Instructional Design Review of Related Theories

9 Unit and Course Development 1977 stated that there are three essential elements of instructional technology, that is, objectives what to be learned, method what procedures and resources will work best to reach the learning levels, and evaluation how will we know the learning we prepared to occur. Furthermore, Kemp’s design emphasizes the contribution of each step in the process, shows the importance of evaluation, and recognizes more environmental factors in an educational setting, i.e. the resources and the support such as time, equipment, personnel, and materials Kemp, 1985: 8. In order to maintain the three essential elements, there are eight steps that must be accomplished in the design plan Kemp, 1977, they are: 1 Consider goals, list of topics, and state the general purposes for each topic 2 List the important characteristics of the students 3 Specify the learning objectives in terms of behavioral outcomes 4 List the subject content that supports each objective 5 Conduct a pre-assessment to know the students’ background of knowledge 6 Choose some teaching-learning activities and resources 7 Determine some supports services such as budget, facilities, personnel, equipment, and schedule to implement the instructional plan 8 Evaluate the students’ achievements to do some revising and re-evaluating in the instructional plan that needs to be improved 10 Goals, Topics and General Purpose Learner Characteristic Learning Objectives Subject Content Pre ‐Assess ment TeachingLearnin g Activities, Resources Support Services Evaluation Revise In this study, the writer conducts the steps of Kemp’s design in composing the listening materials for the Eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X Magelang. The goals and purposes of Kemp’s design refer to a system that controls the particular process of educational program. The objectives are aimed to specify how the learner is expected to learn and perform as a result of the instruction. Figure 1: Kemp’s Design Kemp’s: 1977 The strength of Kemp’s design is that the process could be started at any steps wherever the designers are ready. This means that the designer could select the steps and place them as their own creativity in designing the materials. This design also focuses on the materials resources, goals, uses, and the choice of learning resources 11 Soekamto, 1993: 22-28. Another strength of Kemp’s design is that this design could be applied to all level of education which could be used as the design system for a small unit and as a whole subject for university Soekamto, 1993: 21.

2. 2006 School-Based Curriculum

Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan According to Oxford Advanced Learners, it is mentioned that curriculum is “the subject included in a course of study or taught at a particular school, college, etc 1995: 287”. Allen, as quoted by Nunan defines curriculum as “the general concept which includes philosophical, social, and administrative factors that influence the planning of educational program. 1988: 70” Based on the explanations above, curriculum, then, is defined as an overall educational program which states the educational objective of the program; the content, teaching procedures and learning experiences, which will be necessary to achieve. According to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, as it is quoted in Muslich 2007: 17, School-based Curriculum or KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan is an operational curriculum which is arranged and conducted by each educational element in each school. It consists of content, process, graduation competency, educational employee, facilities, management, fee and evaluation of education. The School-Based Curriculum development is based on Peraturan Pemerintah No:20, tahun 2003 about National Educational System and Peraturan Pemerintah No: 10, tahun 2005 about International Educational Standard. One of the important principles in the development of KTSP or SBC in the vocational school is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 that it has to help the students in the real working field demand. It means that all of the activities in the teaching learning process must support the characteristic of the learners. However, the goal of a vocational school is to develop cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric domains to help the students to be an autonomous learner later on Depdiknas 2006: 7. There are several literal levels in School-Based Curriculum,