Considering Finding and Guideline from the First Action Case Research at

1.27. Considering Finding and Guideline from the First Action Case Research at

Salford University Context into the Second Action Case Research at Sanata Dharma University Context As it has been explained in Table 3.7 in Chapter 3, there were some factors, which might affect the different result of the two action case research in two different organisation contexts. Students from master degree program were considered as more independent compared with students from undergraduate degree program, which might need more support to be self discipline and self organise, in the second action case research. The Virtual Organising module, which was part of the course with assessment of the result, might affect motivation of the students compared with the Database System module, which was additional to the course without assessment of the result. Considering this situation, the researcher has asked the college lecturer to help in supporting students through face-to-face contact due to missing face-to-face support by the lecturer. There was also limitation of time provided for the second action case research about two weeks compared with the first action case research about three months. Considering the difficulty of obtaining licensed software from Learning Space used as Virtual Learning Environment VLE in the first action case research, the researcher used Blackboard as VLE provided by Salford University. The different of VLE used in both researches might also affect the result of the research, however both VLE was considered supporting similar facility. The similarity of facility support from both VLEs used in this research was depicted in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 The Similarity of the Facility Support from Learning Space and Blackboard Learning Space facility see Appendix A Blackboard facility see Appendix B Support The Profile The Communication The Tools Provide basic information on participants similar to homepage or online CV The Schedule The Announcement The Course Information The Course Document The Assignment Provide a schedule manager containing module information, module material, module assignment and direction of the module The Media Center The Course Material The External Link Support a repository for module document and useful Internet Link which support topic module The Course Room The Discussion Board Provide a recorded online discussion tool that allow members to conduct collaboration learning Considering some factors, which might affect the different result of the two action case research, the guidelines for Web based teaching and learning implementation see Appendix F founded from the first action case research in Salford University was adapted for the second research in Sanata Dharma University as described in the following points: • Providing tutorial section in the first week supported by the lecturer online through email and the Discussion Board facility see Table 5.1. The information concerning the lecturer support was sent to all participants through email. • Trying to inform the participants concerning the important of these facilities through the Announcement facility and email to the participants. • Facilitating an open discussion to support shared leadership in order to gain collaborative learning successfully. • Trying to support integrated level by facilitating the students to conduct a discussion with the college lecturer. • Providing an authentic task as a team assignment by giving a simple case to learn the theory in practice guided by Laurillard’s 1993 interactive level. • Using Blackboard application as Web based teaching and learning technology, which provided recorded asynchronous discussion online through the Discussion Board facility to support the students a convenient way of expressing their ideas across time, space and organisation. • Providing qualitative information and additional information to support the topic module in the Course Document, and the External Link facilities in order to guide learning process, to gain trust from the students, and to support the students to construct their own learning. • Providing material in downloadable file form in the Course Material facility. • Trying to provide interesting presentation on the facilities provided in Blackboard VLE, such as some images, in order to improve the students’ motivation and understanding. • Trying to support additional knowledge and skills through the Course Document, the Course Material, The External Link and the Discussion Board facilities, which support authentic tasks. • Supporting the students to obtain higher order outcome by giving suggestion for their curiosity of applying their experiences. • Trying to support the student online through encouraging, giving direction, and guiding the students so not to lose focus. • Trying to provide Internet access facility in Sanata Dharma University with some limitation. Some of the guideline were difficult to be followed considering the limitation of time and distance, such as: • Supporting the awareness of the students in collaborative learning concerning independent and voluntary behaviour for their first experience in Web based teaching and learning technology due to virtual environment without face-to-face contact. • Providing enough time for the students to obtain experience of the usage of Web based teaching and learning technology due to the limitation of provided time for the research. • Providing metacognitive support due to the limitation of time. • Providing opportunity to build mental model due to the limitation of time. • Supporting technical inquiry and motivating discipline through face-to-face due to the limitation of distance, however the researcher has asked the college lecturer to give face-to-face support.

1.28. Action Case Research in Sanata Dharma University Context