Avoidance of strong swear



This chapter consists of two parts which discuss the findings of research. The first part answers the first research question about the women’s language features which are used by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie. The second part answers the second question, which investigates the changes of women’s language from femininity to masculinity.

A. Women’s Language Features

The first research problem focuses on the features of women’s language which are used by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie. In order to answer the first research question, the researcher analyzes women’s language features by applying Lakoff’s theory. Besides, the researcher also uses Holmes’ theory to support Lakoff’s theory. To answer the first research question, the researcher will present and discuss features of women’s language used by Gracie Hart. Women’s language features which are proposed by Lakoff 1975 are lexical hedge or filler, intensifier, emphatic stress, tag qu estion, rising intonation on declaratives, ‘empty’ adjectives, precise color terms, ‘hypercorrect’ grammar, ‘superpolite’ forms, and avoidance of strong swear word. The results presented in table 4.1 that were taken from the analysis. 44 Table 4.1 The occuran ce of women’s language features spoken by Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality movie No. Women’s language features The frequency of each features The percentage of each feature 1 Lexical hedge 2 4.1 2 Filler 11 22.5 3 Tag question 2 4.1 4 Rising intonation 6 12.3 5 ‘Empty’ adjective

6 Intensifier

11 22.5 7 Precise of color term 8 ‘Hypercorrect’ Grammar 17 34.7 9 Emphatic stress 10 Superpolite form 11 Avoidance of strong swear word The number of features 49 100 The total of women’s language features which were found in Miss Congeniality movie are 46. There were 17 34.7 hypercorrect grammar that appeared the most in the movie. There were 11 22.5 intensifiers and fillers, six 12.3 rising intonations, and two 4.1 lexical hedges and tag questions. Emphatic stress, empty adjectives, precise color term, superpolite form, and avoidance of strong swear word did not appear in the movie. The results and evidences are provided and discussed in the following section.

1. Hypercorrect Grammar

Hypercorrect grammar appears the most compared to the other features. Lakoff and Bucholtz 2004 say women are not supposed to talk rough. Women use