Community of Practice Factors that Influence the Changes of Hart ’s Speech from Femininity into

57 Moreover, women tend to use Standard English forms compared to men. Since Hart was accustomed to interact with men in her workplace, she applied non- standard English forms, for instance, gonna, kinda, and wearin’ in which those standard forms are going to, kind of, and wearing. Those nonstandard languages can be found in standardized English dictionary but they are considered as nonstandard English. Cameron 1998 claims that women’s speech is regularly more standard than men’s. Trudgill 1972 also adds that men are more likely to use nonstandard language because of its association with working-class masculinity. As stated in this theory, Hart sometimes used nonstandard language because she was in a masculine workplace. Hart’s speech reflected her social aspirations. Holmes 2001 states that where women work in jobs which favor the development of multiplex networks for example, at jobs which involve their interaction with their friends, kin, and neighbors, then they develop strong solidarity ties with those people and will be reflected in their speech patterns. Many linguists believe that linguistic changes spread through the social network of individuals. It means workplace introduced changes in the way Hart delivered speech. Finally, women changed their speech through their work where they have some roles in public social life.

3. Psychological Approach

In society, there are assumptions that women are subordinate group by the way they speak. The society perceived women as having a lower position in social life than man. Society categorizes women as more polite than men. Moreover, Lakoff 58 1975 suggests that women’s subordinate social status is reflected in the language women use, as well as in the language used about them. Women’s language features claimed by Lakoff expressed uncertainty and lack of confidence. Holmes 2008 also states that gender differences in language are often just one aspect of more pervasive linguistic differences in the society reflecting social status and power differences. Because of the languages that are used by women, they often characterized as a lower group in the society. According to Holmes 2008, women as a subordinate group must avoid offending men. However, Hart sometimes did not take it into account. One of scenes in the Miss Congeniality movie, Hart did not follow orders from her superior and tried to stop their target from choking. Because of her actions one of her squad got shot. Here, Hart actually offended men. Lakoff 1975 also notes that men’s language is superior and women deviates it. Society thought that gender differences in language use are in the way women spoke does not match men’s. In order to omit the stigma that women are subordinate group, Hart wanted to eliminate that old stereotype and control over their own life by psychological approach. Ones gender identity as masculine or feminine is based on the meanings individuals have internalized from their association with the role of male or female in society. However, approaching gender identity as a construction, rather than as a fixed category, is also useful in accounting for examples where women adapt to ‘masculine’ context, and men adapt to ‘feminine’ context. Women in police force sometimes portray a masculine image, to wear bulky sweaters suggesting upper-body 59 strength and well-worn boots to suggest they were used to hard work. They also talked tough. Hart also spoke tough when she got angry, such as, [25 ] I’m gliding here, asshole [26] Damn right I do. Based on the statements, Hart uses tough words when she speaks that usually uttered by men. Actually, it is categorized as swearing. Hart does not use euphemism to maintain politeness. It is happened because she adopted masculine context and also realized gender differences in language. She did that because she wanted to eliminate of the old stereotype created by men. Focusing upon self-meanings, the researcher separates issues of who the person is gender identity from what the person does gender roles or what the person believes gender attitudes and stereotypes. From this perspective, androgyny as in psychological approach may be thought of not as combining masculine and feminine meanings, but as being flexible in the kinds of behaviors in which one engages sometimes more masculine in meaning, sometimes more feminine in meaning. According to Morawski 1987, androgyny is a combination or balance of masculinity and femininity. It allows for the possibility that individuals can express both masculinity and femininity. In androgyny, masculinity and femininity are separate dimensions that can be combined. It was shown when Hart who was an FBI agent should complete a mission. She should be on the undercover team. She had to enter beauty pageant as a Miss New Jersey but in fact she never paid attention to her