This chapter is divided into five parts. They are the research method, the research setting, the research subject, the instruments and the data gathering technique, the data analysis technique, and the research procedure. The first part is the research method which deals with definition of the type of chosen research. The second part is about where and when the research was conducted. The third is about the subject of the study. The fourth is about the instruments and the data gathering technique which explain about research instruments in the study. The fifth part is the data analysis technique which describes the ways of how the findings are analyzed to answer the research questions. The last part is the research procedure which summarizes the steps taken in conducting the study.

A. Research Method

This research analyzed the dialogues of Gracie Hart as the main character in Miss Congeniality movie. The analysis used the movie script written by Marc Lawrence. The methodology was employed to find out the answers to the two research problems: 1 What are the women’s language features used by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie? 2 What factors influence the changes of women’s language from femininity to masculinity? 34 In conducting this research, the researcher applied qualitative research. Qualitative research is an approach to study human behavior and social phenomena from the insider’s perspective Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh Sorensen, 2002, p.422. The different ways could be an analysis of certain behavior, document, or interaction in communication with other people. By using this approach, the researcher did the analysis in the dialogues uttered by Gracie Hart. In addition, Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh and Sorensen 2002 state that “the goal of qualitative research is a holistic picture and depth of understanding, rather than a numeric analysis of data” p.29. There are various types of qualitative research. They are phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, discourse analysis, narratives, and interpretive description. Among those types of qualitative research, this research used discourse analysis. D iscourse analysis is “an interdisciplinary research branch that investigates the many dimensions of text, talk, and their cognitive, social, and c ultural context” Van Dijk, 1985, p.35. Discourse data includes the words that were spoken and the text that was written. The researcher applied discourse analysis as the method since it was used to study linguistics units to examine the relationship between words and their meanings Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh Sorensen, 2002, p.475. Therefore, discourse analysis was used by the researcher since the situation where Gracie Hart communicated was relevant to what the researcher attempted to study. This theory is also supported by Cook’s theory that discourse analysis concerns with the interaction that is interpreted based on the purpose, meaning, and connection that make coherence Cook, 1994, p.25. Coherence is not only something which exists in the 35 language but also something which exists in people. Discourse analysis involves a number of assumptions that are important to be used as a foundation for doing discourse-analytic research. Thus, the researcher deduces that the discourse does focus on language in abstract, but on language in use. Moreover, the researcher also conducted the research by having document analysis. According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, and Sorensen 2002, the term document refers to a wide range of written, physical, and visual materials. Documents may be personal, such as books, films, and videos. Document analysis can be of written or text-based artifacts textbooks, novels, journals, newspapers, transcripts, etc. or of nonwritten records photographs, audiotapes, videotapes, YouTube videos, etc.. Therefore, the researcher obtained the data by listing some features were found in movie script and categorizing into each feature of women’s language by Lakoff 1975. Thus, the data was collected in a form of thick description that was explained in a qualitative way.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University by using library study and movie script. The researcher chose to conduct in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University since there were lots of sources available there. The research started in October 2014. There are so many movies which contain women ’s language. However, I chose Miss Congeniality movie because I could find more data in it , such as Hart’s 36 speech towards women’s language. Since Miss Congeniality movie has two seasons, I could find lots of information related to this study.

C. Research Subject

The subject of this research was the main character of Miss Congeniality movie, namely Gracie Hart. Hart is an FBI female agent who shows no signs of having any femininity in her attitude, appearance, and language. The researcher analyzed Hart’s speech by using movie script. However, the researcher only analyzed Hart’s speech when she becomes FBI agent, not as a Miss Jersey because she has to complete the mission. It was because when Hart as a FBI agent, she never shows any sign of having femininity. In contrast, when she had to complete the mission as an undercover team, she should act like most of women did. This research was conducted in order to investigate the features of women’s language used by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie and how women’s language was used in the movie. In order to answer the two research questions, the researcher analyzed the data by using movie script.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The instrument of this research was the researcher as human instrument because the researcher applied a discourse analysis to conduct this research. Merriam 2009 states that in qualitative research, the researcher is a primary instrument for data collection and analysis when a final result is in a form of thick description. The 37 writer collected the data by analyzing the characters’ utterances from the script. Guba and Lincoln 1994 state , “human as instrument is the only instrument flexible enough to capture the complexity, subtlety, and constantly changing situation which is the human experience, as expressed in the stories ” p.193. The writer as human instrument involved significantly to collect the data needed for the research because it captured complexity of experiences and actions. There were six steps taken by the researcher to obtain the data or documents of women’s language. First, the researcher watched the movie. The researcher watched movie three times. Watching movie was done in order to understand the main idea of the movie itself. Second, the researcher looked for transcript of the movie. She took some important dialogues which were spoken by women in order to see the women’s language. Third, the researcher collected some statements that contained women’s language. In this step, Hart’s dialogues in the movie script were selected. Fourth, after some data were collected, the researcher classified the data into nine features of women’s language by using table. Fifth, the researcher calculated the percentage of each women’s language features. Based on the explanation, the transcript and table were used as data sources to help the researcher find the answers of the two research problems. Lastly, the researcher analyzed Hart’s speech based on each feature.