Instruments of Research and Information Collecting Instruments of Preliminary Field Testing


D. Data Gathering Technique

In this study, some techniques were applied to gather two kinds of data needed from Research and Information Collecting and Preliminary Field Testing. In Research and Information Collecting, the writer conducted the library studies and gathered more information about School-based Curriculum, instructional designs, listening theories, Task-Based Instruction and also listening materials related to SBC. Such literature such as books, documents, journals, articles, and web sites related to the materials used were used. After that, the writer distributed the questionnaires for the English teachers and the Eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X Magelang both from Food and Clothing Science. The interview with the English teachers was also conducted to gather the information about the needs for the listening materials which would be developed in this study. In Preliminary Field Testing, questionnaires were distributed to two English teachers of SMK Pius X Magelang and some lecturers of English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University for the materials evaluation. The materials were revised based on the feedback, opinions, comments, and suggestions from the research participants.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, there were two kinds of data obtained from Research and Information Collecting and Preliminary Field Testing. They were analyzed in order to find out the central tendency of the respondents’ opinions about the listening PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 activities during the class and presented in the form of narrative description and numerical data. In Research and Information Collecting, the questionnaires were distributed to two English teachers of SMK Pius X Magelang and also the students of the Eleventh grade both Food and Clothing Science departments. The data gathered from the Research and Information Collecting would be analyzed in numerical data and narrative description. The data gathered would be presented as follows: In Preliminary Field Testing, the questionnaire was distributed to the English teachers of SMK Pius X Magelang and lecturers of English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire would be in the form of Likert scale which has close-ended and open-ended questions items. Table 1 shows the five degree of agreements on how the participants would answer the questions: Table 1: Degrees of Agreements Degree of agreement Meaning 1 Strongly disagree with the statement 2 Disagree with the statement 3 Undecideddoubt 4 Agree with the statement 5 Strongly agree with the statement The central tendency used and regarded as the proper way to present the data since it shows the whole set of measurement Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh, 1990: 127. The measurement of the average was known as mean, median, and mode.