Independent member Collaborative Support Opportunity to Construct Learning

The students’ assignment might be perceived to give opportunity to construct their own learning experience in this module. Most of them felt benefit of the Media Center to support their assignments Q17C1, Q17D1. Most of the students realised that the Media Center helped them to find information what they were looking for I7A1, Q9A2, Q9D2, Q17C1, Q17D1, I17D1. Most of the students gave high scale or average scale of usefulness to the Media Center Q6A3, Q6C3, Q6D3, Q7X3 and the Course Room Discussion Q6A4, Q6C4, Q6D4, Q7X4. Although one of the students gave little or no use scale, but he realised that the Media Center could be the most useful if he used it I7B1. Two students felt the usefulness of the Schedule to guide their learning process I6A1, I18D2. It seems that the Media Center was perceived useful by the students to support constructing their own learning. Most of the students interest in the usage of the Media Center and the Course Room Discussion was considered important as these facilities might have direct relation with the substantive content of higher education Laurillard, 1996 Collaborative Support

Collaborative support in this technology is a kind of virtual team which can use the nine principles of virtual team Lipnack, 1987 to be successfully in practice. The usage of collaborative support in Web-based teaching and learning will be analysed using the nine principles, which was depicted in the unified conceptual framework see Table 2.1, in the following sections. Independent member

In conducting Virtual Organising module, some problems arose regarding independent member principle. Because the technology was virtual, the students tended to postpone work on Virtual Organising module, which had no monitoring and direct contact by the lecturer. They did other work of face-to-face classes, which they perceived as having heavier workload I4B1, I4B2, I4D1, I4D2, Q20A5, I20D2. One of the students said There is no contact directly so I felt I had not to do it I4D3. It may be considered that other face-to-face modules perceived as having heavier workload by student may impact on their willingness to access Web based teaching and learning module more often due to the virtual nature of the technology. After they finished the module, they felt the awareness of the importance for them to be self-organise I11C3, I11C4. One of the students suggested the teacher to support with face-to-face meeting to motivate self-discipline I4D6. It is likely that independent member principle was important in following Web based teaching and learning due to the nature of virtual environment, as each member should be self-organise in order to follow the module successfully. The support from the teacher was likely very important to support students to be self-discipline. Shared leadership In the Course Room Discussion facility, one of the students felt free to put whatever idea. This might show the nature of online discussion Q10A1. The lecturer also joined with the discussions but she did not prevent the students expressing their idea in the Course Discussion, since it was the lecturer’s shared intention to facilitate an open discussion. Based on the researcher’s observation, the students felt free to put their interested topic in this discussion then some fellow students would put comment for that topic. The lecturer also supported us through monitoring with reminder and when necessary conducting face-to-face meeting. In this face-to-face meeting she also supported each member to have role as leader, secretary etc for a short period to prepare the module activity. It seems that shared leadership might be supported by the lecturer in Web based teaching and learning technology as each member has the same opportunity to express their idea and the fellow students will make comment for that idea. Integrated Level