Hypercorrect Grammar Women’s Language Features

48 and “I mean” more than men. He also explains that women use fillers like that because they are more empathetic and conscientious. Women use fillers more often in a conversation than men do and use uh-huhs and mm-hmms when communicating. The different filler was expressed in another Hart ’s speech [9]. Hart used this filler this time because she wanted to find information about Mr. Melling. She wanted to start the conversation with him without being awkward. [9] So, how long have you been doing this pageant-training thing? In this case [9], so is common fillers used by women. All those words categorize as fillers to let the speaker think before speaking. So here does not function as a conjunction because Hart uses the filler so in order to start again the conversation. Finally, fillers which are used by Hart in her speech are meaningless particles that used to pause when the speaker is not finished speaking. Moreover, filler does not change the meaning or idea of the speaker. This feature is also a sign of uncertainty and lack of confidence on how she expresses the idea.

3. Intensifier

Intensifier indicates on increase or decrease of the intensifying with which it expressed. The intensifier e.g. really, so, very is supposed to strengthen the intended meaning Holmes, 2008, p.323. In this case, the researcher found how intensifiers were often used by Hart in Miss Congeniality movie. As a woman, Hart also applied this feature in her speech, for instance [10]. [10] Its been working really well for me for the past 30 years, all right? 49 From statement [10], it indicates that Hart wants to convey that she does a good job and show her feeling of satisfaction of it. She uses intensifier really to strengthen her message to the addressee. The different intensifier appeared in [11] when Hart was chatting with Miss Rhode Island. [11] Its so fun it should be illegal. The idea of [11] is supplied by so to emphasize her feeling of excitement. She wants to make sure that the addressee will listen to her and feel the same like she does. Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 also state that it has subsequently been viewed as a boosting device. The intensifier there functions to increase intensification to raise the d egree of someone’s expression. Another intensifier appeared in Hart’s speech when she was a little bit annoyed with the addressee. For instance [12], [12] Youve been completely antagonistic to me from the second I walked in. In sentence [12], the sentence is supported by the intensifier completely. By using this intensifier in her speech, Hart expects that her speech will be taken seriously. Hart boosts the force of her utterance because she thinks that otherwise she will not be heard or paid attention to. In the movie, men do not use intensifier like women do because men have high position so that they should have not boost their utterance to make the addressee pays attention to them. Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 state that “women are not being listened to” p. 81. It means that women would always find a way to attract the addressee’s attention. Hart continues using intensifier in her speech [13]. [13] Youre absolutely right, sir 50 In this case [13], absolutely is considered as intensifier. This intensifier is used so that it can strengthen her speech and it sounds important. Moreover, it is used because she wanted to convince the addressee. In brief, Hart uses this feature in order to strengthen her feeling in her speech. Moreover, intensifier exists in Hart speech as a boosting device which increases the degree of someone’s feeling.

4. Rising Intonation on Declaratives

Rising intonation is used by women to turn a statement into a question Lakoff Bucholtz, 2004, p.18. Women often raise their intonation to make sure the accuracy of the information when they are not sure about something. Rising intonation on declarative is supposed to turn a statement into a question. Therefore, weakening the force of it makes the speaker sound uncertain, for instance. [14] I have to wear the bathing suit. The occurrence of rising intonation on declarative in [14] was used by Hart because she was a bit shocked about what she heard. The word suit is emphasized and raised and it indicates as the result of feeling surprised and uncertain that she has to wear that kind of bathing suit. [15] I wont parade around in a swimsuit like some bimbo named Gracie Lou Freebush, and all she wants is world peace. The rising intonation was used again in [15]. It occurs in the last sentence of her speech. Hart uses rising intonation to emphasize the significant word. Based on this 51 case, it can be seen that the speech turns into a question when it has rising intonation in it. In the end, this is supposed to turn a statement into a question, thereby weakening the force of it making the speaker sound uncertain.

5. Lexical Hedge

Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 state that lexical hedges are parts of lexical hedging which can be used to weaken the strength of an assertion. It means lexical hedge is as a sign of speaker’s uncertainty. There were only two lexical hedges that came up in Hart speech. [16] Its... Its kind of like... surprise Hart puts lexical hedge on her speech in order to give a pause before continuing to speak. Besides, it also expresses Hart’s uncertainty towards the idea of what she is talking about. Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 identify lexical hedges as a mean of expressing uncertainty or tentativeness. Lexical hedge was applied again in Hart ’s speech when she was given an opportunity as a Miss Congeniality. [17] I kind of hoped it wouldn ’t. In sentence [17], kind of is used to weaken the strength of an assertion that may cause offense. She never imagines that she will get such an honored title like Miss Congeniality. Since Hart worked for the FBI, she could not use her new title at work but still she was really touched. Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 point out that women use this features as their protection for not overstepping their rights by making a certain statement.