Research Background English listening instructional materials using task-based instructions for the eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X Magelang.

2 Processing Departments. During the interview conducted with the headmaster of SMK Pius X, it was stated that most of the graduates achieve good positions in work fields, such as international hotels and restaurants, or clothes industries in many places around Indonesia. The writer selects this vocational school since there are some difficulties faced in learning listening activities in the classroom, such as the lack of vocabulary, the lack of teaching learning activities and facilities to support the teaching learning process, the level of the students themselves, and also the implementation of School-Based Curriculum which has not been conducted optimally. Besides, the students also need to prepare themselves to face the National Examination which consists of listening and reading tests. Considering this situation, the English teachers are demanded to be more creative in creating English listening materials to motivate the students to be active during their learning activities. Based on these difficulties, the materials would be designed using taped materials which could be easily used by the teachers. The use of pictures, games, sound of music, and also vocabulary building would be applied to attract the students’ interest and attention during their listening activities. Since one of the purposes of School-Based Curriculum is to help the vocational students to improve their ability in the working world, the writer tries to present the new and varied listening materials which are developed based on the School-Based Curriculum to help the students in achieving their purpose, and also to help the teacher in developing the materials. Moreover, the writer agrees that the students PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 could not acquire English language in a short period of learning. Instead, they have to learn the language systematically. As it is stated by Nunan 1999: 141-142 that listening exercises provide teachers with the means for drawing learner’s attention to new forms vocabulary, grammar, new interaction patterns in the language. It is very clear that listening holds important roles in second language classrooms because of its crucial role to generate other skills in English learning. This condition brings the writer to design the new listening materials which are developed based on the School-Based Curriculum. The approach used in this study was Communicative Language Teaching since CLT underlines the process of communication rather than the mastery of the language forms Nunan, 1989:79. The Task-Based Instruction is used to support the tasks given in the classroom activities. The writer implements the TBI principles since TBI is the appropriate method which supports the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching. Moreover, TBI could specify the tasks carried out by the students to improve their listening skill. Furthermore, the writer expects that the materials developed based on the 2006 School-Based Curriculum could help the students improve their listening skill, especially to be more familiar with listening practice so that they could learn how to communicate in English as well as to prepare the National Examination.

B. Problem Formulation

4 Based on the condition described previously, the writer formulates two problems addressed in this study. 1. How is a set of English Listening instructional materials for the Eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X designed? 2. What do the English Listening instructional materials for the eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X look like?

C. Problem Limitation

This study is limited only to the English listening materials for the eleventh grade students of elementary level in SMK Pius X Magelang. The materials are designed based on the need of the school to provide more various and complete materials for their English learning, particularly in listening class.

D. Research Objectives

Based on the questions in the problem formulation, the writer formulates two objectives of the study. 1. To describe how a set of English listening materials for the eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X is designed. 2. To present the English listening materials for the eleventh grade students of SMK Pius X Magelang.

E. Research Benefits