Task Ownership Analysis Based on Categories on Conceptual Frameworks Boundary-Crossing Interaction

In this discussion, there was opportunity to discuss with the lecturer and the guest lecturer, whilst the students didn’t know where they were at this moment. They also never met the guest lecturer. It was considered as a communication across organisation. Most of student felt the across time and space teaching method I2B3, Q10A1, I10B1, Q10D1, Q20C1. It seems in Web based teaching and learning environment, the students felt more convenient to express their idea across time, space and organisation. This virtual environment may also provide opportunity to involve more members to contribute in the discussion. Trusting Relationship

In this module, one of the students gave trust to the lecturer who had provided some material in the online module, which they perceived as good Q17D1, I17D1, I18D2. She then argued I believe it because the lecturer has chosen it for us I14D1. These indicate that the Schedule and the Media Center have potential to gain trust from the students, so it should be prepared carefully. As it has been explained in the interdependent categories, there were also some assignments, which had to be done. Unfortunately there were some tasks which were not done by one student I20B1, which affected the whole assignment. In this point the trust which has been given from fellow students should be regarded as if someone did not do what has been trusted to them it would cause the contribution of team to be not optimal and the worst result is it would fail. It seems that trust should be built to achieve collaborative learning successfully. Task Ownership

In this module the students studied Virtual Organising module which mainly based on the theory of virtual team. In the process of teaching, the lecturer used Web- based teaching and learning technology, which is supported collaborative learning online facility, one type of virtual team implementation Lipnack, 1997. The teacher gave authentic task to put into practice some of the theories of virtual team using Web based teaching and learning technology facility. In the process of obtaining the experience, the lecturer provided feedback through online, such as the Course Discussion and email facilities I9D1, Q9D3, I11B2, I11D1, Q11D2, and face-to- face meeting I4D6, I11C1, Q11C2 on the actions that related to the task goal which is considered as Laurillard’s interactive level Laurillard, 1993. This interactive level needed support from the lecturer to obtain cooperative goal, concrete result and trusting relationship, which have been explained in the section collaborative support category above. This team’s authentic task also needed the students to support independent members, shared leadership, interdependent task, and trusting relationship, which have also been explained in the section collaborative support category above, in order to obtain collaborative learning experience successfully. They obtained some experiences Q1A2, Q20D1, I21B3 from the authentic task in Virtual Organising module, and one of the students said that this was a good experience, a learning experience that showed how things could go wrong I21B3. In this module, it seems that Web based teaching and learning environment provided opportunity for the students to learn authentic task supported by the lecturer through Laurillard’s interactive level 1993 which also involved some virtual team principles Lipnack et al., 1997 as they learned experiences to put into practice some of the theories of Virtual Organising to gain reflection. Teacher Support