Listing the Students’ Characteristics

34 to gain the data of the students’ characteristics.

2. Stating the Goals and Listing the Topics

This step aims to determine the goals of the materials design based on students’ needs. The topic would be suited with the School-Based Curriculum which facilitates the students to achieve the goals of the study.

3. Specifying the Learning Objectives

It is important to state the objectives before selecting the learning activities because the writer needs to know the measurable objectives which should be accomplished later. In this study, the indicators would present the learning objectives of the materials.

4. Listing the Subject Content

The content of the materials must closely relate to the objectives and to the students’ needs Kemp, 1977: 43. In this step, the writer needs to consider the content organizing, and also task analysis. It aims to ensure that each element of the materials development procedures is included in the planning process.

5. Selecting some Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources

Before designing the listening materials, the writer would choose some teaching- learning activities and resources which are appropriate for the theories used in this study. The writer needs to dig listening materials and resources as many as possible to create qualified and creative listening materials. This stage would influence the characteristic of the design later on. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35

6. Designing the Materials

The materials are here designed based on the School-Based Curriculum 2006 which are suited with the teachers’ and students’ needs, School-Based Curriculum, the principles of Task-Based Instructions, the theory of teaching listening, and Kemp’s model. The tasks and the terms used in each activity would be developed using Task-Based principles since the tasks hold the crucial role in the teaching- learning process. Since the design would be used for the second semester, the topics in the design are suited with the curriculum for the second semester.

7. Evaluating the Designed Materials

The revision aims to help the writer develop her works optimally, and selects the correct step in the design. The revision of the designed materials occurs in every step to help the writer monitor her design. The evaluation is conducted by the help of the lecturers of English Language Education Study Program and also the English teachers of SMK Pius X Magelang.

8. Revising the Materials

After evaluating the designed materials, the writer would revise the instructions and the materials. The revision would depend on the evaluation from the previous step of this study that is evaluation of the design materials by the lecturers of English Language Education and the English teachers of SMK Pius X Magelang. Since not the whole process in designing the materials can be revised, this step is showed by the feedback lines for the steps which could be revised.