Community of Practice Women in the Profession

31 shows profanity that is not suitable for women and children Eckert Ginet, 2003, p.181. The study of women’s language is aimed to reveal the changes of women’s language from femininity to masculinity. In order to answer research question number two, the researcher used the theories of Eckert 2000, McElhinny 1995, and Morawski 1987. There are some factors why women change their language. The first factor is community of practice. According to Eckert 2000, the community of practice is a rich locus for the study of situated language use, of language change, and of the very process of conventionalization that underlies both. Community of practice causes the changes of women’s language. The second factor is women in the profession. McElhinny 1995 notes that in moving into a masculine workplace, women did not adopt an empathetic and warm interactional style associated with many traditionally workplace e.g., nursing, secretarial work, social work, as might be expected; rather they appropriate a masculine identity in dealing with the public. Language changes spread through the social network of individuals. It meant workplace introduces changes in the way women deliver a speech. The last factor is psychological approach. Androgyny as in psychological approach, according to Morawski 1987, is a combination or balance of masculinity and femininity. It allows individuals to express both masculinity and femininity. Androgyny can be applied by anybody as being flexible in the kinds of behaviors in 32 which one engages sometimes more masculine in meaning, sometimes more feminine in meaning. 33


This chapter is divided into five parts. They are the research method, the research setting, the research subject, the instruments and the data gathering technique, the data analysis technique, and the research procedure. The first part is the research method which deals with definition of the type of chosen research. The second part is about where and when the research was conducted. The third is about the subject of the study. The fourth is about the instruments and the data gathering technique which explain about research instruments in the study. The fifth part is the data analysis technique which describes the ways of how the findings are analyzed to answer the research questions. The last part is the research procedure which summarizes the steps taken in conducting the study.

A. Research Method

This research analyzed the dialogues of Gracie Hart as the main character in Miss Congeniality movie. The analysis used the movie script written by Marc Lawrence. The methodology was employed to find out the answers to the two research problems: 1 What are the women’s language features used by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie? 2 What factors influence the changes of women’s language from femininity to masculinity?