 27 7 Carls drugstore This is the place where always full with students after school hang out. 8 Halifax This is the place where Lara has her first date with Sean MacAllister. Next Saturday I have to go into Halifax. I thought we might go together. Saturday was only two days away. TSSD: 56-57 45 9 Greenwood Cemetery in the Passion dale This is the place where Lara buried James Cameron’s death body. James Cameron died in early morning in spring, and Lara buried him at the Greenwood Cemetery in the Passion dale area. TSSD: 44 10 At the corner of Main and Commercial Streets in the centre of Glace Bay This is the place where Lara showed it up to Charles Cohn and the place where she will put up the building there. 11 Stevens Hotel This is the place where Lara stays for a while when she moved to Chicago. TSSD: 69 12 A print shop on Lake Street This is the place where Lara makes her business card. Lara walked into a print shop on Lake Street. ‘I would like to have a hundred business cards printed up, please. TSSD: 71 13 Michigan Avenue, State Street, La Salle, Lake Shore Drive and Lincoln Park. This is the place where Lara through along in her whole evening finds an inspiration to make her new building in Chicago. 14 Venetian gardens One place in Glace Bay used for dancing 15 A Hospital in Quarry Street A hospital where James Cameron takes care off. 46 16 White Hall This is a restaurant where Howard having dinner with Steve Kane and Lara. 17 Kedzie Avenue This is the place where Lara wants to put up a building again but there are many shops and stores that she have to buy before she makes a building in it. The block on Kedzie Avenue consisted of more than a dozen small stores and shops TSSD: 103 18 Madison Avenue This is the place where Lara got her hair cut. TSSD: 112 19 Manhattan Central Hospital This is an old and ugly hospital in New York which Lara wants to buy. It is located on the east side between 68th and 69th Streets. Manhattan central hospital was a dilapidated, ugly looking building located on the east side between 68 th and 69 th streets, and it took up an entire block. TSSD: 113 20 Bistro This is the place where Lara makes a dinner with Paul Martin. They had a dinner at bistro on the east side TSSD: 144 21 At the Hospital This is the place where Lara visits her secretary, Kathy. 22 A small Bar on Third Avenue. This is the place where Lara and Charles Cohn meet again and have lunch 47 23 Twenty One Clubs. This is the place where Lara and Paul Martin have lunch. TSSD: 149 24 Sardi’s This is the place where Lara has lunch with Charles Cohn. TSSD: 152 25 London This is the place where Lara has been invited by Brian MacIntosh to have some relationship about real estate business. This is also the place where Lara met Philip for the first time. 26 in the Festival Hall This is the place where Lara sees Philip’s performance for the first time. 27 Reno This is the place where Lara tries to play gambling in Gaming Commission with Howard as Paul Martin’s advice. 28 Roswell Residence This is the place where Lara makes a dinner with Horace Guttman and the other real estate developer. 29 Ballroom at the Waldrof Astoria This is the place where Lara meets Philip for the second time. 48 30 Manhattan School Music This is the place where Lara tries to learn about classical music in order that Philip likes her. 31 Le Cote Basque This is the place where Lara dinner with Philip Adler. 32 Hollywood Bowl This is the place where Philip plays with his piano and meets Lara again. 33 Beverly Hilton International Ballroom This is the place where Lara takes to the party with Howard and Philip Adler. 34 Atlanta This is the place where Lara and Howard investigate two sites at Ainsley Park and one at Dunwoody. 35 New Orleans This is the place where Lara tries to exploring the place that she could build a new building there. 36 Seattle This is the place where Lara and Howard explore the new site on Mercer Island and Kirkland. 37 Mr Chow’s This is the place where Lara makes lunch with Paul. This is also a place where finally she can find betrayer inside of her company that is her new secretary, Gertrude. 49 38 Amsterdam This is the place where Lara tries to meet Philip. TSSD: 242 39 Bali Restaurant on Leidsestraat This is the place where Lara makes a supper with Philip in Amsterdam. TSSD: 246 40 Milan This is the place where Lara follows Philip in concert. 41 Antica Locanda Solferino This is a hotel where Lara and Philip check in. In Milan, Lara and Philip Adler checked into the Antica Locanda Solferino, a charming hotel with only twelve rooms… TSSD: 252 42 Biffy This is the restaurant where Lara and Philip have their dinner in Milan after concert. They went to Biffy, the restaurant in the opera house, and the moment they walked in, the patrons, dressed in black tie for the concert…TSSD: 253 43 Venice This is the place where Lara still follows Philip Adler in his concert. They landed at Marco Polo Airport in Venice thirty five minutes later…. TSSD: 254 b. Setting of Time 1 1970 The late 1970s were years of growth and change and excitement. TSSD: 98 50 2 1974 It was 1974 and momentous events were occurring around the world……Lara started construction on her second hotel, the Chicago Cameron Plaza. TSSD: 94 3 1975 In 1975, the movie Jaws swept the country, and people stopped going into the ocean. The world population passed four billion…. TSSD: 94 4 1976 In 1976, there was a successful Israeli raid on Entebbe, and Mao Tse – tung died, and James Earl Carter, Jr was elected President of the United States. Lara erected another office building. TSSD: 98 5 1977 In 1977, Charlie Chaplin died, and Elvis Presley temporarily died. Lara built the largest shopping mall in Chicago. TSSD: 98 6 1978 In 1978 Reverend Jim Jones and nine hundred and eleven followers committed mass suicide in Guyana. Lara built a series of high rise condominiums in Rogers Park. TSSD: 98 7 1979 In 1979, Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty at Camp David; there was a nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, and Muslim Fundamentalist seized the United States Embassy in Iran. Lara built a skyscraper and a glamorous resort and country club in Deerfield, north of Chicago. TSSD: 98 8 1991 One year earlier, Lara Cameron’s appointment schedule for the day had been routine. September 10, 1991. TSSD: 7 9 1992 Thursday, September 10, 1992 8: p. m. TSSD: 3 51 10 1952 Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. September 10, 1952. 11 On an evening in early July On an evening in early July, James Cameron was in bed with one of the whores at Kristy’s bawdy House. TSSD: 38 12 At night This is the time when Lara uses to make many dinners with her relation. 13 In the afternoon This is the time when Lara uses to make many lunches with her relation. 14 1984 In 1984, Lara Cameron decided that the time had come to conquer New York. TSSD: 111 15 1980 The 1980s were a time of changes. Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States and Wall Street had the busiest day in its history…… Lara was in the right place at the right time. TSSD: 150 16 On Christmas day On chrismast day, Lara stayed at home. She had been invited to a dozen parties, but Paul Martin was going to drop by. TSSD: 201

3. Plot