Rising Intonation on Declaratives

54 is a continual process of learning ” p.10. The community of practice is a prime locus of this process of identity and linguistic construction. Women are supposed to be polite by selecting the appropriate words in their speech. By applying superpolite form, women want to be valued in the society. However, in this point, Hart did not apply this theory. In the movie, she made quite a lot of impolite expressions that should not be used by women. For instance in [22], youre not killing anyone, you peanut-eating bastard. None of your damn business. Those sentences are considered as impolite. Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 states that women tend to use superpolite form to avoid using swear words and extensive use of euphemism. Here, Hart does not use superpolite form to utter the taboo things in her daily conversation. According to Eckert 2000, the community of practice is a rich locus for the study of situated language use, of language change, and of the very process of conventionalization that underlies both. It means that community of practice influences the use of language especially impolite form in Hart’s speech. As a result, superpolite form did not appear in her speech since she often dealt with some impolite forms through her community of practice. Moreover, Hart does not apply precise color terms in her speech. Women often use precise color terms but men assume that the use of precise color term such amusing because they consider such them as trivial and irrelevant to the real world. It is agreed that this lexical disparity reflects a social inequity in the position of women. However, Hart once mentioned purple color to refer purple Russian. Here, purple means someone who was born as a nobleman. Purple that Hart meant does not refer 55 to a specific color term. She did not use precise color term because she knew it referred to social inequity for her position. Social inequity could be seen in Hart’s statement when she had a conversation with her friend, Matthews. [23] What could possibly motivate anybody to enter a beauty pageant? So join the Marines, its like feminism never even happened. Here, Hart reveals the matter of social inequity between men and women. Her statement assumes about feminism which never happens. In her statement, she is really aware of social inequity that exists. The society which Hart interacted with influences her opinion towards social inequity.

2. Women in the Profession

The next point to explain the factor of the changes of women’s language from femininity into masculinity in Hart’s speech is women in the profession. Generally, different workplaces can be characterized as masculine and feminine in different respects. Women can interact at times and in ways that contribute to the perception of a workplace as more masculine. According to Trudgill 1972, all languages change through time and it is a characteristic of all human languages. They also change in different ways in different places. Based on McElhinny’s study of the interactional styles of male and female police officers in Pittsburgh offer a particular striking example of such a setting. McElhinny 1995 notes that “in moving into a masculine workplace, female police officers do not adopt an empathetic and warm interactional style associated with